Legion Commander Stats:
Primary Attribute: Strength
Affiliation: Sentinel
Range: 128
Movement Speed: 310
Total starting damage: 57-61
Total starting armor: 3
Strength 26 + 2.6 per level
Agility 18 + 1.7 per level
Intelligence 20 + 2.2 per level
Legion Commander Abilities Guide:
1. Overwhelming Odds (Active, ground target)

AoE: 315
Damage: 60/120/180/240 +10 damage per unit
Summoned Unit Bonus Damage: 50% of units hp
Cast Range: 1000
Movement Bonus per unit: 9% per hero, 3% per unit (lasts 7 seconds)
Cooldown: 18
Manacost: 100
2. Press The Attack (Active, ally or self target)

Attack Speed: 60/80/100/120
Health Regeneration: 30/40/50/60
Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 15
Manacost: 80/90/100/110
3. Moment of Courage (Passive)

Chance: 16/18/20/22%
Lifesteal: 20/40/60/80%
Notes: Cannot proc more than once every 0.75 seconds. The lifesteal is not an orb effect.
4. Duel (Active, enemy hero target)

Duration: 4/4.75/5.5 seconds
Duel winner bonus damage: 10 damage.
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 75
Cast Range: 100
Notes: The loser of the duel is the hero that dies while under the buff. There is no victor if both heroes are alive at the end of the duration.
89 Comments yet..:
Nice New Hero... Gotta try it
yeyeey 1st
First Blood!!!!!!!
1st blood
Imba hero with great ulti
1st blood !
DarKn3sS.1ms [ GG ID ]
first bloood
all i want for christmas is here !!!!! ahahahhaha
dota v6.73 nc 1
imba hero
Slark owns this guy xD
Good Hero With Beautiful Skills And Appearance!!!
Nice Work Ice Froggy!!
troll warlord will love this enemy, battle trance VS press the attack in duel mode:D
Probably the strongest among the four. :D
what date you will create 6.73 ai
nc hero, S&Y is nice item for that i think..?
this is an IMBA hero :D
actually it is way too imba imo. desolator + buriza + abyssal, on counter will restore your hp for about 800! (when crit) but meh, void , slardar and the like can beat him though
imbalance hero... PVP hero hahah :D LOL
so he can heal Lucifer's Doom? :D
The skills are too childish especially the last one 'Duel'.
love ulti x)
Omfg worst hero ever, Sorry IceFrog :3
imba gay hero
i tried SnY and BF .. not too nice, but i think with Hlm of Dominator, then BF, and then SnY should me good enough for mid game
i like this hero duel.. huhu.. n his 3rd skill can jungle alone..
i try use vg, deso n assult.. n start killing intel hero.. give permanent damage..
That new item you make out of sange will work just perfectly for him. You mute the guy's attack and duel him.
This is how I go
5v5-Start with Basilius and candy cane xD.So:
Basillius-Ring of regen-boots of speed-Phase boots-Vlad's-Vitality Booster-Cristalis-Basher-Abyssal-Malestorm-Mojolir-Terasq
If you miss early game, cr8 some bashers and the new Aqua Ring :)
the lifesteal is quite imba --"
ILOVEIT!!!haha nce hero
Moc+pta imba for farming
Imba hero, first play 18-1 with rapier, new basher(the one with 100 dmg) and more than 900 total dmg... too imba
Him versus Razor. He dead :troll:
Good hero.
Early- Game: ring of reg. + soul ring rec.
soul ring/ treads
Mid- Game: Blade Mail / Dagger
Late - Game: Basher / Burizza / BKB / Mordigian / Dezolator / and many others... depend of enemys.
Game play: Dagger near enemy / Activate Blade Mail / Use Duel (ulty) = GG on most agil/Intel heroes.
Nice Hero.. and I gwess they might low his HP Drain..
too imba, he could own techies
u cant active battle trance when he uses duel u noob just uninstall
this hero very imba if buy mask of madness and blade mail aganist agility hero!! haha
wew LOLz ..
Blademail,basher,CRIT.. = OWNING
keep use ulti on creep or nc will it keep increase 10 damage(after each time of ulti) forever?
Imbalance hero....6sec taunt + cant skill + cant item + team can help= GG....Sry to say gay hero :(
this hero is the easiest to control among the four new heroes
this hero is the most easiest to control among the four new heroes
Imba Hero. So easy to be godlike with it
item.1 must have vladimirs, S&Y, phase boots, must also for mana regen. and so on and so fort. :D
this hero is like 10-0 after 20 minutes like in every game. no counter 4 duell never saw him loosing one.
Duel = Rhasta's shackle on overdrive
Can't wait for Dota v6.73 AI!!!!!!!
you are imba ... if u use shackles on the enemy ... the 3rd skill "moment of courage" wont be activated
i go for > midas under 7 min > phase boots > sny > assault > buriza > heart
1k crit with these items
that new disarm item works well on him too.
u duel a hero but ur teammates killed u still gain dmg lol gayish
way too imba ... can kill Huska with full health while he has 1/3 max health ... @@" unbelievable
Imbalance hero
Hahaha ! :)
nice hero .
imbalance hero
My nessaj with 4 illuion cant kill it on gank w/e
Can't you guys see 80% lifesteal 25% chance this hero unstoppable...xD
i wouldn't say that linken's sphere= easy counter..BM= easy counter you see this hero, eul's guinsoo. this hero aint imbalance you just got that 1st impression when you first saw slark but believe it or not slark can be owned by lion=slark jumps with invi, use ghost scepter, stun, normal. voodoo normal normal finge, dagon 5= GG bitch slark hahahaa
what is the items of legion commander
Buriza, Vladimirs,Phase Boots, Tarasque, Basher, [anti item]
It not IMBALANCE you just dont have teamwork
this guy is unstoppable
hey vets try to build a item for tresdin
blade mail
phase boot
divine or other DPS item
the blade mail use if your duel an enemy first blade mail then duel epic damage on emeny
buriza also use powerful critical
phase boot chase down emeny if duel is off
vanguard protect you from damage
basher or abyssal blade allow to stun
divine is a powerful DPS kill an emeny while duel
so if you choose tresdin this is how to build his item
easily countered by mortred's crits
can i use battle fury here?
1 on 5 kayang kaya..........
wow tang ina nyo!
battle f
green boots
cranium basher on him doesnt work during duel, proved by several tries
Legion Commander ONLY becomes imba when he wins a lot of duels, but he becomes very weak when he loses more duels than he won( Imagine you only have 30 damage left as a result of losing. A LOT). In a solo match vs slardar, I used power treads, medallion of courage, and blademail. At lvl 6-7 slardar used his ultimate... guess what? I used his ultimate against him because of blademail. Imagine this, slardar did 100+ damge on you every hit with his ulti But you have blademail so the damage is returned when you duel.
Ok, This hero is definitely the counter of almost any spellcaster And carry heroes such as Rylai, Gondar, even Slardar... when you have blademail, of course.
Thank you Icefrog for making this hero to defeat heroes such as naix and huskar on SOLO. BTW, I think there is a more imba hero such as the new hero with the ultimate to deal 600-800 damge on lvl 6... OMFG... O_O
My best hero
Good Job IceFrog
My build : 1)Phase Boots
2)Lothar's Edge
5)Stygian Desolator
6)Heart Of Tarrasque
Omg,nice hero with game changing abilities,
use press the attack,and blademail.,than go for the duel.,u r immortal.,
i have one question... while activating duel, if you turn on BM, or any other ability, will it work while duel on enemy? or the basher... or the MKB....are this kind of items active while dueling
Only Abbadon can kill him. :)
Abbadon has a chance to live in ss of tresdin.. :?
vladimir's, battlefury,SnY,Abbysal, butterfly, Vanguard
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