DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e Map Download (Released)

DotA 6.78c AI 1.4e
Good news for everyone! DotA AI Team has continued the map development and recently released DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e codenamed 'Farewell'. This version comes with basic AI for Oracle and Earth Spirit including improved item builds and code optimizations.
Also, the major bug that caused AI's to gather (stuck) at one point is also fixed. The AI dev team originally planned for Dota 6.79 AI but released v6.78c instead. You can download the map and read its features below:

DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e Map Download
Download the map file (with .w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III\Maps\Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map.

DotA 6.78c AI Features
  • Ported changes to IceFrog's DotA 6.78c
  • All heroes and skills now work properly.
  • -cn mode has been updated to show professional player names.
  • AI stuck bug is fixed
  • AI's now use not more than 2 couriers
  • Code optimizations to decrease file size and improve stability
  • AI's get automatically get Gold Boost after 25 Levels
According to AI team member Green_Sliche, There might be a second release (Rev B.) in future to fix remaining issues. Moreover, the team is looking for potential developers/candidates to continue porting upcoming DotA releases.

  • If you have any problems with download mirrors, please notify us.

176 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

First Blood!

been waiting for this

Anonymous said...

why is the name of 6.78c map "farewell", would this be the last AI map for DOTA1?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Double Kill!! finally released!!!

Anonymous said...

It take too long to release a al map . The last is 77c al map. What about 79?

Anonymous said...

YAY Earth [K]

Anonymous said...

hahahaha finally!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks i wait for this !!!

renzter said...

2nd blood!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

let see how it gonna work... thanks IceFrog..

Anonymous said...

We want v6.80 AI !!!

Anonymous said...

no this is not the last ai map.. only pleasebugmenot has left development. harreke (former ai maker) did the same but some other guy continued

Anonymous said...

yes!! Atlast i could practice the heroes.
now im starting to love dota-utilities!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

russian language-no?

Unknown said...

Finally 6.78 AI . I've been waiting for these for so long .. BTW Thank you for releasing these AI Map .. I'm glad you finally made it !!

Anonymous said...

Some bug with changing AI lane in Right =] and I don't know if the others are bug but 1 AI gets faster level than the others.

Axl TBC said...


Unknown said...

finally ^_______^

Anonymous said...

ENd Days Near!!

Unknown said...

Thanks alottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt..............................................

Anonymous said...

Nice map

rikimaru1234321 said...

thanks for map :)

Unknown said...

Wew is this the farewell of Sven and Pitlord loading page

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
unknown said...

Whenever i stand/attack 'it' AI i mean,it runaway and never increase exp of its own. Its stay doll alone no matter change its exp/gold still the same, i think the Ai lazy/less move around the map to increase its own exp o.O?do i need wait it goes lvl25 and it brave enuf face to face to me=D?Btw, i still fell the differences about that couries .hik3

Bryan said...

wtf... they must released a .79 ai not this.. -_____-

anyway thanks

unknown said...

Whenever i attack it/AI i mean,it runaway and stay doll alone and never increase its own exp through battle or forest something.I think the Ai less/lazy move around the map=p,no matter u change gold/exp,insanity still the same.Do i need the AI goes to lvl25 and its brave enough face to face with me o.O? Btw,i still feel differences, upgrading and adding about other part on this map=P,hope next map realese ,it be more challenging like previous map i think,kih3!

Anonymous said...

can you please update the ultimate of bristle back..
i really love that hero for punishing...

Anonymous said...

Bugged been found on SF if it doesnt work...
can you please fix it in the next update?....

Anonymous said...

the Ais in here are not challenging enough...can you go overboard a bit?..hehehe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey.!! when syllaber have radiance, some place of the map have radiance effect even syllaber is far away from us

Anonymous said...

ai's are too weak

Anonymous said...

ohh yeahh!!! at last!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha Finally I DownLoad It :)

Anonymous said...

has so much bugs..
especially when i reached 45 min of playing in a game..
the last item i bought duplicated.. in short, i would have extra gold if i sell those duplicated items since i don't need them... its unfair

Anonymous said...

how to download this version? pls teach me how thnx.

Anonymous said...

this is the last map ?

Anonymous said...

in extreme mode (-xm), my IA team mates are and the enemy are strong

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice one

Lander7 said...

it has been a long time since the last ai map released..finally its here.

Anonymous said...

been waiting for this, hooray! :D

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oyeah love it <3

Anonymous said...

god like !!!!

Unknown said...

yes , im very happy because , out this map

Unknown said...

how can I download this map..

Anonymous said...

I like -test and adding tons of centaurs. a bit challenging and very fun p.s don't use -gold or -lvlup cheaters .. . . pp.s 6i has randomed centaur weird randomed and centaur always pops up :D

Unknown said...

rampage!!!! thanks yeeesss!!!!

Unknown said...

nice rampage!! thanks

Kk said...


Anonymous said...

too much bug .. yaahhhh

Anonymous said...

ang daming bug. ang bagal pati nang mga movement tsaka yung 3rd skill ni huskar di gumagana

Anonymous said...

yes!! Finally i downloaded it

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

for me just click the mirror site... thats all you will automatically redirected and download.

Unknown said...

how to download it. just click the blue word that says 6.78 ai map, and click the mirror site and you will be redirected and automatically download it. :D

Anonymous said...

Thank You For Releasing This Map!!
Please Make Again Faster 6.79ai!!

Unknown said...

Waiting for 79 AI.

Unknown said...

Waiting for 79 AI :)

Anonymous said...

Why was it entitled "Farewell"? Last ai map?

Anonymous said...

Thanks! mate..

Anonymous said...

Finally ^.^

Anonymous said...

thank you dota utilities

Anonymous said...

IS 6.80c is a official map???why most of players want to play 6.78c..??

Anonymous said...

how to DL this maps????

Anonymous said...

finally. tnk you...

Billy Jun Enriquez said...

Ice Frog don't stop making maps,,.... it is more fun to play dota 1

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i like 6.79 ai

Anonymous said...

cant u release the 6.79 ai .. please ,, ??

Anonymous said...

w3w Xcited .. :P

Anonymous said...

order the AI to the right not available

Unknown said...

yow thanks for the map please improve

Anonymous said...

no fun mode?

Dyre said...

DK and Pugna bug...

Anonymous said...

Yeah Finally! (^_^).!.

Anonymous said...

Dyre what is the DK bug? Is Pugna bug regarding not using Decrepify?

Anonymous said...

nice post :)

Dyre said...

Yap AI pugna not using decrepify...and about DK(Davion) his level 1 ultimate Arc honist corrosive breath not working. Just check it...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

not good Ai like a spaghetti with no ketchup .

jayr garcia said...

Im Having Fun With Earth Spirit So Easy to get a 1st Blood :)

Anonymous said...

how to download dota map

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

some heroes still use many ANIMAL courier, like lich king and syllaber its that they have an infinite supply of animal courier

Anonymous said...


Kim said...

How about the tango bug? Is it fixed already? We also want 6.80c AI. Please release it ASAP. Many thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

it's been quite smtime

Anonymous said...

AI still stuck on sentinel side

Anonymous said...

Yaa...and AI still suckz in -am an -xm mode ..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

omg! BIg thanks!

Anonymous said...

Its pretty good!!

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nice Map!

Anonymous said...

Nice Map!

Anonymous said...

6.79 and 6.80 AI please

Anonymous said...

Weeew ! First blood! I'm been waiting to long for this thanks !

Anonymous said...

NOOOOBS .... :/

Anonymous said...

YeeaaSH ! :3

Anonymous said...

whoooo..thanks for the 6.78 AI...finally!!!....

Anonymous said...

Bug for set mass push right lane for ai the sentinel, it doesn't work. I usually do -ogr 2,3,4,5 command.

Anonymous said...

-er doesn't work..

Anonymous said...

6.80 ai

Unknown said...

Gotta practice before entering in RGC man...... :)
Dota map 6.78 ai Farewell ty ty ty!!!!!! developers!!!!! and beta testers!!!!

Anonymous said...

thank a lot DOTA for making us all fun.......................
hope that this would not tha last AI map....

Anonymous said...

Dota AI LOD are existing?? 0.o

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! O.o Dota will Deleted. Said the GM.

Anonymous said...

'push rigt lane' not function

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what if dota LOD ai??

syahidah said...

how to download ?

Anonymous said...

dowm load ka bal mar lal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well... is this officially released?


Anonymous said...

is this the last map??????????

Anonymous said...

how to download?

Anonymous said...

how to download this??

Anonymous said...

good map, i like it, i would play now, trying dota map AI 6.77 :)

Unknown said...

how can i download 6.78 ai?please

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just wait the next map...its hard to make a dota map you patient

Anonymous said...

NiCe :D

Anonymous said...

The ai shouldn't have limitations to skill use nest map for some heroes don't use all of their skills like centaurs double edge and oblivions cripple

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Icefrog When will you add new hero??

i wish that your new hero would be something related to panda like storm and earthspirit but ists element is water

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7.80c have ah bag

Anonymous said...

how do i download it? please help/\

Anonymous said...

it exist in netbook guys?

Mr.YoSo said...

when will you release a new character??

or new ai map??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

-CPR is not working

Anonymous said...

look new will be there soon

Anonymous said...

LOD Ai map please :D

Anonymous said...

how I download map 6.78 AI ''farewell'

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

this will be the last ai map you'll ever be getting from dota1 all now is gone for dota2 that's why the codename of this one is farewell ;(

Unknown said...

how to download ? please help thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

Dota AI map is very wonderful huh?

Anonymous said...

Boom paness

Anonymous said...

God Like!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if ai is set to easy or normal they dont level up if hero(player) is around they tend to stay on the lane but doesnt get exp because they dont get close enough to the creeps

Unknown said...

Third Blood!! TripleKill!

Rolftroy said...

RAMPAGE!! icefrog need to complete all the heroes in dota 2 before he makes a map in dota 1 and in dota 2 also but non the less he will make more map in dota 1 but more time in dota 2 for every week update!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NICE MAP!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

I LIke To Use Invoker

Anonymous said...

How much time we need to wait for next official map ???

Anonymous said...

6.80 ai...when it release

Anonymous said...

increase sniper final attack range make it whole map so that once targeted it will hit the target even after it teleports

Unknown said...

6.80 pls....

Anonymous said...

dota imba 6.78

Anonymous said...

nyc one :D

Anonymous said...

dota ai 6.78c BUGS: 1)when -scmc enabled, some of the sentinel supercreeps just stay in the base, they don't move (particularly the ancient hydra & the siege golem) except when attacked by the scourge, giving the scourge an advantage. 2) when -st enabled & medusa used buriza do kyanon while attacking towers, the glyph activated indefinitely, however when medusa stopped attacking & let the creeps do the job the +99999 armour was no longer there. ERRORS: 1) when -scmc enabled, the game crashed at the later period, 2) when -st enabled, the game crashed after medusa killed 4 AI heroes simultaneously with buriza do kyanon equipped.

Anonymous said...

ai map is the best to start practesing heros :D

Anonymous said...

what done is done!! ahAHA GUESS

Anonymous said...

traxex, i love this hero

Unknown said...

this game is so good it make me feel good and but new map should be publish soon

Anonymous said...

plss.. release the latest version of AI

Anonymous said...

Release map 6.80 AI please!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done :)

Anonymous said...

thank you so much

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

please create more ai maps please

Unknown said...

more ai maps please T_T

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