Warcraft 3 Themes - Customize Your Warcraft 3 Appearance!

Warcraft 3 Themes Mods
Here comes a set 46 Warcraft 3 Modded Themes (by K-4-iN) which can make your Warcraft 3 stylish by customizing the old background animation and buttons texture, it doesn't change anything inside the game. These themes are available for Normal & Widescreen resolutions and comes with 7 different color chains. Check out the Warcraft 3 Themes preview & installation guide.

Some Screenshots:

Warcraft 3 Themes (mods) Download:
Warcraft-3-Themes.rar (mirror 1)

This compressed file contains 46 different Warcraft 3 Mods with their previews.

Warcraft 3 Mods/Themes Installation Guide:

Step 1, Get the Files
• Download the Warcraft 3 Modded Themes from the links above and extract the compressed file to any folder using WinRAR.

Step 2, Select your theme
• Select your favorite Warcraft 3 theme from "Themes" folder, you will find screenshots there of every theme along with their installation files.

Step 3, Install the Theme
• Now, Run "CUSTOMBG.reg" and copy the "Textures" and "UI" folder to your Warcraft 3 Installation Directory.

Step 4: Enjoy
• Your Warcraft 3 theme is installed!

Step 5: Uninstalling
• If you want to uninstall your Warcraft 3 theme, just remove the "Textures" and "UI" folder from your Warcraft 3 Folder and Run "UNINSTALL.reg" file from your Warcraft 3 Themes directory.

• Your Warcraft 3 must be closed during the installation of the modded themes.
• If you do not have functioning background of your theme, go your "Passo2" folder from your selected theme directory. Move/copy the folder "UI" into the "Warcraft III" directory and replace the files.
• All credit goes to K-4-iN for making the Warcraft 3 Mods.
• If you have any problems, just post a comment!

906 Comments yet..:

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Anonymous said...

First Blood
My name King_man_19X
stil liked this new appearance

Anonymous said...

nice 1!

Anonymous said...

yeah,, can you repost

Anonymous said...

wow! sexy

Anonymous said...

When is this gonna finish uploading? I love the themes


Anonymous said...

yeah!!! this is awesome

SinnerSynx said...

File is up now :) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Good job guyz.
It's a great mod for appearance.
I was looking for this for 2 years and couldn't find it but here it is!
Thx a lot! <3 K-4-iN

Anonymous said...

This is the best DOTA SITE EVER ! ! !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i like dis dota utilities your tha best dota website ever!!

Anonymous said...

can't get the background to work ... chains and menu is colored but the background stays the one from frozen throne... tried with copying ui from passo2 too... could it be that i've changed backgrounds with wc3diabolic tools ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice i like it anyways thanks :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice pictuers where can i find them??

Anonymous said...

ae qomon baby that"s nice (from georgia)

Anonymous said...

nice tools!

gj :D

Anonymous said...

there's no good or cool theme on the selection -.-
make a program that you can make your own theme...

Unknown said...

It looks so great!!! Thank you so much, K-4-iN!

Anonymous said...

plzz help me it said when i run CUSTOMBG your admintrator blh blah,,what will i doo??

Anonymous said...

wow :D

Anonymous said...

wahahah goodjob. the old one is boring,
now i see cute girls >:)

Anonymous said...

i like the green one

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hai, wana put some video how to do it? ^_^ thank you i love dota utilities the best

Anonymous said...

thx for these theme's ... Thx God For you ... :x K-4-IN RESPECT MAN !!!

Anonymous said...

Goooood Jop !!

Anonymous said...

the bakround didn't change i follow the instruction why?

SinnerSynx said...

If your background is not changing put the "UI" folder inside "passo2" directory into Warcraft 3 Folder.

Anonymous said...

can't see the picture,its just the old one,i do see the changes in colors,like blue red and others ( in the single player,local area network and pipes down left and right )did all you say,please help

Anonymous said...

yow! its so cool! hope this work! this the best site ever!!!

Anonymous said...

The Tifa one doesn't work, well it does, but only half the picture shows, part of the picture is completely white

Anonymous said...

plz can u make one with Akon pictures on it

Anonymous said...

yes it works!!! cool!!!! thanks a lot .. keep a the good work !! this site rules!!

Anonymous said...

did someone know how can i make my own themes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

waw....really nice one..

Anonymous said...

can you make it that the we can make our own themes

Anonymous said...

WoW new themes 8D...!!!

joshua said...

Yah i made i..xD This site is The bEst

Anonymous said...

wow its very nice

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thnks!! it really worked...
but it's better if it's animated..
tnks again!!^^

Anonymous said...

mediafire please!

Anonymous said...

when running CUSTOMBG, it says administrator bla bla bla..just click yes or confirm or agree or whatever it says. for those hu wan to make their own background, there's a readme guide provided, just follow the instruction.. In the readme file, it says to replace the tga file with the one we want.Just do that by changing the extension of your pic file to tga(eg: mypic.jpeg---->MainMenu.tga)..

Anonymous said...

"- The background picture is located under UI\Glues\MainMenu\MainMenu3d_exp\MainMenu.tga. To make your own background picture, you can simply replace this tga file with any other tga file. The picture will be stretched to fit the screen so any size will do, the higher resolution the better quality - The picture must have an alfa channel, so if you convert from .jpg just add a completely white channel called alfa"

taken from the readme guide provided in the Warcraft3-theme extract file..I don't quite understand the last sentences..What alfa channel? or white channel? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

is it ok if we extracted it into the warcraft 3 folder??? i did the instructions but still the same background

Anonymous said...

u no that these would make good realy good desktop backgrounds too. :D

P.S love the irony in alien v.s predetor theme

Anonymous said...

Do me the favor, and STOP using hotfile OR make MegaUpload mirrors.

Anonymous said...

can i make my own theme by converting any pictures into war3 file type?

Anonymous said...

Tifa theme is Not Working.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the skeleton says...

♥♥♥DOTA-UTILITIES!!! the best site ever!!! TY so much!! :D

Anonymous said...

i can`t put the image but the other thing yes

Anonymous said...

Nice Work Done !!! Waiting for more...

SinnerSynx said...

Make sure you run "CUSTOMBG.reg" as administrator. Otherwise, It won't work.

Anonymous said...

nice,,,, its awesome,,, dota-utilities is the best

Anonymous said...

can we restore it to normale ?!

Anonymous said...

lol its very heavy file..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pls post videos how to do it or begginers like me

Anonymous said...

our computer has no WinRar....how will i do this...can i install a WinRar application??pls reply...

wowmagic1 said...

nice.... we want more themes && does any1 know how to make your very own one ?

Anonymous said...

guys, anyone tried to use your own background? can't make it work coz didn't understand last instruction..(add white channel called alfa.WTF?)

Anonymous said...

its it very impressive... but i have a request, can the background be a video or moving... it is more like it

Anonymous said...

awesome ty so much love you dota-utilities<3

Anonymous said...

Where can you Download the themes? i mean seperately

Anonymous said...

thnx.. i want more sexy themes

Anonymous said...

i guess my problem is the worst .. i can't find the CUSTOMBG.reg =_= any suggestion?

Anonymous said...

thank you so much sir its working haha its nice xD 1 question how to comment?

Anonymous said...

its hot.
thank you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great. very good work. thank for all.

Anonymous said...

This theme is so good.....nice work K-4-iN....

can i ask can we make our own theme>? ^_^

Anonymous said...

-sean u dont need install winrar.
install 7z. freeware.

Anonymous said...

How about huskar ,omniknight, anti mage or Moonfang for the theme?

Anonymous said...

MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GODLIKE! ^_~ NICE WORK BRO :)

Anonymous said...

my mom will think im a perv when i switch to that theme ><

Anonymous said...

nc nc :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really love that man u are the best!!!

Anonymous said...

this is the best website ever

Anonymous said...

my favorite one is the last one on the bottom-right :D

KiNgLiCh said...

AHHH Question,are there more themes please add some warcraft heroes theme pleas, like razor troll and more

Anonymous said...

wow .. imba !! ^_^
i Love it !

MRS.GG said...

i dint c background change...it jst coulour change only,i follow the intrustion copy the UI file inside the passo2 file it also no work..?how can i do,i realy like this software but cant work properly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Super nice.........

Anonymous said...

u must move from passo2 just UI to work:P

Anonymous said...

It really works,, haha Nice

Anonymous said...

the backround is not working ... why ? i try from passo2 but still not working ... i was using RU-Theme-Wizard ...

Anonymous said...

change background so wad?
i tink dota died long ago.
noos cont with dota, and pro proceed with HON

Anonymous said...

haix although i hate to say it i tink i need to agree with dota dying. HON too strong

Jagan said...

wow i realy love the free theme with feeling fire and ice_on_fire

Anonymous said...

how to use it?

Anonymous said...

this is epic.

Anonymous said...

W0w great-tnx

Anonymous said...

make a moving theme like arthas breathing while he is on the throne
btw its nice..

zombee said...

for the one's who used ru theme wizard.... just go to ru theme wizard n click "backup"....n then follow these procedures....that would do!!!!

Anonymous said...

gj man

Anonymous said...

This is freaking awsome

Anonymous said...

Did this themes work on all version of DotA ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

-can i request for a new background?coz i want it to be my gf's pic. . .:D
hope to comment back on this. . .

Anonymous said...

i want my gf pic also as background....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ru-theme wizard I had installed and when I put War3 theme has not changed the image but changed color .... help?

Unknown said...

wow thnx it works.

Anonymous said...

Why i had already Copy the ''UI'' and ''Textures'' to the Warcraft..but it still not working?

Anonymous said...

hehehe.... CooL! thank you....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WoW sooooo awesome!

Anonymous said...

LOVE iT :)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture only.. but dunno where to find...T_T

Anonymous said...

Hey why the custombg is not working it says that the registry editing is disabled by manager? how can i fix this?

Anonymous said...

i did it wohoo

Anonymous said...

The Best, wish u have PORNED backgrounds.

Anonymous said...


Denz724 said...

Hi. Sorry i did post my email..
I didn't read the instruction.. my bad..
but anyway.. This is not working for me...
And i know the problem.. Its because i have been using
RU THEME WIZARD.. But the question is how can i remove it?
There's no uninstall program.. When i follow this.. The Button's color changes but not the Background..
Please Help.. Thanks in advance :)

Anonymous said...

Nice themes :)

pigletkiller said...

do more theme like the "archer" and the "shoot" theme do more like tifa and pretty girl and why my tifa theme has blank a pieces 1

Anonymous said...

how to change the background???

Jp said...

this was so cool!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Friend Good Good Good
are you toutrial make theme for me
ty For all Theme

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

dudes , please use another updating server like 4shared or rapidshare coz Hotfile is filtered in my country :(

Anonymous said...

good thx

Anonymous said...

The green color archer is nice :)

Anonymous said...

thx so much luv dota-utilities

Anonymous said...

Works great on ubuntu too :>

Anonymous said...

EeEeEEEeooOOoO00WWWWWw PpPFFffoOoOOwWwwZzzZZz,,,,,jejeje

Anonymous said...

Man Background wont work, even when i use the patto2 folder. Can it be because i have WC3 Diabolic tool?

Anonymous said...

very super ultra mega COOL and AWESOME!!!!

Anonymous said...

''to-do-list'' theme is the best :)
but ''beach'' and ''music '' theme is waaaa!!!!!

Anonymous said...

do more a thousand themes!!!
or teach us to do our own customed theme... :P
that's D' best! :)

Anonymous said...

wow! wow! two thumbs up.. HOT!!!!!!!!!

fr: t|c00000fffxura

add me on garena...

Anonymous said...

NC nC Im The Farmer In The FarmTown

pigletkiller said...

the tifa theme is not work nicely pls fix it coz a piece of the tifa theme was blank and pls create some theme like the "shoot " and the "archer" (those pretty girl with pretty face girl )make tis theme more and fix the tifa theme plspls

Anonymous said...

iayisk Goda mat sih

Anonymous said...

hahhahaa. can you make salena gomez picture like that

Anonymous said...

haha please fix tifas theme and create some hot themes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i dono how to make it...some 1 help me

Anonymous said...

Eh i install the theme aredy its working perfectly but when i play dota it loads slow and when it finishes i dc...

Anonymous said...

can i make a request..? can you/we do it more of a gif image? like the original background where arthas is moving

Kazuya Amor said...

Loved It !!!, I'm currently using the Fallen Angel theme, so cool !

Anonymous said...

i want to ask u guys. my war3 have change just the color but the background i don see it. just white blank page. i do like u guy wrote but still cant work. can u guy explain wat to do more clearly? from sendo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its the same with me.... I follow the steps correctly but only the color of the background changed... not the main picture T_T Someone Help me! -eizee

zombee said...

go to passo folder n copy d UI folder n paste it in warcraft folder...that should do it!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It says registry editing has been disabled by your administrator, but i AM the admin, how do i enable registry editing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i liked very much the TIFA themes but only half appear please upload it with more themesXD

Anonymous said...

hi.i have a problem here.kindly need help from you guys.when i run the custombg.reg,it say it is invalid Win32 application.any idea how to fix it?

Anonymous said...

Nic3! ! !

Anonymous said...

its Great but i dont like the images..,almost all of it is female image.., can u make some more.. something cooL?? Thx by the way

Anonymous said...

wooop! nice one!

Anonymous said...

The last one is HOT!

Anonymous said...

Hi i have a problem the buttons change colour but the wallpaper doesnt.Using 1.24d can help?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it works, thanks a lot,
great stuff!

Anonymous said...

wala man lang satig

Anonymous said...

nice file!!!!!

Anonymous said...

eow poh...
ganda ng file na to

Anonymous said...

when I run the custombg. it was disabled by the administrator. but im the adminisrator.

Nigh|T|mare said...

~~~~This For all of those who used Ru-theme wizard and now are using this Better theme changer are having problem with the background image~~~

Run that Ru-theme wizard,select "Back-up" .
Now all u gotta do is relax and follow steps of warcraft-3 theme changer.

Mail me if u still hav dat problem at my fb prof,
"Errm Hayate"


Anonymous said...

it's nice themes but if you do more it will be good and good. do like a pretty sexy girls and cars and what's on.... ty

Anonymous said...

so so nice

Anonymous said...

damn good......first blood!!

Anonymous said...

Two Thumbs Up !!

Anonymous said...

some how since i changed my warcraft background i can't host games any more? can some1 plz help me??

Anonymous said...

registry editing has been disabled by your administrator, what i am suppose to do? help pls

Anonymous said...

next time you also change the text


Anonymous said...

how come i cant make my own background... i made it a .tga file already and when i overwrite the old .tga file and run warcraft.. the original theme still appears...

Anonymous said...

can i change the background with my own picture?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

theme works but
the background's
still the same

help pls....

mike said...

dota utilities your the best when it comes to dota

Anonymous said...

what is the alfa channel???? can't seem 2 do it

nathaniel said...

It is so beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

pls make a site were can we download more themes .. just the themes.. tnx a lot .. :D

shinichi said...

thx for the theme!!!i love it it is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Pls. make more themes ,

Anonymous said...


GREATEST DOTA SITE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

what is ALFA Channel ftw ?

Anonymous said...

The theme is great, but I'll have to wait for 30 minutes in order to download the file, because I've just downloaded a file on the same site....·™®©

Anonymous said...

i want to see how to set up the themes on youtube..........pls share... :)

Anonymous said...

nice :))

Anonymous said...

i have a problemo, I'cant see my background, in WarIII even i followed the passo2, Where can I find the War III Directory, and is Merge the same with run??...Flizz Help]
cuz im interested with thesss

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wew ^_^ the ui folder of one theme can be placed with the ui folder of the other ^_^

Anonymous said...

i love you admin... :)

Anonymous said...

tifa theme rocks! killing spree!

Anonymous said...

best ever !

Anonymous said...

nice,, themes i love it,, ty guys

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