Ember Spirit Stats:
Primary Attribute: Agility
Affiliation: Sentinel
Movement: 310
Attack Range: 128 (melee)
Total starting damage: 52-56
Total starting armor: 3
Strength: 21 + 2.0
Agility: 22 + 1.8
Intelligence: 20 + 1.8
Ember Spirit Abilities Guide:
1. Searing Chains (Active, no target)

AoE: 400 Duration: 2/2/3/3 seconds
DPS: 40/60/80/100
Cooldown: 14/12/10/8
Manacost: 110
Note: Selects 3 random enemies within the area. Does not affect magic immune or invisible heroes. Does not prevent attacks or spell casting.
2. Sleight of Fist (Active, ground target)

You are invulnerable during this process. Takes 0.2 seconds to attack per unit.
Bonus Hero Damage: +30/60/90/120
AoE: 250/350/450/550
Cast Range: 700
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 30/22/14/6
3. Flame Guard (active, no target)

DPS: 30/35/40/45
Magic Shell: 150/300/450/600
Duration: 8/12/16/20 (or when the barrier dies)
Manacost: 80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 35
4. Fire Remnant (Active, ground target)

Remnant Charges: 3
Remnant Charge Replenish Time: 30 seconds
Remnant Duration: 45 seconds
Remnant Cast Range: 1500The secondary ability lets you target a location closest to whichever Remnant you want to choose. Xin will then dash out going through each remnant, arriving at the selected remnant last. Each Remnant you go through causes it to detonate, dealing damage in the area around it.
Damage: 140/180/220
AOE: 450
Activate Remnant Manacost: 100
66 Comments yet..:
nice :D first blood
WOOOHOOOO 4th comment.
cool but dont u feel its way too imba..
So Kiddish Hero I Think And The Skills Are So Imba..
sounds like Master Yi in LoL
nice x'mas gift! xD
Weak hero! :p
FIRRREEE!!!! 6th Comment
GG sir :)
Great hero almost un-kill-able :DD
Cool!! Best partner with Panda Raijin and Xin :)
Merry Christmas!
This is my first look on Ember Spirit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LerZGYWAhsM&feature=g-upl&context=G2b334c9AUAAAAAAAAAA
so hard to play..
when is the Earth spirit?
what items are good for him?
i was expecting a GG carry. :(
seriously XIN? noob name!!=.=!!
waw.. nyc hero..
i want another hero namd Dangas (Agtang Killer)
seems imba'''''
His skills are like medusa and raijin..
But still his awesome!!
already mastered this :D
it would still depend on whos playing
hahaha.... my favorite hero i won 11 games in garena....
i wish ice frog wont remove or debuf this hero!
Imba. mjollnir FTW
trio panda.
lightning , fire , earth...need one more water panda...hahaha
imba-- tsk3
imba,,,its better to be int type..
imba your face
I just mastered this hero...
not the item build
yeah... like this HERO
i feed
nice rampage...y dun 4 panda? got another panda..right?
i want a panda hero name po
last blood gj hero
Tangina mo!
nice new hero ? kailan po ba magkakaroon ng 6.73AI
I think that he should be placed in a fun version not in normal 6.73 because he is imbalanced.
what are the item build in this hero
nerf this hero.
1st skill = random rooftrellen ultimate
2nd skill = an omnislash, with bonus damage and 6s cooldown
3rd skill = free khadgar, and about 2 radiance aura
4th skill = nice ulti, to run away, initiate a war, opening map, etc etc
imba hero for sure, it must be reworked, because its skill are too powerful
bla2 ~
Not Imba, Easily countered by blood, silencer, and most disabler. This hero couldn't become a very well carry hero because it's lack dps.
is there any new map? :)
wow!! fucking hell shit!! wala nay lain anah?? fuck! tanga naman oh,oh! noobs ang nag buhat ani uy!!
-Bingka ni!
this hero is awsome
i've er been defeated by someone when i'm using this hero
haha imba hero
How to download Dota?
ow its great
already mastered this hero. nice hero killer
earlygame midgame longgame XD
mjollnir, basher, radiance! imba
Nooob !!
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