DotA 6.70 is the upcoming map for DotA Series. In the recent DotA 6.69, we have seen a massive list of changes based on game improvements and balance but there was no new stuff introduced. Now, it's time for DotA 6.70 map. Hopefully, IceFrog adds some new items, terrain and Icarus, The Phoenix which was delayed earlier due to some unknown issues.
As usually, We have created this page for the DotA 6.70 like other maps. If you have got any news, updates, beta leak, release date of v6.70, reveal it to us. Also, Don't forget to Share Your Suggestions for the upcoming patch, DotA Allstars 6.70.
DotA 6.70 Download:
Yes, The new map is offically released, Download DotA 6.70 Now!Related:
DotA 6.69
158 Comments yet..:
First Blood! Well Done!
Killing Spree!!
No Icarus,,,,,that hurts....
cool loading screen :D
oi BEYOND GODLIKE AKO D2... bakit wla pa c icarus sa 6.69?? nangako c icefrog na ilalabas nya sa 69 un e
Plz Update obsidian destroyer And release 6.70 fast
where is icaruss......
VOTE for new heroes plzz....
i hope icarus....
pls add scepter 2 shadow fiend ^^
i thought icartus would be released
cOOL ! i hope new cool items :D
Rikimaru sucks in this new loadscreen
hey pls let sf raze damage due to number of souls
i hope icarus would be released on 6.70
Now The Phoenix will be ready for Dota 6.70?
(Let's hope it won't delay again as now it did :p)
i want mini dragon for new image of flying courier.!!! :)
Super Imba loading screen,.
Super Imba Icarus = Super Imba Lasthit = Super Imba GG!
WOOT. GODLIKE! Imba loading screen. ^_^
Why IceFrog not put an EXPENSIVE ITEM like 2500-3000gold so it can increase your INVENTORY to 9 items...would be fu*king good coz now we sell items to use someting other...and that sucks :(
super cool!!!
you not know the icarus is on the 6.69???
i hope that u will release icarus and kodo rider pls.....release them i wan't to play with them..... and use linken so you will not get stunned
I Hope Now That I Will See Icarus In The Tavern..
I`ve Been Waiting For It Since In 6.68... T^T
Yeah!. wish there's new hero.
new item, and other cool stuff.
10 sec. stun !!!1
godlike nice nice..
`icarus is already released .
there is a qUest there ..
watch in YOUTUBE.com
thnx . add me on fb . -alvin_clone05@yahoo.com
thnx .
GG 5 mins
update mirana plssssss
make elune's arrow stronger plss
u must be kidding dude. make elune's arrow stronger?
it already have 360 damage. LOL
dats a new hero in 6.70? or new items?
an item whit 30 all stats (not an artifact) :) that will be good and the cost 4200 gold :P
Dudes the Phoenix is very cool i hope for new items and pls IceFrog if u can create a third hero like pudge or mirana with the arrow -aa with the hook -ha something like this that you have to be lucker and be precise at the same time ; ) and pls for something long like Ellune's Arrow :) but not like Anchient Apparition Thx And I've got an Idea for the name something like Nelman - KillDezire :) if you can add it it will be good :) thx anyway take my idea pls :)
I cant wait for a newhero :0
add hero base on pandaren primal split...
use the rock element panda....
so they will be 3 panda in dota...
or add both rock and fire element panda...
i want a new power thread ^^
update riki with scepter
Scepter upgradable for :
*Nevermore - to increase damage/ increase the no. of souls.
* Meepo - adds one clone.
* Kunka - increase damage and distance for ghost ship.
* Terrorblade - increase distance for using his ulti.
* MAgina - increase damage for mana void.
* Ogre Magi - increase % ratio for multicast
and visual effect.
add a new hero pls other than icarus and the kodo beast.
When techie gets 15 lvl and add stats + 2 he loses he's ultimate because of Focused Detonate :S
hahahahaa !!!! i want to play dota much..... also when theres a new maps
hahaahahah!!!! icarus is nic... icefrog pls. make phantom assasins coup de grace 75% up and the item in -fun that looks like the counter helix of axe pls. make it an item in coz it is so cool..... by: inc.koala,mln.koala from mandaue city tnx.....
you nid to change the loading screen to sentinel team and scourge team ... when ur character is in the sentinel the loading screen is sentinel..when scourge the loading screen is scourge
NEverMore - Raze damage equivalent to number of Souls
Riki - Smokescreen no more Miss or silence pls so IMBA
skeleton kings ulti - make him invisible or blink in any near location, and lessen its mana requirement
quelling blade and tango- can be combine
bottle - can be upgrade with ironwood branch, for stats, (just like magic wand)
this is only my suggestions
just want to see mini icarus in a flying courier
and i want to see
mini ogre magi as a animal courier
add scepter upgrade for kardel sharpeye
no cooldown but 500 cd
mirana's elune arrow in now special skill
Viper vs. Icarus?????
hope that there are some various improvements
and a new hero
Scepter upgradable for :
+Dragon Knight dragon form's improvement of ability
+troll warlord's ulti be increases both atk speed and movement speed
mortred's crit should be 5x and evasion stacks.killllllerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
and the most important,that the rooftallen's ulti should be decreases cooldown time..
Scepter Upgradable For :
Shadow Fiend. + 20 more souls !! Rampage
raijin less mana usage and pls add 100 range
Surely people don't read the comments.
SF Raze = to Amount of souls? So each creep will be 5x the amount the soul damage gives, 1 soul 2 damagex5 = 10 damage on lvl 1 both and if you only have 1 creep.
SF raze damage, based on number of souls, much better rather than lvl4 raze that can do 300+300+300 damage without having trouble, and also, nevermore has normal attack and SS skill
SF is one of the all-time favourite heroes, it's a waste for him, not having a scepter. His Ulti is like juz awesome :) and it would be more awesome if IceFrog would listen to our suggestions and add a freakin scepter to it :(
Maybe Damage Increases/Add Soul Capacity and not to mention decreasing CD
Note: About Orge Magi having a scepter, he used to have but the new Orge Magi's ulti is Imba enough, so Scepters are not included
Note again: Changing skeleton king's ulti? It's practically tradition that he gets to revive again. And alright if you really want to suggest changing his ulti, making his ulti a blink or invi? Man that sucks, seriously.
icefrog can you add scepter to gyrocopter? pls responce
when skeleton king dies and revived by his ulti, it is like double torture for him, when Gbied
and for me, nevermore is nothing, it his raze damage is the only thing why he become strong 300+300+300 damage when level 7? dont forget his normal attack and ulti,..
Note again:
sorry for making it complicated,
i mean for skeleton king's ulti is, when he is revived by his ulti, he may blink or become invi, to evade other enemy that is waiting for him to revive...
this is my point and suggestion
and by the way, sory for the inconvenience
nevermore only store 30souls, because 2 damage per soul
60 damage / 2 = 30 souls...
lastly, my final suggestion for Nevermore's raze damage is:
150 base damage for raze + 5xnumber of souls(with the limit of 30) = 300 raze damage in total when souls are complete..
maybe damage increases/ add soul capacity and not to mention decreasing cd?
note again: his ulti's damage is 160, and maximum soul is 30 --- 160x30=4800 ,, and still you want damage increase?
add soul capacity by scepter? necromastery is a 2nd skill not an ulti..
let icarus the pheonix release next map on dota 6.70.. old maps with same heros sucks... icarus pheonix has been requested few months ago... so why icefrog ddnt release it yet? (6.69) haiz... how boring dota will be? think about it... grrr... ive been waiting icarus ... and i was disappointed ahahahha... just kidding... keep it up... and make icarus str type with a power of reincarnation like a pheonix has... or changing flames. blue red green... and what so ever... im so exited and i jst cnt hide it ahhaha...
wtf do you want to add NEVERMORE a Scepter? nevermore is a soft hero so kill it before he kills you
and adding soul-capacity? oh men its so IMBALANCE!!
and don't be so addict just wait till icefrog releases it
lame hero
maybe icefrog should change his loadscreen in 6.70, not in 6.69, just to excite dota fans
maybe add and legendary item...or something else...change the loadscreen becose is suck and new tavern
add neutrals- (mini roshan)
hahaiz make Treant protector upgrade his OG "Overgrowth"
increases the time....
a new imba hero!
nevermore's brother? ..
and new items ..
scepter for mortred? . troll? . and SF! . thnx .
and whats with the poison item in the secret shop? . is that all? ..
new melee hero plssss!
I hope they add the fire and earth panda
yeah i agree in Ivan Jason to add fire panda
hope 6.70 shadow fiend and death prophet can use aghanim scepeter :D
LIke Strenght Female Hero :)
6.70 phonix in there or not
IN this map in any new hero come or not.
ya strenght female hero need 1 no female in that house
request too make how times buying in recipe of
diffusal blade ...
give them tips for buying it
it only gives extra diffusal not the mana burn
or anything else........
on guardian wisp, increase hes armor
because hes so easy to kill
ang gusto kac namin pede syang gamitin booooooobbbbooooooooo
make a secret shop that has conquest to see it and the items are cheap and strongXD
Make an item that can improve or enhance
Like ruby xd.....red butterlfy...
make ursa primary str
add aghanism scepter at bloodseeker for overkills and at loadscreen make it like this:sentinel heroes vs scourge heroes EPIC!!!
make a female strenght hero damn that cool
orb of teleportation, costs 2200, acts like a boots of travel but it has no ms bonus (Boots+Orb)=BoT
add aganihms on omninight
gives to his "guardian" increase duration
and better cooldown
I hope new HERO will be a PEASANT! with a great power of GRASS and WOODS can change SUITS every LEVEL! much better LIKE MMORPG! UPGRADE DOTA!!!! WWOOOHHH!!!
Add scepter to all hero ...improve all ULti .........tat no make ppl confuse when shoping scep ........tat fair too all hero............scep function is to boost ulti......
All of the heros sucks pls update and fix all bugs :|
nc1 dota!!
hey pls let sf raze damage due to number of souls???
what will be the Damage of raze?? 0-60??hohoho...imba thinking...
Add scepter to all hero ...improve all ULti .........tat no make ppl confuse when shoping scep ........tat fair too all hero............scep function is to boost ulti......
what will happen to the ulti of TRAXEX???? and MEEPO???
hohoho...dont be so greedy boy...not all the heroes need`s the aghanims scepter...tsk tsk
...and Icarus, The Phoenix which was delayed earlier due to some unknown issues.
the Phoenix was UNBALANCED it had stun on whole map and unbalanced dmg,splash and speed also it was like a char it levels up when it kills heroes and it was unkillable at lvl 25 ... VERY UNKNOWN ISSUES ...
please make new heroes. im tired playing random i know all the heroes.
plss upgrade sven the most stronger hero.
i love scepter . upgrade the ultimate skill of my fav char. Nevermore !! tnx :)
some small item changes maybe? like arcane boots giving higher mana depending on the heroes level? not just the constant 175(correct me if i'm right) cuz it sux late game. plus remake terrorblade or maybe just his ulti. and dont nerf alchemist cuz its his time to shine
bring back the old naix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about Ragnar the Kodo Rider isn't it ! NEW HERO IN 6.70 also??
i would love to play Dota allstar if u can create the earth panda... :D that would be great!
dats cool
im waiting for version 6.70
6.70 will not be released it is because icarus will be the hero of the dota2 the issue is that valve is hiring "IF" to slow the release of the map 6.70 will not be realesed until the last week of december
After hours of surfin, I think the new loadscreen will be the Neutral Heroes and the 6.71 will be Scourge ( or vice versa )
what the hell!!!!!!!only in last week of december...... dude that suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx........sad
we are near on 7.01 ahahha...XD
Please make ursa's over power until 6 to 9 or/and put scepter upgrade to ultimate......plz!!!I'll be the most satisfied player if you did that
ah 24 kills and beyond godlike with no deaths
make a some thing good for tank ( good for int heros ) .
Monster Kill!!! Nice one I hope Icarus is there
lol icarus is str...icarus is agi... icarus is int..?think well no more slots in int taverns...ahaha
icars is banned charcter if will fight...but icarus is stronger than nevermore....that's icarus is strength ic can might build him a tarrus or quiras,vunguard...
Plz new heroes like Grunt, archer, wolfs .. etc.. and make scepter for SF 'n' change Pit Lords ULTI its so stupidy -.- :))
sir. I want you to upgrade troll warlord plsssss he is sow very weak now in new version maps. I want you to improve he's bash and skills like ex. his 2nd skill i want it to enable to miss the skills to. sir plssssssss if like? just a comment
Update Dragon Knight skill. add scepter on his ulti hnaha lol
if you wish to balance the game, i suggest they should change g.whisp cause his like str type with support skil
well, lets see if this hero will come up on release date.. lets just w8 till mr IceFrog finish the map and i hope more balance will be updated on this map...
Go Go Go !! Dota RULES!! Make new heroes! :D
scepter for SF is IMBALANCE!! dont put it scepter on his ult!!
sir i want you to change troll warlord make him same as ursa warrior plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
make icarus look different than the one in 6.69
can you add some new heroes like insane ricky in the fun tavern and some new power ups
and add some extra inventory slot
tnx if you agree to my suggestions
make a female strenght hero damn that cool
this is only good idea... icefrog cant change any char because they are balanced :) only thing you need to be better then other team is chose your hero wisely and buy the best items. (depends on other team pick) thats all .. you can win with ewery char
imb hero needs
It could also take the mode of combat tarraske and put the 1% rengen
Ultra Kill!
Make new items...make new ITEMS!!!!
Suggested Item Name : :D
•Adds 45 Agility
•Adds 45 Damage
•Adds 30 Attack speed
•Adds 45% Evasion
Can Ice Frog increase the 3rd skill of Neruvian Weaver
Please, the damage is so weak, so it must 3 times, not 2 times....
make a female str.. that would be cool.
hello every one!!! Im Jerome... I suggest a hero that looks like a tank and is a range/strength and has an ability to rapid fire chance like 3rd skill of narubian weaver and a new items too!!! like... combining a type of boots like travel/speed/threads/phase boots to kelens like that... thanks!!! hoping for the next new dota map release!!!
yes rampage
can't wait....its already december...
ice frog can u update all heroes with scepter to have cool forms,,,for example: pugna has an aura on his arms if he has a scepter!!!
6.70 will be release next year.
Ammm. pls release the icarus... were waiting.. heheh.. plss improves the skills of all heroes..
change the last skill of mirana !
I cnt w8 for 6.70 !!!!!!
maybe icefrog will release the 6.70 at christmas or new year
cb..yet need wait another half year for developing a new map? icefrog, when are u going to retire?u getting lazier n lazier.
why icarus did not release in this season
make a hero that role is support , too much killer insufficient support in dota .. sO that many choices to pick other support !
descission is in the hand of icefrog ! :))
i want mangix`s 2 panda form. . . . hope icefrog creates the fire and earth type panda as a new hero. . .that would be awesome!!!and hope raijin`s ball lightning decreases its mana usage by just 1%,and change the damage of 16 per 100unit to 20 per 100 unit
agha for appa!! :D
You have so many complains why don't you make your own map and see how hard it is to modify and edit previous maps or making a new one. LOL :))
icefrog busy cguro sa s2games na nag edit pa pra sa HON ahahahah lolsz nadinig ko lng di ako xure ahaha kaya nga minsan ang mga map maxadong matagal matapos pag dating nang HON ^^
happy new year
traxex the best
icefrog ang blizzard said
6.72 4 new item and 4 new hero kodo beast,human,harpy,elves we cant make shadow friend with aghanims scepter baecause its give more damage for requim of souls
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