From past few weeks there has been a hype about the new hero Icarus, The Phoenix. We updated our visitors about the upcoming new heroes in Dota 6.68 including the Preview Part #1 and Part #2. Also now, the Dota 6.68 trailer video is released but we can't find Phoenix in that.
Update: Icarus Phoenix has been introduced in v6.70.
Before the trailer video release IceFrog mentioned in his blog that he'll release preview video just before few days of official DotA Allstars 6.68 release. This clearly indicates that IceFrog has delayed Icarus the Phoenix hero for the next versions of DotA just as Murloc, The Nightcrawler but we hope IceFrog will come up with this hero in next patch, DotA 6.69.

Additionally, We have come up with with some suspected screenshots of conversation of a Chinese guy with IceFrog asking about the appearance of Icarus, The Phoenix in 6.68. You can check 'em below:

63 Comments yet..:
no problem if phoenix does not get included.. 4 heroes are ok for me :D
sad :( that was my fav hero no i have to wait 1 more map? @_@
Koyoy said : Can't wait for it....
ultra kll when is it airing??/
not just one map,one map and a loto of sub-updates!
It's ok. But Icefrog, u have to work to make your own game, i cannot wait for it.
I respect IceFrog's decision and I will wait for Icarus the Phoenix in dota 6.69
Icarus could very well appear in 6.68. There was already a preview of him; Icefrog may have thought it redundant to put him in the video. Also, that chat conversation could definitely be fake. There's no reason to believe it's real.
what skill's feonix is?!?!
so sad!! but thats fine for me!
@ 6:07 AM
maybe this is why the title is "Icarus, The Phoenix Might Not Appear In DotA 6.68"
it's not fake, you can check it on sgamer.com its true
wow itz ok ...
4 new heroes are excitement..
but when phoenix come itz more exciting!!
thank u ice frog for making the DotA more interesting..
more power!!
pls....fast icefrog....hardworking dont stop...support u.....cant wait anymore
how about ragnar the kodo rider???.. is he too? will not come out in 6.68??...
I love that pheonix
where are they chatting at all?
well i do have two theories that among those two will really happen first one that maybe the rumors are true the second is that maybe icarus the phoenix isn't shown in the vid because it is already known by the public since from the version when murloc and aa appears, only murloc was on the vid and no aa, we were all suprised when he just pop out the tavern witohut being known it isn't it... specially the shedder-hero also isn't there..
as far we know only 4 new heroes are in the vid, but since icefrog told in the forums that would be 5-6 can be added - he refers to heroes that will come in 6.68
yes.four heroes isn't bad
it's okay icefrog! thanks! go for it!
aww!!...another 6 months?!?!?!?!!??
4 sure i will use them very nice abd imba..
4 is good :)
Nice new heroes specially the Wisp....looks good.. <3 it :))
Is the kodo will be arriving too.?
don't rush the heroes....wait them to be perfect.....tnx
who are the 4 new heroes?
hey please don't create a map hack 4 diz map,
coz MH sucks the world of garena, and there's no thrill in it, while you're workin good on you're game they will shout out that you're using MH even youre not using it,
so please stop creating MH
yeah the wisp looks like awsoeme
I smell fake!!
hah.... i may also make some kind of messenger and talk with my friend as IceFrog. FAIL
ICEFROG got 4 hero only ?
that picture of the incarus is cool......can we google it?....or cant?
Doesn't matter ! we'll wait for the phoenix but here is a question that KNOW ARE THE HEROES ? :) Isn't it ?
So ...
Waiting ...
4 heroes good and good tiny :D have a tree ana selekton king if et sceaptre did hes color red?
ouch!!!! icarus looks cool.... but 4 will be better... a lot of time 2 practice!!
i was wandering why did the icefrog change the name of admiral??? it should be kunkka ryt?? but it change....
its real.. its a chatlog from beta.getdota.com forum.. for those kids who dont know or never got into dota beta team
go ice
il just say that dont make such prediction just wait for the map and try it not by predicting even though that character is not in preview it doesn't mean that they wont be there.. just wait for thae map do not comclude everything in such discussion like this, its unreliable
~ Phoenix may still appear.. even though those became BETA TESTERS didn't see Phoenix.. maybe it's a surprise by IceFrog.. of what phoenix skills and tavern..
Icarus, It's 4 Heroes is Okay now. But better if its 5 :))
Also interesting changes.
4 heroes are so much .. nc work keep it up!!
tnx for adding thrall as a hero on dota!!!yeah
i not patient wait dota 6.68 ..wauhahahahahah ,,,,
that guy isnt chinese
IMBA is a pinoy term and it never got out or anything because i never heard anyone foreign say Imba
nice icefrog :)
,.,thats fine me with me too.,. 4 new heroes will be fine., pls hurry and release 6.68 so that i wont quit playing DOTA,
Ice fr0g! When do you release 6.68 map???
Can you add hydra or harpie in the map 6.69? Or even 6.68 thanks!
damn i thought i can use this hero..i've been waiting but then he didnt appear...hope to see him in 6.69...
whos greater slark or apparation????
make a hero that is full support skill even is it's ulti..... make it all skill support teammate one....like heal mana regen or make your all teammate skill cooldown done
tsk!!!...i dont care if its imba,,im just going to tear this hero's life in few seconds,....i started playing dota when i was 12,,now im 18 and no player has ever beaten me,...tsk!!!!getting tired of you noob playas
I Think there's only one hero in 6.70..
because it says that there will be 4 heroes in 6.68
but its 3 instead of 4... so the 1 hero will be in 6.70
That Hero is Icarus the Pheonix.. :DD
Man i Luff This Pheonixxx <3
gwapo ako said: what skill did Icarus have?
icarus is a noon character... =_=
w0w wat a good hero so nice men!!i beat ol of my classmates!
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