Garena has apparently removed virtual LAN from Garena+ client without any notice. All games including Warcraft 3 TFT/DotA, Counter-Strike and Age of Empire etc. are no longer supported. Users around the world are unable to join game rooms as loading gets stuck at "Auth in Main Server". Also, new Garena+ update is being rolled out in which LAN Games button is completely removed.
Garena's main forums are also put under maintenance. A week has been passed but there is no official announcement from them. According to some reports, Garena is short listing countries for LAN support meaning that only selected countries can access it. In the next Garena+ update, we may see significant changes to Garena+ client.
The sudden removal of LAN feature is indeed frustrating because a huge number of players have spent a great time on this platform and most importantly you can't play your favorite game DotA. But don't worry, until the things get sorted out you can play DotA on the following clients:
- Ranked Gaming Client - has a hostbot feature and automatic leaver ban, good community
- GameRanger - client configuration is a bit complicated at first but plays DotA fine
- ICCup - Similar to RGC, has hostbots, anti-hack support and ladder
- You know more? tell us in comments!
It would be unwise to assume that Garena is shutting down, no it is certainly not going to happen because Garena+ is still in collaboration with many other games such as Fifa Online, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and Path of Exile.
We will provide more updates soon, stay tuned!
93 Comments yet..:
first blood!
i hope garena get back soon
2nd blood? :D
Simply, Garena moderators are just big assholes who never wanna support the poor! Do they even know how many people are gonna suffer because of this?
And NO, everyone cant just go and plat DotA2. Not everyone had better PC's or better connections -.-
^ true.
I can still play lan games garena ph
from south korea so very dissapointed garena LAN was gone after few weeks waiting on auth in main server now just remove like that *****
Its because garena gains no income on them LAN games specially dota1, they gain income on LoL so its not quite logical to continue to support dota1 anymore.
They are just forcing their players to play LoL instead.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJlnF7Re88Q <<<<--- look this video and this is solution for this problem . Mine garena lan problem works . Thanks !
Anonymous said...
Simply, Garena moderators are just big assholes who never wanna support the poor! Do they even know how many people are gonna suffer because of this?
And NO, everyone cant just go and plat DotA2. Not everyone had better PC's or better connections -.-
7:06 AM
Why does garena do dis???? :/
Then try playing League or Dota 2 , Honestly I played Dota for 3 years now , and it's getting a little mainstream. So why not try playing other MOBA games right ? Just an opinion.
garena 1- players 0 --' seriously what garena did is pathetic
Are they perhaps only allowing paid subscriptions to access the virtual LAN?
There is a possibility that valve paid Garena money to shut down their LAN Games so Dota 2 can get more players.
i want dota 1.plz maintain it.i dont need dota 2 man.
i just have one question: what about for those who bought membership accounts? all those money are gone? i have a gold account with like 3 month left........
rofl, it is not Valves style to do something like that.
that is more riot style
can help me how i work garena and how to join garena roomss??
can help me i work garena and join to rooms i cant! have video totoral/
Garena fix pls :'(
I dont think Dota 2 had anything to to do with garena, Anyway there might be a hidden agenda to promote LOL or HON.Which I think is stupid because both LOL and HON are more focused on earning money than keeping the Interest and maintaining a fair game play.
Its understandable that garena need money to maintain their servers ad staff but don't they get enough money from advertisements. I mean that is how most people earn money isn't it. and garena has a huge potential to earn through adverts, which they might have been doing for the past several years.So money shouldn't be a issue to Garena.
PS : All you map hackers also might be a reason why garena is closed down as they might be trying to find a way to stop map hacks as dota 1 is flooded with hacks these days.
I agree with that hack stuffs.
RGC shows more ping than garena SAD LAGGY n Delay
I Wish garena will open soon
Steam probably paid Garena to stop the LAN service so that all dota1 players rushes to play dota 2!! dont u think??
i still hope, they will manage it.....waiting
Eventually everyone will have to change to DotA 2, LoL or if you're still with DotA 1 go to RGC or ICCup.
Pls Fix the Garena,pls
Come to us www.iccup.com/eu
I play on iCCup now. It's really easy to start playing there, good admin staff, anti-hack launcher, tournaments and leagues. You should try it, too.
good news.. noob players from garena has been gone.(:<
bad news.. this noobs would probably register to rgc. -_-
www.iccup.com best place for dota rly
but there is no english Anonymous
Please fix Garena+. Tried to play Dota 2, but I enjoy Dota 1 more. Hope that this huge problem will be solved soon.
i miss dota 1 so much :( my country's connection is too slow for dota 2. i hope garena gets dota back :'(
so sad guys...
we nid to play dota2
What is even the point of Garena now? Talk talk?
ok,downloaded LOL , tryed it,and just NO.
shity map,small,ugly,u cant see difference between creeps at all,u dont see difference between ally and enemie heros around you or on mini map,how heros and animations are done is just no..looks like cartoon for 10 yo kids,sorry LOL but no thank you.
i have dota 2 for a long time in my steam account and played it twice.each time 10min and i must say also no,consumes simply too much ram,and its not my type of a game,its better from LOL in every aspect but it dosent satisfy me yet to make me play it.
HON fall on my mind that i yet didnt even bothered to look up on youtube to see how it looks like,well i looked up for it today and i must say,generaly its old dota of wc3 just improved graphich and other things map has stayed same as from dota 1.
im downloading it now 2min remaining,fuck u garena here i come HON
add "MidorFeed-Bot" to your friendlist in Battle.net (EU) - very good ping plus they have a stats website: www.midorfeed.de
they have english Shambhu chemjong
Its pitty. I love war3 dota and dont wanna play dota2. I have very good PC for dota 2 but war3 dota is better. and we have our own community Cz/Sk. So sad rip garena dota ever
Join us at RGC. We have autojoin rooms for most countries, even for the Cz/Sk community region as there are a lot of active DotA players there. It is mainly a DotA platform, but we do also have RPG rooms, and LoD and we are actively working with a few of the war3 map modders to have stats for their map integrated into the platform.
Everyone just use Tunngle
Thank you very much for the info. I'd been trying to figure this out and Garena hasn't said a word.
Im in the PHILIPPINES and yeah we can still PLAY it. But there are changes like they removed counter strike 1.5 &1.6. And the only country that i can see is Asean, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. I guess we are lucky :)
if you want play dota
play at Battle net Pldt play Server
visit @
Well, garena kept crushing and had no auto ban mechanism so I hope players will find another, better gaming platform to play. Its a chance to change things for better
Anyone heard for Tunngle? Support a lot of games, very good community.
garena cant control map hackers users thats it
then play LOL
wait what? are you people actually mad at other people for not giving your rage fueled addictions for free?
Goodbye Bulgaria Dota Rooms, I will miss you. Thx Garena.
rush to eurobattle.net no hacks there
Guys, you can still access garena lan game,all you need is to use a free proxy app to change your ip temporarily of an Asian country, ie : Singapore...etc. then click on lan game , it will pass through that "auth in main server", there are also youtube videos,people posted months ago for this workaround solution. Try it.
I know another Gaming Client.. Tunngle
LoL are for kids
Gplay a good platform with ladder , hostbot , hacksystem , leaver ban , and many more you can even play RPG maps and you can ad in HostList what map you want to play from epicwar directly .
weplaes is a good system also, but it is in turkish language
Hey guys come join us we have loads of custom maps and dota hosted 24/7
Just register on forum.twilightgaming.co.za . the security questions answer in registration is mtn
then use bnet gatway editor and make the following changes
name = twilight
zone =2
ip = war3.co.za
im jeffrey101 in the server so feel free to contact me :0 come join
Time to switch to DOTA 2, boys and girls!
It's FREE!
hey guys can you help me? I cant join LAN (war3rpg) game with garena
Use Tunngle or Gameranger guys. Awesome programs.
I can still join now 7/7/2014. Area is philippines.
so sad.....i love dota1....hope it gets fixed soon!!
LAN is working in Mongolia. We're playing.
Suld be NoticeD earlY that garena lan game is shutting down.. -.-"
still no update maps til now????
New platform to replace Garena, Maphack detection / no room limits. http://www.warcraftgaming.net
Dammm Not cool ...
TO SOLVE LAN's botton....
use a proxy server to change your ip origin to one frome a country that it's allowed.. it worked perfectly form me... ;)
garena should notify the gamers ... can't play dota 2 due to slow connection :( ....
If u cant play Dota2 u cant even play the newer games what kind of gamers you are go work make some money sell drugs whatever it takes and buy a good pc fcking gypsy
My PC can't play DotA 2. Why Garena cut LAN game?
Maybe you kids start playing dota 2 where cheats are in your dreams
lame dota 2 with dull mini map totaly boring
I don't have time to type the full story BUT here is the short version. Garena was getting more gamer traffic then any other platform beyond Asia, over growth-Dec2010,June2012, and with 2,000,000+ players every day, (2013). Steam paid* garena big guys, 1.5 months after they released Left 4 Dead 2 for free*. It took some time but they finally did it people! Cheers to the bastards who threw 1 of the best platforms to trash for green papers. Don't expect an explenation from them, the big guys of Garena are gone, those who can still use it don't worry Gar. gonna shut down specific game servers one by one even if you can enter lan.(like they did with cs1.6,source,team fortress,etc)
F*** Garena F*** Steam. I just thought y'all should know. Peace.
garena.please come back,we missed you a lot. T.T
and what's with wc3tft
where do we play now ?
really i didnt like this thing
I subscribed to gold membership on Garena for a year, and now I can't access LAN games anymore (at least not without using a proxy). Shouldn't I be entitled to a refund? My membership and shells are useless now. Garena scammed me.
Gonna try another client don't have to stick with Garena
garena implement dota2 that's simple
I have 2 computers: 1 pc with windows XP and 1 netbook with Windows 7.
On XP Garena has this problem..neither LAN button appears nor if i can make it appear as from some youtube videos, i must wait the propper eternity in ''Auth in main server'' .
BUT on my Windows 7 everything is alright, and i'm able to play.
Now, I can only have an idea of what is happening from my experience, maybe as Windows XP license from Microsoft has ended and no support/updates are coming from them anymore, i think Garena made something for windows XP to not work anymore.
My second suggestion is that only few countries in the world with their ip can still play with XP (if u try to change ip with vpn client, to a Vietnam ip for example you'll see that it works) but there is a huge lag if you do so...and you can't play at all (you will get banned or you will leave as you nobody loves lag).
I contacted the Garena support and they said: ''there will be changes on our LAN Platform wherein LAN Games will be unavailable which will already take effect on the next update of Garena Plus.''
I hope they'll do something, because all gamers which used to play on garena a lot of their time, it's a pitty to lose that nice platform and make new friends elsewhere.
Its So Injustice Garena+ Moderators Should Solve this issue.
Because when Garena+ was alright Garena+ was at 1st rank over the world but now its going down day by day....
Please Fix The Problem Missing the Real Garena+ Alottt!!!!
I played long time on eurobattle.net, and sometimes on garena, but last years this lagabuse and psr-system totally ruin the game feeling. I wanna left eurobattlenet forever, but garena is gone. Finally, i find the "gameranger" client, and im surprised, hundreds of games, including old goods, as heroes 3 and others. Better with lightyears than old garena i think.
hope that the problem gets fixed as soon as possible..
I hope they can fix some lag of games even in war3
1) go to your folder where Garena is installed, called "Garena Plus"
2) in this folder, go to "Room" folder
3) locate a application (.exe) called "garena_room" and launch it
4) now you will connect the same way explained in this video....
The thing is just this - you still have the "Auth in main server"-issue -.-
Guess we'll just have to wait till Garena comes up with a FIXED update......good luck
can download this Garena lan games ??
i have a garena account but i cant find the dota 2 will you plz help me how to find dota 2 game?
Try Gplay, very good dota 1 server.
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