For example; Sniper gets extra 80 bonus range, Kelen's Dagger no longer requires mana, You lose gold if you don't pick hero after selection timer runs out and tons of other balances. Make sure you the full patch notes before playing!

- DotA v6.80.w3x (7.88 MB)
Update: Dota 6.80b has been released.
Download the map file (with .w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III\Maps\Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map.
Map Changelogs (Patch Notes)
There will probably be a Dota 6.80b/c map in the near future to fix the leftover bugs.If you encounter any, report them directly to the IceFrog. Also, you can share suggestions about the next version of DotA.
* Please notify if there is any issue with download link(s).
DotA 6.78c AI
Map Changelogs (Patch Notes)
- Read DotA 6.80 changelogs, they are kept in a separate page due to their length.
There will probably be a Dota 6.80b/c map in the near future to fix the leftover bugs.If you encounter any, report them directly to the IceFrog. Also, you can share suggestions about the next version of DotA.
* Please notify if there is any issue with download link(s).
DotA 6.78c AI
18 Comments yet..:
First blood!
looks like dagger is now a core item for every hero
well duh. ./?
First Blood !!
i hope 6.80 AI will Release As Soon As Possible :)
Cool. However im still gonna wait for new contents!!!!
Shadow Amulet should have cooldown if It cast it on an Ally. :)
2nd blood?
Awesome Changelogs
2nd Blood
Awesome Changlogs I like the Dagger
how could sentry ward visible by opponent, no another sentry and gem, may be bug
cool update thanks :D dagger rocks
6.80 AI plssss.
There are six eggs in the Long Out Side of the map
what the different betwen aI map and this?
Ai map is playing with the computer system
And this map is playing with a another player either LAN or ONLINE
wish there's AI update
why cant i play the 6.78c i already downloaded it
Can someone help me on how to install DOTA on a mac book pro do i need to download frozen throne and how can i download frozen throne for mac
When will you release the official 6.80 ai map? I hope you will release it as soon as possible. Thanks
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