Earth Panda relies on Stones (innate skill) to make use of his other spells. He can smash stones/units with his 1st spell to damage and silence the opponents. His second spell turns him into a rolling boulder (like Tuskarr's Snowball) which helps in chasing/ganking heroes, it also deals a little damage and slow. The 3rd skill, Geomagnetic grip allows him to pull allied units and rocks to him, whoever crashes the pulled unit receives stun/damage. His ultimate provides a good DPS damage which can be renewed by putting Stones in its Area of Effect (AoE).
Basic stats
Movespeed: 305
Starting Armor: 4
Primary attribute: Strength
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Affiliation: Sentinel
Earth Spirit Guide
1. Innate: Stone Caller (Innate, Level 0, Target Point) - Hotkey: E
Kaolin raises a stone from the depths of the earth to aid him in battle. Creating a rock consumes a Stone Charge, and charges replenish at a rate of 1 per 25 seconds. The rocks last up to 2 minutes with a max 6 rocks active at a time. Rocks provide no vision.
Note: This hero has an Innate ability that doesn't do anything on its own but is used by his other abilities.
Tip: This skill has great cast range, you can even cast it at places where you can't see (Fog). This skill uses 0 mana and will replenish every 25 second so keep spamming this skill everywhere!!!
2. Boulder Smash (Target ally, enemy or rock. Melee range) - Hotkey: D
Kaolin slams an ally, enemy, or Rock with his mighty stone, knocking them away from him, and damaging enemies the slammed target collides with. Slammed Rocks travel farther than fleshy targets and also silence impacted enemies.
Tip: This skill can silence if you smash a rock. It can pass trees. You can also push enemy away when your teammate is fleeing. SAVE Him!. This can be use as combo with BloodSeeker's Rupture, same as force staff but with damage.
Kaolin raises a stone from the depths of the earth to aid him in battle. Creating a rock consumes a Stone Charge, and charges replenish at a rate of 1 per 25 seconds. The rocks last up to 2 minutes with a max 6 rocks active at a time. Rocks provide no vision.
Note: This hero has an Innate ability that doesn't do anything on its own but is used by his other abilities.
Tip: This skill has great cast range, you can even cast it at places where you can't see (Fog). This skill uses 0 mana and will replenish every 25 second so keep spamming this skill everywhere!!!
Kaolin slams an ally, enemy, or Rock with his mighty stone, knocking them away from him, and damaging enemies the slammed target collides with. Slammed Rocks travel farther than fleshy targets and also silence impacted enemies.
Tip: This skill can silence if you smash a rock. It can pass trees. You can also push enemy away when your teammate is fleeing. SAVE Him!. This can be use as combo with BloodSeeker's Rupture, same as force staff but with damage.
3. Rolling Boulder (Short Channel, Target Direction) - Hotkey: F
Kaolin turns into a boulder and begins spinning in place to build up momentum. After 0.6 seconds, he launches himself 800 distance in the direction he is facing, damaging units he passes through but stopping if he collides with an enemy hero or is stunned. Rolling over a Rock will add momentum, increasing roll distance, speed, damage, and adding a slow to the hero you collide with.
Note: This skill will always go the full distance, you cannot choose a shorter distance. It stops on the opposite side of the first hero it impacts. The Rock is consumed when used as a boost for rolling.
Tip: Since your innate has 1400 range, you can cast innate far and keep rolling to your rock. This skill has low cooldown, it can be used as escape mechanism. Rolling over rock make it impossible for your enemy to catch. You can also use this to catch fleeing opponent.
4. Geomagnetic Grip (Target Ally or Rock) - Hotkey: R
Kaolin runs a magnetic charge through the targeted ally or rock, quickly pulling them to him. Enemies struck by the target being pulled will be stunned, and will also be dealt damage if the pulled target is a Rock.
Tip: Good for pulling your ally and saving his life.
5. Magnetize (Active, No Target) - Hotkey: T
Magnetizes units in a small nearby area, causing them to take damage over time for a short duration. Any magnetized heroes cause nearby rocks to become energized and explode, applying/refreshing the magnetize debuff on all units near the rock. This process can repeat multiple times. Rocks are destroyed in this process.
Magnetizes units in a small nearby area, causing them to take damage over time for a short duration. Any magnetized heroes cause nearby rocks to become energized and explode, applying/refreshing the magnetize debuff on all units near the rock. This process can repeat multiple times. Rocks are destroyed in this process.
Magnetized heroes feel the effect of the Silence and Slow from Rock enhanced Boulder Smash and Rolling Boulder if one Magnetized hero is affected by them.
Note: When a Rock is in an AoE of Magnetize, it doesn't immediately disappear, it becomes innert and then disappears after 5 seconds (can still be used by your other spells in the meantime)
Tip: Cast this with rock nearby or else this skill is like completely useless. Use this wisely, it can affect many heroes at once.
This guide is still in beta, You are free to post your item builds, strategies and tips using the comment section below!
52 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
Sange n Yasha + basher is a nice build..
i suggest radiance for ur ss
caster type build is better
hahah too hard to use this hero.. need 2 practice
battle fury you'll thank me later
i ddint like the new hero in this dota 6.78 :(
I guess there's gonna be a remake
Killing Spree!
Cool :)
he's squishy in early game.....
life too low.......
I hope IceFrog promptly update this hero skill, because kaolin skill very very imba, unfair ^_^
Beyond Godlike only :-(
Use bloodstone and veil of discord...
Please, don't suggest your stupid item builds,. Fools
Think this hero is imba in a wrong way
Think its better if the
1st skill is like "Toss", auto-find-target mechanism wherein you only target the desired direction
and 2nd skill's delay be reduced
easily blocked and countered
i suggest this build....
phaseboots, urns, linkensphere, lothar's edge, mechanism, and BKB...
try it...
note: earthspirit can be a support type...
Good news the 3 spirits are complete! :D
Three Spirits, Assemble! :D
Oracle is better :)
power thread,satanic,sange&yasha,blademail,heart,battle fury
cant become a caster he got long cooldown on some skill...probably basher can be. Also vanguard.
three spirits can be combined to .....
i forgot his name..
i know you know it.. XD
if using his guy you unable to kill more than 5 times in a game,then u are considered weak in using this hero -.-
and his ulti even without rock nearby when u cast it,its still the same..the rock juz replenish the timer duration for ur ulti
this hero is the best....^_^
I used this hero and wow imba GODLIKE for less than a 20mins... SF 1v1 mid is owned by this hero.! I think icefrog should make some adjustment for this hero too unfair.
Oracle is better! This hero very alike of xin. Slow regen rate. Item dependant.
i like its
It's frustrating to go against this hero.. pulling allies away? and rolling to escape? and the rocks silences and stuns??? Come on.. Fix earth spirit please..
It's not frustrating. You're just not used to it yet since it's a new hero. Try using it yourself so that you'll understand its skills better. It's easy to block his roll. Just get ahead of where his going to roll. You'll have time for that since it Kaolin takes time before he starts rolling. Rocks that silences is not an easy feat. It requires some 'player skills' to be able to actually make it hit the enemies. I think he's not a very imba hero. The problem with this for now is its item build. I haven't seen a perfect item build for it now but this hero could be a semi carry or a support. My personal 'combo skill' for this hero is:
1. Put a Rock at the back of an enemy hero
2. Pull the rock towards you so that you'll stun the enemy hero
3. Since there's a rock in front of you (because you pulled it towards you) and the enemy is stunned, next thing you should do is to Roll towards the enemy hero. (since there's a rock in front of you, the roll will be faster and will have double base damage so if your roll is maxed out, the maximum damage would be 270.)
4. Cast Magnetize then wait for 5 seconds and put rocks beside your enemy heroes to repeat the 6 seconds damage per second of the skill. Repeat putting rocks until you don't have any rocks to throw. Rocks that explode disappear after 5 seconds so you could use it to roll towards the enemy for extra damage.
5. Finishing blow is the Boulder Smash. You could smash the enemy hero away or kick a stone towards the enemy hero. Just do this if you think he'll die from this skill or your Magnetize skill.
As I have said earlier, item build depends on what role you're going to play for the team. This hero is usually the initiator/support. The items that I've used are Blademail, Pipe, Arcane Boots, Linken or bloodstone. If you're planning to be a semi carry type, then you could go for Radiance, Sange and Yasha, Cuirass, Basher, Helm of dominator or anything that would make him attack faster or make his life bigger and defense better. :) Hope this somehow helps! :)
i dont like yhe 2 hireos added its boring??
you need more mana of these hero kaolin;;What is the build item of that hero me i know??
tips:.. arcane first.. nxt dagon lvl till 5.. good killer against 2 heroes.. i can do 30 kills or 30 assist..or more.. you'll never regret it..
Lvl 1 = 3rd skill
Lvl 2 = 2nd skill
Lvl 3 = 2nd skill
Lvl 4 = 1st skill
Lvl 5 = 2nd skill
Lvl 6 = ultimate
Lvl 7 = 2nd skill
Lvl 8 and so on.. up to you.. if you want damage.. level 1st skill if you want support 3rd skill..
get an ai map fast
best support hero you can pull and push allies. can stun, slow and silence enemy heroes practice makes perfect ^_^ my favorite hero full package hero
kaolin is the bestttttttttt hero :D
no oracle is the bast hero!!
Im a little bit disappointed that kaolin doesn't have a remnant like... fire remnant for ember spirit..and static remnant for storm spirit...
the 3 pandas are great.. they have their own escape plan.. XD nce
I feel proud of baing one of the few in my server able to use this hero properly.
You can made tons of solo and team combos (hust to quote 1, Tiny throws panda, panda atracts tiny and the rest is just to kill the permanently stuned/muted/slowed opponent).
Deppending on your playstile, any build may worl with this hero.
No matter what style you play, the boot must be arcane, unless you rush for the bloodstone and then u pick travel so you can have some controll of the whole map (it also works to disarm the arcane to make the bloodstone).
In this build you must be a mage with high resistence and a decent basic damage plus relatively high atk speed (like a storm spirit with much more hp), this way is the best to do solo kills, in wich you must max the second skill in order to do is every 6 secconds, making it easy to chase your foe. To this build you can also buy Battle Fury, S+Y, Assault and radiance, and after your hit rate and damage are high enough, cristalis (not buriza yet). And of course the final touch is terraske. This way, you will have a heavy hitter with a big amount of damage and 1 regular hero may be unable to defeat is on it's own (3k-5khp). And btw, orb efect for this buld is Maelstrom (in this case don't buy assault) or Dominator for further update to satanic.
The second build is a carry/mage way: -Arcane Boot -Dagon (in late game, update it to dagon 2 or 3) -Orchid -Guinsoo -Shiva's, and at the end make it stronger with teraske. I recommend not having an orb effect for this build, and you should max skills 1 and 3 (at the same time) and have 1 level of skill 2 for fast moving or fast escape.
You can also build a regular tank build, basically a centaur with range stun and mute (no dagger as you have the seccond skill). I personaly don't like this build because the real power of this hero are the skills. Vanguard-blade mail-hood-pipe-terraske, with an optional bloodstone.
In any build, and deppending on your opponents, you can add a blade mail, bkb or something to protect/destroy a specific opponent, like you would do with any other hero.
I feel like I'm forgeting about 1 build but I can't remember wich one XD
this hero is easy just focus 1st skill if you want to trashing
Why not use heart, vanguard, BKB, cranium bashar, and also tango and pass bots? Try it..
I got beyond godlike :D
i prefer battle fury, basher, bureza, vanguard or cuirass, and maelstorm is good for him too..
its a great hero..i really liked this hero
if anyone ever says that this guy doesnt have a remnant skill, well, what's the name of his passive?
lotars edge :)
Veil of Discord+
Radiance, Veil of discord and dagon works really well with it's combo.
when is another new hero coming????
its easy hero to play
its not unfair. this hero is only good in early games
suck later in mid to late game. ^_^
wish its a long gamer.
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