This map has some really interesting changes which will change a lot of strategies during the game. Anyway, download the map below and do read its changelog before you play.

DotA 6.78 Map Download
- DotA v6.78.w3x (7.88 MB)
Download the map file (with .w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III\Maps\Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map.
DotA 6.78 Map Changelogs:
Here's the complete list of DotA 6.78 Changelogs. They are kept in a different page due to their length.
Thanks to IceFrog and beta team for releasing this map earlier than expected. You may find some bugs/glitches in this release so don't worry, there will be sub-versions for e.g. DotA 6.78b/c/d which will fix all the issues. Also, DotA 6.78 AI will take some time to release. So be patient!
- DotA 6.78b Map
- Nerif, The Oracle Guide
- Kaolin, Earth Panda Guide
62 Comments yet..:
First blood!
Most epic map in the history of Dota
3 pandas .. wohhoo
Hahahahah.. that cancer lancer is fixed.. say good bye to invisibility get can't be destroyed now
Earth panda is awesome, will play soon as i get home =)
Panda spree!
Necrolyte ultimate is unfair, it shouldn't disable buyback option. I see Necrolyte mass picked every tournament game..
"Aghanim Scepter Guardian Angel AoE becomes global and affects buildings (including regen)"
Thanks for ruining the game
Bloodstone can be activated to instantly kill yourself . Best change so far.
huskar is too imba....
Instead of balancing Icefrog ruined the meta game. Some heroes remain overpowered while others received nerf hammer. See Lion for example. Ridiculous patch. I don't know what valvefrog are trying to accomplish here. I'm afraid Dota will soon become another HoN due to these unnecessary changes. Please revert back
"Aghanim's Doom duration doesn't count down while the target is within 550 range of Doombringer"
Worst map ever
People seem to be underestimating the Reaper's Scythe buff. Not the buyback one, but the one where all kills under the stun are credited to Necrolyte. That turns a "PLEASE DON'T STEAL THE KILL" crapshoot into a guaranteed 10 stacks of Sadism. That's HUGE.
Is it just me or was Puck massively buffed? No real nerfs to speak of, and euls, blink, talisman and force were buffed a lot. Bottle crow need is arguably a slight nerf to current Puck playstyle, but should in general be a buff in the long term.
Apart from that, it's curious how both DK and Kunkka who are both staple picks already got buffed.
wow . . 2 news hero? it's time to give it a try
switch to dota 2
i need ai map plsssss..
Dota 2 "hurriedly" updating for this patch with bug fixes = Cyborgmatt's latest content analysis DELAYED.
Неllo my lоνed one! I wish to saу
that this article іs aweѕоme, great written
and іncludе almοѕt аll important
infоs. I woulԁ likе to рeer more ρosts lіkе thіѕ .
Mу wеb ρage ... resistor band
The creator is awsomee .!!
phamtom lancer can use agahim?y i cant see any effect?
levelup ...6.78
Panda rules Dota i guess....
2 new heroes... NICE
theres a bug in gem item can't break it
theres a bug also in dagon, encountered bug when clash in mid occurred..
wow, that's great icefrog, i like this map.. .
gem item can't be break and it is also not a bug jigsgarcia...
Rampage!!!! Best map ever!!!
Imbalance -.-
Lion aga 20 sec cd Wtf
still so sad why dota 2 changed the pandas to men and giant rats.... -_-
very nice it is so lucky
arc warden's double can be seen as illusion, this sucks, sucks so hard
Still love the old ones,6.77c
Much more stable I think
Doom and Lion in 6.78 is Imba
what about the assasins and the bandits neutral creeps please make it!
Appa for aghanims?
Too superb for this version and do you still call it as balanced?
I cant wait for 6.78 AI map....
Plss Release it....
i need ai map please !!! hurry
arthu level 2 repell change and its is bad
arthus level 2 repell changes and it is bad
Dota 2 is for babies
Huskar is trash in this map
Need AI map Please .... :)
Huskar is more tanky now, but I like the hitter version more. :(
Oh and Medusa is now friggin' awesome. :))
Ai map pleasee!!!
when ai map release??
this is great 2 more great hero its good 2 try??
why i cant broke that fuking gem its a bug??
can kaldar initial damage be increased from 450 to 500? in next map
and also dagon got no affect to huskar.. wtf!
Oracle's spells are overpowered. Oracle + One healer + One striker can gang the whole opposing team. Vola!
Yes...Oracle can gangbang the whole opposing team...
Best part is,Lothar each....
oh my god!! new map!
why notepad
Make a map balanced, based on 1 vs 1, so that each player with your favorite hero can have a chance against the opponent's hero. Today is impoosível win playing with Snipper vs Barathrum. It's bad player loses the game early on, the wrong choice of hero. The cool would lose the game if your opponent makes the best items for your hero. Can you understand?
can you rework the whole reapers scythe i think disabling the buyback option is way too much
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