This patch is mainly focused on balance changes, no bug fixes are mentioned in the patch notes. Tranquil boots item has been been reworked, Keeper of the Light and Drow Ranger nerfed and Living Armor has also received changes. You can check details below!

DotA v6.77c.w3x (7.8 MB)
Download the WarCraft 3 TFT map file (.w3x) from the link above and paste it in "Warcraft III\Maps\Download\" folder. You must have patch 1.24e or 1.26a to play this map.
DotA 6.77c Changelogs (Patch Notes):
- Tranquil Boots disabled speed reduced from 50 to 25
- Tranquil Boots heal increased from 170 to 250
- Tranquil Boots cooldown increased from 40 to 60
- Tranquil Boots heal duration increased from 10 to 20
- Illuminate manacost increased from 150 to 150/160/170/180
- Illuminate AOE reduced from 400 to 350
- Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.75 to 2.25
- Spiked Carapace cooldown increased from 14 to 23/20/17/14
- Marksmanship bonus is removed when there are nearby enemy heroes (instead of just being halved)
- Reduced Marksmanship enemy detection aoe reduced from 400 to 375
- Heaven’s Halberd's Disarm is no longer dispelled by Manta
- Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges
It's surprising that there are no bug fixes done in this update or may be IceFrog forgot to put them in the changelogs. Anyway, you can now play the balanced new map. Also, the new series v6.78 will be arriving soon, keep checking DotA-Utilities for updates.
DotA 6.78
74 Comments yet..:
First blood!
nice update Icefrog
ROFL. he nerfed Drow ranger.. yes.. go pick her more noobs
drows screwed
Nice! Have been waiting for this. :D
Drow is handicapped once again, it was my only favourite hero :(
Drow balanced
Now Forget abt new map for next 2 or 3 months with this crappy release..
Good thing they nerfed drow, nice move Icefrog! was getting real sick of her >.>
whew.. i see this coming
was a pain seeing drow ranger every game...
I don't get why he changed Keeper of the light. He was okay -.-
Really good job
Poor Drow X'DD
WTF! My Tranquil T.T
Bye trax
how to download this damn thing??
why did keeper changed ...
Awww Yeaahhh! KotL is now balance... no more lane harassing much same as Drow. Good Job, IceFrog.
then drow ultimate will be useless la???
why not set Travex marksmanship into an active skills such as give bonus agility for limited of instances or time instead of passive.Keeper of the light should be buffed instead of nerfed such as when Keeper of the light is interrupted when channeling illuminate,it will deals damage in an aoe same as Alchemist second skill,chakra magic can used to burn enemy mana and while in light form increase KOL ms.Slightly increase CM and Techies ms,Nerf Arc warden ultimate becuz once it has good item it can finish off enemies pretty quick with double usage of item such as dagon,necromonian book even in early game.Change Dragonus arcane bolt into an aoe becuz this hero cant even stand against a creepwave and rework his ulti to be same as Jakiro ulti does.Although Razor has good missile speed but its damage and agi gain make him cant even fit into a ganker role,increase the duration of Razor passive and reworked his ulti please becuz it will only hits enemy units with lowest hp,this is pretty annoying becuz most of the times you failed to kill a low hp hero where there are creeps which its hp is even lower than his and who will be so stupid to stand there and being hit!!!buff his attack range to 500 instead of 475...and 25 more attack range can mean a kill for Razor.Please replace Visage ulti.Enigma shall can cast Midnight pulse while channeling Black hole and please lower the cooldown of Blackhole.Increase Omniknight base str or str gain,buff his agi grow and lower the cooldown of his ulti or increase the hp regen of ulti where a 25hp gain per sec for 7 sec is nothing even in early mid game.Increase Rubick 'Fade bolt damage per bounces instead of decreasing and pls replace Null field with another passive or active skills.
so we waited for 6 months for this? wow -.-
Drow Bye Bye!!!
nice map!!! :D
drow isnt ne dat good hero , she is just a 1 k hp creep , n usual pick of noobs . i dun care if she is murfed or buffed , m a pro :P
only noobs like those commenting here wud b afraid of drow..fucktards... i serve drow for breakfast..
KotL doesn't work in pubs, but was really overpowered in professional dota, hence the nerf. Good update!
I hope that in 6.68 Magnus' skewer range will be nerfed, PL should have increased mana cost or cooldown for his Dopplewalk and Venomancer's ult should not be debuff-able with Ghost Scepter.
we cant play easier dota because of their changes!
very lame changelog! fu..
wah.all of you scare on this hero.such noobs like you all shall not play dota or dota 2..why? because this map does not interesting when its too easy to play.need some hard challenge to be pro.come on man,just play the map.
nc map
Now we need is an AI map of this
is there any dota 6.77c ai out?
manta-linken bug..please fix..^_^
i want nerf on Luna..
it's getting more boring..
i was expecting a better improvement, the changelogs dont seem to be of any interest
claiming pro but afraid of traxex??...thats weird..too bad traxex
Finally. A map worthy for Drow to be balanced!
Drow's more balanced, every game I have either a drow ally or enemy, it's for lazy noob farmers that want very little to no effort in killing. what the fuck
sucks -_- i want the old phoenix back !
Please make Aghanim's Scepter upgradeable for All Hero ultimate (^^)
also for passive heroes .
and a visual effect for all Aghanim's Holders. (^^)
Please make Aghanim's Scepter upgradeable for All Heroes .
also for passive ultimate heroes like Mortred,Skeleton King.
and please make visual effect for all Aghanim holders .
please reduce the damage of drow ranger 3rd skill...
yea you guys should go make your own dota everyone looks like they are better than icefrog
May I know if any of you who played DotA v6.77b AI by Doomsday experienced some heroes losing their skills for some reason.
Can you give us a new map 6.78 on easter IceFrog? Give us few more new heroes and items, especially int heroes.
how to download this map
hey icefrog
please back the old phase shift !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im gonna quit dota ........
Drow ranger Bye BYEEE!!!
hey , icefrog , plz rework on troll. he is damn weak nw and dude add new hero like Thor(str) wid some semi-carry behaviour. its pankit9790 (garena id) , I do play in Indian dota room7
ice frog is just making its best to balance all the heroes to make the game more fun and longer...
woots? still people playing dota but not dota2? omfg lol
slow download
finally drow is somewhat balanced
all noobs nuff said...
any body can helf me.... how 2 downlod map 6.77c?
pls add more damage to thrall also ulti damage.. speed movement and strength..
found bug of crystal maiden's 2nd power it gets dissappred in between!! :( :(
Far ABOVE me just complaining about reworking and nerfing. In my opinion, Drow get balanced since she can kill even on lvl 1. KotL can got at leats double kill with just illuminate, so i think IceFrog did an okay job to balanced it. Omniknight doesn't have to get increased STR, you know what? His Passive is already damn thing. Razor is NOT ganker hero, with one lvl of Static Link you can kill 1 hero. Why i have to say this, because i'm sick to see all of Noob's Complains that just want to become more IMBA. Don't like my thought? Then You just a Damn Noob, I'm Pro.
I just hope IceFrog really make big changes in the next map. Like new heroes that never like before or well balancing skill or even reworking skill.
What? Scepter on all heroes? what would the carry-role heroes be? Think First Before Commenting Please!
WOOOOOHOOO !!!! ...Trax is screwed ,,,Noobs will now be Newbies =P
please create a new scourge strength hero. Guts from the manga Berserk!
verry nice map panget!!
Phoenix has been noober than last time,his sun ray suck now
lol all of you
it works with only roc installed?
drow becomes more weaker?
i dont think this map is good
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