Final Update:
IceFrog has officially released DotA 6.77c map with balance changes.
Here's a screenshot of the conversation:

So, it's official that DotA 6.77c won't be another bug fix version, instead it will contain new content from next DotA series. It is expected to be released within this month. What kind of changes you are willing to see in this update? Share your views and suggestions in the comment form below.
DotA 6.77b AI
56 Comments yet..:
First blood!
Cant wait to play new heroes..
i want to play mortar team so bad <3 Im sure hes gonna be new techies!!
please Ice, bring back the old treant protector new one is useless
the old tree ward spell and armor was good
pls remove slark too imba hero
fix tiny third spell craggy exterior it is not balanced,, please lower the stun chances
Why remove slark? are you noob or what? hes fine -.- you get pubstomped hard doesnt mean you start crying for hero removal @_@ learn to play
is kodo rider coming??
so dota 6.78 going to take more 6 months? :(
need old terrorblade
Please rework some treant protector skills specially his ulti..its good but coulb be better imo :/
plss bring skill treant back change the ulti back and put str hero for scourge,,,,scourge least str hero
i think craggy exterior is a good one for balancing some hitter heroes so :)
I love you icefrog!
silencer please... to strong
hey ice please make new heroes
ice pls make new heroes with interesting skill set
IceFrog we want new heroes man, fast!!!
i hope old soul keeper with zeal rework~
Are there any new additions to the taverns? Are you going to be taking Zet & Frostwyrm from 6.77 hope map? Are you going to buff up Bounty Hunter cause he practically sucks without good-farm in early-mid AND late-mid phase, a mino armor gain bonus or armor reduction bonus for 'Track' maybe? Please do!
Icefrog is busy create in dota 2
Remove techies/geomancer/bristleback/invoker from dota 6.78, they are cheat hero they dont match theme of dota
wtf! remove slark?! lol NOOB!!! slark is easy to kill early game. he is so soft. lol. maybe if that guy had a record of playing slark it would be 0-100. funny boy! "Remove techies/geomancer/bristleback/invoker from dota 6.78, they are cheat hero they dont match theme of dota" ALSO NOOB!
new heroes and items pls. i agree with old terror, the one with the zeal. also, treant not much of a factor anymore.
^ Noob player who got owned with those heroes.
i would want to have more heroes to choose from, more heroes=more fun
remove ranger ulti agility 2 strong
I would suggeest you to add more skill based heroes like Mirana and pudge =))
Nerf pl and magnus.
please add phoenix to the captain's mode
Please add phoenix in the captai's mode
remove drow ranger ulti...to strong
remove the passive regeneration and ms of slark's ulti and lower its manacost .
hey ice , plz reback the old terrorblade with zeal . . .
Nerf Luna please :3
traxex ulti is too strong...decrease the bonus agility
Please dont nerf puck :(
ork rider hero plz i want so bad to play a rider hero or for scurge chaos ork rider
new heroes... (:
Need More Heroes And Dont remove anything Icefrog There All just Weakling
new heroes please! ! !
change the range of mana steal of lion n cooldown its anowing and increase the range of pugna life steal after upgrade love ice frog !
we want the old terror blade, the one with the zeal.
and also the the trent with ward
PLEASE CONCENTRATE ON DOTA 1 NOT DOTA 2. I want more items and make roshan powerful!!!!
make change in visual animations, make some epic skills
paul ed said...
silencer please... to strong
LoL . silencer is fine . go and learn to ply.^_^
did you know? lifestealer can lifesteal! waah!
did you know?
lfestealer can lifesteal.
Silencer needs some Cooldown nerfs and I WANT THE OLD CENTAUR ULTY if i played centaur i want to be a 1 man army, his ulty now is not bad but the old one was a HAMMER would be nice to combine the old and new ulty cos centaur has 120 str on lvl 25 so he gets useless in late getting a HoT and other Str things will give you 100 more str, so 4 mee that is nothing dont want to hate, but he is too weak now and i want him beeing Badass again
make thrall additional power.. add him strength, movement speed, and more powerful damage.. i like his skill but his very weak..
pls add strength to thrall, movement speed, and more powerful damage, also ss damage.. pls make him strong.. he is very weak, but skill is very useful..
please add item build. in 6.78 ai.. please yea. my new team need it..
Traxex,viper,invoker are overpowered.first two are worst and invoker is fine.need new heroes,and believe u will surprise us.gud work so far.
Oh my! XD Can't wait.. I hope that It will be release this month of First week of May! :)) Can't wait guys! :X
when 6.78 will release?
please rework terrorblade conjurge image to became one again with metamorphosis. and ZEAL plisss . his so weak without attack speed
pliss rework tb with zeal
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