DotA v6.74 Map News and Updates. In the previous DotA 6.73 release, IceFrog introduced new heroes, items and other important changes which significantly affected the metagame. Now the DotA developer will probably be focusing on bringing some balance tweaks to the new heroes/items instead of adding more new stuff. So basically, DotA 6.74 will be more like a balance map.
Final Update (10 March, 2012):
The DotA 6.74 map has been officially released.
Update #1 by IceFrog (29 Feb, 2012):
In this update, IceFrog's gives us an insight about the upcoming patch confirming it to be a balance/stable map. He also tells us that the new content will be introduced in Dota 6.75.

Whatever changes IceFrog makes in DotA 6.74, we hope he releases the new map soon unlike v6.73 which took almost a half year to release. The community is not habitual to wait such longer period of time. Currently, there is only 1 update(s) regarding the 6.74, we will edit this page frequently with the news in the near future. In the meantime, you can share your suggestions for the upcoming patch via comment form below.
- DotA 6.74 AI
- DotA 6.73b
252 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»new 4 heroes again! :)
First Blood !
pls remove techies from the game.... the most annoying hero :@
6.74? cool :>
Add a hero! Gryphon Rider!!!!!
add Grphon Rider!!!
^ poor guy
Yeah remove techies from the game and add an another goblin instead :D
Dude it's part of the game
Nerf the ultimate of Legion commmander its very imba
i wish a crabmen hero
Thank You
Ai of 6.73 ?
haha 4 new heroes again....why don't you add edward lopez for the new hero
new hero like never,potm,invoker..!! :D
MOre soul for nevermore =)
FIRST BLOOD pumatakna ang dugo within 3mins ang bilis makabuo parang BasketBall lang make me like MIKE sa damikong kills akoy palaging GODLIKE
add KODO BEAST (STRENGTH TYPE) 1st skill Devour 2nd skill Thunder Clap 3rd Aura for attack speed Last Skill Throwing axe Damge 250?
dont remove techies T_T my favorite hero and cutest :)
Don't remove Techies! Don't listen this ppl!
Pudge 2000 range ^_^
Nooo i like Techies... the Hero was Owesome lea... I can get Rampage on it..
Thanks for doing updates!!!
Thanks for doing updates
pls improve -ms of some heroes
Fix legion commander ultimate it is too imba!!
add ai v6.73
Remove Xin
i played many games against Xin, n i only won 1 game with PL....Xin is very imba hero....I will copare his skills with others here
1. Xin's Searing Chains is 300 damage + 3 sec stun >> any other earlier heroes skills (except ulti)(u can not give 300 damage n 3 sec stun together...way too imba)
2. Xin's Flame Guard does 45 DPS with magic reduction > Dark seers Iron Shell 90DPS + Abaddon's
Aphotic Shield
3.Xin's Sleight of Fist does 120 BONUS Damage to all in 550 aoe....r u fu**kining retard
4. Xin's Fire Remnant has 1500 range with ) mana cost n )cool down + huge damage >> Storm Spirit's Ball Lightning which uses mana according to Distance traveled
6.73 ai plssssss
Great :)
haha ferreria
Hey! can you increase the speed of Avernus pls!
hey and make aphotic shield 400 for lvl4 and make the 4th skill more duration but balance it icefrog i know you can do this favor....YOU'RE THE MAN!!!
can they add a mode to know your current attack speed like the "-ms" does to know your current movement speed?
add the frost wyrn
treant also like the creeps of the sentinel like the scourge
hero nai'x looks like the scourge creeps
You got to nerf Ember Panda a little.
You got to nerf Ember spirit a bit... his cloak is a little to imba
love the new heroes specially Tresdin very... very... imba :D
make it all default MOVEMENT SPEEDS OF ALL HEROES TO 355 in the beginning!
uhm.... i want a mode that all the 5 heroes can make a clash without surviving just like a DEATHMATCH in warcraft laddermatch game. and the reward is, if every player or a team who survive in that mode, they will win 500(times of # heroes killed) gold instantly. I HATE CLASH IN DoTA THAT WILL SOMEONE WHO WILL SURVIVED! AND THAT'S "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST MODE". it will appears only every 10 minutes of the game.
nerf the new heroes for sure. They are annoying public games as in competitive games. Ember spirit's skills should have higher cooldowns or else it'd be insane, and btw remove his third skill by a passive skill.
pls make the other panda like earth panda :)
cool map.. i want to play dota 6.74 ^_^
i want frost wyrm
GJ NIce WOrk
plz make roshan more hard as i kill him in lvl 3
can there be other heroes like the buildings of sentinel other than rooftrelen?
Cute ako
nice map!
Make a hero named icefrog :P
add a goblin hero bcuz their my favroutes and dont remove techies plz and add some cool heroes and very strong
Ember Spirit is very imba...he has great survivality and escaping skills... pls make changes soon
We can't be sure when 6.74 is ready for download. I mean we don't know when it will be released too :P
Drosato Power
human hero like admiral,sniper..add more human hero dude..i'm bored of
I want Earth Panda
nerf ember plzzzz
Add Rare Heroes Not From Warcraft Models Download The Other Awesome Models!
dont make a another set of heros for this map just focus on the imbalances caused by the new heroes...... fixing the bugs....... and please make an dota version update that have EXTENDED MAX MEMORY FOR THE MAPS.... for me dota 2 sucks... PLS. FIX THE IMBALANCES ESPECIALLY EMBER SPIRIT.... damn that hero make the whole game sucks... then make another map 6.75 there you can add more heroes if you want... but in 6.74 just fix the imbalances fix REMAKE OF EMBER SPIRIT... that hero is soo IMBA
make frost wyrm a hero not a courier!
make frost wyrm a hero! not a courier!
the legion commander is not a balnced hero....imba
I want a Gobli Hero in 6.74
make a goblin hero with six skill :D named DarkKiller=Jabikal :) many hero will be release????
i want the human hero and a wolves please
i dont think there will be new hero in 6.74............
new hero for 6.74, plis add golems, robots, and human heroes, also add new items plizz
add additional movement speed to units that chen controls?.. I cant easily position and chase with those units....
add a hero like the archers in ragnarok :)
they do have falcon that strikes enemies by chance :)
1st skill: a falcon will strike enemies in an AoE and knockback enemies, dealing damage...
2nd: BearTraps used for hunting or anti-escaping.. can be set like pit lord's pit of malice but can only be triggered by heroes.
3rd: In every attack, there is a chance that will make a falcon to strike an enemy, dealing bonus(pure?) damage and leaving a stackable buff that increases the chance for another strike of the falcon with increased bonus (pure?) damage...
ulti: A scouting falcon may be, targetted in an area then flies (idea like windrunners powershot) to reveal the area(true sight) for 5 seconds and adds bonus range to the hero within the interval...
how to update dota 4 ?
add CHUCK NORRIS in the game!
no 6.73ai.
i want a vampire hero!!!
i want gargoyle, gryphon rider, the wendigo monster and the komodo beast .. :))
Human like the sentinel and scroge seller..
Hero and wolves like gemini in HON
everyonw here is all weaklings... they dont know the sense of play.... noobs
Chuck Norris with gun
Green Goblin With Warglaive Of Azzinoth
add the elemental fire
dota 3 must be like dota 2 graphics. upgrade the games graphics. dota 2 is not awesome..... blizzard should make warcarft 3 awesome in graphics like diablo 3!
i want icefrog and blizzard to improve or remake warcraft 3 or the dota map of icefrog. improve the GRAPHICS like DIABLO 3. the truth is DOTA 2 is not awesome. they are not ANCIENT, THEY ARE ALIENS! WARCRAFT3 FROZEN THRONE AND DOTA MAP ROCKS!!!!!
make a hero who uses wind stuff
add MILITIA agi type. Last Skill +agi 1st skill cleave 2nd skill Stun 3rd skill blink strike
i wan't vampire's! make vampire! i want vampire more vampire please more vampire i really want vampire go vampire we want vampire waiting for vampire getting ready for vampire looking for vampire hero i want vampire hero FTW vampire i love vampire vampire rocks i love bambi.. xD please add vampire in the game
change the ember spirit and maybe change the map by making more ward spots and more juking places.
is there a dota 6.73 ai map already???
Dude techies Is art of the game if you cant beat techies then your a noob cant even defeat techies
ember spirit is not imba hero you noobs, dota has a counter hero to each other , like anti mage it counters any mana user hero, its just like xin, do you think xin can match drow ranger or sacred warrior with lifesteal?? its just like that, legion commander right?hes ss is 4.5 sec single target of axe's berserker call of 3s with 30armor???? what the fuck are you saying legion commander's ss were overpowered?
Please REmove ShaDow DEMon hes SAD :(
dota be glory ! ^_^
imba !
how about add some lanes in dota...^^...
lol are you guys cant understand simple English? 6.74 map is only for the balance of new heroes/ added hero is specified in the news.
make dota 6 v 6. footman hero elven archer hero.
make a character like the human his ulti is people power
and the wolves like in the farm site
add chuck norris and bruce lee as anew hero wahahahaha and the expendable casts! wahahahaha
Add Earth panda hero he is the only one missing. If hes added hell probably have a disable skill(probably throwing a boulder/stun).Passive Bash or Pulverize similar to warlocks infernal. Something that makes him tanky and others with earth and rocks
Earth Spirit!
Earth Spirit!
Plss..Dont remove techies that guy is annoying not techies
i hope pudge can use blink...
wkwk XD
Pls add Marine hero or Space Fel Orc or maybe add the Blood Elf Lieutenant....They are all agi heroes....I really want the Blood Elf Lieutenant to be added....=D
its not earth spirit its ground spirit like ember spirit in pandarens ulti is fire spirit
solid/liquid hero plz...
add ice golem theres no golem hero.. except for undying's flesh golem skill
Pls make a new skill for nevermore
if u remove techies the game will be boring -_-
Pls add more heroes and items!!!!
Add A Earth Spirit So Theirs A combo
yeah add eart spirit so thier complete.
fix the bug plz.....and also nerf the new heroes
when does dota2 will be release???
i hate xin special his 3rd skill !@!@!
add CHUCK NORRIS as a new hero.. and his ulti is KARATE.. XD
Please change huskar's ulti.
wish there was a hero.......Grim reaper.......:-)
Add Earth panda hero he is the only one missing. If hes added hell probably have a disable skill(probably throwing a boulder/stun).Passive Bash or Pulverize similar to warlocks infernal. Something that makes him tanky and others with earth and rocks!! Cool
dagon 7 ! with a 1000 burst damage!
add nyo hero Name Pukti---Puke and Tite
6.73 ai first, its really long time wait, i hope i can help to make that happen fast.
more item slot. . . !
awesome that would be delightful
please release the last brother of the pandas!!!
please add the ice phoenix
ai of 6.73 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
hope it will be 4 more new hero again^^
Put some new cool heroes!
Y no one wants a water spirit?
add jackie chan as hero....his ulti is blast kick
74 bobo
NO MORE NEW HEROES. all we need is balanced /stable map. add some new modes / features in the game.
EMber SpiriT iS so ImbA
ember spirit is so imba.........
Add a another support hero like a Catapult 1st kill:Throw units,2nd skill:Nuclear Throw,3rd skill:Oil spread The last kill:All heroes will be die if their life is below 10% Just type (!) If you agree with this post!
add the next panda hero the earth panda of pandaren..
remove the minimap, so other players can't use maphack.. maphack sucks!!
6v6 LOD Map please...
Plss ADD The Lich KING
New power ups please!!!.......
Well, I hope that Xin's bug with Ghost is on work now.
That's trullyyy soomeeethiiinggggg annooyyinngg in late game ><! when he have plenty of mana.
yeah add the lich king..he's the one that missing!!!!! make him a str. hero with frost attack..and don't remove techies...
i hope barathum can use invis like lothar when charging and can charge every target even team for escape. thx :)
i think new runes should be put into 6.74 cuz it's kinda boring now that there are still 4 runes available
Plzz nerf Ember....his skills are way too imba....compared to other heros....his third is also way too imba..........
released date march 14
Can add some new types of power ups. And Change some skills of some HERO'S
when dota 6.73 AI can be download???
Pls remove roshan, we dont nid it
ARRGGHH!!! Please release the 6.73 ai
can i request a new heroes
make morph ulti upgradeable using aghanim scepter, so his clon can use skill
As a player i can agree : ember spirit and legioncommander are way to imba. As well for s.mage ...his aoe is way to overpowered.
Also as new heroes i suggest :
- an inteligence hero from tha satyr would be fun to have a hero like the satyr hellcaller and a mate for rikimaru :)
-a golem type character.Even if undead char got his meat golem ulty it would still be good to have a towering colossus on your side.Strenght hero of course
-last but not least i recommend add-ing "Brigand".Good char with exelent animation and presentation.I would recommend to give him his brother "enforcer" skill :"evasion" but a little buffed up...lets say from 15% to 20% or like so.
I didn't have time to think for possible skills ,but i think that these chars deserve a chance.
As for affiliation i recommend neutral tavern.
Sorry for my bad english :)
add a dragon type hero please
need a 73 ai
need more ai maps
please update the last skill of 'skywrath mage' we can stuck aganeims. and change the 3rd skill of 'bristleback'...
the best! of the west! --azor
Yeah.. Maybe adding some runes would be good :)
i want the earth panda...............I LIKE PANDAS
When 6.74 can be download?
When 6.74 can be download?
i wnt to know the other dota tips like on the left side of the page (Did You Know?) the skill tips ? can you put that on the loading screen ? ^^
add a new hero gryphon rider...
and a dragon hero...
or add a hero from dota imba just balance them so the game gonna be fun and more heroes...
iwant you to create a poweful roshan
how can I download IMBA DOTA !!
AdD 2 cArRy and 2 supPort heroes.. Release 6.73ai plz
lower the duration of Dragonus' 3rd skill...It's way too long
and make roshan much stronger
-----GooD BeaR-----
don't add new heroes in .74 fix the bugs imbalances first
how to DL??
I think they should release a new patch(1.27.But before they make that they should put another room for Garena Room 50 1.27
i cannot believe there is such a fool person who wants techies deleted from game.
add hero like turtle and add a hero telekinetic blob (fun hero)
i hope barathrum can do mooncharge like michael jackson
i just want icefrog to improve heroes ms
add chuck norris :)
please add roshan in tavern
add roshan binggo!!! hahahaha
add more str for big size hero such as pit lord and tauren, big size mean easy to hit. and it's just irational kunka with human model has more str growth than tauren that represent an ox with durability
This will be fun, I hope.
add god heroes like zues!! :))
add chuck norris pls..
How about earth panda with these skills:
1st: Boulder Trow(2 sec stun with 280 max damage)
2nd: Bash?
3rd: Rock Armor(Just like tinys craggy exterior but no stun)
ss: Grand Slam(Jumps on an area and stuns at an aoe)
xin is the BEST!!!!!
ps....make 1 more spirit panda from str hero...
introduce a new hero!!! like a Infernal or something
PLEASE add a hero much like PUCK the FAERIE DRAGON, coz it's very challenging to use, more IMBA moves.
when can be download 6.74?
make a peaceful zone near fountain.Heros will be unavailable. sometimes peaople use hook on pudge to catch spawned heros in my opionion this is unfair
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