Rename Your Garena Account Free

Rename Garena Account
When Garena redesigned their website/forums. They offered ability of renaming/changing username for free to certain accounts who have GG, EU, MY, PH or RU tags in their usernames. After seeing this change those existing users who didn't have special tags in their usernames where willing to change their Garena username free of cost. Since, a lot of users were asking, Here's a trick which will allow you to rename your current Garena account for free.

Update: Garena Team has already fixed this trick. Therefore, It is not working anymore.

Guide, How to rename Garena account for Free:

1. Register a Garena account with these GG, EU, MY PH or RU tag using the link below:

Garena GG account
Remember: When creating an account with a special tag, make sure it matches the following examples.

I.E - GG_YourNameHere, EU_YourNameHere or MY_YourNameHere etc.

Only use underscore [ _ ] as a seperator or it will not work.

2. Now, you have account with a special tag. Login it at:

Rename Garena account

3. You will see a popup window on your special tag account which will allow you to change your username, Don't do anything leave as it is.
Change username Garena

4. Open a new tab or window on your Web Browser and visit and Log out your account from the right corner.
Login to Garena portal

5. Login your other Garena account (of which you want to change the username)

6. Now, Go to web browser's window/tab you left at Step #3.

7. Enter the new nickname of your Garena user account, click apply.
garena account

8. Enjoy, Your Garena account will be renamed for free, now you can login on Garena client with your new username.

Garena Rename card

Notes & Warnings:
1. Use this trick at your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anythings happen to your Garena account.
2. Change of Username may take some time depending on the load on Garena servers.
3. If you make any mistake, this trick won't work.
4. Keep visiting DotA-Utilities for more updates!

164 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

nice dude...

Anonymous said...

Trying, imba trick :D

Anonymous said...

WORKINGGGGGG!!!!! renamed a dummy account

Anonymous said...

Sad to see this thing revealed in public :@

Anonymous said...

you are one selfish kid who dont want to share this thing on public

Anonymous said...

NICE !!!!

i was searching this for 3 days

thnx du

Anonymous said...

only new account can change?

Anonymous said...

Cant put weird fonts ???

Anonymous said...

im just gonna do it in a legal way..

arwin said...

wicked sick!! haha.

arwin said...

this worked. nice. haha.

how i wish nobody gets banned by garena.

Anonymous said...

all usernames are taken it shows

and GG_xxxx is not allowed

rest (EU MY RU etc alowed)

Anonymous said...

@ 11:03 ... have you ever read an article proper in your whole life?

Anonymous said...

zzz, use your real name..

Anonymous said...

nice just renamed my 38 lvl acc ^^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why cant i put ^ or ) symbol? :(

Anonymous said...

nice xD

Anonymous said...

wow first blood xD........imba

Anonymous said...

cant log in on servers.. huhu :(( help me

Anonymous said...

Cant login on any servers but i change it na :( it said that invalid username or account not enabled, please try again! anyone could help?????????

RanRan said...

Do i have to verify my email address?. i've already changed my old account's usename. but when i log in at Garena.exe it doesnt work

Anonymous said...

I no see the pop up window.

Anonymous said...

nice nice nice nice >>>>>>>

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't login my new named account. o.o But it is changed in . Just can't login on garena client.

Anonymous said...

Working Fine! and I hope we get to keep it!

Anonymous said...

Use your original Username on logging in
do not use your new nickname on the client

Anonymous said...

wohh! i just renamed my lvl 43 gg! ^^

RanRan said...

THank you dota-utilities. It worked for me. :) Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

tards it will take some time for garena to update.....zzzzz

Anonymous said...

Use at own risk?
so does it mean that you might get banned?
your account my get destroyed?

I Need Help said...

Guys, do you mind lending me dummy accounts with special tag? The newly registered ones can't seem to log in on the new site..

NoobOnly said...

can I borrow a dummy account from you guys?
when I register it in the old site is okay but when I log it in the redesigned website it says "User Does Not Exist".

Anonymous said...

yes, pls lend a account wit special tag

Anonymous said...

imbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NICE ONE !!

Anonymous said...

lol..what for

Anonymous said...

yeah!! 1 id plzz... :P cant register nw..

Anonymous said...

Awesome !!!

eXces said...

THX! it worked

Anonymous said...

WORK yea!

Anonymous said...

Working:D:D no bann / no account lost, is working!!

Anonymous said...

After 1 night already..
I just can found that my new nickname can be search in Garena..
But why can log in it ?
need to use new nickname or old one to log in ?
help thanks...

Anonymous said...


FROM GG.NET im hyuoro im noobs

Anonymous said...

cant use colour name...

Anonymous said...

fixed :( it doesn't work

Anonymous said...

It won't work! They fixed it already? >.<

Anonymous said...

damn always Sorry, your selected username

Anonymous said...

not working now btw i am very happy as i changed my nick :D but its not working by 2:9:2010

Anonymous said...

Doesn't work.... garena fixed it i think

Anonymous said...

it doesn't work anymore :( i followed every step

Anonymous said...

ahahahahha no mre free renamae card

zyberakuma said...

confirmed doesnt work now. i was late zzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

WoW.. :D It's now working.. maybe we just need some time for it to work.

Anonymous said...

We are not proceeding to change your username as your current username is valid.
Please purchase a username changer from the shop.

Anonymous said...

:( wt working anymore

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We are not proceeding to change your username as your current username is valid.
Please purchase a username changer from the shop.

Anonymous said...

Its Working now i hv changed my 25lvl id yup....

Anonymous said...

omfg i want to change my user ID

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thx a lot :D
i am successfully rename few times :P

but now garena admins end freedom... :(

Anonymous said...

It Worked!!!
Try Log In to change name for free....
Dont Vist X

Anonymous said...

any name with those GG,EU,PH,MY + _ are not working...
its always taken like EU_saadadfsa
any letter combination doesnt work GG

Anonymous said...

its getting debugged..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no longer works

Anonymous said...

if ur name is colored can it b change to non colored??

Unknown said...

Too bad, i did not make it..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

plz think about another way.
I renamed only twice

Anonymous said...

nahhhhhhhhh :(

Anonymous said...

@Above me.
How to login on to change name,when i do it it told me,We are not procceding to change........
What to do?
my skype name: vukasin.lukic

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ok not working as of sept 03

Anonymous said...

even in hays. its too late :(

Anonymous said...

i hope some1 gets banned..ahahah

Anonymous said...

Now basically , if u tried to keep renaming but fail , ur pw will be changed by garena . =.=

Anonymous said...

there is no pop up??
thats why how can i change username

Darkxlegion said...

guys THIS rename bug isnt working anymore is it fixed? plz tell

Anonymous said...

isn't work more :D

Unknown said...

its not taking any username with MY,EU shows alredy tken...wat to do ????

i tried all the possibilites

Anonymous said...

my acoount change to aron28 hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Can you upadte this or make this bug active,that can really change our names please!Thank You

Anonymous said...

WTF Since when did the garena thing repairs thing so fas? @@

Anonymous said...

It fixed

Anonymous said...

All Over? Is the thing finished or will we get another opportunity to change?

Anonymous said...

can i rename i highlevel account ? ... doesn't have "GG" "DU" "EU" ...

Anonymous said...

any other ways to rename GG account for free? :)

Anonymous said...

I tried for the milion times to cr8 a new account, but i cant, its 2 complicated. I dont see popup window enywere..................

Anonymous said...

yes at last!! I can change my name without creating another account..I'll realy try this one..

Anonymous said...

Aint Working AnyMore.. Fogt Abt This!! :)xD

Anonymous said...

i have problem sir..I already registered in when i login in says..User Doesn't exist.Pls help me

Anonymous said...

new account can change their user?? but old user can't change thier user..!..FUCK what is that..

Anonymous said...

i got new acc. when i log in it says
"Data retrieval exception, please try later!"

i does mean it wont work?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how does it done??

RISHABH said...

yeah this trick is bloked...sad :(

Anonymous said...

Violences LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL -> Violences

Anonymous said...

doesnt work , just tested.

Anonymous said...

yeah me too

Anonymous said...

Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at


Anonymous said...

i got i question..if i want 2 change my account but i cant type my account coz it has colour code account..pliz giv me answer..

Anonymous said...

garena doesnt let me use those prefix

Anonymous said...
this page is displaying error ! HELP I BEG U

Anonymous said...

please i beg u i want color..hua33

Anonymous said...

Curry FTW

Anonymous said...

man i can't understand 3rd step some help ? :)

miko said...


Anonymous said...

no pop up at all.T_T

Anonymous said...

Why is there no pop-up?!?!??

Anonymous said...

it already said that this trick is not working anymore, because the administrators already fixed this bug..

Anonymous said...

awp.. its already unworking!! :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what if your theres no pop out in your account if you log in your account?

Anonymous said...

how can i register new account with a color now?

Anonymous said...

290 Shell - how many money?

Anonymous said...

i just use it just now , u can change ur name if that thing pop up , but dont use this |"!~ < this cannot work , just use number and letter only

Anonymous said...

can we rename the user with color code?

Anonymous said...

how to rename it

Anonymous said...

Hello aLL.. please if somebody could give me account up 20 lvl whitch contains letters: ^'- and atc.. whitch what I can change name..please I need it.. my skype: lifestealer600 give me please I'll be thankfull.. : )))

Anonymous said...

Hello aLL.. please if somebody could give me account up 20 lvl whitch contains letters: ^'- and atc.. whitch what I can change name..please I need it.. my skype: lifestealer600 give me please I'll be thankfull.. : )))

Anonymous said...

Internet brutality.

Anonymous said...

i hate fix bugs!!!!

Anonymous said...

i HATE bugs FIXING ..!!damn it

Anonymous said...

Update: Garena Team has already fixed this trick. Therefore, It is not working anymore

Anonymous said...

i cant change :( still working? plz answer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

me too ....hate bug fixing totaly wtf

Anonymous said...

what is a popup

Anonymous said...

please help me!!!! i cant see popup in garena help me

joemarthe said...

there are no shell

Anonymous said...

In my part, it doesn't show any pop ups :| How about that?

shadada said...

who has dummy accounts can i borrow?

Anonymous said...

who has dummy account?

ahmadfirdausz said...

is it still work now?

Anonymous said...

Read the update above .. they said "Garena Team has already fixed this trick. Therefore, It is not working anymore."

Anonymous said...

Server not foung. (page)

Anonymous said...


damn it!

Anonymous said...

uhh.... kinda agree with pwnner

Anonymous said...

ZZZ i ddidnt know how !:(

Anonymous said...

but how do we color our name???

Anonymous said...

server didn't work wtf can't i change my garena name ????

Anonymous said...

not work

Anonymous said...

im late :(

Anonymous said...

plzz change my name snaplangboy03 to L|c000ff000ance

Anonymous said...

Dont work anymore?

Anonymous said...

but wht will happen to those who dont hve special tags in their usrname does that mean we have to make another id

Unknown said...

Can Any 1 Lend me A Fake id so i can chg my name? :)
Name > MinKz._.DnB
Gold Member

Unknown said...

nothing happen

Ah HeNg said...

who can hlp me do..plz
i dun know how to do...sad
plz hlp
plz hlp

Garenaplayer said...

Times UP !! Doesnt work anymore

eiyka @ ika said...


Anonymous said...

:D HAHAHAAHAHA thanks :D it works .... yeahh

Anonymous said...

Why cant I go to the link? please help

Anonymous said...

can we rename a acc to colr name?

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

it doesnt work. Page not Found

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The connection was reset - says the provided link

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.

Anonymous said...

How to create garena account?????..............

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