Range: 525
Movement Speed: 295
Hero Type: Strength
Starting Armor: 0
Starting Damage: 33-42
Agility: 14 + 1.6
Strength: 17 + 1.9
Intelligence: 23 + 1.7
Io, The Guardian Wisp Spells:

Io tethers himself to an allied unit, granting both units bonus movement speed. Any enemy units that contact the tether will be stunned. The tether will break if it stretches beyond 900 units. Lasts 12 seconds.
Movement Bonus: 20/25/30/35%
Stun Duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0
Cooldown: 12
Manacost: 40
If you try to tether a unit that is a outside its range (by up to 900) Io will latch on and pull himself closer to the unit.
Tether transfers other states on the hero to the allied unit. This includes Overcharge, Relocate and any time you regenerate hp/mp.
Note: Has a sub ability that lets you break the tether.
Credit: Based on Tether from http://www.playdota.com/forums/215750/intel-sentinel-io-aurora-wisp/

Io summons 5 ancient Spirits over the course of 6 seconds; the Spirits dance around Io in a circle to protect him. If an enemy hero moves close enough to touch a Spirit, the Spirit releases its life energy in a burst, damaging and slowing all enemies in a 300 area of effect. Non hero units only take minor damage upon touching a spirit and do not cause them to explode.
You have two sub abilities. One to move them outwards and one to call them back in. You can stop them at any distance by toggling the ability order.
Damage per Spirit: 25/50/75/100
Slow: 30%
Cooldown: 14
Manacost: 120/130/140/150

Io draws on more energy than he can safely handle, granting him bonus attack speed, but draining 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally the bonus attack speed is also granted to that ally.
This is a toggle ability.
Attack Speed: 60/80/100/120
Note: This bonus affects a tethered unit as well.

Io temporary relocates himself, along with any tethered hero, to the target location for 12 seconds.
There is a casting delay and the enemy has visual indicators on the minimap and the world of the teleport before it happens.
Cast Delay: 2.5/2.25/2.0
Cooldown: 80/60/40
Manacost: 100
Note: If an allied hero is Tethered, that hero will teleported along with you. You can break the tether at any time to prevent that hero from returning back with you. -disablehelp is available for this ability.
Io, The Guardian Wisp Spell/Skill Build:
Coming soon..
Io, The Guardian Wisp Item Build:
Guarian Wisp item build will be posted here soon..
Io, The Guardian Wisp Strategy Guide & Gameplay:
coming soon, under construction..
- DotA 6.69
- Thrall, The Farseer Guide
- Aurel Vlaicu, Gyrocopter Guide
- Eredar, The Shadow Demon
56 Comments yet..:
first blood!!!!
wow thats cool
cant wait for 6.68
love this hero !
oop 2nd blood
guys...IMBA WISP....its rly imba...bets sup hero...IMBA dps hero( madnes & Hyper stone=Holyshit),and str type hero...what u want now?! OMG just say IMBA PLZ
lol GREAT hero this hero will be a great support for heros with damage and this hero itself also is good. Imba hero I like this hero........ :) beware for the new generation of DotA
so sad icarus is not there
I have just found a bug...
nice ss !!! hihihihi 12 sec delay b4 going back 2 the original place and the 5 orbs has a good damage ^^
ahahahah this hero sux
Ye, this hero sux xD
very nice hero
Manta works with teather
mann i got pawned
nice support hero...if 1v1 too bad...=(
cant w8 for 6.68 AI
imba heroooo..got rampage..get(speling error)on items
armlet of morgidean
asult gg
wtf is IMBA?????
50% of dota players are filipino IMBA
i've used this hero its awesome...\m/
for those who said this hero sux, they don't know wisp capabilities Pick Wisp and ask your ally to puck Ursa... then wallaaah!!! best support hero and a Dps hero also
failure... first try 0 kill 11 death -.- i wont ever try this char again^^
but good hero when he supported me i had been unstoppable.. (as antimage)
imba is unconquerable
imba wisp
Wisp is only powerful when out of range, its skill had slow but no match with someone with blink...........
this hero rock with necromonicon with dagon>.>>>>
Well i make a good item for it.. its a Strenght type Hero, but it's very low life.. so the item Satanic is good for him because of Lack of HP and this hero has Overload skill(ASPD),.
Well this is my build for this Hero,
1. Threads Strenght(Use:HP,ASPD,10DAMAGE)*Not Phase because i have lothar and 2nd skill has slow
2. Lothar's Edge(Self GB, Escape, and In)
3. Dominator(Dominator so you can live more longer in a clash) after Radiance make it *Satanic*.
4. Radiance (It's good with your 2nd skill DPS for creeps and Hero's)
5. Assault Cuirras(Why?, it's rare to use this item, this hero is very low defense means*Malambot sya kahit STR*) It can also Lower the defense of the Enemies
6. its up to you..
*But*(Eye of Skadi for me) Its not Orb Effect because Guardian Wisp is a Long range STR..
very Advantage:
i make Lothar first for a self GB using 2nd and SS then Lothar so they cant see you while using Spirits,
but i hate Those Map hackers that see's you.. haha!
warcraft come to be a super mario
Great Hero.. But... Hard to Play... !!
@Akiha i'd prefer BD over lothar
empty bottle middle lane...
Spirit, Relocate, Stat farmer build
sucks at end game (very low base damage at level 25)... stick with supporting allies
requires precision control of spirits, not for noobs
dagon 5 to scare away blinkers
Overcharge was Raijin's old 3rd skill
this hero is too strong.
imba toh mga pre! lakas support at instant teleport at gank amp!!!
grabe lakas ng hero na toh
powerful hero!!! imba support.
build would be meka, dagon
Dagon lvl 5 will be nice w/ thid hero cause you can teleport at any place then kill a hero who is trying to escape in red life... very imba...
the build for this hero is
TARASQUE(for unlimited overcharge for HP,stength and HP)
GUINSOO(unlimited mana for overcharge)
Arcane boots
Force staff
DAMN TOO IMBA... Hope icefrog change a bit the skills
Its not imba it will imba when the item build is sange yasha then assault cuirass then lothars edge
Ty sa guide for ^_^V
pick thrall and wisp's ulti is useless.use thrall's glimpse skill when he tele to gank u and wisp will just be send back to where he was.
the next time u pick wisp and see thrall on the other side,please say "DAMN"
That doesn't really matter when wisp will still teleport back to that same spot anyways
my skill build up:
my item build up for wisp:
1. soul ring (dispose at late game)
2. powerthreads (then travel at lategame)
3. dominator (satanic after buriza)
4. crystalis (buriza after butterfly)
5. butterfly
6. MKB
7. item may depend
creeping technique:
at level 7 u will own the creeps, try this:
-use spirits and 3sec b4 expire, ss to lanes with more creeps. spirits will blow and kill all creeps at cd.
oh..im so annoyed by this linken spear thing,why linken block some passive skill's like the skill 2 of sniper..i wish icefrog will change this linken thing...
seriously? are you guys trying to steal farm/creeps from your "real carry" heroes with those builds above?
start items :
- 1/2 tango or 1/2 salve
- 1 magic stick (then magic wand)
- 3 gg braches
- chick/wards if needed
then :
- str thread, convert to int based on situation
- bottle, tele back to fountain (ult), fast heal+mana with ur teamate
- for survival : BKB or ghost scepter, depends on enemy heroes, and maybe vanguard
- tele scroll/wards/salve/dust
- try get pipe for sup, or just get more HP, OR save gold for buyback if u are in an endgame tight match..
optional :
- get bassilius and/or headress>>meka if u babysit u'r carry hero
this way, u wont be yelled by your team/clan (if u have one)
Tried wisp+tide... wipped out the whole enemy team =)
Mekanism, Arcane Boots for support and Perse for regg, didn't have time or needed to buy anything else...
IMBA, only if you know how to play with it and you have a good support like Pudge or Ursa, even Tide because of his stun...
if it could heal towers like a normal wisp
does it need any bracers at early game???? plz answer ASAP id like 2 learn how to use this hero
hahaha wow.. this hero is my idol..
this hero is very nice i prefer using mom rather than domintor wew..for me use vanguard 4 this hero in early game coz wtf a strength hero with zero base armor!.wew!
lol those who feed with this hero are thrash =)
you are thrash lol
This is a good hero LOL. I always gain Beyond Godlike on this hero.Tether and Spirits will do the Job :) all you have to do is use your mind.HAPPY GENSAN WARRRIORS
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