Eredar, The Shadow Demon Stats:

Hero Class: Shadow Demon
Hero Name: Eredar
Team: Scourge
Type: Intelligence
Range: 500
Movement Speed: 295
Hero Type: Intelligence
Starting Armor: 3
Starting Damage: 53-57
Agility: 18
Agility Per Level: + 2.2
Strength: 17
Strength Per Level: + 1.9
Intelligence: 26
Intelligence Per Level: + 2.7
Magic Damage Reduction: 25%
Damage Reduction: 17%
Eredar, Shadow Demon Spells, Skills & abilities:

Eredar banishes the target to a dimensional pocket for 2.5 seconds, removing it from play for the duration. Upon return two images of the target are created under Eredar's control which last for 6 seconds.
Displacement duration: 2.5 seconds
Illusion Outgoing Damage: 30/40/50/60%
Illusion Incoming Damage: 150%
Illusion Duration: 6 seconds
Cast Range: 700
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 16
Note: Can target enemy, ally or self.

Ererdar lays a curse on an area; one random enemy unit in the area is afflicted with the curse, causing it to take increased damage for 12 seconds.
Damage Amplification: 20/30/40/50%
AOE: 500
Cast Range: 600
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 13
Ability Code: A1SB

Eredar casts forth a shadowy poison which deals 50 damage and afflicts all it touches for 10 seconds. If a unit is affected again in this duration, the toxin will be renewed and amplified exponentially. At the end of the duration, the shadow poison deals extra damage for each time it affected the victim. You have small vision over affected heroes.
Each stack increases the damage it would deal exponentially, up to 4 stacks.
Level 1 Per stack: 20/40/80/160 + 50 each further stacks
Level 2 Per stack: 35/70/140/280 + 50 each further stacks
Level 3 Per stack: 50/100/200/400 + 50 each further stacks
Level 4 Per stack: 65/130/260/520 + 50 each further stacks
AOE: 150
Travel Distance: 1500

Manacost: 50
Note: This has a sub ability to let you release the poison at any time.

Eredar casts a powerful demonic purge on a target enemy, removing all positive buffs. The purged target slowly regains its movement speed over 4 seconds. At the end of the purge the target takes damage.
Damage: 200/300/400
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 200
Eredar, Shadow Demon Item Build:
coming soon...
Eredar, Shadow Demon Skill Build:
coming soon..
Eredar, Shadow Demon Strategy Guide:
under construction...
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70 Comments yet..:
First blood Nice skills
nice hero :D
triple kill!!
gila nih hero
nice hero:)
I like this hero!
this hero is imbalance
i agree with you. this shadow poison only used 50 mana and 3 sec cd. and the damage is very damn high. you can cast it every 3 sec when u cast till 12+, BOOM 1K+ damage =.=
Beyond god-like in 13 minutes!!! ME LIKE :)
u got it wrong.Shadow Poison only stacks 4 times
what's the item?
Whats the itemmmm
assasaasassasa..strong shit..
His tem build:
arcane boots
why my shadow demon's third power(poison) doesn't work with "W" key? i mean i stoped warkey still it's not working.. is there any tool i can assign keys for new hero
best item (for me) is dagon... amplify 50% dmg... lvl 5 dagon = 800dmg x .5 = 1200 fucking dmg! geez... also, the 3rd skill is OP -_-
godlike in 1 second
imba..the second skill is too strong..stronger than maledict..wew
items for this hero is depending whether got stunners hero or those kind of windwalk heroes. If stunners, buy this items, bkb this is confirm need. hearts cos stunner are pain in skills. blink/loathar but i rather have blink. bot when u dying quickly on bkb and blink and tele back. hex for killing and escaping and lastly, butter. for windwalk, you must must must have either blink or loathar to escape cos this hero is thin, hex for escaping and killing, hearts, refresher, the new boots i dun know call what is blue, dagon and linken.
i really own with this items. when starting of game but 1 gaunlet, two mantle, ireon branchwood and healing salve. ur mana will never used finish with these item at early game when harrasing heros with 3rd skill. unless u keep spam like a crazy noob, or else u will get first blood. i can bet
I have a question. Does the skill "amplify damage" applies to both physical and skill damage? Imba!
very strong de =.=!
why dagon=800x0.5?? where did you get the 0.5??
you noob 0.5 means +50% when SC is used. go back to school!
Try using poison and the release even it is not exact to explode they will be affected!
nice hero
both of you are braggart!!!!!!!!! weak!!!!!!!!!!!
get aghanim and pt soon
This hero is extremely overpowered and needs to be nerfed hardcore. There's no balance at all with his poison.
very very very weak againts strywyr bloodseeker!
Do n0t use on wtf m0de! He become crazy when u used hked d on its self
dude.. this hero is different from the others...
...... hahahahhahha mga weakkkkkkk ...... ♥
my item build is..
arcane boots
blink dagger
(you don't need anti stun because you can cast disruption on yourself.. it's just a matter of timing :D)
you need blink dagger for fast escape.. again, you will need to cast disruption on yourself and then blink out.. xD
and when the enemy has low HP and then disruption is CD, blink dagger is very helpful. :)
-that is just my opinion..
i will break ur face, oh wait ur face is already broken
....quite good, this dog
this is Collins a.k.a. NeverMindMe.. this one's really imba, dagon 5 + soul catcher = deadmeat ^^v
To:above me is noob
Seems to me like you're a maths failure. its supposed to be x1.5 . If you were to x0.5 it becomes 400 dmg, instead of 800...I think you should go back to pre-school. What a loser, act smart and at the end, it damages your pride. You should have said 800x1.5 OR 800x0.5+800 = 1200.
Ok listen to me people, Eredar seems to be the perfect character in Dota for you guys, but its not. Eredar is just a good support, AND VERY WEAK AGAINST HERO'S WITH SILENCE AND A GOOD DPS, like Doombringer, Bloodseeker, etc... The Bad/Suckish part of Eredar, even though he's a nice "Spaming" character, he is also very Squishy, and mosly he's a early-game hero. It means when the battle comes to late game, he may be very helpful to team ganks, but Eredar will mostly to be killes because of his low Defense. So when you are pick Eredar, make sure that you are the only support, and every Hero in ur team could be left alone without support, meaning doesnt need to much baby-sitting. So for all you people who think that eredars skills are good, well think again, cuz its just 4 early game... Just here to help... :)
And this is my opinion on Items 4 Eredar:
- Arcane Boots (Duh, 4 speed and mana)
- Ring of Basilius (for mana regen)
- Mekansm (for being a little tank)
- Lothars (for more damage, little critical and an escape option)
- Dagon (If u want a kill or a KS, but dagon is really not recommended 4 Eredar cuz hes mainly for support)
- Desolator (Atleast give him an orb, and deso gives pure DPS, and also useful when ur alone killing creeps its gives u more damage, and it also deducts ur enemies armor by 6 for 7 seconds, a good enough time to make a gank, kill your enemies and make ur team win)
- Bottle (Duh, ur mana pool is good enough to spam ur skills, and eredar has a nice mana gain)
- Refresher (your skills longest cooldown is just 50 sec, and u waste money by buying this thing...)
- Divine (Eredar is a squishy hero, meaning he's already a targeted hero, but puting Divine on him would make him more of a target, and could drop the item leading to the enemies automatic or easy win...)
dagon, linken's sphere, arcane boots, guinsoo, bloodstone, shiva's guard
dota is always niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My imba item for eredar:
blue boots
Divine: use lvl2 power gain more damage and lvl 1 power increase damage of illusion by 30% something,.
Heart:from squishy to demonic,moree life
Butter:he is low in def,so need dodge percentage
Deso: more attack damage
My imba item for eredar:
blue boots
Divine: use lvl2 power gain more damage and lvl 1 power increase damage of illusion by 30% something,.
Heart:from squishy to demonic,moree life
Butter:he is low in def,so need dodge percentage
Deso: more attack damage
I hope Aghanims Scepter will also boosts Eredar's ulti.
my build is
-power threads
-shiva's guard
-eul's scepter
-orchid malevolence
-sell power threads, buy manta style
blue boots ehhh noh meron bang ganun ang alam ko lang arcane boots ahhhh
baka naman power threads na color blue (intel) ang ibig nyang sabihin ahaha, arcane boots yun noob!!!
My Imba item build
Pt ( Strg )
Raidnace or Upgrade Dagon
= GG !!
what a nice int< dog for the scourge
best hero evr
it's team based hero i think. u felt like god when ur team has many tanker and stunner. the 3rd skill's damage is really cool, higher than lina/lion when ut's stacked over 20 :lol:
high HP, HP regen, and mana regen seems enough
nice items for eredar
Orchid malev
Blood stone
assault quirass
First use DIRUPTION on the hero
Then Orchid Malev
Then Second skill
Then Dagon
Then third skill
Boom...Sure kill
2000+ damage...
imba right?
so imba
Orchid Malevolence works perfectly for him. Mana regen will ensure you have almost-always full mana for spamming.
But i'd use Disruption 1st only on 1v1 fights. Immediately lay a curse (wide area, but since only 1v1, it'll hit him. plus 2nd skill and 3rd skill goes through Disruption), poison, purge soon as he pops out, soulburn, rclick, stack poison in between. heck, you probably won't need to stack poison.
also, i tend to use Maelstrom/mjolnir on him, for easier farming and good creep crowd control.
im the strongest dota player when im using eredar
i suggest to ice frog to make its 3rd skill to be an autocast skill and make it less powerful:)?
hahahahaha eredar is cool
this hero is powerful if u really know how to play it...
my build for eredar is:
My build 4 this hero are: Vlad,Arcaine Boots,Urn of Shadows,Yasha,Linken,Manta(uprade ur yasha),ForceStaff. try this to Eredar coz Defence is the best Offense...
FuCk Y@E
this hero juz need dagger and arcane boot lah
nice hero to practice..
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