How to install/upgrade to latest Warcraft 3 Patch online using Battle.net Guide. Whenever Blizzard releases new patch, It becomes available on all the official Battle.net realms of Blizzard. You can easily upgrade yourself to the latest patch by connecting Battle.net, it automatically downloads & install the update.
• Original Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne Copy/CD-Key (If you don't have it, download the offline patch upgrade file from Blizzard's FTP site)
• Internet Connection (Broadband).
• Start your Warcraft 3 TFT.
• Click Battle.net, select a realm and connect.
• A download status window will pop-up, let it download the update..

• See the version number at right bottom of Warcraft 3 to validate if you have the latest patch.
• Enjoy :)
Update: Follow this guide, if you are having "Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath' Error"
PS: If you are having any problems while installing the patch updates from Blizzard. Just post a comment :)
100 Comments yet..:
when I click my battle.net and the download is complete I click restart and it says that the file C:\Warcraft lll\war3x.mpq cannot be found is there a solution to this problem?
my version is 1.21
i click battle.net
it say go to manually install patch
wat happened?
how to play in battle.net using 1.18 version?
ya lo..i oso le!!!!how can ar
my version is 1.24
I tryed to dl it from battlenet but it says it can't connect to battlenet...what should I do??I also dled the patch 1.24b and I dont know how to install it..any solution?
i tried to do the download in battle net but it said an error to download in the hard drive free some space, i got 250 gigs of free space.... why???
i patched but when i go in b.net only let me play b.net games and i am 1.24 not 1.24b DUH!
so hard........... if i CLICK battle net always i see please check ur connection... but i have int.. also...?
also me i cnt connect,my version is 1.18,how to upgrade?my warcrft is not original,
how to update into 1.24 version? because it works when still using 1.22.
can i download warcraft III on the internet?
or buy cd only?
hello i updated my patch to 1.24e but it didnt work at all and instead it prevented me from opening the Battle.net link in frozen throne... any help please?
Always when i download the patch, it installs it but at the end it says * C:\program files\warcraft iii\worldedit.exe*
couldnt be found or has a problem, the number of files dont fit , or something like that, thus it stops the installation of the update
How to fix this problem ?
hello can u help me? i have a old patch 1.15 but i already download patch 1.24b. when i click to updated the error occur. this maybe because my warcraft just apiece of files. how to update new patch without installing warcraft?? m_ady85@yahoo.com
i tried to do the download in battle net but it said an error to download in the hard drive free some space,
same thing happen to me
it says that the cd key is invalid? hows that?
me too. i have version 1.20 and cannot upgrade to 1.24e.
i have all the patches from 1.24 to 1.24e but cannot use a single one of them? help me please. im so left away.
xD all noobs :)
My warcraft 3 is version 1.21 and i dunno how to upgrade to version 1.24e .Can anyone tell me wad shud i do?
i try it but it say apply the current game patch manually wha should i do?
i am so confused. I got the file,went to the battle net and installed it.But when the say to restart it,i tried and en error came out.I don't know why...All my friends didn't have the problem...
what is the Blizzard's ftp site.?
i try to go battle but it only says unable to connect to battle net.
you may trying to connect invalid battle net server.IF you are using modem you may need to manually connect to internet before connecting to battle net.
what does that mean and how to fix it?
help me plss
wen i strt battle.net it says - Unable to connect to Battle.net
This forum is sh!t!!! coz there so many versions 2 play!!!how about d other do's not DL 124.e???like me!!damn!!!!!!
tnx for the trick sir
Thnks... :)
it say unable to validate game version. pls patch manually. How i patch manually?
i use maphack but when i open it will say plz use the real patch
hey/...why when i click the battle.net...an error message appears...this what is says: unable to validate game version...please reconnect to battle.net, or try patching it manually"..help me
i also donno how to install the latest version
I love you (DotA vs GF)
by arjay!!xD
this is how it's work...
manual patch=find the zip version of the patch then paste it over the directory...
it says cannot find a war3.exe....so wat should i do
I have no idea how to do it...i just keep on trying but there's nothing happen...maybe i need an assistance..
every time i click on battle net its says cannot connect to battlenet ... pls help me
Ok I used battle.net to put my warcraft on latest patch, but instead of having 1.24e i have 1.24.4 and some numbers. I tried to switch my patch but it didnt work at all. Any can help me fix it?
When I enter battle.net it says "Unable to validate game version.Please reconnect to battle.net, or apply the current game patch manually."
Pls tell me hou to update it manually.My current version manually.
You need the legal version of warcraft 3 ROC or TFT.Or go to eurobattle.net
And wheres the link for the 1.25 patch?
Regarding the problem you guys were facing, i propose a simple solution, instead of trying to patch OVER your outdated patches, instead reinstall your warcraft and download the latest 1.24e patch (the reason why many of you all was not able to patch overyour old version is bcos the newer patch could not support that version of warcraft)
For original copy just follow the instructions above or visit the forums for more information, hope this help!
how to upgrade the latest patch of dota??????????????
if my version of my dota is 1.20e.................
my dota said invalid warcraft copy/cd key
what should i do
i want to play dota with my friends
so please help me...........
Worthless patch I get disconnected right after game is loaded, EVERY TIME. But I can still play custom games....
i want yo play garena
i installed original wc3 on an external device
and i cant install the patch 1.25
i download the patch when i press battle.net
then it tells me to restart and when i do that then it tells me to close warcraft 3
but it does not do it why
i already read the post with how to fix registry etc but it just does not work why ?
After I downloaded it from the US West Server with the words 'Update Successful', I clicked on them and ran as administrator, but the text "BNUpdate has stopped working" comes out.
i was trying to download but my computer is not accepting the 1.26 patch
i cant conect to battle.net
@all use the WVS, that the alternative...
Play garena used the 1.24e patch you can download garena client from www.garena.com/client...
use the WVS version switcher to switch the version...
you can download WVS in this website
my warcraft version 1.18 could not upgrade
my version is 1.24 and when I try to update it tells me there is an error applying the update
hey i need to upgread my game i cant do it i tried all and i have problem i each one
tnx 4 the update
After downloading the new patch (1.26a) i am unable to enter battle.net. I've tried disabeling my firewall, etc. etc. yet nothing seems to be working. Unable to connect blah blah blah se ma!!
i try to go battle but it only says unable to connect to battle net.
you may trying to connect invalid battle net server.IF you are using modem you may need to manually connect to internet before connecting to battle net.
what does that mean and how to fix it?
help me plss
how to download warcraft 3 plss! help me
plsss teach me how 2 download 1.26 patch coz i want 2 play dota wd my friends
me also i can't download the latest version of warcfaft 3 1.26..i don't know to install.what can i do?and also the latest map 72c i can't download..pls help me..
i tried to connect to balte net to upgrade patch but cant .it says unable to validate the game version.please reconnect battle.net or apply the current game patch manually
help me how to i go about it my patch is 1.07
..how to patch?1.26..
i got this error while installing patch 1.26a
ERROR: unable to get version size for file 'd:\warcraft\War3.exe'
The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
hey when i went 2 battle.net clicked i got a error that u dont hve space in yr harddrive but i hve 190gb space then im gtng problm wht shld i do ???????????????????????????????pls hlp
when I click my battle.net and the download is complete I click restart and it says that the file C:\Warcraft lll\war3x.mpq cannot be found!
Can someone help me???
aw i cant download
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'Custom_V0\UI\Framedef\InfoPanelStrings.fdf
warcraft tft plz
when i click on battle.net they say to me that my CD KEY provided is currently disabled (Warcraft III:Reing of Chaos)
What's this can you help me?
My game locks up when I click on battle.net
otarios war3x.mpq
not exist
you is one lol
i have 1.24e but unable update pATCH
if you face the cd key problem, don't warry, go to download page of 1.26patch and install in warcraft directory, and enjoy
if you get CD key problem so just download 1.26patch and install it Warcraft directory and enjoy the latest map.
If you don't understood so call 9432189580
i'm philipnks...
Help me please i can't patch anything haves patch 1.07 or 1.06 what it is and i can'y patch to 1.26 :( HELP ME + my bettle.net dosen't work when have download with my cd key i have bught it 2 times and this one works but i can't connect to Battle.net says that i have to mutch space in my hard drvie when i haves 81 gb left of 225 HELP----!!!!!!!!!!
i'm fucking angry reinstall with craked setups but real cd keys and now it says cd key is disabel (0) WFT and i can't patch help
my version of warcraft 3 the frozen thorn is 1.07 what should i do???
i am pro
Still, i can't play. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
where download link 1.26 patch
i saw before but now i can't find
Can anyone tell me what this problem is:
'There was an error applying the upgrade'
Upgrade was downloaded fine.
comeon help me they say Could not connect to battle.net WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????
can someone tell how to set up bnet?i'm new
i just click battle.net then there came a downloading update
Noobs!!! Urghh!!!
when i open warcraft III theres a pop-up saing please verify that your WC3 cd is in your CD-ROM
hays.... no answer....
when i try to download it says that there was an error writing to my hard drive and to check if there is enough free space and there is 700Gb free O.O
give me link to download
how get battle.net o.o
wher get battle.net o.o?
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so hard........... if i CLICK battle net always i see please check ur connection... but i have int.. also...?
Okay heresthe thing i wanna play battle.net i lost my old Game Disk but i have the KEYS for both ROC and TFT where can i get a copy of the game so i cant enter my old key without having to pay for a new copy!?!?!??!
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