Born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which she carries out her attacks have made her a valuable member of the Scourge, and it is clear why she is known as the Phantom Assassin.

Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 169
Strength - 17 + 2.05
Agility - 23 + 3.15 (Primary)
Intelligence- 13 + 1
Base damage 46-48
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 4
Movement speed of 310
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strongest Critical in the game (4x!)
Has one of the greatest passive skill named Blur (28% evasion)
Most frightening hero if she got the right item
Has a skill to help farm early game
Low starting HP and melee range
Fragile early game
As with all melee heroes, prone to disable-lock
Very low intelligence gain
Your most noticable weakness is your early game fragility. This guide's build will focus on items that will attempt to make the early game easier at an acceptable price, as well as being a worthwhile investment even in the later stages of the game.
Later in the game your power increases drastically through your critical, high Agility gain and chasing ability. If you survive early you will annihilate your foes later on.
Skill Descriptions
Stiffling Dagger

Hurls a dagger which deals minor pure damage and slow the unit's movement speed for a short duration. Deals half damage to heroes.
Level 1 - 40 Damage, 20% Slow. Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 2 - 80 Damage, 25% Slow. Lasts 2.75 seconds.
Level 3 - 120 Damage, 30% Slow. Lasts 3.5 seconds.
Level 4 - 160 Damage, 35% Slow. Lasts 4.25 seconds.
On the early games, use this skill to farm, farm and farm. IceFrog give this skill to Mortred at 6.51 only to help her farm. On the late game, this skill is still usefull to slow down the enemy while you chase it. This will be the skill that we will be maxing first.
Blink Strike

Teleports to a unit and strikes at it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage. Casting range improves per level.
Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage.
Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage.
Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage.
Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage.
Can teleport to an ally.
This is the skill you're going to be using just about all the time. It can be used for last hits, harassing, chasing, and even fleeing.

The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss.
Mortred unique skill. This skill somehow one of the best passive in the game. With 28% evasion, you will be hard to kill and since you became a giant dot, some noob won’t notify that you already attacked him. Unfortunately, this skill won’t help you against nuker on early game.
Level 1 - 7% dodge.
Level 2 - 14% dodge.
Level 3 - 21% dodge.
Level 4 - 28% dodge.
Coup De Grace

Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree. She has a small chance to deal 4 times normal damage on an attack.
Level 1 - 15% chance to 2.0x critical.
Level 2 - 15% chance to 3.0x critical.
Level 3 - 15% chance to 4.0x critical
This ability gives you the highest DPS in the entire game. A Mortred critical is completely unmatched in strength- nothing compares to it. This is what makes your hero so feared!
Skill Build
Level 1: Blink Strike
Level 2: Stiffling Dagger
Level 3: Stiffling Dagger
Level 4: Blink Strike
Level 5: Stiffling Dagger
Level 6: Coup De Gras
Level 7: Stiffling Dagger
Levels 8-9: Blink Strike
Level 10: Blur
Level 11: Coup De Gras
Levels 12-14: Blur
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Coup De Gras
Levels 17-25: Stats
Your first skill is blink strike, it will help you escape from level 1 ganking. We maxing Stiffling Dagger as fast as possible. This skill will be very usefull during early games. Like the other low HP agility hero, you’re gonna have a hard period of farming in early game. Especially when you’re facing nuker. When you do, use Stiffling Dagger to help you last hitting. Your main focus on early game is farming as much as you can (and don’t die!). Stiffling Dagger also a great skill for harassing. Even though the damage is poor, if you use it when the creeps chase the enemies heroes, the slow will give great damage.
After we max Stifling Dagger, Blink Strike is next. Those two is give pretty much damage with low mana cost. Since we skip stats, your hp will be low. But Bracers will fill this gap. Coup De Grace is taken early, because this is the one who make everybody feared her.
Item Build
1. Tangos + Gauntlet of Ogre Strength + Clarities
2. Ring of Health
3. Void Stone (Finish Perseverence)
4. Finish Bracer
5. Boots of Speed
6. Another Bracer
7. Belt of Giant Strength
8. Glove of Haste
9. Finish Power Treads
10. Claymore
11. Broadsword (Finish Battlefury)
12. Mask of Death
13. Helm of Ironwill (Finish Helm of Dominator)
Your core item should be like this:

Late Game Items

Basically, your core items will be enough to make your enemy fear you. Your damage output is already high enough. But when the games prolonged, then you will need to grab more items for your survivability, since the enemy is most likely focusing on you. Go for BKB, if your enemy have so many disabler (Rhasta is sucks indeed!). Your evasion won't save you from spells and nukers. Satanic will give you bigger lifesteal and HP, will help you against another DPS hero. Assault Cuirass will greatly increase you IAS and reduction to your enemy armor. Monkey King Bar will also add more damage output from you. Finally, HoT will make you even Godly. When you get all of this items, probably no one will beat you..
Using Mortred means you will have to be very carefull to not let her die. Your primary mission is only to farm and survive. Don’t waste your time by looking early frag, you will get it in the late game. Now then, the first two build items are pretty self-explanatory. Alternatively you could buy a Chicken and Bracer parts/Flask, whatever suits you. Once you do reach your lane quickly take note of your enemy heroes. If you're against two heroes and one of them is a nuker then stay as far back as you can without losing experience.
If you're against just one hero or two weak early gamers then begin farming immediately. If you're against two heroes and at least one of them is a nuker then you will begin farming at level 3 with Stiffling Dagger (or level 1 if you have a great timing with the Stiffling Dagger). The idea behind this is simple- when an enemy creep hits the low red hit it with your Dagger. This will help you farm while stay away from their nuke. Maybe for the first time using this Dagger, you will miss the hit or didn't get the last hit. Stiffling Dagger need some timing to use it properly. After several shot, i'm surely sure you will get the timing.
The damage to the creep is not instant. It's like a range heroes attack, so you must use it with proper timing
The first major part of my build is the choice of Bracers. Put simply, Bracers are the best value item that Mortred could ever buy. The HP boost they give is invaluable and they're really, really easy to make. Bracers are for early game survival, and they fit the bill very nicely. Especially in Mortred's case they completely outdo Nulls and Wraiths, since you don't need much mana for Stiffling Dagger and +3 to Agility is pretty negligible. Bracers beat out items like Vanguard and the Point Booster as well, being composed of smaller, cheaper items giving you more control over when and how you purchase them.Next comes the Ring of Health, which is used for your later Perseverance with Void Stone and give you HP & mana regen, which will now allow you to harass with Blink Strike and Stiffling Dagger. The best possible time to do this is at your tower when the enemy hero is starting to move back until the creeps push toward him again. When he moves away quickly cast Blink Strike on him followed by Stiffling Dagger and hit him in the back several times, then quickly run back to the safety of your tower. If you do it right then you'll take a good 200+ HP from your opponent at the cost of a small amount of mana. However, this takes practice to know when exactly you want to Blink Strike in. If you do it at the wrong moment your enemy will be prepared and will retaliate, which is bad. Practice will assist you greatly in learning this skill.
Your Perseverance shouldn't take very long to complete and with these items you are much easier to use your skill often. After getting Boots and Belt of Giant Strength, you'll have a lot of HP compared to a good many heroes and your HP regen probably outdoes anyone else on the map. It's possible to get kills at this point with nothing but Stiffling Dagger, Shadow Strike and a weak critical if you choose your target right. Look for weakened heroes and soft targets such as the Sniper. Try to get a kill or two here if you can, and if not then just go back and farm up to your Battlefury and Treads. It's very likely that you won't be able to kill anyone here. Don't think you've been doing something wrong because you can't. Stiffling Dagger is always available to you for assisting in ganking, remember.
With Perseverance, a level 2 Coup De Grace and maxed Stiffling Dagger & Blink Strike it becomes even more possible to kill heroes. If you face weak hero, just jump with Blink Strike, Stiffling Dagger, hit, another Blink Strike and Stiffling Dagger will make the enemies hardly escape from you. The low cooldown of both skills is the key for this scenario. If you're not sure about your target, don't hesitate. Don't risk you life. If you die too much, your late game will be ruined. Just go to forest and farms some creeps.
I should note now that I'm not going to go into specific ways of using Blink Strike to escape enemies. With Mortred (unless they changed it again) it's possible to Blink Strike your allies, allowing you to possibly escape what could be a fatal situation. This doesn't happen all that often- there will actually be instances where Blink Striking to a creep will slow you down rather than help you get away. Usually the only time Blink Striking to an ally will help you is if the unit is moving in the direction that you want to go or is not moving at all, otherwise it'll probably just slow you down. Just keep it in mind and if you see an opportunity to do it, then do it.
At this point in the game it's likely that some pushes will be happening as well. When the enemy team pushes you want to stick yourself onto the most fragile hero you can find and just whack at them. If an enemy attempts to flee then Stiffling Dagger him and chase him down, as that's what you're best at. You really aren't that strong when it comes to team fights but your slow will be a big help in these situations.
By the time you're level 16 with your Coup De Grace at level 3 you should have your Treads, Bracers and Battlefury. If you haven't been able to farm that much you're probably going to lose. With Battlefury, your criticals are going to be a major force to be reckoned with, and heroes are going to really start fearing your high damage. Battlefury will also help you fast farming and make great amount money for your luxury.
Your next item is Helm of Dominator and life leech the enemies. The leech will help you survive on battle since the HP regeneration is minor right now. After get your Helm of Dominator search for some Stomper and remember to have your Stomper with you. You'll want him around at all times because he may save your life or net you a kill. If a hero is foolish enough to be running around alone then show him no mercy- there isn't much that can handle you 1v1 at this point except for heroes with high DPS AND disables. As long as you can stick to the hero and keep leeching him he probably won't be able to kill you.
Your Battlefury will send your criticals to 450+ and you'll be getting them quite a lot because of your high Agility and decent IAS. Combine this with the life leech virtually no hero can handle you alone and few heroes can escape thanks to your slow and your Blink Strike. Your biggest fear here is ganks, and because Mortred has no reliable escape mechanism you're going to have to rely on intelligence to stay alive. Stick with your allies and watch your mini-map so that your foes can't stop your slaughterfest with a few ganks too many.
Your Battlefury will make you farm like hell and there are a couple of items you can consider. The first is to grab another strong item like Monkey King Bar, Assault Cuirass and the second is to get a survival item like Satanic or Black King Bar, depending on your enemies. Black King Bar helps against (you guessed it) disabler and further damage is generally purchased when you want some extra oomph on your criticals or need to defend against large creep pushes.
What do you think? Have another thought about Mortred build? Share it here :)
81 Comments yet..:
shouldnt u add a alternative skill build if the hero you are laning with relies purely on physical attacks?(e.g. Void,Anti-Mage),they do not have anymore magic spells except for their ultimate,and its pointless to add Stifling Dagger cause they can just Time Walk or Blink away
just my 2 cents
I have another build for morted..
1.helm of dominator
3.battle fury
4.butterfly?.. (do butterfly stack with blur ?.)
5.Assault Cuirras
6.Aegies of Immortal..xD
Butterfly and Blur do not stack
Morted is very imba... ilove you :D she is biggest skill in the Dota 6.60 x)
The one thing I want in Mortred is her CRITICALS!
i will just add vanguard for early game
yes mortred is very good for her critical (4x!) fragile in early game but in late game is a herokiller unstopable :P:P:P
I felt that this is the old dota , because mortred now got phantom strike (witch blink+fast attack speed), so please put the new dota guide <3
i like mortred!Her critical strike is Nice.But why first no dominator i dont think so.first dominator :D
Mokey king bar
Assault Cuirras or Black King bar if your opponent is stunner
yeah i love you most bu i love troll more !! xD
for fast game i prefer
-Mask of Madness
-cranium basher
dagder+blink then use the madness..LoL
i can make battlefury and b.off speed in the first 20 minutes ,, then make dominator in no time and f*ck all enemy hero
butterfly, cranium basher and MoM, WTF ARE YOU THINKING.
Those are shit items for Mortred, anyone with half a brain cell could figure that out for themselves.
butterfly,battlefury,buriza,MKB,BoT,HoT or Satanic = Owning. the buriza gives you more crits and adds damage so it is good even if it doesn't stack with coup de grace. Monkey king bar gives damage and true strike so you can stop those nukers with channeling spells and hit other heroes that have evasion. Butterfly is not a shitty item for mortred because you can attack with more Attack Speed.Satanic is good because of 150% lifesteal. Use heart if you are tanking with a different orb. Battlefury gives nice regen and cleave helps you farm easier.
comment about the core items.. why dont u just get HoD first before you get perseverance.. life steal makes you farm easier..
late game item suggestion..
Satanic+BF+MkB+Divine Rapier+Threads+ Assault Cuirass = PURE OWNAGE ( you dun need HoT , cuz you got BF with u + Satanic's Life Steal )
Early game PA is vry pathetic i reli nid to train on it
Thx 4 the guide ^^
Sange and Yasha
Power Treads red
Manta Style
Assault Cuirass (ci-ras)
or Divine Rapier
that combo always works(for me atlease), even with nukers. the technique is to first kill your opponent as soon you show up. perfect for 1V1
How about this build-up?
1. Satanic
2. Battle Fury
3. Helm of Dominator
4. Butterfly
I think that the purpose of Butterfly is the attack speed and the two rapiers is to have a perfect killing machine... I had a perfect strike of 3200 without death with that build. :D
sorry.. wrong post... I mean, switch the Helm of Dominator to power threads. Sorry for my mistake
For mortred item build:
1 satanic
2 assault cuirass
3 monkey King bar
4 power treads (agility)
5 burizza (for critical /last skill)
6 battle fury or butter fly
yes tnx
i love motred guys.... just put buriza so da crit will be times6 in the late game...... enden treads then you put dominator.. but guys your builds are great tnx for the help but just put buriza so the crit is times six.... i hate enemies that uses blademail so i cant use mortred.. wat can i do if they use blademail??????
i would just remind you that being talkative means knowing nothing.. just an advice
You Guy's is no Match for me..
Coz i'm the God of Dota
i'm is pro
your so weak if you follow their guide
becausefor me the perfect item 4 mortred is
1.power threads
2.helm of dominator(cotinue to satanic)
3.battle fury
4.M K B
5.divene RAPIER
6.divine RAPIER
if u follow this description
your opponent is only TWO HITS (also centaur)
thanks 4 reading this :D
1. vlads
2. skadi
3. battle fury
4. PT (str)
5. blademail(against nuker)/bkb(against disabler/stunner)
6. MKB
sure,the godlike's title is belong to her for late game~
but i prefer dominator as my first item,threads,pservance for bfury,BKB,and bterfly~(after godlike,make divine and upgrade dominator to satanic)no need heart of tarasque bcoz we have BKB and satanic~~~ juz my opinoin~critical atck sure 2500+++++~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. boots of travel
2. Vladimirs
3. desolator
4. assault cuirass
5. black king bar
6. divine rapier
this items will let justice prevails!!!!!
zzz...u should get the blur 1st than the blink.....and the build to mortred is....helm of dominator or satanic power threads battle fury butterfly yasha or sange and yasha and MKB or another fury.....and butterfly can stack to mortred..
..and buriza cant stack in coup the grace but in other strike the critical of buriza only can damage it....tnx 4 reading this....i dont command u to do this...i just want to share my intelligence to u.....hehehe........................
the best built for mortred is that
vanuard(late game HoT)
dominator late game satanic
2ond buttlefury for dmg and more critical
and divine rapier
you want the best build just put assualt cuirrass
divine rapier
divine rapier
this build is the best no competition but it is really hard to build it up and it has gottne easier when divine rapier doesn't need a mithril hammer anymore after 6.58
i kno best build for 1v1. Get:
1. divine rapier
2. divine rapier
3. divine rapier
4. divine rapier
5. divine rapier
6. divine rapier
just blink in and just hit them once lol.
Early GAME need Treads and MoM for better chance of activating her Coup de Grace.
1 Divine = 2000 critical = OWNAGE = GOD-LIKE = RAMPAGE = HOLY SHIT
i have another built for mortred
1.)power treads
2.)helm of dominator
3.)battle fury
4.)buriza do kyanon
my build
1.power threads
3.battle fury
4.cranium basher
6.assault cuirass
mortred with basher really rocks!!!!
The best build for pros(pros! not noobs )using PA is:
1. Power Treads-(switch to BoT later).
2. Helm of Dominator-(Satanic later).
3. Battle Fury (for more damage, faster farming, push and especially for harvesting Heroes).
4. Assault Cuirass- for faster hero kills
5. Monkey King Bar- for no miss or for stopping those channeling heroes (e.g. Crystal Maiden)
6. Black King Bar- (optional) use this if your enemies are stunners or disablers (e.g. Lion)
7. Divine Rapier- +1000 critical damage to your current damge when criticals- 1200= 2200 worth of damage= total DOMINATION to the game
the best items are:
1. power treads - aspd
2. butterflyf - aspd,dmg,evade
3. satanic - life steal
4. HOT - when you've been gank
5. battle fury - cleave, regen, dmg
6. divine rapier - no one can get divine for you because they can't kill you becoz of ur satanic ah HOT.
thanks for the post because i really want to know more about mortred thank u very much especially for beginners like me it will be an awesome fight (1st fight)
i prefer this for the late game
-Divine Rapier
-Buriza do Kyanon
-Assault Cuirass
-Power Threads
-Black King Bar
that would be ultimate....lol xD
this is the real build for phantom assasin
-cranium basher
-black king bar
I recommend:
- bracer
-assault cuirass
first farm for fury then finish ur bot n Helm.make a MKB if ur enemy gt blade mail dont worry get a BKB.take ages n go Diviner..GG :)
one of my favourite hero
Strength Threads
Battlefury .
This is the only godly build .
My build for Mortred is
2.Helm of Dominator(Satanic if you can^^)
3.Buriza^^(For 6x Critical! Ouch!)
4.Battle Fury
5.Butterfly ( Lol^^)
6.Divine Rapier
7.(Optional) if Stunners/Nukers/Disabler use Assault Cuirass!!^_^
my own build is..
1st is threads..
2nd is satanic
3rd is butterfly(2)..(blur can be stock w/ butterfly..?)
4th is battle fury..
5th burriza..(coup de grace can be stock w/ burriza?)
pls reply...im practicing mortred..i need some guides.. :))
zzzz buriza is 4 noobs!!!
my build-
power treads
battle fury
cranium basher
if u have these no one can beat u except warden with blaid mail XD
buriza bad item y do u need buiza if u already have 4* damage ...... nd i guess it dosent stack
BURIZA!!!?? it makes your critical damage numbers to a chinese characters xD
morteds items ><
1. helm to satanic
2.perseverance (go to battlefury
3.cranium basher
6.monkey king bar
try this my own build for mort
this is effective
..much better the build..tangos,salves and calrity.....weak brain
i thick mortred is very strong late gamer in dota than ursa
ahhhhmmmmmm ,,,game practice na
My Perfect Mortred Build!
1. Treads
2. Helm then in late game Satanic (may be 3rd)
3. Battlefury (may be 2nd depends on the situation)
4. MKB
5. Divine Rapier(before or after this time you make your satanic)
6. whatever you want, if you have a hard time with health/armor get a cuirass or a tarass.if you have no problem with both because of noob enemies, have fun experimenting ! =))
why bracer mortred is agility type bracer is for strength type
My build
6.SnY I guess?
Basher's no good. hmm.. here's my build.
Treads(switch to BoT later on.)
battle fury or SNY
then cuirass
then do SNY or battle fury
you're all good after finishing MKB. ^^
you are all weak for me
boring !!!
new mort needs these items
power treads (str early agi later)
mkb(most imp item for mort)
abyssal blade
heart of tarassque
butterfly or buriza
this is gg godlike fury is only for initial farm but late game bad item so neglected
mortred items for pros>>>>>>>>..
2.mom(later hearts)
3.cranium basher
5.bkb(counter item against blademail)
6.sale mom and go for hot...
7.desolator....good for mortred
Blur,ButterFly and heaven blade is
blur=28% evasion
heaven blade 25%
all evasion=88% dodge wew
Evasion items or skills stack. Simple probability! For instance, the present blur(35%) and a butterfly(30%) will give 54.5% evasion. To come up with 54.5%, we simply consider the probability that none of all your evasion skills or items will work and then subtract it from 1. That probability would be the products of 0.7(the prob. that your butterfly won't work) and 0.65(prob. that your blur won't work) which is 45.5%. This 45.5% is the probability than none of the two will work if your hero were attacked. We subtract it from one and we get 54.5%, the probability that at least one of the two will work if your hero were attacked. Ask if you have questions!
treads--basher--vladimir--abissal==glory til end
dag dag ko sange and yasha
5v5 past phase game.
agi threads
crystalis x2
crit rate, damage per second mortred.
You sure have a lot of gold when the game prolonged.
So u can buy ur own godly items.
power threads,satanic,buriza,battle fury,butterfly,heart of tarrasque
the best item morted.......
2.sange &yasha
4.vlamir offering
5.heart of taraque
6.cranium bracer
item for mortred is:
add me in GG my name is arbiem
1.divine rapier
2.divine rapier
3.divine rapier
4.divine rapier
5.divine rapier
6.divine rapier = plz leave the game pro...
you guys wasting mortred's powerful potential .. her lethal move is her COUP DE GRACE which is 15% 4x crit.. that is what she need to maximize, to assure that it will deal great fast sharp and numerous colateral dmage in no time b4 her enemies notice her and do somethng against her. i think the best build to maximize her lethal moves is frst ...POWER THREADS(agi), ....BATTLE FURY, ....MADNESS if u think that madness would make her more fragile.. well think again for the bnfits that mom can give.. it gives her a life leech.. a move speed and 2x attack speed.. which is really gud in 1v1 and also in clash specially wen u focus on a frgile enemy.. u can elimnate him in no time b4 other enemies notice it.. .. then BKB will give u an immnty against spells and disablers for about 9secs.. enough for mortred to do alot of collteral dmage.. then build BURIZZA whch will conpliments with madness and brings terror to any enemy when they saw RED numerals dmaging him hard n fast.. notice the combnation of burizza.. BKB.. fury and madness which brings her total rampage and domination espcially in clashing.. you must choose careflly which enemy u will first strike.. its a must so xhoose it carefully.. the last item would be an armour, HoT, an adtional dmage like MKB, which deal true strike agaisnt heros hav evasion, or anything you want that will fit with her dpending on he situation.. hope u like this ^^
1.helm of dominator
2.power treads green
1.poor mans shield ( helps u survive early game)
2.phase boots ( mortred is all abt the damage + impossible to run away from Mortred + gloves of haste is a secondary due to blink which gives a huge attack speed bonus).
3.helm of dominator -> Sitanic
5.MKB or Linkn sphear
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