Originally worshipped by the pagan tribes of Germania and the black forests that encompassed it, Meepo is a mischievous spirit of the earth who enjoys burying his enemies alive in mountains of rock spikes, pinning them down into helplessness as he pummels them into submission with his mighty shovel. The most disturbing of the Geomancer’s powers, however, is his ability to separate his being into multiple selves, each as powerful as the original and making him potentially four times the trouble for the unlucky who encounter him.
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 1.3 | Agi: 23 + 1.9 | Int: 20 + 1.6
Damage: 34 - 40 | HP: 473 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 1.06 | Armor: 5
Earthbind (E)
Rains earthen spikes across a target area, pinning down all enemy units in the 225 AOE. Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 1 - 500 casting range.
Level 2 - 750 casting range.
Level 3 - 1000 casting range.
Level 4 - 1250 casting range.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 20/16/12/10
Poof (F)
Drawing mystical energies from the earth, Meepo can teleport to another Geomancer, leaving destruction in his wake. After channeling for 2 seconds, Meepo instantly teleports to nearest target Geomancer, dealing damage in 400 AOE in the departure and arrival locations.
Level 1 - 40 damage.
Level 2 - 80 damage.
Level 3 - 120 damage.
Level 4 - 160 damage.
Mana Cost: 140/120/100/80
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14
Geostrike (G)(Passive)
The Geomancer enchants his weapon with the essence of the earth, crushing the life from his enemies and numbing their legs. Slows target movement speed and deals 15 damage per second. The effects are additive with other geomancers. Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 1 - 5% slow.
Level 2 - 10% slow.
Level 3 - 15% slow.
Level 4 - 20% slow.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Divided We Stand (D)(Passive)
Meepo summons an imperfect, semi-autonomous duplicate of himself, which can gain gold and experience and abilities. However, the clones cannot wield any items but the boots that Meepo himself wears. If one clone dies, they all die.
Level 1 - 1 Geomancer.
Level 2 - 2 Geomancers.
Level 3 - 3 Geomancers.
Level 4 -
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
I. Introduction
Meepo is one of the hardest but also the easiest one. XP growth different from the other, almost 4x in level 16 (4 clone). But, the biggest weakness is, “one die all die” is such a kind favorite word for hero such nuker e.g Lich, Lina, Lion etc. This build updated since the gameplay now is changing from farming to survivability. Why? Since in high level playing no one will let meepo farm like crazy, and no one will target the primary meepo, so BoT and Manta Style will be replaced with Power Tread and Guinsoo for better survivability skill.
II. Between Advantage And Disadvantage
- Meepo has the highest XP rate among all heroes in dota
- Can surely kill most of heroes in level 6, and totally farming out every creep wave in lvl 7.
- The one and only hero that doesn’t have a “Cooldown” with trap skill (Earthbind)
Earthbind last 2 seconds, and if there are 4 Meepo, and Earthbind cooldown is 8 seconds, then, 1 meepo throw Earthbind, 2 seconds again next Earthbind come again with second meepo, and then the third one, and next etc.2 x 4 = 8, after the fourth meepo throw his Earthbind, the first meepo Earthbind cooldown already finished.
It means We have a formula, if cooldown of skill divided with total hero which have the same skill multiply by the effect of the skill produce 1, that means those skill doesn’t have cooldown.(Cooldown/Total Hero * Effect Time = 1)
- Only Tinker And Meepo that can control more than ONE LANE IN THE SAME TIME. (Because of Boots Of Travel)
- Lion And Lina are your biggest enemy. Your clones have a little hp in early game, with Light Strike Array + Dragon Slave + Laguna, No one can stop you died. Same with Lion, Imaple, Hex and then Finger Of Death will sent you to heaven.
- NEED a VERY SKILLFUL HAND to do extra fast creeping, jungling, killing, , microing and teleport anyway. (This is the point that people always run away from picking meepo because it’s too hard to master this, like using chen creep)
So, The key is, if enemy pick AoE hero more than 2, repick meepo. I have a bad experience with that and i will give the replay that i was wrong to pick meepo at that time
III. Skill Build
“Farming Type”
1. Earthbind
2. Poof
3. Poof
4. Earthbind
5. Poof
6. Divided We Stand
7. Poof
8. Earthbind
9. Earthbind
10. Geostrike
11. Divided We Stand
12. Geostrike
13. Geostrike
14. Geostrike
15. Stats
16. Divided We Stand
17 - 25. Stats
“Survival Build”
1. Earthbind
2. Poof
3. Poof
4. Geostrike
5. Poof
6. Divided We Stand
7. Poof
8. Earthbind
9. Geostrike
10. Geostrike
11. Divided We Stand
12. Earthbind
13. Geostrike
14. Earthbind
15. Stats
16. Divided We Stand
17 - 25. Stats
IV. Skill Build Explanatory
“Farming Type”
First, i will tell you that, this is the fix skill build for me and i won’t change the position of the skill by any reason. Why you should change this skill build? I think it’s strong enough to make you stand longer in lane while you can forest farming if your creep are in a little push condition. I think the biggest question is:
Take Poof At First? No Mana Dude !!
I Know that poof take a really huge mana, but most guide i seen weren’t fixed poof mana cost. The latest dota version (until now is 6.54e) poof only cost 140/120/100/80 and have a cooldown by 20/18/16/14 while some dota’s sites provide old database of poof(which you just copy and paste them into your guide, MANA COST IS 225/210/195/180 and cooldown 60/50/40/30.).
- So, after reduced mana cost, what else do you want? i don’t think 80 mana is too much for 320 area damage with 1.5 second casting time and 30 second cooldown. While in lvl 7 you have 2 Meepo which means two poof, cost 80 mana in each meepo (if i’m not mistaken, your mana pool ini level 3 around 340), and you produce 640 damage, total creeping huh? since creep health pool only 550/560 should be around that when you lvl 7.
- Taking earthbind 2 level in early for saving your ass if some heroes trying to kill you or your teammate. Then in lvl 9 you take Earthbind lvl 4 which have 1250 casting range. A very very far casting range for such a area trap skill.
- Then Maximizing geostrike later because we need more meepo to synergize that, if you were only 1/2 meepo, then it won’t useful, so why don’t we skip that and take area damage skill first? Do we have the same reason why Sven got Storm bolt first and stats? also with Gondar take Suriken Toss and Wind Walk then skip jinada to late game? Because in early game you need to stand longer, while geostrike can’t support that. Poof and earthbind help you killing and creeping, it’s also synergize well if you have only 2 meepo, while geostrike can’t do that.
- And last, passive skill should take at last, Why? Attack Speed and base damage is the reason. If you were given the choice between Coup De Grace lvl 3 (Mortred Ultimate) and Windwalk lvl 4 when your hero still lvl 1, which one did you prefer? I’ll bet my Idgs junior id that most of people will take Windwalk then coup de grace. Critical attack need fast attack speed, which make the chance bigger to triggered ( If your attack speed is slow, it must be an era to wait critical attack show up). The same reason with Geostrike. More meepo, means more slower, and more fast attack speed. So, better skip Geostrike to later game.
This screenshot will talk more than my mouth says.
- As you see in here, Anub’seran try to kill me, because my health bar were in orange dot. Behind anub’seran, there are raigor that ready to stun me from far range with Fissure.
- But Anubseran comes too fast, raigor don’t prepare to stun me, but tower does to protect me
He attacks Anubseran.
- Sukuchi hit me, but it doesn’t matter, only a little damage won’t kill me.
- In this time, i prepare to net him. Look at red crossed line
- Anub’seran move as my prediction, now he will be dead.
- Successfull net, and tower still whack him. He will die in a few seconds. Remeber it was the first lvl of earthbind, it can only cast in 500 range.
- Sure he is dead, i let the Sentinel get it because i see raigor try to Fissure me, too dangerous to get kill, since my health bar is orange dot.
“Survival Build”
Not to mention that this build is different from farming type, but in this build, we will only help the battle not initiate. Since earthbind and geostrike only taken once, we can’t throw then hit them like usual as they will see us and they run or dodge (Early Game). So, let your friend open the battle/gank first, then you catch them, it’s easier since one of your friend must cast slow or stun skill. When caught, hit them, then this is the time Geostrike help us catch the target. 2 meepo can’t use earthbind effective if the target is too hard/tough. Additional damage also a helpful things even only just 10/second for 2 second. If meepo can grow better, well the strategy will be the same as Farming type.
IV. Item Build
Core Item (Farming type)
Survivability Type
And to complete the Item Set
Or maybe you can put aegis in your inventory.
V. Item Explanatory
Question that will pop up from your mind..
“Farming Type”
- Why do you get Boots of Travel on him? It’s better Power Tread, gives 10 str/10 agi/10 int to each meepo.
Well, well, you don’t know that meepo can cover up to 3 lane, and 1 meepo in forest jungling at lvl 16? When there is a battlefield around somewhere in the map, each of them can choose, poof to the nearest meepo or tele to nearest creep. So you have 2 escape mechanism, one with poof and another with BoT. BoT allows you to mega farming your lane. Also helping your friend that were in trouble.
“Survival Type”
- Power Tread? Why build that?
After try some games with Tread, well i must say it’s not too bad. Give meepo more health with small gold to stay longer in the field and prevent some big nuke in early game. Well, you can swap this with BoT in late game if you want.
Continue of Item Explanatory.
- Mekansm
No question about this, aura regen, armor bonus, 250 active heal/150 mana cost/45 seconds cooldown. Useful in battle which need some fast heal.
- Vladimir’s Offering
Again no question about this, self explanatory. Lifesteal aura, mana regen bonus and armor bonuses. The only one disadvantage from this thing is enemy will know which meepo are the primary. (Deviance aura are on the primary meepo only)
- Guinsoo Scythe Of Vise
Disable. One thing you must have in the game now. Not only catch enemy and cancel enemy portal, but the main thing is prevent them to use their skill. This item can counter Axe, Lina, Lion etc.
- Assault Cuirass
Decrease enemy armor by 5 around 600 aoe, armor bonus by 10 to yourself, 5 armor aura, 15% increase attack speed aura, and boost your attack speed by 40%. So primary meepo will have + 15 armor and 55% attack speed bonus. Expensive item so i recommend to get this item in late game only, since attack speed isn’t too important in early to mid game.
- Shiva’s Guard
The last area effect and gives aura item that you should get. Give 200 damage when activated, slows movements speed by 40% for 4 second (it’s frost nova and frost armor effect you know?) , give 30 intelligence and 15 armor, Last is Freezing aura, slow enemy attack speed by 25% (passive) .
I calculate that :
- Mekansm
Headress Of Rejuvenation = 1 Ring Of Regen (375) + 1 Ironwood Branch (57) + 1 Recipe Headress Of Rejuvenation (225) = 628 g
Netherezim Buckler = 1 Chain Mail (610) + 1 Ironwood branch (57) + 1 recipe Netherezim Buckler (200) = 838 g
Mekans Recipe = 900 g
Total for mekansm = 2366 g
- BoT
Boots Of Speed (500) + BoT Recipe (2200)
Total Cost BoT = 2700 g
- Power Tread
Total Cost Power Tread (STR) = 1910 g
- Vladimir’s Offering
Ring Of Basilus = Sobi Mask (325) + Ring Of Protection (175) = 500 g
Vladimir’s Offering = Ring Of Basilus + Ring Of Regeneration (375) + Vladimir’s Offering Recipe (300) + Mask Of Death (900) = 1575
Total Cost = 2075
- Guinsoo
Total Cost = 5700
- Assault Cuirass
Hyperstone (2300) + Chain Mail (610) + Plate Mail (1400) + Assault Cuirass Recipe (2000) = 6310 g
Total Cost = 6310 g
- Shiva’s Guard
Plate Mail (1400) + Mystic Staff (2700) + Shiva’s Guard Recipe (600) = 4700
Total Cost = 4700 g
Total Cost You Spent = 23751 g. (Not Imposibble To Reach, I can get those item in some games)
Effect On You (Primary Meepo):
- Bonus Stats : 23 Attack Bonus, 37.1 Armor Bonus, 25 Strength, 10 Agility, 70 Intelligence Bonus (Power Tread STR mode)
- Active Skill : Arcitc Blast (active, Shiva’s Guard), Hex, +2 armor & 250hp heal (active, Mekans)
- Passive Skill : Lifesteal aura & Bonus Attack Aura from Vladimir, Armor Bonus Aura & Armor Decrease Aura (to enemy) from Assault Cuirass, 3 hp regen aura from Mekansm, Freezing Aura (Decrease Aspd) from Shiva’s Guard, Briliance Aura (0.65 mana regen bonus)
Day 4 of making this guide. I feel that most people wait this guide because of the title, it says “Lina and Lion”. Am I wrong of doint this? Hmm..well, a little explanation. I’m not recommend you to take meepo first, at least wait until enemy choose first if you want to play safe. This guide isn’t make every enemy can be killed easily. It depends on your skill and surely, you need LUCK.
Now I’ll give explanation on how to start with meepo if there are NORMAL enemy, i mean there are only 1/2 single stuner in enemy team. Assume Vengeful Spirit and Sven.
VI. How To Play Meepo Efficiently.
Early Game Phase
Start with 2 Ironwood branch and 1 RoR + 2 Tango. Why Not basilus? you don’t need armor and mana regen in early game because i recommend you play with safe style. If you’re Scourge, then choose the left lane, or If Sentinel, go for right lane. Why? Lane choosing is important since you can farm neutral a lil bit if your creep get a little farther than safety zone. Safety zone in here is a place where enemy couldn’t gangbang you easily. You can harass enemy by some poof in level 4/5 if they try to harass you. Remember, only 100 mana for 240 area damage. But never make your mana pool empty. It will cause a problem when you want to run away, you don’t have earthbind. Once again, playing safe is the way to making your meepo a though killer. Money will come fast in lvl 7 ++ so leave it all away in early game won’t make your core item harder to get,isn’t it?
The worst way in this phase is, you only get Headress Of Rejuvenation, Ring Of Basilus and Boots Of Speed in lvl 7. Don’t worry, i usually make those item, and can finish with complete equip. Remember when you reach lvl 6, leave your lane, say to your partner that you will go forest jungling about 5 minutes. With 2 meepo, you can deal 480 damage to creep with 100 mana/meepo. Try to reach lvl 7 before going back to fountain. Gold that often seen in this time around 1200 - 2000 g. Well, if you farm better, get Mask of Death or Ring Of Regen. We want vladimir as fast as we can.
After getting basilus, don’t doubt to spam poof for farming. 2 poof = total creeping. You don’t need last hitting, just ‘F’ tab then ‘F’ and gotcha!!..get 300 g. I rarely seen that enemy aim at me in early game, maybe most of them underestimate meepo. This is the good side if we play an underdog hero, they let us farm as much as we can.
- Starting Item :
- Target Item : WORST CASE
Mid Game Phase
It should be you’re around lvl 11 now. So, 3 meepo is strong enough for killing.
Finally i have a time to continue this guide, now mid game. As i said before, 3 meepo is strong enough to kill, 960 damage in 1.5 seconds is horrible to some agility hero and intelligence. it’s better you look at this screenie. This screenshot show that 2 meepo is enough to kill, so if you go with 3 meepo, it will surely kill enemy around 800 hp. This picture show that huskar is easy to kill.
- Start to net with 1200 range. huskar can’t see us throwing net
- In the same time after throwing net, run as fast as you can, get closer to your enemy.
- After making sure that he caught in net, ready to throw another earthbind. this is easier because the target was locked
- Now throwing the second earthbind. remember, earthbind last only 2 second. so better get closer and poof
- Ready to poof, after a few hit
- Making sure that he will receive maximmum damage. 640 damage. And luckyly, huskar doesn’t know that meepo’s poof is strong enough to kill him.
- First poof. look at his health bar
- Now the second poof.
- Huskar try to kill me with all of his power, burning spear + ulti. but i’m sure that i won’t die becuase vladimir’s lifesteal.
- Happy ending
That’s the reason why we should max out earthbind first. 1200 range is very far for such a net skill. Another example : Help razor to kill. A precision with earthbind is an important skill. train how to position it and soon you will catch every enemy that already run forward.
Getting Guinsoo
Disable, prevent them using their special ability like counter helix (Axe), reduced magic damage (Magina), reduced armor by 100%. Get Mystic frist, then you get Ultimate orb to boost stats. You can also pick Ulti orb first if you manage to survival.
Late Game
This is the fun part also the stage that will proof you that your meepo is successfull or not. When going battle, it’s better you support your team only with earthbind. After that, if you’re sure that enemy not attracted with your sense, you can do trick net-run-net. get closer all meepo to your enemy, then poof, If you don’t get kill, i’m sure most of enemy will have a red bar in their health poof. To make this late game more shiny, Assault Cuirass is the key. Aspd is the only thing that can get at late game after health and attack in early and mid. Since late game item chance to trigger like buriza and monkey kng bar will synergyze with high aspd.
VII. Tips And Trick Also Example Of Taking care Lina or Lion.
I’ll serve you all with this replay while i making the rest of this guide.
If somebody have download the replay, well you can train your skill with that way. Some tips and trick that you should know are
- Don’t being aggresive if you’re only have 2 meepo. 2 meepo is strong enough to farming but for killing, i would recommend to stay safe for you noobies:D
- Meepo is magic damage, but repeled/black king bar activated enemy will have geostrike effect though. Don’t forget that earthbind is area skill which can’t be blocked by repel or black king bar. So, throw it to catch bkb-ed enemy.
- Poof have 3 good things. It can deal damage, teleport, and farming.
- Always get boots of travel and never let anybody steal one creep from your total farming with poof. Boots of travel may be bought at anytime, even though you don’t finish your mekansm or vladimir. As long as you can stay away from harm, mekans and vladimir isn’t needed so much. Get Power Tread if enemy is a little harder.
VIII. Worst Enemy VS Best Allies
Worst enemy are stuner, stuner, and stuner. Most game that i’ve played got lost because there are stuner AoE like Magnus, Stone Giant, Leviathan and Lich. There’s no time to cast poof for each meepo coz you’ll stuned for a period of second, at the mean time, they will hit you first because you’re the weakest also the trouble some in team clash. And you will find that poof isn’t effective when you got hit by Tiny’s Avalanche. Some meepo will poof, other won’t. Stuned meepo will try to continue your command to do poof, problem if you manage to run away. Well, waste of some good area damage then.
Best Friend also your worst enemy. Stuner will make you easier to position your earthbind and do poof easier.
*Thanks to Dotaportal and Dotastrategy for the icon and information.
*Thanks to [XcN]-RitteR who gave me this idea. You’re a light hope.
15 Comments yet..:
nice guide
Thx for the guide, its very useful
I ve been playing geo for a while, and ı do not recommend BoT for geo: The reason is that geo do not need moving speed, but attacking speed + str instead. Because geo is not a chaser, you ll just net the enemy and finish him off with poof/geostrike. And do not forget that the boots are the only chance for Hp/Str of other geos. Therefore ı strongly recommend buying a PT instead of BoT.
i used meepo already the way you do ...but i think your strategy is much better than mine!more power meepo guy! ;)
meepo is the best... ever !!
thnx for the guide m a newbie w/meepo bt i can handle it now i agreed that power threads is more useful than bot..but thnx 4 d guide it helps a lot..
if i were u i will use the item's:dagger,boots of travel,assault cuirass,shivas guard,mekansm,vladimirs.....for that item i asure you even troll cant't handle you meepo
Sry But this build totally SUx try this one(dagger+3 heart trasque+vlad+travel) i wanna ur opinion too ^^ ,,
lol some guys saying that Treads are only way to boost hp from other geo... not true! they geomancers get 25% of the real one got, that means a heart of tarraske will boost every meepo hp, like anything other, bracer boosts hp, null chain boosts mana, and wraith boosts agility, it says on the ultima when you picking it!!Meepo is one of the best carry heroes of the game, but that dont means he cant be solo by another agi/str!
try. mekasm. deso. vlade. heart. threads
r u using mh????ur minimap is fully visible = = xD
of course minimap is fully visible.. that`s save replay dude..
Pls say what was Huskar's item
tnks for da advice meepo dude now i can use someone other than slark in challenges with my clasm8s(i can have easy $$ with meepo ^_^)tnk u very much love u mwuah mwuah chup chup...
thats Nice
meepo doesnt need the dagger you twit -_-
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