Update: 6.58 (Beta) build Changelog:
(Hero changes only)
- Lanaya's meld now deals more damage bonus according to the duration of time hidden.
- Pugna's ulti no longer a channeling spell and is considered a debuff/buff.
- Invoker Str/level gain increase from 1.65 to 1.83
- Dark seer's surge can now be used on enemy units and will slow for 30% on all levels. Duration on enemy units are 1/2.5/3/4s
- Images from Dark seer's Wall of replica now deals 80% damage. Duration nerfed to 10/25/30 seconds.
- Necrolyte's Death pulse now heals 60/100/120/150 from 50/75/100/130.
- Magnataur's Empower now gives bonus atk speed of 10/20/30/40%.
Manacost increased to 75. Cooldown is 20 seconds.
- Visage's Soul assumption damage bonus now lasts 40 seconds.
- Krobelus minor remake.
- Gorgon's Split shot now deals 55/65/75/85% damage from 45/55/65/75%.
- Windrunner's Focus fire changed to 40/35/25% reduced damage from 50/40/30
- Azwraith's Juxtapose has a higher initial chance of 5/7/10/12%
from 3/6/9/12%
- Troll Warlord's str/lvl gain nerfed to 2.0 from 2.2
- Luna's Moon glaive no longer bounces between towers.
- Kunnka's str/lvl gain nerfed to 2.5 from 2.7. Torrent now deals 100/150/200/250 damage from 120/180/240/300.
(Item and Misc changelog to come later.)
37 Comments yet..:
changelog looking real but wheres the map?
pass plz
GIVE PASS Of Beta map plz
wat is the pass
thank You for sharing bcz i have WinRar. password cracker :D
I also have password cracker thnx for sharing
maybe share password if you rly cracked it?-.-
the password is "betafrog"
passwword please
Ubantu? can u say the password if u have cracker
I am not using Windows i am using linux so that i can use this software on my Ubantu
here the file type is w3x,when download from rapidshare is rar.i think rar need to change to w3x
Can You Give Another Link Eg From Mediafire? Coz I Always Have A Problem With Rapidshare Which Does Not Allow Me To Download.
Wrong pass @@ . plz share pass
Password ??
come on. its new year. share the password.
i think is fake.Anonymous,if u crack it,can u share?
which password are u talking about ?
sad pls temme the password pls ddue cmon
ubanto wats the pass?
ubantu wats the password cracker you used ?
juz change ur 'RAR' file to 'w3x' file...
den should b ok ...
if u dunoe change...
u can go ..
file option>view>hide extension for knows file type...'just cancel this option'
my expression very sux...hope u all noe wad im talking now....xP
pass pls
please icefrog where is the map
i have linux operating system. Password crarker wont work for windows users so keep trying and searching password craking software or just wait for the official map
If you cracked the map and have it, why don't you just post it up on an uploading site -_-
lol ubantu claims password cracker wont work for windows users. people dont care about the cracker! they just want you to post the freaking password!
cant you just upload the map if you cracked it already or just give us the pass
Man y did Troll Warlord str growth been incrence isnt troll have been imba from the previous map...
The changelog is fake, don't even want to download the map.
Trust me. I'm a beta.
the password is "Ic3F130Gb3t44u"
Map is Shared and the password is removed.Sorry for inconvenience
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