Themes Preview (Beachpack, snowpack, hellpack)

Installation :-
How to install the Theme Manager?
1. If you have beachpack installed, restore to original (if you can't, it won't be too bad afaik). You would have exchanged your War3Patch.mpq in this case and should have a backup (with lower filesize).
2. Unpack the file IN your warcraft folder - in most cases C:\Program Files\Warcraft III.
3. DO NOT move or rename any of the files you unpacked. The path must be: "\Warcraft III\DotA Theme Manager V2\"
4. If you want it on your desktop, create a shortcut of the exe file.
5. make sure both your WC3 and your World Editor are closed!
6. Go! (after checking step 2 and 3 again)
1. Close your warcraft AND warcraft world editor. Else it does not work!
2. Start the program. If you start it the first time, it will create a backup of your MPQ
3. Select your favourite toolkit. If you select one, it will always be activated unless you change it!
4. Start WC3. Whether you start it out of the program or not is not important.
Other maps might have a (visually) screwed terrain - I suggest you to use "original" when playing something different than DotA.
For Detailed Installation, usage and FAQs visit this link.
Download Dota Theme Manager v2.0
Download Dota Theme Manager v2.0 (Mirror)
55 Comments yet..:
tnx dota utilities
tnx for this one
nc 1
when i extract it erros will show " Access Denied "???
when i extract it ,and when i play dota ,there are no change at all,,,,how do it works plsss tell us.............
are we able to switch it back to the original terrain??
there's no change..pls help me how ..
why?....there's no change
thank you dota utilites
omg FAQ link doesnt work
thank you!!
..hmmm...let me...see as part of the dota to talk u about the steps to make your terrain..just like that one in the screen shots...
:O !
said tnx
TY ..
it wont extract in the warcraft folder.. wat would i do?
thanks dota utilities! ^^
guys i huv the wc3 on a flash so0 what should i do??
how does it works
the War3Patch.mpq was gone and the maps was unable to initialize plzzz help mee
Yeah niggass
what should want me to do
thanks for the Dota theme manager.. i'm looking it everywhere..
i have problem and instalation step 3 and error occurs ...
Select your favourite toolkit. If you select one, it will always be activated unless you change it!
i can;t select any wtf mana !?
i like it
Thx u ! can u make another terrain ?
HOpe i get more style ...
Shot..looking forward to use it
nc 1..
hey how the heck do u use this thing
need help for dota 6.74c ai dota themes is not working
thank you my nigga
It works when I open the Warcraft 3 game (local) but not through Garena... Please help...
thankzz...its work ..
work man
how it works .?? I already follow the instructions...
it's dosn't works
Just crap!
i use win 7 32 n it's dosn't work, n appear text "mscomctl.ocx" missing or invalid
this theme only work for win XP doesn't it?!
It doesn't work..
nothing happened !!!!!!!!! damn thing!!!
Don't know
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