Garena :
• Garena is a virtual LAN client for playing online multiplayer games in Lag-less, Hackfree/Anticheat Enviroment. It is very popular in Asia/Europe region for playing Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne DotA-Allstars. This client also supports other popular multiplayer games.
Guide How to Play DotA on Garena:
• Download Garena from it's official website.
• Install it.
• Run Garena from the shortcut on your Desktop.
• Client window will appear.
• Click register button and register yourself.
• Login your account.
• After logging in it will ask for verifying your account. Verify it. It is good way to protect your account from hackers/scammers.
• Now click game button on Top left of Garena client and select Warcraft 3 RPG.
• Select region and a join a room. Tip: always join full rooms.
• Set Warcraft 3 gamepath from settings menu in Garena client.
• Now click start game and go to LAN section in Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.
• Wait few seconds for the games to show.
• Join a game and wait for the game to start
• Enjoy
• You must have the latest Warcraft 3 Patch to play on Garena.
• Do not join games with High Pings, it will make you lag. Pings represent on bars. 1 bar means low ping.
• Try to play in your country rooms. You will experience low pings there.
• At least 512 kbps DSL internet connection is required to play on Garena. Wireless Internet is not recommended.
• You gain ladder levels by winning games if you lose your level will decrease.
• There are lots of things which you need to learn about Garena. It is just a guide for playing DotA on it.
• Don't use hacks they are for noobs you will never learn through hacks. Also, you take risk of getting banned.
Screenshot (click image to enlarge)
49 Comments yet..:
first blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heLo..why didnt I see ppl game i hv same version map and all same..but still got this prob..anyone can hlp me...
Im very thankful to who hlped me..
yeah i clicked LAN and i cannot see any game at all!anyone pls help?
btw my warcraft is 1.24d
guys...i cant reinstall my wc3 but i need patch can someone please say my what to do ??????????????????
why yesterday i can ply my dota but today i cant ply,the problem is i can see ppl game but cant join~ppl game is only 3/10 i join many time still the same~and i cr8 my own game only i can see,everbody cant see it~.please hlp me~,my dota version 1.24b dono how or go wer dl 1.24c,1.24d,1.24e~
Someone help me!Its says that someone made a room and it doesn't show~!
you don't have the same version of warcraft or your version is lower than him
i also have the same problem...anybody there who can help me?
para bongga
Yeah... I also can't join in because I can't see the created rooms in dotA (Local Area Network)... Some of my classmates told me that I need to upgrade my version but my version is 1.24d!!! Please help :/
same cant fint available game for me
Can play Garena with Smart broardband?
Aww.... im using globe tatoo.
how to download warcraft 3
PLease i need help i already have account in gg..But i dont know why i cant find any rooms wherever i go whatever rooms i join i dont know why..PLease help..
Does the creator of this hear us???
We really are fans of this game but what we need is quality please help !!
there is a new patch available 1.26a
I can't see any rooms in DoTa , if patched my DoTa from 1.21 to 1.24. (blahblahblah)
But still nothing is happening!!
Can somebody help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
hey! GG anyone?
where can we get those latest patch??
i can't access battle.net in dota online, share me plz if u have any idea.
you men anyone could help me where to download garena to play dota online
hey guyz i have the newest version of wc3
and i still cant see any games in my lan thing in wc3....
could it be coz i dont have the maps?
yup maybe you need to download the latest maps of dotA like v6f etc. Hope this helps :)
I have 126a and the latest maps and cant see anyone
fucjing arena...
DirectX is needed also. .
Thanks for the information. It is very helpful.
how can i get a latest version of wc3? pls tell me
same pbm here, i hav 1.26a n new maps bit still cant see a single game in lan. plz somebody
yeess!! may garebna na ko !!
thanks for the giude
the last vers is 1.26 na ?
what can i do to upgrade warcraft .?
You need a brain a to play this... sorry can't help you on that!!
You need a brain to play this one. Sorry i really can't help you guys!!!
most garena users r still on dota 1.24 patch thats y u cant see the games. u jst gota stwitch back to 1.24 patch if u r using 1.26 patch
i cannot playing :( http://imageshack.us/f/341/26249662.jpg/ why dc?
can i play garena using 3G dongle?
omg..whats this dota?
i need help i also cant see any games but im in a same version my version is
what happens when you quit a game? does your level decrease?
I can't see my 6.78c map when i play in garena???When i play (normal Warcraft3{no Garena}) my 6.78c map will appear....When i log into garena and play and create a game my 6.78c map won't appear in my maps......Help me pls how do i resolve this problem???
It's possible you didn't run world edit as administrator and saved it, rendering it useless to the actual game
i cant see LAN ,so i cant play dota
What the hell there's no DoTa in LAN at the bottom
I like it.I am downloading.Now,I can play Dota with another guys.
where is game button??i cant see it
does girls play dota??
How can I download warcraft 3 and play online pleas help me :)
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