Final Update (15th December, 2012): Released!
IceFrog releases DotA 6.77 version focused on balance. You can read 6.77 changelogs.
Update #1 (7th December, 2012):
IceFrog confirms the release of Dota 6.77 before Christmas via his profile comments. Unfortunately, the new patch will be primarily focused on balance and tweaks, no new heroes.

Here are some potential Warcraft 3 models which are not implemented in DotA yet!
1. Ragnar, The Kodo Rider
Can be a Sentinel strength hero with tanking abilities like Centaur Warchief. Kodo Rider model was once added in beta test version but couldn't make its way to official map.

2. Giant Turtle
Good model for a scourge strength/agility hero with good DPS skills, can act as a carry for a team.

3. Human Marine
All time favourite TFT model, can act like a Soldier of the Ancients. Bringing some first person shooter action to DotA!

4. Makrura
From the famous clan of Broodmother and Nerubian Weaever. This could a be nice addition for Scourge Strength tavern. Can act as semi-carry for a team with ganking abilities.
It's all up to IceFrog to consider suggestions from the community. There's always a room for new stuff in DotA. We hope that he includes new heroes in DotA 6.77 besides balancing. The development status of this map is currently unknown as IceFrog didn't post any update about it. We'll update this page with news about DotA v6.77, so keep visiting DotA-Utilities.
110 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
nice heroes
Marine model looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Do want it in next map
Omg! which is str which is int and which is agi? :|
it seems like these new hero suggestions are limited just because it just uses WC3 models.
not like Dota 2 which won't have any problems of running out of models.
My fav kodo rider,, when im going to play it, been waiting for ages,, btw marine looks cool
Hmmm marines eyy. Starcraft maybe :)
Hmm marines eyy. . . Starcraft maybe
The 6.76 ai map hasnt release yet but 6.77 map will come :D K
how for int heroes??
it says it will fill all taverns
PLZZZZ BALANCE TERROR BLADE AGAIN NOW HE is TOOO unBalanced plz over view him!
how about mention better models like Raider or Wind Rider
Ragnar should be like WTH ??? he's bulky but Agi !! :)
badlooking hero .. still wait 6.76 ai
hydra, siege golem FTW!
how about earth spirit like ember,storm spirit
AI Maps 6.75 or 76 first!!! before this 6.77 Map! RAMPAGE!!!
most of those models will be implemented maybe in the near future. ive seen those ideas in the forum but i have to say they are good but not that good yet. mostly icefrog creates his own ideas on the heroes and i would like to see a gryphon rider on the next update.
!!WoW!! The More People To Play Dota The More Playerz To Come !!!
marine looks like in zombie map in dota
The Human Marine looks like in the zombie series
nice one :D
nice one :D that's why i love to play dota . :))
Niceee.. I Hope Got Nuker Like Tinker Lina Or Lion =( xD Well Anythings OK =)
firs hero is really good but turtle,marine and makura is really ugly pls change or i don know is really ugly (for me)
It seems that we have to addopt more heroes in our gameplay.. Exciting! :D
we definetly need old roof back.what ice frog has done to him is a horor..bring back his wards,healing with armor and old ulti,old school
please add gryphoon rider, raider, wyvern rider...
Hope Icefrog can create pandas of 5 elements.
when can we know about their skills/abilities? (new heroes)
and when will be the new AI version also?
First Blood!
nice heroes
Wow...... Nice hero.
AI versions FIRST!!!!!
how can it be download and news together? xD
i like android
ss of centaur is for kodo rider!
maybe a grim reaper or death god...dont say we already have nevermore cause i want to play a different hero..
wow!fantastic baby!
no v6.76 AI map!? :Gambit
hey how about a hero like a soccer player that have diving that cant stun, heading for damage, some passive skills and ultimate such as volley kick that the hero kick the ball to the enemy
Nice one!!! But any progress or update for AI Maps huh!!??? please release 6.75 AI, 6.76 AI or 6.77 AI before anything else it almost month of December next week up to now we still don't any update for AI Maps... PLEASE... ANY UPDATE FOR NEW AI MAPS!!!
AI Maps release it now Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!! RAMPAGE!!!
I want a new heroes with archery male version like Robin Hood(Agility), or something like Sword Man with mystic sword Brave Heart/King Arthur(Strength), or something like Gladiator(Intel),
and also include a hero with a concept or twist of
Samurai X(Agility),
and if ice frog made all of these...
lets Get ready to rumble!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AI map first..b4 6.77....RAMPAGE
when did it release that map??
can't wait!!! :))
I feel those models are good, but they just dont speak HERO out for me, personally, if IceFRog could come up with Ancient Apparition, what is to stop him from creating new models as well? I personally am hoping for a female strength heroine!
What about the tank form tinker???
when it will be released?
Gryphoon Raider can be a hero in dota tooo!!
Nobody mentioned it so i'm gonna say it: PLEAAAASE make a hero using Human Bandits if u know which model im talking about, that would be a cool str ganker for Scourge
well its not bad but its cool!!!
I want to have a hero that looks like the human siege tank :D
Can wait. This marine looks sick
I want to request that hero Frash (hurricane) will in the Map v6.77 not in the AI Fun Mode........
this is for fun mode i swear it cant be added to the official map...
can it have a transformer?
next time roshan will be a hero..
next time roshan will be a hero..
I want The KODO RIDER .. And has the skill like the Kodo with a STUN . Devour . Passive 10-22% Stun Effect . A great Last Skill that could make him good at clash .. =D That all .. Tahaha !!
The MORTAR Team !! Its a good Support and Tanker . Tahaha !!
The FLYING Thingy of the ORC at the Campaign . looks good for support . like BATRIDER !!
First blood first blood,,,,looser got anything etter to start off chat with?? noob
I want gryphon rider and wind rider models already
Lok thar ogar
how about the "ORCS RAIDER"
and by the way the human bandits it will be good for the strenght hero from scourge
when will this gonna release?
add female heroes
i'm excited to try the new map....
Cetar membahana!!! keluarin dulu map 6.76 AI [K]
i have a suggestion on the new heroes too and i want u to include this heroes as well: 1.) harpy queen for sentinel with wind abilities, 2.) lightning lizard for sentinel with electric abilities and 3.) hydra for scourge with water abilities and please and thank u =) (-_^) =D
thanks for the new models, especially giant turtle =D and oh please i hope u include this three heroes as well: 1.) harpy queen for sentinel with wind abilities 2.) lightning lizard for sentinel with electric abilities and lastly, 3.) hydra for scourge with water abilities and please and thank u =) (-_^) =D
I really like Ragnar the Kodo Rider....I wish he could make it on the official map..:))
So cool.. new heroes .. i wish that heroes is cool,,
Nc Heroes
be soon....waitin to play wth new map...:))
b4 chrtmas..wow....:))
would love to see that map very very soon...thanks for the updates anyways
I suggest Dota to make a hero like Flying Wyvern in orc beastiary...then a crypt fiend but there is now nerubian weaver...then the flying ranged unit of naga race... just suggesting :)
i got a news that the hand of midas getting upgraded in 6.77? is that true??
nice heroes..keep up the good work =)
can't wait...
Gryphon Rider?
wow i want giant turtle weee
nice new heroes
Giant Turtle can't wait for the released of this map :D
hey people lets make a christmas song for dota :D
play any game while waiting this map release.. i suggest hon2dota
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Icefrog said: "Likely before that" which means not confirm.
Also he said there will bo scepter upgrade or remake.
He didnt say anything about heroes. Btw in 6.75 and 6.76 there were no "scepter upgrades" but two new Heores!
There must be more Heroes in the upcoming map or else this year will be the year with least Heroes released, only 2!!!!!!!!!!!
Next Map Gonna rocks..
All we want is new heroes and new style map ice frog can add heroes like lord nicholas,lord garithos,uther,arthas with froustmoure,and even thor pliz thor should be added we beileve u iceforg
u can find this heroes in dota fun maps :)
can you fill all the tavern wit heroes
you can download dota theme
Deffinately dig the first one, shot for good work, tons of good karma coming your guys way. peace
I think the marine model isnt used because there is no specific voice for it in warcraft 3.
i want a new hero kind like trent like power of nature planting seeds!or opposite of balanar that turns the night to daylight!power of weatherlike to comfuse the enemy
Earth panda please !! xD
I waiting for earth panda
or the character on a book. . Dante his name from the book of dante's inferno
----Jin Ginasky
:) nice
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