All the Dota 2 items are strictly limited to cosmetic purpose only, they will not affect the gameplay in any way, unlike other MOBA genre games. There is no hero restriction, players are free to access any hero, you don't have to pay to unlock them. The Battle points system has been introduced. Each time you play and finish a matchmaking game, your Battle level/points increases and you're rewarded with free Dota 2 items.
Moreover, The Dota 2 Workshop has come in place. It lets the community members to contribute in Dota 2 by submitting new items (for e.g. cloaks, claws, swords, hats etc). Once your submission gets approved you'll earn a percentage of it's sales through your Steam wallet.
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Question: How can I play DOTA 2?

Dota 2 31st May Patch
175 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
i dont if i am the FIRSTBLOOD
when they are going to release Dota 2 mac version?? :((
Awesome news for DotA Fans.. Live Long Valve..
-SaD Productions.
Lol. Valve shamelessly stole the business model of League of Legends. Not gonna play this crap!
man the game looks so cool.. cant wait to try it +)
mac version is on the way it has been launch u wana now web for mac dota2 han free to play reply?
Mega Kill, RAMPAGE ! Nice one ! I've been playing this DotA 2 for a month with my Beta key and now, I can play it with my friends. Thanks Valve ! :)
Steam trying to make money again...
i want a free dota 2 please :)))
@Dude who Said "Lol. Valve shamelessly stole the business model of League of Legends. Not gonna play this crap!"
You sir are clearly a LoL fanboy, Valve have this system already in place for TF2, a much older game than LoL. Also Valve aren't making you pay for any heroes and all the items are cosmetic, thus stopping people from buying their way to the top, so its nothing like the system in LoL.
Do some research before you start bashing a game thats far better than LoL.
Sources; Used to play LoL, now play DotA2
how can ii get dota 2 ???
and from where?
where can i get dota 2?
how can i download it...?4
so there will be no LAN mode for it?sad
39$ dollar for a key? no thanks, i'll stick to Warcraft 3 Dota.
“so there will be no LAN mode for it?sad”
There would be LAN mode on Dota 2. Dota 2 LAN mode is currently disabled for the beta test.
“39$ dollar for a key? no thanks, i'll stick to Warcraft 3 Dota.”
>> Well I got my key for free. Just answer the survey and wait for your beta invite.
haha waiting....
torrents are powerful, uploader: like a boss
39$ dollar for a key? no thanks, i'll stick to Warcraft 3 Dota.
admit it, u just cant live without maphack
Hope this game will not same as HON!
no date as to when this is going to be free to play?
free invite for key...maybe from any dota websites...if u are lucky, u will get one maybe more, 39 dollar is for dota invite(key) and bundle...I've check it already...bundle=more items, collections, etc something like that...not the game is 39 dollar, the bundles are
there are no such as "MOBA"
Just played a Dota 2 game, the graphics are so flashy as compared to HoN sometimes its very hard to distinguish between heroes. The Day/night cycle is weird, when its day its good and bright but when night comes you can barely see anything..I dont like the Dark theme of dota 2..
dota 2 is free already..no need beta key.. @_@
please send me a key
my steam is omarjafar35
go back to the classic play warcraft 3 it is better than dota 2
any date for free play dota2 for all
why you said it is fake ? its sure information, thanks for dota utulities, ignore troll thx
dota 2 like a bullshit business
bring convenience fee
i already got my beta key
thanks valve
i want dota 2
well steam is trying to make money..yes..but in a good way..they let us play all heroes in dota 2 for free but we just had to pay for skins and other stuffs(USELESS)..unlike LoL or HoN..we had to buy heroes and other stuffs..but who needs those damn skins anyway..only for "show offs"...there no such skins in original dota..so the main factor here is how you can own people with your HERO!..skills are required not skins!!!KEEP OWNING UNTIL YOU GET RAMPAGGEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dota 2 looks LOL
sorry for this game pay to play first then free to play why ? no players want to pay
Why do people here First Blood for no sense. Are their expression are; "Awesome","Nice","Cool","Fuck Yeah"!?
Valve is great company..and there is no download button in their site because you have to downloadn the in steam...noobs
please can anyone say me how can i download dota 2 as free
All of the people here that are saying that HoN or LoL is better can go back to your games and play them instead of arguing about a game like Dota 2 which is far superior. All the people that are asking why there are no download button, it is its beta phase and not released yet you can buy the key for 39.99 with many rare items. For all the people saying that it should by Blizzard... Blizzard never made it in the first place, Dota was made on Warcraft 3 by modders. By the way Blozzard is making a Dota game called Blizzard All-Stars which looks like crap honestly. Please read the article before you make stupid comments.
i dun know about lol n hon......never played....but 1 thing that i noticed is dota is much popular among gamers......dota is better maybe.....
if theres no dota at the 1st place, there are no LoL and HoN nowadays.
DOTA 2 your d best
no playing dota 2.. better play LOL.. or dota.
i just love to w8 for beta key around 6 months stupid survey!!!
thx luminous 4 giving me beta key.. :)
is this free or what?..
Cant wait to try Dota 2...
Wish I could try it, looks like there is no more invite. I loved DotA.
I wish that instead of 25£ they made it for justan item in the shop like for TF2.
Plus, will you keep those item when the game is released final? I hope so for the one who will buy the bundle....
Anyway, looking for a beta key of someone got an extra =D
(chaky furtz in steam)
two weeks awaiting my invitation.... and nothing comes in my mailbox :/
LOL is Game for FAT BOYS
@ i just love to w8 for beta key around 6 months stupid survey!!!
im waiting since november...
sorry guys how can i play d2 i must download from somewhere or buy it cause i really didn't understand it..!!???
sorry guys can anyone tell me how to get d2 i download from somewhere or buy it really didn't understand at all ?????????
where can i get the beta key for free my steam acc xX_zZz_Xx
isnt still just in a beta?
First Blood!
it has no LAN in this game?sad....
ilove dota 2!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha
i really would love a key! been waiting for an amazingly long period of time now! anyone game to give me one? :/ my steam account is 'rainbowhorsie'
warcraft 3 dota is the best because it is the original shut up all of you this game dota 2 sucks. HoN or war3 dota is best!!!
Dota wont survival without Warcraft III
Rofl true xD
I love akasha
hmm, is the best hero.. :)
damn ! ! i idont like dota 2 ,, , , , ,Blizzard is the best
damn ! ! ! dota 2 is fail , , , hail Blizzard
If you need a dota2 key you can visit www.beerndota.com
I am giving away 1Invite every week.
all nonsense comments..are
all kids.. agree wd that guy..
no dota no LOL or HON nowadays.
ur jst complaining bcuz u cant afford to buy..
but thnk about it.. theyre working hard to make a better GAME to entertain u poeple.. free or not..they deserve to be payed..
what the fuking noobs dat r saying tat hon or lol best game.. Stil dota 2 is best. I got a beta key but not yet downlded... Sad
i thought dota 2 stand alone says it will release on the the 1st quarter of this year. until now there is no confirmation about that.
I no have Beta key..but i really want to play..how i can get it..plez help me :(
5 dollar for my dota 2 add me here guyz so we can talk about this...
is the "39.99$ Early Access Bundle" only unlock ONE account or have another one???
I Already own a dota 2 account. It took me "SIX MONTHS" to get my account after filling up the survey!!!!
But to have a early access you need to pay 39 dollars!!!!
But it already have a lot of rare items!!
OK, I've read several of these replies, and I'll just be one among many, but I'll try to make some things clear regardless.
Buying the items in the store supports DotA2, DotA2 is essentially Valve. Valve as a game corporation will put more focus on DotA2, keeping it awesome, if people buy stuff. So don't be cheapskates, even if you don't think that new Axe skin is really necessary.
Early Access is already granted when you have a Beta-Key, it is not something you will have to buy.
Valve is known to use ideas from their past games when making new ones. Now they decided to make a shop, inspired by TeamFortress2, and also the other MOBA games.
well you can buy it for $10 dollars from me via paypal :)
add me on steam : isnalla
Dota Sucks too much illuminati :P
im quit playing dota because to much Illuminati .. Dont know what mean ? find at youtube or google .. :)
To the guy who said valve stole LoL's buisness model. Dota was before LoL, and the model where you can buy cosmetic items has been around for a very long time. Also LoL game breaks by making it Pay to play. Dota2 Doesn't have that
6.75 map where is that map
dota was first!!! you guys playing HON or LoL didnt know that dota was the model and most superior.. they copied all shits from dota.. they just changed heroes names, combined the heroes. but same gameplay like dota..
Gather up guys I have something to tell y'all, DotA 2 is like DotA which HAS a better graphics only but ALSO has a better lag spikes in it. What I'm saying to Valve is they should make an application for DotA 2 named "DotA 2 Offline Client" which makes the people who likes no LAG SPIKES have a smooth gameplay not like right now where we play the beta key with our nearest server(SE Asia for me because I'm from Philippines) then still we get these f*cking 1000 ping, I know that is sh*t!!! Now lets get back to the words I'm sayin', see?! I know you looked so surprised because of my sh*tty ping. Explain to me why do I get this f*cking ping, because I don't have a good internet speed(5 mbps without anyone with me) or because of the game? I know that the game is still in beta but Valve don't care about fixing it AND I know that you are thinking that I am the only one who is talking about this issue but no, it's not, someone is also complaining about this and no one from the company saw this f*cking issue? If you want the game be popular to the world, you should prove it, Valve should prove it! Now let's skip about the DotA 2 bad issue, and go to the suggestion of the others. I see that many of DotA 2 players are complaining about the hero "cards" selection in-game is such gay, what I am saying again is it's like Yugi-Oh game that which makes the players transferred from DotA to DotA 2 laughing at it because of its concept. Well I laughed a bit about it because I should rush to find my favorite hero before the other people will choose it, now thank God for the hero search engine they made for faster navigation. My suggestion about it is return the style of DotA hero selection(the Normal- 6.74) where the heroes are arranged by their faction and classes but with more fashion in it. After the hero selections, the f*cking status bar! You forgot the f*cking status bar wher we put the f*cking status like "Auras"! Why the hell you should put it above the health bar and beside the picture frame the hero?!? And those irritating bars that slices the health bar of the hero? What is that? LoL style? That is why someone is always saying that " Is that LoL?", wtf?!? Well enough for the suggestions, those are the only thing I want to suggest. And last, about the f*cking histories of these f*cking games: HoN, LoL, DotA, and DotA 2... DotA- has been creted by Eul last 2003 based on the map "Aeon of Strife" from the game Starcraft, developed by Guinsoo and stopped at the map "6.01" and again developed by IceFrog until the latest map "6.74".
LoL- has been created by Riot games and designed by Guinsoo last 2008 and have been released last 2009(see, DotA has been created BEFORE the sh*tty game LoL)
HoN-has been created by S2 games last 2010(some informations from DotA have been shared, not copied, to this game by the ideas of IceFrog and the creator of HoN).
Now we are done with the arguments and flaming around here, a'ight.... steam: fullauto_00
what the hell guys...I'm playing LoL since beta came and there wasn't any beta keys so I played it at the immediately, for Dota I'm waithing for more than a month now for shitty key....so don't tell me anything against LoL because these guys know what to do for the best of players around the world, not like someone who wants introducing a new game and fooling people around. Doesn't matter....dota before LoL or not before LoL, this game give me reasons why to stay on it....good idea to get money from geeks who wants everything through buying skins....why not. Truly is that Dota came 1st out, but why so complaining if there is other games similar....i played other games too like HoN and LOCO and so what...for 1st impression Dota 2 doesn't giving me right reasons to play it at the beginning. So if Valve will messing things that way to make people waiting for some little things, that it's better to stay on LoL, but I'm not now kind a LoL geek who every day playing only LoL, but in time that I take for playing I play games which I can.
Just so you guys know DOTA was the first of its kind then LoL came out then more and more of its kind so basically Dota is the first type of MOBA game.
i think dota 2 will be popular if there no fee required . besides, all the damn steps to get the dota 2 make it unpopular among the players. if its free to play? so, prove it?
Can some 1 give me beta or gift,or tell me when will dota 2 be free to play..thanks steam bekifromkaca
I hate LoL..Also HoN is better because of High Graphics..but still DotA is the best!
Lol stolen idea ? not really i mean HoN had to make the change to survive and valve will need it also competing with 2 others its a logical move i mean whos gonna pay for dota 2 when there is already free hon and lol ... even though i would :p some may not though so that it why they have to :)
begaduh la h kamu!!!!!! mat saleh !!!!!
Ok go play blizzard all stars (BALLS) when it comes out it looks pretty good haha roshan fights for u after u kill him its a mess blizz dota should just give up now rather that taking a fall they need icefrog to have a good game just stick with wc3 blizz
Everybody knows what the illuminati is and it has nuthing to do with dota haha funny sencless comment tho
Please do help meeeee~ I already installed my Dota 2 recently. The steam is working correctly but everytime I tried to play dota 2 and before the game starts my dota 2 closing. Whats the problem? I can't play or watch a game. It always closing :( (installed dota 2 and dota 2 test) Thanks for the help/reply! Sorry for the grammar LOL
Please do help meeeeeeeeee~
Please do help meeeeee~ I already installed my dota 2 (also dota 2 test) My steam is working correctly. My dota 2 is launching correctly too but everytime I tried to join a game or watch a game my dota 2 always closing. Oh whyyyyyy?! Please help/reply me. Thanks :3
download steam app log-in and download dota 2 or if you have a friend that already got steam app and dota2 app with it just copy and paste.... playe LoL, HOn, and Dota2, all i can say LOL shit. Hon got the fastest gameplay of the three, and dota2 man my 1st love got a make over and i love it!!!!
thanks to warcraft 3, blizzard coz they created DotA,
HON, LOL, DotA 2, sucks........ copy cat.....
this look like lol's graphic.... did they stole is
any1 got invites??? pls send 1 if u have steam:antprince
thank you in advance!!!
hey guys i buy the early acces bundle but when i install the game that was included in there (dota 2 test) nothing happens only black screen ... why ???
hey guys ... i just bought the early acces bundle but when i install it (dota 2 test the name of the game ) nothing happened .... can u help me ?? when i pres play the screen turns black and then it returns me to windows
Guys anyone willing to spare an extra invite for me? My steam is superponky14
LOL... i dont get peopol who buy peice of shit mac... mac is perfect for businesse...not gaming.. it will prbl lag like hell on a mac also.
for those saying DotA is made by Blizzard Ones again do some research first....DotA is a Warcraft III "mode"...The most popular version of DotA is DotA allstars made by Icefrog get your facts right first
How can u say this is free when we have to pay $39.99 for this?
any one there with extra invite please my acc: jcengic
Judging on your lack of knowledge in the topic of 'spelling' you probably haven't even passed the 1st grade. Which then leads me to another conclution, you cant afford to pay for your own stuff, so now mommy and daddy have to buy your 'sorry excuse for a computer'
People buy 'piece of shit' macs because they want to. You dont see us complaining about you people. Oh and by the way, i play HoN, LOL and DoTA 1, on my mac and it doesnt 'lag like hell'.
If you have to ask, you probably cant even afford one. I have my own custom pc as well and i'm not taking any sides. But people like you get on my nerves. So why dont you Get off your lazy ass and get an education.
Can somebody tell me when its gonna get published
Guys any group or clan here for the Dota players?
ya im here the greatest cheater on the world do you know whosyourdaddy,thereispnospoon
wekk well
where is the key i have 2 click here so i can play dota now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why so much hate against DOTA2 and LoL ?
Can I have a key too? I really wanna play the game but i wait for a long time for the steam survey invite but no luck i guess. So if anyone have 1 and fells like giving it away it will make me really happy!
My steam acc is : digitALTheStar
dota 2 sucks with valve it should be free with blizzard
To the guy who said dota stole LoL's business model.
LoL stole dota's game model.
OMG dude plz someone can u send me the key my steam acount name is 9Archangels plz dudes plz ....
Omg plz help send me the key my stream acount name is 9Archangels plz send me the key plz.....
Ya macs blow, there is a reason that games never come out for macs
i got dota 2 after 1 week of answering survey
howto download this?!!!
i got it after a day xD
i got it downloaded free from brothersoft.. try this ws , maybe youll dowload it too..
Anonymous can i get your contact no.
tsaka my mga ka team kba guz2 ko kc kumuha ng
mga panlaban pandayo sa dota....
valve are as always idiots it should be launched asap with free downloading so i can play this game freely until i decide its shit and go back to playing guild wars 2 but we all know valve are noobs and want us to pay for A FREE GAME but then again im bored hence the post pce out nubs
hey ,
i am selling dota 2 keys for an amazing price of just
17$$$$$$$$,tradable against game,deals
if you are interested post a message on
i want my invite!!!!!!
hurry up give me dota 2 game for me
I got the key in like 1 month. by that time i forgot about it
the stream survey really work's...i got dota 2 ....BUT if ur lucky u will get it soon if ur not den it will take 2 or 1 months......if u wanna try giv it a shot.
how to ply -.-
I somehow got this for free on steam and it is £11 today. I do not remember doing any survey but i could just download it through steam free because apparently i already owned it.
What the Hell?
DOTA was originally released in '05, NO WAY the remastered version, Dota 2, was a ripoff from LOL. LOL is nothing to Dota.
Mac can rot away.
gamers or not you should know that DOTA started with the game Warcraft then map moded by icefrog then became popular and then imitations began to spread well I guess all of you already know this
i play dota2 for free guys... and it's better than HoN or LoL, haha DotA is the best game ever
I've 11 dota 2 beta keys. Anybody wants them? Pm me on my steam : frozengopal
I've 11 dota 2 beta keys. Anybody wants them? Pm me on my steam : frozengopal
I'm reading these comments and LoLing.
Just remember. LoL has the biggest player base of any game in the world.
i want to join you in playing dota but i dont know ho to register and play my head is aching in this but i wont give up until i dont reach the real dota i must take a rest before my mother come
someone please give me 1 free code.My steam name is padwas9
Oh yes, because Valve makes so little money selling TONS of DIGITAL products. They must be in the poorhouse and struggling!
Funny, last I checked, LoL stole the entire concept of the original DoTA.
Blizzard DoTA is due out soon, and looks pretty promising. If that's how you feel, I'd suggest waiting for that one to come around, although there's not yet a release date that I'm aware of.
Anybody want dota 2 invites, message me at o_ubale@yahoo.com
I'll send the invite to you.
Steam id: [PROTOTYPE]
[PROTOTYPE] i can't find you, plz send me a invitation.
steam id: alessoncoutinho
how to download dota 2
dota2 sucked. looks horribly cartoonish. traxex, rylai and lina looks like dude in capes. It should be silent protagonist, little fragile anorexic sticks with tits and cleavage doing mass murders and wiping the forest floor with heros bowel and endangered deformed mutated forest creatures intestine; instead dota2 changed it all; into transgenders bondages that after each kill and death- will whine and moan. What's worse? All heros whine if someone is attacking them. And their whining rivals the french kid durex adverts.
it would be like Heroes of newerth maybe..... you can't play offline and download the game???? probably have to play it online on public servers =/
how i cent get dota 2 pleas help me :"(
Can any kind soul out there give me a free beta key?
Steam ID: SauelJulien
email: yinghao_guo@hotmail.com
Thanks, appreciate it =)
Any more free beta keys??
Steam ID: nurrec
thanks in advance
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Sorry,I find Teemo more sexy.
Sorry,I find Teemo more sexy.
Haters gonna hate <3
How can i get a key for Dota2??
could you help me...looking forwrd to it!!!
they do suck and you spelled conclusion wrong
The most stable device to run Windows is Mac.....
can any 1 give me free beta key? thanks
steam id: o2
eye matrix mangekyu eye
I've been playing DOTA2 for almost 2 years and I've been playing it more than 10 hours each day it's very nice game and full of intense during game play. It's far better than playing with HON and LOL, I can say DOTA2 simply the best....
guys add me i am very poor and looking for anyone whos kind enough to give items...really appreciate it ty
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