Rizzrak, Goblin Shredder is a Sentinel Strength hero addded in
DotA v6.73. Goblin Shredder was the most awaited Warcraft 3 model which was yet to be included. Now it's here. Check Goblin Shredder overview and skill guide.
Goblin Shredder Stats:
Primary Attribute: Strength
Affiliation: Sentinel
Range: Melee
Movespeed: 290
Strength: 22 + 2.4
Intelligence: 21 + 1.8
Agility: 16 + 1.3
Starting Damage: 48-52
Starting Armor: 0
Goblin Shredder Abilities Guide:1. Whirling Death (Active, no target)

Goblin Shredder whirls extremely sharp edges dealing damage and reducing primary attribute of any unfortunate enemy hero who comes in a 300 AOE around him. Deals Pure damage if it cuts down trees in the process. Lowers primary attribute by 15% for 7 seconds.
Damage: 50/100/150/200
Manacost: 70/80/90/100
Cooldown: 8
Notes: Whirling Death deals magical damage by default. If it cuts down trees as well, it becomes pure damage.
2. Timber Chain (Active, targeted point)

Fires a chain that embeds itself in the first tree it hits, pulling you to it and cutting any enemy in your path for pure damage.
Damage AoE: 225
Range: 800/1000/1200/1400
Damage: 80/120/160/200
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Manacost: 60/70/80/90
Note: You will not be pulled in if you are stunned when the chain latches onto a tree
3. Reactive Armor (Passive)

What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger! Every physical attack made on Rizzrak increases his armor and gives him bonus hp regen. Each stack lasts for 16 seconds.
Bonus: 1 armor and 1 HP regen per stack
Stack Limit: 4/8/12/16
4. Chakram (Activatable, targeted point)

Fires your main saw blade at the target location, and once there the blade will spin, dealing damage in an AoE around it and slowing enemies by 5% for every 5% of health they are missing. The blade deals pure damage and cuts down trees in its path when fired and retracted. You lose the ability to attack while the blade is out.
Passthrough Damage: 100/140/180
DPS: 50/75/100
Cast Range: 1200
Manacost: 125/150/175
Manacost per second: 20/30/40
Cooldown: 8
Notes: Chakram returns to you if you go more than 2000 units away. Destroys trees.
47 Comments yet..:
what a nice hero.. :)
Hotkey codes please!!
was waiting for this hero for a long time.. dota 6.73 rocks !!
Wow. He's not that earth friendly :)) hahaha. Furion gotta hate him :))
Very Nice Hero With Nice Skills,Visuals And Appearance
nice ice frog
When will be publish the 6.73ai?
Rizzrak= Illegal logging.
When will be publish 6.73ai? Thanks again for the wonderful new map and wonderful sentinel's christmas tree
When will be publish the 6.72 AI ?
Hell Yeah
Please tell us when will 6.73Al map be out for download
ulti=rasenshuriken? lol
i think this hero should be carpenter XD
What IS hiS sKILKL buiLD??
pduge looks funny... old 1 was bttr
nice hero guyz... job will done..
tranquil boots
shivas guard
how to use
Rizzrak, Goblin Shredder is a Sentinel Strength hero addded in DotA v6.73. Added*
The Reactive Armor is an improver, like the Essence Shift. :)
The ultimate counter for furion's trees ^^
but buy what item for this hero????
i hate it's 3rd skill.
i can't kill him even using slardar. ( the armor is too ****'n high !!!!) LOL
can Icefrog Blance him ??
this one is like chipper
nys hirow!rampidge !!1
Yeah! the 6.73 ai xD i want it
item build please
nice work ice frog
this hero rocks..i can get beyond godlight only with lvl 4..
this hero should not in strength tavern but in intel tavern..cause in lvl 15 his live less than 1100..lower than other strength heroes..
i suggest nerubian assasin to be changed to a str based hero rather than a agi weakling , pity to see him as fragile , when actually he's quite different in warcraft lore
help i cant see goblin shredder he is just a shadow??in a youtube video he is clearly seen but i can only see his shadow help
Pls Forgive me
my build:
skill: 2-1-2-1-2-4-2-1-1-3-3-3-3-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-4-4
stout/quelling/1-2 mana pots/1-2 trees + junk
-> boots/2 Small Regen Rings
-> Hood of defiance/PT(ene/str)
-> Vanguard
-> tarrasque/blade mail/Heaven's Halberd
-> cuirass/sheeva
-> Pipe of insight
1) PT, Pipe, Vanguard, (Tarrasque, Sheeva, Heaven's Halberd) (more str heros)
2) PT, Pipe, Vanguard, (BladeMail, Tarrasque, Cuirass) (more agi heros)
*: last three items order can vary depending on game situation
*: pipe order is also variable, but hood must be as soon as bossible (with PT)
: use ult only if you're sure that u will kill with it and it's the only way
: in the late game you become almost invincible tank, which can annoy anyway
: try to use wrihrling death on str enemy heroes commonly
i dont know if it is incorrect!
Arcane Boots, BloodStone, Radiance, Tarrasque
my build is
core: bottle and arcane boots
luxury: BLOODSTONE, HEART OF TARRASQUE ,ETHEREAL BLADE, BLAIDMAIL (OPTIONAL== you should have this if you have an enemy which inflicts large damage like mortred) SHIVA'S GUARD AND ROD OF ATOS
Bloodstone .. good for him XD
xd dagon LVL5
haha :)
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