Soon after the release of
DotA 2 Gamescom Trailer, Valve has launched the portal of DotA 2 providing 'The International' tournament brackets, details and the official DotA 2 beta signups for public testing on large scale. Now, the time has come don't miss the opportunity of getting your beta account. Check the instructions of applying for DotA 2 Beta.
- DotA 2 Beta Sign up Guide:
Sign up for a Steam account, if you don't have one (make sure you verify it using email).
2. Go to
DotA 2 website and click 'Sign in using Steam'

3. You will be redirected to Steam login page, Login your account you made in step#1.

4. Then hit 'Get into the beta' button.

5. Your beta application will be sent for processing.
As stated on Dota 2 steam page, the mega beta testing phase will likely to start sometime between October-November, it will last for 1month then the DotA 2 client download will be available for purchase. Keep visiting here for further updates!
529 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 529 Newer› Newest»First blood!
yay! done =]]
waiting to play DOTA 2 :D
this is really cool. I am with high expectations on dota2 beta, gonna play 'till my fingers bleed. Awesome!
I cant register on steam.. it keeps saying, "Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below." i'm seriously annoyed :/
lol same issue here -.- tried 1000 different account names but no use #epicfail
Done already now waiting for confirmation from valve.. i hope i get chosen for beta (:
"Your account creation request failed, please try again later." why am i having this ?! :O my account name is available and i gave them correct Gmail account and nothing is wrong O.o
hellyeah! signed up,waiting to download dota 2 coz i dont have money to purchase when it goes live :(
done.. can't wait 4 it.. :D
"Your account creation request failed, please try again later."
Haha nice one dota-utilities! Wanna see the gameplay vid/ hope that you could find one and post it right away :)
What the hell, "Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below".? I'm sure i write it right -_-
yeepee... done...
t will last for 1month then the DotA 2 client download will be available for purchase. Keep visiting here for further updates! pls ready noobies
Your account creation request failed, please try again later
That What it said :(
wat is the password
i did it already ...........
So poor? Go clean toilet earn some bucks man!
yay.. done registering..
got this same error..."Your account creation request failed, please try again later"..
Your request to create account failed, please try again . wtf ?
haha nice 2 play! dota2 haha
yes I signed up two,but same as all I had the error 3 times before that, the shit comes from the Y@4H%... part or else called humanity verification.
i having the same trouble with others also......
your account request failed , please try again later ..
Your account creation request failed, please try again later. is the valve servers down or something?
need to download steam?
I cant' see any 'Sign in using Steam' on Dota 2 Website. :|
I can't find the link to sign up for the Beta, where on the website is it?
Yeah no sign in
im done for register,, but i don't see the beta... plsss help me.. sorry for my bad English.. i hope your understand
Is all the keys gone?
me 2 i can't see any any signing in... T_T
Bloody hell, i keep getting some or the other error , annoying :@ we need to purchase DotA 2??
ummm i think the dota 2 link is gone on website...
btw anyone else geting the LOGIN button when you have alredy logged in on steam?
it says you are currently logged in as ****** and under it says do you want to logg in o this account....
HELP ME T.T CANT FIND THIS "Get into the beta' button. "
same i cant find the join beta button too
guys, I've got a problem, anytime I go dota2 website and attempt to make that login there's only tournament interface, nothing else. so my problem is, would you send me the directed link onto steam apply?
i'd appreciate every kind of help
your account request failed , please try again later ..
for signing up steam..and also there is no sign in through steam it be the keys are fınıshed? can anybody have a key last half hour???
They mustve taken the beta signup down for a bit :(
Guys now that tornament is live on where can i get beta keys?
I cant see the button "Sign in using Steam"
CREATING AN ACC ON STEAM - for some reason if u try doing it on website will give u error 99% of times so the best way is dl the steam client and when login ull see the cr8 acc option, do it there, there shouldn0t be no problem on that
DOTA2 BETA LINK- for some reason i could only find the link avaliable yesterday, so i cant help on that matter, lets hope it will be avaliable after gamescom
how can i get the game dota2? download or not?
you really need to download the steam. im already login.eye
cant even find the "beta sign up "box""...
Can´t make my account. It keeps saying that it can´t be done. I must do it later or?
this is sucks the get on the list button is not there
i did already, yesterday. i guess is full of account requests
porr you guys, never gonna get beta test, too late :T
i dont have the sign in using steam icon why?
I'm a steam user and i can't see the beta link in Dota2 website...
what do we need to purchase, dota 2 account or the software itself? please answer thanks
GG DOTA 2 = hon
there is no sign in using steam button on the page u are linking.:(
yeyyyyyyyyy!!! good thing i signed up yesterday :))
yes i hate steam more that ever right now
If you dont see the "Get on the list" button and instead see the international tournament, that is because YOU ARE TOO LATE - the information on this website is NOT fake and was NOT fake, the beta sign up was only valid for a very very short time and I assume thats due to the mass amount of player who signed up.
OK ,guys! The Dota 2 Beta sign up has started again. You should hurry before it goes down again(if it does anyway).
it's online gameplay??????
too bad!
Signed-up yesterday, success get on the list.. yey! =P
Poor you..=PP
DOta 2 is like crap.... it's so suck......Old Dota better ...!~!~!~!~!~!~!the heros has different shapes and callous ,,and the recipes are more different ..!~~!! WTF is this dota>>i expected better dota 2... :(
i think it already full list..tangin..XDDD
For those who cant make accounts, download steam, and make an accout via steam, not the internet page. Atleast that worked for me.
i cant find the get into beta button, at what part of the webpage is that? need help!!
why is there already peoples playing it????
type the correct letter at your verification letter at bottom so u can register properly that's all :D
its say "DotA 2 client download will be available for purchase." Learn how to read jesus PURCHASE !! need to pay zzzzzz
Try again later.
D o t A 2 only for Clan Favorites,
they are more than us?
DotA2 ¨_¨ Laggggg
i already done it so easy ...just Dl Steam® and make an ACC then the nxt step.........etc
:P finally :P :P :P
w8ting for beta download .....
Dota 2 yah lets see iif it beats hon
wtf? Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below??
pls help but im sure im right but its says its wrong?? Pls Help
why its so always saying please verify your humanity ??
pls help
dota 2 sucks
for the ppl who has problems with steam® ..."verify your humanity"
u can .. DL steam® and cr8 an ACC .. (so easy!!)
da register.. yeah!
Is the picture from the top AXE ??
yeah it's axe...
done thx
when i log in i will not redirected to to step number 4 tell me why?
Dota 2 is cool
Nice one. I got one! :D just keep on entering the verification code in Capital letters. that's it.
can Malaysia player play too??
anyone can play dota 2. Just pray they select us as beta testers.
When in beta version it would be free, after beta ver valve will announce the fix client and it must be pay
i hope all of us can play it
First Blood!
when I can download dota 2 beta client?
YAY!I'm in teh beta
how to download dota 2??????????????????????????????????
plz god make US Them select US!!!
Good One! already signed up!! haha. LOL
Guys...i did an account in steam but that e-mail i wrote there wasnt real....i createt that laterrr , will steam send me the beta key code there>>???
Thank you. We will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to the BETA
Dota 2 need more heroes...
I hope they will choose me! :D
thanks in advance!
when it get start??? playing this one
next year? or this year??????????????????? plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss faster
oo,i got contacted by them,dont be jealous go keep play your ugly graphic dota,i'm head off to my dota 2 download link
well the game isn't out yet, but why there is a championship and it already over ?
wtf i didn't you have to purchase dota 2?
I am sure waiting for Dota 2 to come this year in 2011.I really hope that they don't change the heroes a bit,they are perfect from what i saw.Best game ever.And i dont give a crap if it;s free or not.
dota 1 has made a big Success quz it's so new and FREE A bout 1 billion player and fan around the world .....but i hope that DOTA 2 be nicer than dota 1 ,,,,~
hey guys just wanna ask... can we play it on lan?? or just online?
we can play it only in online :/
Im hoping DOTA2 is only available through purchase and not by those torrent sites and sharing sites.
solution for the code issue
keep on trying and trying because i got that issue too and finally got it right i can't you how cuz i didn't even know what i did
For all the noobs that can't wait the beta will be released in fall 2011 about late October so get ready!
when ?
i missed beta ;'( i was so eager to play this game when i first heard of it ;'( i got so fukin bizi nw cant even play beta :'( iiiii want beta :'(
im stick with DotA not DotA 2...
solution for the code issue
try to sign up using steam client itself !!
note : while signing up ,, it might be hang ! [working ... ] ,, don`t panic xD ,, just kill steam`s process ! .
now ,, sign in :D ,, enjoy :D
If u want to register..use the google chrome browser, n find the tab for install steam, after loading, do not install juz backspace and register back..hope this solution for error registering will guide you.
Try using Google chrome..before install the steam n then stop it anda backspace..after that register..
Gmail usually wont work try other email id
how to get!
dota 2 = not free = no players... THANKS!!!
I get fvcking in, y'all jelly?
ok... waiting 4 confirmation...
must need to pay...
sure very little ppl
i have just signed up. when will dota 2 come here in the philippines?
'Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below' WTF is this????
1 billion DOTA 1 players = 75% retarded noobs
Well gonna be waiting for Garena to host it in SEA before i play...would be a pain to purchase it x.x
Become A Game Tester, Highest Conversions In Niche, Highest Payout? please see the link below
dota2 was released.. pls make downloads avail..
copo banget cok!
read it in english, and it'll say like 'screw you noobs!'
hope that we all get to play dota 2...!! yeah hope that the download would come earlier...
when the dota 2 realesed
Haha, I just registered.. :)
Everyone can play the beta? or its limited?
can everybody play it? or it's limited? :((
if i am chosen, where will i play?
Is This Steam Is FREE? PLease Answer :(
i reged a month ago! fuck league of legends, all i wanna do is play some dota 2
Your account creation request failed, please try again later.
dota 2 its suck ! ! !
i signed up for this but i haven't received an email about it. im really looking forward to the game.
This is gonna be the best game ever played by humans ever!
to help you guys out, i found out that downloading stream will make you able to make an account after you have downloaded it. Then you can access these steps to get on the list. hope this helps
Like you guys never noob before
Warcraft DOtA:
Status - STAGNANT!!!!!!!! hahahaha! No updates!!!
hey guys i found a wokring keygen its working for me
you can get it forum here :
i cant sign up for it!! what happen??!!!!! I WANT TO PLAY DOTA 2!!!
After i log in on steam it sends me to
need download?
dota 1 is better than dota 2
Cant wait for DOTA 2 BETA! i want to play it right now! it looks so cool in tournament!
hahaha!!!! i just downloaded a playable dota2 beta!!!
Im sitting here reading all the comments about people complaining and not being able to sign up、 ,hahahaha xD so funneh guyyyyz
just got key for beta :P:P:P:P:P:P:P!!!
i hav steam acc but there is no option called as click on list or smthing.
i cant find step 4.. pls support me
help when i press the get in to list button it send me to the top of the page but the button is still there and there № "we will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to beta" messege.. help...
after loging in, the site change to, and i cant found step 4...
help pls...
i have seen 10 ppl have installed dota 2 and played it ,,,,,how to download it?!?!? tell me and they say i hvae reserved a beta key from Valve on e-mail ...
@Phen Hi- Tech after the site change to go back to the site then you will see the get in to the list button....
Where do i get the message that say that i got in?
On my email or on steam?
GodLike Pinoys Is The Best Gamer In Dota I think They Can Do more in Dota 2
"Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below."
...but what if i don't have any humanity left in me ???
must pay isn't it?
Wish i get picked for Beta!
step no 4 not found.. where??
Can anyone tell me when the beta key come to our mails? have a some friends there is playing but they got it from a user... so how long is it takes?
pt sry for my bad english :(
yes ,,,,,,, dota 2 is taking to long
hey you anonymous saying " godlike pinoy is the best in dota.. "
if we are godlike .. then we could have won the championship...
sorry but were not that good..
Holy Shit
Cant believe there are actuallu PC gamers who didn't have Steam before. xD
Hello, is there a way we can buy DotA 2 beta key. If there any please inform us because i'm planning to run a contest in my blog and will give beta keys as prizes.
i have been waited for soooooooo long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so if we got beta,where will they reply us?
e mail?
you are rly spammer bro..
I cant enter the website -.- I dont know wth with the dota2 website
What. i didn't get an email yet?? is that normal?
You guys troll so much that you have one as your profile picture.
Just got an email a few days ago ....
" HELLO xxxxx
You recently indicated you want to play Dota2. Before we send the first batch of invites we need to collect a little more information from you about your level of gaming experience and your gaming rig.
To begin the survey go to the machine on which you intend to play Dota2, start Steam and click this link: steam://takesurvey/1/ (if you haven't restarted your Steam client for a few days, you might need to do that before clicking that link).
To install Steam go to
Thank you
The Dota2 Team"
I have a Problem, i have my BetaKEY but i dont know, where I can get the Beta client.
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