DotA 6.72 AI Plus Map News. As IceFrog recently released DotA 6.72 with a huge number of changes, Now it's PleaseBugMeNot's turn to come up with a new AI Map. Unfortunately, v6.72 AI will take couple of weeks to release because of the new hero and lengthy changelogs but lets hope for the best!
We have created this page to provide the latest news of DotA 6.72 AI, as always. All the 72 AI's development updates will be published on this page.
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- DotA 2
- Dota 6.72 Map
328 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»Cool! But Where's the Download Link?
there is no link to download this item...
Unfortunately, v6.72 AI will take couple of weeks to release
^Unfortunately, v6.72 AI will take couple of weeks to release...
Its not out yet...
I cant wait!! xD
Go like a dota team on fb, http://www.facebook.com/ShiftMasterZ :D
imba amf
first blood.
nice...can u increase the AI's intelligence? like AI potm shooting more imba arrows?
2Nd cOmMeNt
FiRst BloOd
haha I'd like that too dude! haha
I'd like that too dude!!
Unfortunately, v6.72 AI will take couple of weeks to release because of the new hero and lengthy changelogs but lets hope for the best! no link sir stupid!!!
couple of weeks, Hmm~ Never mind, just wait it release... =]
Make AI with CM :DD
Right.. PBMN Make an AI With CAPTAIN MODE !
where can i download 6.72 ai?
could you add Super Insane? a human-like Ai....
^ Read first before commenting.
If you don't know how to read, then I'll tell you, there's no dL link.
Yea... Make ai pro like hell plsss
w0w it's fantastic!
can u first make 6.72 map that has no new AI heroes or new ai items? so that it will be quicker and we can practice for the new heroes?
yeah ilike super insane like a playing AI !!! ^_^
make AI pro like Yaphets...!
yess..! i will practice the grand magus,sand king,gyrocopter,sacred warrior and troll warlord (i like the new skils.. c:
cant wait for that..^_^
I hope PleaseBugMeNot skip 6.71b AI. . . . and work on 6.72 AI already. .
wish there was dota 6.72ai map now....
did u know if axe use berseker call just before wining(or losing)?we can move how ever even if we win(or lose)
I wish they can fix Eradar WTF Disruption now.
Make Ai's that play like in in-house games like with roaving heroes and ai's that have carries and supports :). Although i know it's impossible :DD
dameng bobo tlga sa mundo .. upcoming nga dba ? mga bobo
^Hell yeah. make ai like in in house games >.<
cool cant wait for it to release
no link because it is just un update
Where's the link??
A week is pass give us the map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will release the 72 AI??
hey guys.. you dont sure when it release? or say it may 8 or something?
make tinker use boots of travel ! and nevermore use lothar edge ! make those heroes like invoker 2.0 [like u said on your wallpost on your blog.. [pleasebugmenotblog] cuz the invoker AI in 6.70c AI is so great ! make AI ganking ! the AI will gank u if you only pushing their towers! anyway tnx for creating the AI maps. You Rock !!!
WOW its great!
nice map
where the download line o!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please make the AI troll, use melee when using rampage? Cause its very annoying when i get an ally AI and uses rampage while in long range. Well, i hope that you can fix him. Thanks! :)))
retired people, wait half year for 3 new heros
is that true??
cheap kid..
Bugmenot ~ your team is awesome ~ keep it up !!!
when to release?????!!!
cAnt wAit :) kita kits GG :) add me loner7070 [Garena]
please make the ai more challenging
when it will be released?
Im still waiting for another ai map .......
so boring to wait
may 6.73 na kame
how long can we w8 for this 6.72 AI map... haysssss is to slow...
BugMeNot ~ your team is the best dota creator ~ I will support you all !!! Keep it up !!!
There's so many weeks i cant w8 i w8 2 weeks already
i hope the map can be released soon...
can't wait to play this map... :)
On what day will be released?
cant wait to play this map! when will it be released???
Where can I Download 6.72 ai map in dota
were is it there's nothing!!!!
make it fast pls
cant wait :)
Can't wait to see!
Oh my Gulay!!!
It's wonderfull!!!
I wish a ai can clash with me when i use earth shaker !!!!!
PLZzzzz add supper insane so and it can clash with me!!!!
I hope your team can as fast as you can to release this map :)
Is anyone working on this...?
why it so long that we wait for it..
so many demanding people here why don't u make ur own AI?
Please improve the INT. of the AI
Please faster release the map !!!! pls !
But before this AI map, they will finish first the 6.71b..
its 2 weeks later ...............
where is the map hmpppppppppppp
then when is it
make it fasT
We have created this page to provide the latest news of DotA 6.72 AI, as always. All the 72 AI's development updates will be published on this page.
We Must All Wait!!
you duds just play a ril geym lyke me
I can't wait longer ......
Holy Cow..! Where's the Link..?
sohai kia..=="..
AI is only for NOOOOBS !!!
Oi you ....why say ai is only for noob ? you pro ? I think ai are pro then you :D
^So why are you here? LOL NOOB.
AI is not for noobs. Its good to practise on AI. Visit my site: http://mytechnoisland.blogspot.com/
where's the item?
putangina nyo. maghintay kayo.
fuckholes, wait for it. its upcoming. nabs.
""Oi you ....why say ai is only for noob ? you pro ? I think ai are pro then you :D"" and ""^So why are you here? LOL NOOB.""
Ya you guy are right .... why that guy are here =.='''
make sure the sf AI plays like yaphets =p
wat about making omg ai.AND let ai be pro.
read the instruction boys>:)
how can we download this version if the download link is missing?
shitholes dont understand the benefits you will get with playing AI....
try playing AI with high EXP and GOLD....
there you will train your self on how to got items faster....but if you do think that youll get noob playing AI then your a shithole....
add super insane!!!
type -aphehg all pick,high exp,high gold. :D
.............and feel the trail!
it said news and updates shitheads
faster release please
-aphehg are like when you keep it in easy it will turn into insane and real human like -aphehgad
type -apscmcsthghe ;D 1 vs 5 with fun hero ^^
i can't wait
AI will only have high exp high gold? if so cool! harder than insane :D
-aparhehgad all pick,all randon,high exp all,high gold all
all dagon(all ai can have dagon whenver and whereever they want ))
make new command AI that can push fountain !
please !
if u can...
Yeah ... agree with the other comments .... please add the Ai's intelligence ... like a human play ... hmmmm ... can u do it ? Hihihihi .... and Hope that Ai's wiLL know how to Clash ... hihihi ..
can u make some new build for sniper?
there is no link to download this item...
pls. make 6.72 ai faster
Hohohohohohohohohohohohohoho ~~~~ AI is going to release during this week !!!! I think you all are very happy to hear that ............................ but ........ i should tell you all : " I lied " Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahhaha !!!!!
when to make 6.72ai and 6.73
WEW many weeks past but 6.72AI are not finish yet ! T_T
what dowloand link dota 6.72 ai map??????? please help
noob!! blog only not released yet!!
nasa Title na nga eh bobo amp
release it!!!!!!!!!!!! putang inang tagal na yan malapit ko na idelete ang dota ko
whos the new hero????
ai since 6.70 ai rev2 are much better. you tried against that invoker and pandaren? they are much better than regular players. so to all people that say ai are for noobs, go home and bite your own short cocks.
^delete mo bobo
hahahah!!!!! what the H. ! those people who repeat and still repeating WHERE IS THE DOWNLOAD LINK, are RETARDED. ! and the guy who said that AI is only for NOOBS, you're an ASSH*LE. ! hahaha. !
antagal takte. nag bakasyon nako't lahat lahat, wala padin. !? I HOPE AI INSANE are now really challenging. for us that waiting WORTH FOR IT.
try -aphehg in dota v6.70c rev2 gagarin .. and let us see what you got ... if still noob for all of you guys then why adding ^-ad
its been almost two weeks and it still isnt released!
PBMN please fix obsidian destroyers astral imprisonment on AI its not absorbing the INT of the Heroes...
its almost a month since you released 6.72 please make it faster
im waiting for MONTHS WHERE DA HECK IS DA LINK!!!!!!!!
!ts been almost two weeks and it still isnt released!
BTW DotA 2 is Comming
no link???
yeah.. i cant wait for that Aimap.. hooo
faster as u can..i cant wait
man, u must play against pro like me ai suckds hard (i'm tellin from my perspective)
can't wait 4 6.72 ai.............
It has been 2 month already and the map doesn't release !!!!
"Unfortunately, v6.72 AI will take couple of weeks to release"
iTs almoSt a month Da
its take too long to release
why you keeping so long...i need to know when 72 ai released..?..
If Done
...plz.faster to creat the AI map..
Icefrog...kiss me!!!! i'm in love with you :D i cant wait for your next DotA!
Sometimes my net disconnects and i dont have net for like 5 hours...so i play DotA AI. And it's great but can u pls hurry up with new map? Icefrog :*
baby baby baby ohhhh....
just listen to my song you d*ckheads
.... be fast i cant wait for it dude
يلا نزلوها !!!
pls make it faster
ya make it fast N make pro bots also .....
DotA 6.72 AI will be release next week so please be patient
grrr soooooooooooooooooooooo tagal kainis
i...... love it!!!!!!!!
WT.....F!!! i need the ai map right now!!!
make it faster i can't wait
kailan sa next week ilalabas yung dota 6.72 ai
"PleaseBugMeNot said...
DotA 6.72 AI will be release next week so please be patient"
You are faggot
you said next week release ? I don't believe you will release in next week(2011 jun) because you told us release this map in next week before (2011 March). So ... your next week mean what date ?!
nice 1
@ dameng bobo tlga sa mundo .. upcoming nga dba ? mga bobo
write in english you idiot...
""you said next week release ? I don't believe you will release in next week(2011 jun) because you told us release this map in next week before (2011 March). So ... your next week mean what date ?!""
you are right ! Don't know when will they release this map also !!! They just lie only !
please do it faster im kinda bored of 6.70ai, and make ai now more challenging...make it like yaphets :D thanks...
I believe that this PleaseBugMeNot guy making the whole AI freely without getting paid...
so no need to rant if things are getting slower than the schedule...
you're not his father, nor his brother...
do you pay him for that?
if you don't, then no need to be angry...
he might busy for his daily stuffs...
well lol I'm with Icefrog now and we're busy making love
l-a-d-y-1-8 said...
use your eyes !
and read...
it's upcomming -_-
Hahahah only me 11 yrs old addict of playing D.O.T.A.
I don't care if you are 11 years old! >_<
ok zzzz
can you make ai go where we signal
-aphehgad is great all ai can have dagon(any level) any time they want.but as ai too stupid they never had lvl 5 dagon.....
guys, who can said forum of PBMN???
Aw ! :D
Make Ai CM!!!!! :)
get lost
Add a new hero and change the style of the map for the new secret passages
i canT waiT thiS mAp...XD
when this map release ????
it has been 2 months from 6.72 release?
we want the AI maps/
I want that the AI is more stronger than ever and have a good item so it have a trill yeah
WE WANT ^6.72 Ai map
wahahahahahahahahhahh. ancient protector is best in 6.72......................................................................
i wish ai will have a tri lane
where is the download zip guys i want to download 6.72ai im bored..........plz be faster
we cant w8 no longger
2 pages already HAHA :)
WT.....F!!! i need the ai map right now!!!
Why not create your own MAP so you can play right now!!!
Just wait it's upcomming
this sucks. . it's just taking so long
hey its to fun in dita but not in ai ive not got ai
what is imba???
Need 6.72 AI Why is it so long to wait..
Please Release it fast!! I can't wait!! :( xD
its take a week to get 72 ai
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