DotA 6.68c AI Fun v2.4c Map Download:
DotA 6.68c AI Fun.rar (7.59 MB)This map contains the following:
After downloading the map, Extract the file in your "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" directory using WinRar.
AI Players: Computer generated players to play with.Changelog:
Fun Recipe Shop: Overpowered items for epic fun.
Remade Tavern: Contains Reworked heroes, For e.g. Old Naix, Invoker etc.
Extinct Tavern: Heroes that were removed from Dota. For e.g. Gambler, Rider
Concept/Tribute Tavern: New heroes under the essence of Chuck Norris.
- Fixed Escutcheon recipe.
- Fixed vanguard ranged not assembling with Escutcheon.
- Changed Heroes Icon position in Fun Taverns, for nice look.
Hope you enjoy playing Dota 6.68c AI Fun 2.4c map. Do share your replays/videos after you play this map :)
Deel, Overflow, PleaseBugMeNot, BuffMePlz
112 Comments yet..:
Oh my god chuck norris is here
First blood
Chuck norris is here What the ****
I am gonna try this map. I hope this will be a fun map for all the players . :)
cool, trying this map.. =)) i miss the old silencer :D
Cloud STRIFE.. my love <3 thanks for the map
where is overflow? is he gone like BMP too? dota is losing these gem contributors..
Thx guys perfect map i love ya! <3
where is chuck norris?? no new heroes at all??wew..
Nc im gonna try it at home now...
Hi to all Pinoys...esp. cebuanos^^
Naa rako Net-ex
| hUmPrEy |
Basically like cloud but too imba though...
Hi to all pinoys...esp.from cebu
wow nice map. . . =)
xD awesome
plsss make another old heros
hotfile sucks, i just dont know why dota-utilities always upload to hotfile, MEDIAFIRE still the best, haven't you guys heard about it, LAWL!
i want the 6.70 ai+
Wow! Can't wait for 6.70 release
W3W... chuck norris!!!!
want to see ramza beoulwe the tactical hero as fast as posible plz
it cannot extract
chuck norris don't wear a watch he decides what time it is...
Where is chuck norris and New Items..?
wasn't there a map with all 4 taverns full of heroes? was it 67? cant remember but i used that map before, 4 taverns 16 heroes per tavern, i wonder where i can download it again. . .
Dota-Utilities!! NC map..but for NOOBS only^^
there are 26 new heroes in this map.. i counted all :D
from what i heard dota 6.72 will be the last because the size of the map almost at limit.this map almost the same with the latest map and it has 26 more heroes. still can play......=_=". 6.72 probably not the last......i hope
Where is chuck norris and New Items..? WTF ru fooling us we want answers fast!!!!!!
CooL Dota-Utilities but the problem is that we cant play it on local just with bots cuz no1 play dota with fun heroes anyway thank you so much *_*
who is chuck norris
cant download in regular.. wtf!!
that map is for NOOBS only ....
could somebody answer the goddamn question?!
where the hell is chuck norris?!
w0w cool map but Ive been waiting for the release of DOTA 2..YEAH
dota dota dota :)
the telepathetic hero is funny, but buggy!!! Warcraft crashes all time... and against nortrom is impossible to get money. Nortrom silences him simply by right clicking on anyone :/
Ricky is the best custom hero on this map... NO ATTACK ANIMATION = PWNAGE!!!!
i love my girlfrnz...
omg cant wait to play this!
Cool! ahahaha hi to all CEBUANOS
WTF!!! hahaha why chuck norris is here? very funny, i recommend pls be fast creating the 6.69 ai map than the others like fun maps!
Cool map but where is Chuck Norris?
buang ka jemmuel ^^...
for the sf addicts and dota addicts thank u!!
here in polomolok!!!
how to have new hero ?
dota-utilities please upload your files in mediafire or megaupload cuz' hotfile sucks were tired of waiting again and again
Thannnkssssss!!!! ^___^
Where is Ramza?
i like the fuking offender of the acients . with his freaking skills . totally imba !
WOW, i cant wait to down load this, its pretty cool :D
Hi sa lahat ng pinoy!
cool map :DDD
After -fun I still can't find chuck norris? Where is he at?
wew heheheheh cool map great heros!!!
how can i unlock the HEROES?
coool. thanks dude.
thnx 4 the map
Thanks!... i have fun!
hahah :))
hahaha :))
can you please upload this to another host, because i dont know why hotfile doesnt work on me
its so fun
yeah party pepol i <3 you all anonymous from:joaquin covar
how can u see the heroes what will i type?
the best... i hope they'll create another one
its cool and one of the best.. create some new AI maps like 6.70 ai..please
from the clan of pampanga philippines. DK
guys, being a programmer is really really difficult. if you want 6.71 ai, then go make your own ai map^^. ps programmers, do your uploads on mediafire.
kenjie9909.. I rock.
sir can i ask????
where is chuck norris???
hello ...its good if the dota items will look like this
OMFG CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!! @_-
first bloog
nice, very very very nice, but can you make this heroes use skills and buy items not only ring of regen and salve ???
still I Like this map ...
love..this map..!
where's the old razor and thrall?????
i need 6.71 ai map
thanks a lot...cool....
p/s pukima sial download it....cibai anjing to all user...^^ hisap puki mama kamu semua...=)
teh allies champion is fallen best !!
dota-utilities please
change your uploader
to mediafire or mega upload
cuz hothile is soooooooooo slow.\ pls
how can i extract the Rar file?
i really dont know
can som1 tell me how 2 activate single player commands while play game
some one help me how 2 use other hero in fun map??
Chock Norris , Too late ?:S
DIz Iz OnLY Why thOSe!HeroEs! NOt BuiLD AnyThing! JUst Sslve toWN POrtaL&Ring REGenRAtIOn
aw hahahahhashahah sya d2
oh come on hotfile sucks only 1 downloads not 2 or more download in hotfile
How the hell to use ChuckNorris?
6.69 ai+fun came out
chuck norris doesnt have a chin.. behind his beard is another fists
OMG this map is freaking awesome !!! thanks for making this map guys !!! :D
cant find the newest item shit!
Chuck Norris was on all Star Wars movies.
He was "the force".
more Fun Map boss :) thx for this map cool nice :)
why 6.68ai plus can`t play? use what version tell me?
bkit c intimidator(petey penguin) ang lambot pki kunatan po plss.... haha bugbog kay astral trekker a hero look likes barathrum
wow this is cool
Can AI use Fun heroes, and use their epic skills ?
what are the modes we can use?
ivan humphrey
the gunner has long ranged weapon
this map is awesome
xD nice map!
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