As the 6.70 gone live in the public with a massive number of changes and ultra balancing. There is a quite a big chance of bugs & errors in this current release. So, Dota 6.70b is going to be released soon as a bug fix patch.
Update: The DotA 6.70b is now released.
It will fix all the DotA 6.70 bug & errors that were detected and reported by the Dota community. We hope Dota 6.70b Map will be the final version of Dota 6.70 series and so IceFrog should concentrate on the next Dota 2 and DotA 6.71 series.
14 Comments yet..:
what are the bugs?
No bugs yet, haven't tried it, but the Changelogs are AWESOME! thumbs up!!
looks like tuskarr is not fair in skills .....
i thnk both new heroes r little bit unbalance due to their spells....=(
ahh who says tuskar not fair in skills.. i kill him easily by slark or rikimaru.. lol..
tuskarr is really fun to use... :D
there is a bug.......with techies' bombs not hitting phoenix :D
yea..tuskarr is very IMBALANCED..
can someone Balance Tuskarr pleass!! I hate his spells :(
You sure with that?....phonixe not hit with techies' bombs..?
What Will Happen to Dota After DOTA2 is Released?
nowadays cant use techies if opponent team hav got a phoenix
6.70b fixed the ss of techies bug
Naix ulti bug fixed?
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