New Loadscreen Coming in DotA 6.69

Dota 6.69 Loadscreen
In IceFrog's latest blog, he has posted another development update of the next patch. This time, he has confirmed the appearance of new loading screen which will be included in DotA 6.69. Also, the development for next patch is progressing nicely likely to be finished in near future, he added. Read IceFrog's complete post:

IceFrog Blog - New Loadscreen:
There is a new loadscreen in the works right now. It will most likely be included in the next update.

6.69 development has also been progressing nicely. I'm not sure exactly when it will be finished just yet, but I'm aiming for something in the near future. I will post another update when it is closer.

If there's anything you'd like to see in the new loadscreen, or any suggestions for 6.69 or DotA 6.70 in general, please let me know. It is always helpful when you guys email me your requests so that I can make sure the updates meet your expectations.
It's nice that IceFrog is adding a new loadscreen for DotA, Let's see if Kunkka (DotA Loadscreen Artist) reveals any artwork of the upcoming surprise. You can send your feedback to IceFrog for the suggestions.

121 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

First blood!!

finally. a new loadscreen..

Anonymous said...

Killing Spree!!!

Anonymous said...

Rampage !!

Anonymous said...

so valve's designers are gonna make loadscreen for Dota xD?

that would be nice!

Anonymous said...

My suggestion:

Include shadowfiend in the middle pwning 5 sentinel heroes with his requiem of souls... remove the crappy text updates.. just put version number and artist credits.. thats it

Anonymous said...

why not put players map loading status in loading screen just like pudge wars? it will be easy to figure out who has wooden PC ?? do you guys agree?

Anonymous said...

Crystal maiden channeling her ultimate with bkb would be Epic scene coz it is very rare to see cm ulti in matches

Anonymous said...

what about IceFrog and Gabe Newell standing together :D

Anonymous said...

WARLOCK summoning rain of chaos, gyropcopter launching his nuclear missile.. sniper taking aim and firing at nevemroe..


Anonymous said...

yeah i want to see nevermore in the next loading screen and also that small but deadly slark!!rylai and lina already appeared in the previous versions let give chance to others XXXDDD. BUT THE ONES I WOULD LIKE TO SEE ARE NEVERMORE(WITH HIS ULTIMATE), SLARK(WITH HIS ULTIMATE ALSO), SANDKING(SANDSTORM), AND TREANT (WITH HIS ULTIMATE)

Anonymous said...

RAMPAGE nC 1!!! That's what im waiting 4 GODLIKE!!!

Anonymous said...

we shud put undying's tombstone sumwhere at the corner and make the tiny zombies jumping on tiny(max ulti) and 3phamtom lancers surrounding axe(while doing berseker call) while lycanstrope(ulti form) and his wolves attk balanar and 2 undead skeletons(TWILIGHT ECLIPSE!!!xD) and its raining while storm spirit comes in with his ulti from the sky (which looks like lightning but u cn tell its storm spirit) n the floor is cracking from an immense battle(lava shooting up)

Anonymous said...

WTF i am most pro!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

valve will make dota 6.69 loading screen.. so dont expect much..

Anonymous said...

good new loadscreen that what i was wanted

Anonymous said...

fist bloood!~!!!! ..|..

Anonymous said...

Dota 6.68 AI pls. We've been waiting for long long long long long long !@#$% time. Harrake is a bullshit. BMP is the best.

Anonymous said...

nice! surprise us... :)

Anonymous said...

it should include kunkka's ghost ship directed toward nevermore, who is casting ROS. on the side an earthshaker casting fissure and a clockwork aiming ulti on him. it could also include a sandking stunning someone.....

anyway hope the loading screen will be awesome..

Anonymous said...

wheres need new ai map.....zzzz.

Anonymous said...

how about meepo destroying the other 100 heroes by himself??????????????

Anonymous said...

i want sf in the load screen pwening malfurion!

Anonymous said...

haha i hope its a mindblowning piture! XD

Anonymous said...

what we wan't is that bastard hekke and release the damn ai map....seriously i wan't bmp back

Anonymous said...

nice..... is nevermore ultiing in this new load screen it will be cool....

Anonymous said...

just make it better and cool

Anonymous said...

pandastorm and nevermore fighting

Anonymous said...

A new load screen to welcome the new hero Phoenix, is there any other new update from DOTA? A flying troll perhaps...

Anonymous said...

tide and rylai's ss...

Anonymous said...

Nevermore and Kaldr(ancient apparition)-->( both don't have feet=) ) having a battle

troll warlord,dazzle,huskar
clinkz,pugna,skeleton king

Anonymous said...

it's nice to hear that icefrog is updating the players.. unlike the ai map maker hareke... i don't think he's interested in making ai maps anymore... because if he's still interested, i guess he has to update the players on what stage the ai map is right now... but as we all can see, he doesn't even update us a single detail about the development... and if hareke does update us, i guess he has a lot of explaining to do... so that the players will understand why the ai map is taking so long to release....

Anonymous said...

nice finally changed d lead screeN ;D

Anonymous said...

put the other heroes like Techies, kardel, rikimaru, ursa etc.

Anonymous said...

WHEre the hell is 6.68ai

Anonymous said...

omni knight and abadon xD

Anonymous said...

can you do the item that we wrongly bought from the shop refund the full money if we sell it before about 10 to 15 seconds . :))

Anonymous said...

no u NOOBS, kunkka will make a laodscreen not valve.

Anonymous said...

Put HULK vs Tiny

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey guy if you have a map of 6.68ai pls inform me tnx!!

Anonymous said...

Pls include tinker doing shiva missile and guinsoo, :)
Rhasta with his wards, Meepo releasing earthbinds in the air... And pls... Make a new hero... Manny Pacquiao!!! Go icefrog!

Anonymous said...

nevermore doing ROS in the middle

warlock casting ulti

slark in his ulti

pitlord having firestorm n pit of malice

Anonymous said...

afce of goblin techies will do :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how to get stronger in dota? :D

Anonymous said...

i know u want me...:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

harreke n his 6.68ai is going vacation???
y took so long..

Anonymous said...

My family pic would be nice

Anonymous said...

i wish every change in map has a loading screen..
i want yurnero and mogul kahn face to face.. :)

Anonymous said...

You can see rikimaru on the old loadscreen but he's invisible , Go buy a Gem of True Sight :3

Anonymous said...

iwnt nevermore,balanar,magina and pudge!!!!please put them in the new LS!!

Anonymous said...

im the strongest

Anonymous said...

i wanna all star dota character taking a picture like ordinary college together and happily ever after...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

plss put mirana and pudge face to face! and mirana firing his arrow and pudge firing his hook!..that will be nice!..and nevermore in the middle doing RoS...nice!..

Monde said...

i hope that kunkka would draw a nice picture

Phantom said...

Please add picture of shadow fiend & drow in it too which were not present in last version.

Anonymous said...

I want the load screen of Techies vs. All the heroes of the scourge..
(techies has 1000mines and remote mines..)

Anonymous said...

Ultra Kill..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what about abbadon chasing never on back ground sand opening ulti tauran with his foot stump and soul keeper steal on never ETC

Anonymous said...

just remove bugs and put some music :D it will be helpfull :D:D:D

Anonymous said...

hmmm put 3 slardars 1 at the middle at the front 2 at back 1 at the right and 1 at the left with blue screen with nice Stand to slardar with his spear i think its a spear :D

Anonymous said...

i wish it would be dragon knight was in last skill form and axe was about to culling then pandaren is there in last skill mode to and raigor making his lastskill then lich shooting his last skill while yunero is spinning at the back of lich

Anonymous said...

would be a good hero such as ulti Centaur strenght traxex agility and some intelligence to be so

Anonymous said...

clockwerk and pudge both hooking. dark seer ion shelled. pugna with ward. rylai and lina making out. yumero and axe spinning at eachother like beyblades.

OMG. AND PLEASE would u put earth and fire in the game and just change brewmasters ulti. that would be sweet.

ion shell pure damage or bigger AOE. and vacuum should affect allies aswell.

Anonymous said...

wooh! just focus on the map.. or just pls do the 6.68AI!

Anonymous said...

hey icefrog can i suggest u make a new hero with cool skills

Anonymous said...

how about the world tree and the frozen throne, and its defended by the sentinel, and scourge, while nevermore is using its ulti w/ traxex at the top and windrunner at bottom left, but nevermore is the one that i wanna see on diz loadscreen,,,

Funcion said...

Thanks for share i like it !

Anonymous said...

fck's time to release new map, dont waste time again as it already almost 2 months with 6.68c map.Report your progress please.

Anonymous said...

just make it FAST!!,,

Anonymous said...

put an orgy from all girl heroes and the main man is omniknight ye

Unknown said...

yo.. finally a new map.. em hareke where is the AI map? 2 months to wait lol ==

Anonymous said...

naix in loadscreen

Anonymous said...

New hero like malfurion the bother of furion

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just put a porn load screen alright it will be nice to see..

Anonymous said...

new load screen ah ...? i like tis.....

Anonymous said...

mortred, troll warlord, faceless void, magina, mirana and nevermore haha!

saadjeff said...

there are many item for agility hero some items for intelligence and minor items for strenght heros mb only heart and armlet plz make balance for that

saadjeff said...

and make some new item for creeping and neutraling

saadjeff said...

do also make evasion item for strenght heros

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is 6.68c ai?

Anonymous said...

i agree with loading screeen status like pudge wars :D

Anonymous said...

I would like to have Sf and Potm on the load screen.GG

Anonymous said...

Put tinker...

Anonymous said...

it will be better if in the loadscreen was sf in the middle and pwning the new heroes and potm around him with requiem of souls :)

Anonymous said...

Put butcher how hook tauren

Anonymous said...

put tiny climbing the mountain while battling against medusa (tiny is already stone and the only one dares to look at medusa's eyes)

Anonymous said...

How about Bane Elemental

Anonymous said...

your so weak!

Anonymous said...

Put Windrunner

Anonymous said...

mirana's arrow on sniper , shadow fiend ultied , crystal ultied , slark ultied and naga's face on the LS

Anonymous said...

the newest (6.69) or the latest (6.68-67-66) heroes. just make it 5v5 like the latest one.

Anonymous said...

Army of techies, AH SHIT ;D

Anonymous said...

the dota bus ride would be awesome!! :D

Anonymous said...

want to see dota heroes wear physically the items they bought in new dota version ....XD

Anonymous said...

Could you include all new heroes and some of the latest heroes in the new load screen? It would be GREAT to see it.. And you could make some effects too as usual.. :D

Anonymous said...


in middle shadow fiend then on left sven on god's strenght then at right traxex with blue eyes aiming forwards towards us

then below beastmaster seeing this all, his back towards us
in air puck flying !

maybe lina in front would b a gr8 hit too !!!

Anonymous said...

we wan,t shdow fiend in new loadscreen yeh ?

YUPOSA said...



Anonymous said...

Pudge cating and selling meat :P

Anonymous said...

hhahah sf ,jugger >< , lina ,rylai ,storm n es XDD....suree gempak!!

Anonymous said...

please add techies in the new load screen for more entertaining image while waiting for those goblin hater f u

Anonymous said...

please add potm for me hahahha

Anonymous said...

make new hero called Puppet master

Gabriel said...


Anonymous said...

I want to see for loadscreen 5 sentinel vs 5 scourge heroes and in the middle of the fight tiny throwing techies in the air...That would be epic xD

Anonymous said...

darah pertama!!

Anonymous said...

Finally we have a new loadscreen Ice Frog Your The Best!!!!

Anonymous said...

i wanna play OMG map with AI

Anonymous said...

I want COOL loading screen xD


Anonymous said...

i want sf will be in the middle and use ROS,dark seer will use vac,es will use echo zeus will use wrath of God and all enemy heroes will be dead!!!!!!!!etc...

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! i suggest, lina's and rylai's nude themselves. :P that would be a great turn on to players.

Anonymous said...

i wish that all heroes are in the picture..heheheh..that will be different..

Anonymous said...

^^ weak

Anonymous said...

aahhh lousy hareke not doing any Dota Ai i think T_T its taking so long maybe a Christmas gift but i wont agree with it as Christmas gift its taking too long cant wait more visiting any dota 6.68 Ai updates awts i hope it will be released. ^^ >> T_T

Anonymous said...

6.68c Ai will be released or not? maybe not im not visiting any updates anymore T_T

P.S. im just a kid but im pro at playing dota since im in 2 grade.

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