DotA 6.68c Bug & Exploit. It looks like the current map of Dota still have some bugs. Kuarinofu has found a bug with Batrider which will allow you to attack/kill your own teammates. The bug is very easy to reproduce and it can ruin a game easily. However, you can take revenge with your teammates if they don't share you the items courier, just kidding :)
Dota 6.68c Bug - The Batrider Revenge by Kuarinofu:
1. Pick Batrider and level up Firefly.
2. Buy Manta Style
3. Now Press, [Shift]+[Firefly]+[Manta]
4. Now Press [A] and attack your teammates.
5. Enjoy :)
Now it seems that Dota 6.68d is needed let's see if IceFrog releases another patch. By the way, if you found any other bugs in 6.68c please share it with us so it gets fixed in Dota v6.68d.
Disclaimer: Abusing this bug may cause rage quit of your teamates.
69 Comments yet..:
First blood!
imba bug :p
time to destroy some games..
inb4 dota 6.68d
cant you guys let icefrog work for 6.69? bugs only make the development slower
hahah awesome
how about items? can u use them against your teammates?
just tested in singleplayer and it works as he says BUT your 'movements gets weird' means that u seem to be moving like u had extra lag and also if u click something to attack u CAN NOT STOP attacking it anyhow (nor by spells or items) until u destroy the target . so i dont recommend u starting with well :DD
there's a bug with barathrum. when a player quits using barathrum, you can take control of him and using his first skill, charge, on a hero. while his is still charging in place, freeze him by using the freeze command from your circle and tada! instant MH. you can still see the hero you are charging anywhere in the map until he is killed. ^_^
Just release the 6.68AI plss i want to train the new heroes... i think the old AI developer is better than Harreke because to slow to release AI map...
good for revenge.
oangdaya tol!
♪♫♪♫♪♪♫..You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep...
pwede na ang hostile action? :D
i found 2 more bug .1)New hero Thrall use ulti on any hero with manta and use it will get permanent silence until the hero is dead.2)drowranger click frost arrow on bounty hunter and bh go invi the drow will stuck cant even move.
tried this on 5v5 game destroyed my own frozen throne at 56mins.. my allies ALT+QQ'ed :D
lol this is cool !
6.68d will be out soon coz of this bug
haha ..what a BUG .!! destructing.!! ^^
hi.I live in Iran and i can't see any movies of your site.
please help me.
that bug is perfect now i can revenge from teamates and ruin the game muhahahahaaa
lol disclaimer
imba tlaga!!
awesome bug 6.68 is funny 6.67 is better!
lol id like to see what your team mates had to say about this
pls release the map of 6.68b AI FAST!!!!!
i can still use the bug without manta?? XD
hahaha.nice bug.total imba.haha.!
nyc bug but bat riders actions delayed
gusto nio ng bug tlga?? kay gyrocopter ung bago ngayon.. type nio -mh(sekret qng ilang space).. den pde nio makontrol kht cnu pde ung mga dragon.. pde rin un maktrol at maparami type -copy 100, to kontrol -share 5, yan..
imba bug.. needs a quick fix
usefull tong bug na toh para sa mga hindi marunong makisundo sa laro :)
ur face needs a quick fix
wait for 6.69 la...just some of the player like to buy manta for batrider anyway..
moovement weird means passive shift
thanks for the warkeys awesome...
† Úndying is †he bes†....
i found a bug in 6.68c using shadow demon.
Pick shadow demon and buy shiva.
then use your second skill which is the amplify on an enemy hero. Make sure to have the negative buff on the enemy hero then cast shiva followed by your 1st skill. Then instant unlimited amplify on the enemy hero..
Nice way to ruin the game!
Have FUN!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNO5_r6GIt8 , how did he do this bug?????
stop promoting your fail bug videos ^^^
comment at 12:05PM.. can u make a video pls?
cool bug... destroy your ally :D
who can i contact from dota utilites i found 2 bugs
Nice Bug!!!
Thanks!! Now I can get Revenge with my IMBA teammates...
that was so funny!...haha....REVENGE!!hahahaha.
when i use batrider on 6.68c i bulid the item manta style & when i try to do the ravemge bug it does"nt work why??
lmao.. nice bug for revenge and pls the latetest bug that u find pls upoload vid..!!! thank you
Imba bug
A bug from destroyer arcanic orb, u cxan use it without cd at lvl 1 after the first cd gones out and it's work out at all arcane orb lvls
an other bug is relating to bara's charge cause when he is charging he should be immunized from magical damages but he can be damaged from techies bombs and mines, therefore, techies bombs and mines deals a magical damages not physical ...
how did you test in single player though there is not 6.68 AI????
2nd skill of destroyer... when you try to astral char with PowerUps.. the power ups dropped...
Not bad..!!! hea...
not bad..!!
this was FUN
Weew. its funny. however there is a bug "sometimes" when you get killed by an enemy. The money never drops. If you have 323. then its just retained to 323.
†skldcomonv nrieee eoneerh bngggub
its not real .....
w3w lufet naman nun!!!
I cant Control It F***
guys why i create the game with that map and i make 2 opponent then i started the game .. the heroes from opponent sides aren't in scoreboard . Anyone can help me with that??
How to download it man?
true bug with tiny
1.buy helm of dominator
2.get a centaur
3.cast your avalanche and cast the war stomp from your centaur(should be in sync)
4.repeat number 3(wait for the stun to expire)
5.tiny's avalanche and centaur's stun will get switched but same icon(make sure the centaure is tossed)
6.enjoy the mind spinning stun
cast stun of the centaur while in the air?
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