DotA-Allstars.com was the first Defense of the Ancients official community fan-site launched by Pendragon in the late 2004. It was the most popular DotA community site which gathered around 1 million members but, now Pengdragon has decided to take the close the forums.
About a year ago when DotA-Allstars community was on peak. Pendragon joined Riot Games to work as an advisory on League Of Legends. Due to Pendragon lack of interest in DotA, IceFrog was not happy with it he moved and created PlayDota.com as DotA's next official community portal. The DotA fans followed IceFrog's decision and did the same thing joining the new PlayDotA forums. Now, the DotA-Allstars forums were almost dead, 90% of the members moved to their new home.
Pendragon_ the webmaster of DotA-Allstars.com has closed the forums. You can not discuss there anymore, if you visit the site, you'll see a letter from Pendragon about the history and his Riot Games partnership. He also mentioned that the forums are closed and all the content are being permanently moved to the new server for archiving purposes.
Anyway, Thanks to Pendragon for his efforts in building former DotA-Allstars community.
40 Comments yet..:
sad to see such gems are leaving dota..
rip dota-allstars.com
Pendragon: "Icefrog had been secretly working for S2Games" wtf??? icefrog worked on heroes of newerth?????
1st BLOOD ! =P
Killing a community to clear your name is not the right thing to do..
just my 0.2 cents
and that mean 6.68 map is the last map T,T
@ 9:06
it's true that icefrog worked with s2games.. DoP.Emperor also said the same thing.. so IceFrog is the real villian :O
IceFrog approved that S2Games can make a dota-based game.Maybe they mistaken it as working with them instead of approving S2Games to make a dota-based game.
DOTA Waste Time anyway , but some ppl didnt even heared abt that Dota-Allstars forum
GL anyway
So what that means? IceFrog will keep going on dota development? or 6.68 is the last map ?
bahh noobs.. it doesn't mean dota 6.68 is the last map
Of course DotA continues...
keep dota alive niggaz!
oh no 6.68 is the last map guys your right no more dota for us IceFrog will join S2games after finishing 6.68 and pendragon will join LoL(league of Legends another DOtA based game)
all of the dota creators is rip apart together poor Dota game
all started with dota v1.00 now they all got there own games bye bye dota thanks to do memories. . .
don't you heard about dota 2? i guess dota 6.68 is the last map.. but there is going to be 6.69 on dota 2!
dota forever whahhahaha
RIP PENDRAGON DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
icefrog wont leave DotA....ofc they wont...they wouldn't
would they?
i mean if pendragon started working with Riot games a year ago, then just now, shutdown the first official DotA website and left DotA to permently join Riot games. Itz same with icefrog isnt it?
How long has it been since DotA started working with S2Games?
Are icefrog going to shutdown their website, and join S2Games after the release of 6.68?
Because if you have been working with DotA for years, and were thinking of leaving it, and joining a company that has better opportunities for urself, wouldn't you?
I mean thats why wev been hearing that Icefrog have been working with alot of other companies e.g Valve, S2Games.
They have been sampling other companies to work with to see witch one will have more opportunities
It makes sense, that DotA 6.68 will be the last of DotA, because if you were going to leave DotA, wouldn't you wont to leave with a bang?
Thats why they have been working so much on DotA 6.68.
They have been working 2wards the best update of DotA history.
icefrog help s2 improve hon then s2 help icefrog improve dota....
it's mean they will be teamwork.. maybe it will be easy to them coz this game have the same base...
actually,this what im thinking...hu2
(sowy coz im noob in english)
dota map mod on warcraft III console will be moved soonto dota II(DoTA2) It's being developed by ice and valve.
the Public Beta phase will be launced 2011 so 6.68 will not be the last map for Dota1.
DotA is not going anywhere....
Its just another former DotA forum that closed...
IceFrog will continue developing maps so don't worry!
its ok to worth it...
it is in conscience of two people of popular games..
Guys i am thinking that Icefron will lauch is own game(dota most of),but better graphics,new heroes,new gameplay etc.And i guess that this is not the latest map cause he maked a new gameplay (a future gameplay) and it makes nonsense a new gameplay for a map only.I guess it will be a series of maps including 6.68 , a new dota, advanced one , and better then HoN and League Of Legends ! Go DotA,Go Icefrog,Go dota-utillities ( i hope you guys don't go to LoL like Pendragon did )
It's not Pendragon's fault.....It's true that Icefrog worked in for S2Games.....
haha i think Eul will continue with this w3 dota. hahahaha
yeah . this sucks .. if dota wil be gone . you wil be playing farmville forever . >:)
wc4 whooohoooo xD =))
end of dota...mwahaahahahahahahahaaa
pendragon is just bitter, Icefrog is the man in the DotA world and he got jealous.
Pendragon was offered an offer he couldn't resist and started talking crap about the current creator of the game.
Shame on you Pendragon loser.
shit dota was the 1 and only but now there are 2 copy's pendragon dont work with someone if u just wanna steal their ideas. haiz just read the letter http://forums.dota-allstars.com/index.html?showtopic=300036 hes just trying 2 lie his way out and ask us 2 ply lol "In the meantime, I hope some of you will join me and over 3 million other players for a game of League of Legends (it’s free!)" what does that mean ! i hope u guys will stay with dota until it dies ! and spred the word guys stay in DotA dun go to LOL or HON. Dota rocks !
daaah! IceFrog worked with s2.. but decided to work on DoTA more.. that's why s2 had the permission to make a DoTA based game.. I'm not sure but i think.. IceFrog thought that making HoN P2P (pay to play) is a bad idea so he continued working on DoTA, besides, he's being paid through advertisements on getdota and playdota.. and for pendragon.. VERY HIGH HIGH RESPECT FOR PENDRAGON, if it wasn't because of him, DoTA never existed..
Heloooo all !Icefrog isnt leaving dota!!
I Emailed him my suggestion and he said that he would apPly it to his next map 6.69 so dota will still go on!!!
No worries!!
if icefrog and S2 game company work together do the title of Dota 2 will be Dota 2: Heroes of Newerth vs. Defense of the Ancient?
icefrog is a little bitch... just because pendragon didnt want all these companies to buy the right to make a dota like game... but icefrog got muuuuuuch money so that hon would be created... hes also selling it to valve to create valve's dota.So pendragon left dota too and ice is now counting dollars but anyway i dont think hes going to stop developing dota maps just because he has the money to do it now.Dotas developement was all about fun now they made it money
how funny that everyone seems upset with pendragon and icefrog for selling out the community.
you guys should be upset that they're selling something they DIDN'T CREATE in the first place.
some moron commented that 'not to worry, icefrog will continue developing maps'.
yeah well, dota 6.xx spawn, get a clue.
dota has been around since ROC. it was developed by eul, and then continued in TFT by guinsoo, and finally taken over by icefrog.
assuming icefrog developed dota is the same as assuming the same blizzard team that developed diablo 2 is developing diablo 3.
oh wait, you probably do think that, don't you?
Dota need to stop doing maps.. bcs pendragon was the first cr8 of page and dota maps.. i dont know why he left ... now he can be the most famous people of all the world ...i havent want to he leave :/ .......
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