As we all know that IceFrog has joined Valve, and has started working with them. However, There is no further information revealed so far regarding it. In IceFrog's recent
Q&A Session#4 he stated that whatever he is working on along with Valve will be announced soon. Curiosity of fans are increasing and they are excited to see what is coming in near future from IceFrog.
If we look a little bit closer, It looks like there will be a new independent DotA based game with the collaboration with Valve.
As, you can see below, It's a recent post made by IceFrog which will give you the idea and clear things in your mind.

What are your opinions regarding this Valve/IceFrog thingy? Do you think that will IceFrog come up with his own DotA based game or any other game with different concept. There are already some competitors out there such as, Heroes Of Newerth, League Of Legends etc.
We hope that IceFrog discloses some information about it soon!
Related Links:IceFrog joins Valve
98 Comments yet..:
First Blood :D
new game?
1st blood!
a new dota based game? interesting..
Awesome news!
1-st BLOOD
it is nice for IceFrog... i hope he will create more dota maps in future
if Icefrog comes up with his own game then all the dota population will shift towards it and it will be a superhit but i dont think that icefrog has such kind of plans..
i am expecting of a Dota client like garena with some mind blowing features.. anti-maphack, lagless, leaver protection, reconnection feature blah blah..
arg..... so much dota based games.......
zz i hate u ice.. u keep secrets all the time @_@
the dota client thing seems logical to me hope it gets implemented.. i like dota the way it is now..no need of another game IMHO
i like when they upgrade those features like 3d something...
^ you talking about cosmetic changes?
u like dota the way it is. u can say dat now but when icefrog release the stand alone i think you will change your mind because icefrog is freakin genius. HE CREATED DOTA u know
i like this and everything associated with it , just make sure that u do the interface LIKE WARCRAFT 3 TFT / STARCRAFT 2.... interface of HoN is not good..... sad
If they make the game, the system requirements will probably be fucken high and some people who play dota now, can't play it anymore.
ice frog did not create dota.. euls and guinsoo just passed him the development of the game..
does not matter whether dota is shifting or not.
the fact is it is died. it's just like moving it from one burial ground to another make no sense at all, give the dead a break.
move on to heros of newerth and forget dota
remember this... 6.72 HAHAHAHA!!!!!
To those people who likes to write first blood,stop being childish.Any people could know you look at it first.
First Blood!
if valve and icefrog make a new own game of DotA it will be nice.But they have to corrigate the graphics
hmm it is true that dota is shrinking in players.
but pls don come propaganda ppl.
he must add a new hero that uses a cock busting items...
Valve is epic.
at least i hope they'll make the heroes the same as the dota ones - mirana being a night elf riding a huge tiger, tiny being tiny :D and so on and so on. it would be awesome to have a game like dota AND I HOPE they will make orb effects non-stackable :D so YEAH GO GO ICEFROG & VALVE!!!
yes 3d graphics at last !!!!
Look at the new standalone game made by them like this:
Atm Warcraft 3's world editor isnt enough and if valve helps icefrog dota could be something very different. He could do so much more things that he couldnt in the warcraft 3 world editor
yes yes yes !!!!!!!!!
zzz...hope that icefrog cre8 new game does not need money to buy the id...@@like shit HoN..useless...
new game :O dota ? where is blizzard ?! hmm!
Well.. If ice frog makes a individual game which has the same strategy or idea like dota.. i give my word that all the dota HON and all they other worthless games will play that game Seriously who would play hon or lol?
hey yo... i wish the new dota will be good ..not like the HON! hon is very bad game... there movement speed is too fast the hon is very IMBA!!!
blizzard will probably ask for their share if icefrog make his own game..
the new game that the icefog will create is YUGIOH! DUEL MONSTER CARDS! pretty cool huh?
Perhaps Icefrog ment the "will come soon" is Half-Life 3 or Half-Life 2 Episode 3...
First Blood O_O
there should be a big big change. i mean an all new dota, more graphics, more destructive environment, more twist. every special item should change their looks accordingly.i think it's better if there is a random item drop from neutral creeps.. and bosses are more not just roshan.. there should be more runes like true sight or so whatever.. and more maps, heroes, items. much MORE hidden shops.. or a creep rent shop. would make a big game. ^^
i don't want icefrog to make shooting game icefrog pls stay on dota
im contented with warcrAft 3 graphics..
This is World of warcraft omg!
Does that mean that IceFrog is working on Half - Life 3 ?!? OH MA GAWD, I can't wait, first game i ever played was half life 1, and my favorite is DotA... But those 2 put together ?! I am so excited, you can see letters E,X,C,I,T,E,D, coming out of my ears XDDD
i tink valve is more in 1st person gaming.!!!! they should focus on that.. then icefrog maybe he is only a janitor in valve hahahaha... joke icefrog maybe icefrog will do that,,,, but dota is the best game for me now
i think it'll be DotA that is out of the WC3 platform... 'coz DotA really needs to be out of WC3 years from now maybe 2012 or 2013 or something 'coz as time passes by, the WC3 graphics is turning out of date... well, WC3 is still great... but we must really consider the next-gen of PC games that has high-end graphics... hope this will be great, though... but if that's the case i think the word "FREE" will not be included here.
Wait, you all know that Valve is great at making 1st person shooter games, so...., DotA will become a FPS game as well?... Like Half Life, Orange Box, or Left 4 Dead?....
I mean, WTF?!...
Oh yeah, I just remembered, if DotA became a high Graphic game, or more likely a 1080p game (like Valve's Half Life 2 or any other future generation graphics), what about the people that have no money to upgrade their PCs (they need to upgrade it for the high resolution of the upcoming version of DotA, duh)....
I mean, what about US????? ;-_-
i hope its not closed beta like hon!!!
wish u luck icefrog!!!!!
i hope this game will run on my pc cuz its pretty old
pls ice frog dont let dota die or vanish because HON
karambia nihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........................
ttd beni
ICEFROG didn't create dota, eul's did and then it was taken over by guinsoo
???? why would they cre8 a new game i wish they just focus on one game and dont cre8 a new game coz if they cre8 another the old dota would be useless and the new dota would replace it and the gamers will be halved hmmmm i hate it plsss dont
I hate valve they will just ruin the old dota game!!! i hate them!!
I think if icefrog agrees to work with valve dota would die and a advanced game would be born and i hate that plss icefrog dont let dota die
i dont want shooting games plsss icefrog plss dont make dota a more complicated one becoz of valve i dont want playing gun shooting games just dotadotadota maybe if you make any more games your years of developing dota would be ruined coz of u helping valve plss juz focuz on dota plsss
i hate the idea of icefrog hmmm all dota gamers iz contented on the present dota no need to cre8 another juz focus on cre8int new maps plsss
hmm i don't know DotA copied HoN or HoN copied DotA i think DotA was the original HoN has only better graphics nothing else
everything depends on icefrog
If they'll create a new dota based game i hope it wont be closed beta like HoN...T_T hope it'll be open beta...
why not make dota online??? with better connection and free
there working with valve? thiss might be a shooting game or shooting dota game !! hahaha cause valve is the creater of left4dead and counter-strike so this might be a shooting game or JUST SUPRISE US!!!
haha cheapskate dotards, playing free games from icefrogs..
can i know valve means?
n!ce 1... 1st blood!!
Firefrog said...
If Icefrog wil leave DOTA..
It Means we will make a siege war..!!
for short...
Its a WAR!!!
nice job! ^^ keep it up!
truth is, all we can get from ice frog's collaboration with valve is a promise of originality. Im not saying that heroes of newerth of league of legends is a total replica of Dota. if he really is making a stand-alone dota game. then the original fans are anticipating a lot of his brilliant ideas working on a whole new field of possibilities.
btw, i play HoN and i think its only fair that Ice Frog incorporates a few of Hon's game mechanics since the idea was already his to begin with.
Dota= Dying
HoN= Dota Reworked by others
Ice Frog + Valve + Dota Stand alone + a lot of hard work= Dota Perfected. :D
THis sucks i wud rather play LoL= League of Legends!! takes 4eva to download but very fun to play!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~i Loveee ittt!!
REMEMBER!!!Dota is a wc3 map,not a Game
I wanna see a DotA Campaign. DotA RPG. o.o
Nice News !!! no1 knows warcraft 3......... every1 knows warcraft 3 as dota........ hope it come soon
there are already lots of dota based game so why create a new one? there is already HoN and LoL why a new one
i can see terrorist team using magic wands and counter-terrorist with swords....damn, Bad Combo
If Icefrog develops a DotA based game, we will have to BUY it. He might even stop making more DotA maps. This means the new "DotA" will become "P2P". Who would want that? =O
First BlooD!
when be realse dota 6.68 map huh??? can we now if when
i hope they dont make it P2P .. i wud hate him if he'd do that
WOW ! . interested . good icefrog . release it as fast as you can . because . i hate when playing with all those map hacker . :) love ya ice frog .
will tiny still look like a rock?
traxex with clothes off mode?
and raigor carrying a giant dildo
it would be awesome
that would be pretty cool ! Vlave and icefrog i love dota so i guess it'll be good !
Just make the Dota graphics more 3d like HON!!!!
i will love this
but please make it FTP ~.~
I wish you don't have to pay for the game -.-.
STICK WITH DOTA. LOL. we dont need another game. dota is better. thats what u gotta believe.
I just hope Dota doesn't get extinct or sumthin'
100B years before Dota extinct........
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