DotA 6.68 Preview Video Coming Soon!

DotA 6.68 Status Update
In IceFrog's latest blog he posted a new development update regarding the upcoming DotA 6.68. As we know, IceFrog is very keen to release a perfect balanced version along with the balanced heroes so, He asked for the suggestions from DotA community to help with him in this new version. He also mentioned that, he will come up with DoTA 6.68 Preview Video in which he will highlight the new content & changes which we will see in 6.68.

Update #1:
The Dota 6.68 Preview video gets delayed.

Here is what IceFrog said in his own words:
I am still working hard on 6.68. We plan to release a preview video in the near future to showcase some of the new content. There are quite a few new heroes in development so we are taking extra time to make sure they are high quality. There will also be balance work done for the current content as well various other improvements and features.

If there is anything you'd like to see in the next patch, please let me know.

So guys, It looks like IceFrog wants to come with a complete and balanced version and of course new stuff (Heroes, Items, Cosmetics etc.). Be ready to experience something new in DotA 6.68, Preview video is coming soon!

Related Links:
- IceFrog Q&A Session 4
- New Heroes DotA 6.68

88 Comments yet..:

fudeus said...

good good :D
waiting :)

Anonymous said...

HI,ICEFROG. Dota Maps AI is under developing, i hope you can find someone to make it. i heard that HON is growing now so i suggest if you could make Dota maps more graphic and heavier.i really enjoy Dota as a fun game to play and i and Dota players also want to have AI maps sooner to practicing at home.Thanks for your 6.68 you done a good job and also make Dota player have fun with it. Thank you for your support.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Dota 6.68
And the new hero Icarus!

Gustavo adriani said...

we want new item and the balancing of the heroes and is clearly the new hero who all wait the much time!

Anonymous said...

what? a video, That sounds cool!

by the way, anyone knows about the upcoming heroes except Icarus, the phoenix?

Anonymous said...

it is making me so excited about the dota 6.68 plzz release it soon !! cant wait !!

Anonymous said...

ummm icefrog can u pls make the graphics for dota better alittle as i heard that hon is growing n dota might lose alot of players...

Retards said...

lol autistic and retards

Anonymous said...

I heard there are three heroes in this map

1. icarus, the phoenix
2. thrall the far seer
3. krakko the fire panda

Anonymous said...

noob the peasant

Anonymous said...

um...dota cant get more graphic heavy than it already is if it is to be hosted on the wc3 platform..for it to be as good as HoN it needs to switch to a new platfrom and a hell lot of codes must be re-written to accomodate better graphics..
although i wud really like to see a very balanced antimage...hes a bit nerfed now..and a bit too item dependent

Anonymous said...

For the first Anonymous let me tell you something , DotA's graphic are based on Warcraft III TFT and not the map itself!

Anonymous said...

suppose make a the brother of zeus like a hades and poseidon hehe i hope make a new hero like this when to amek toher new maps

Asryn_88 said...

Krakko the fire panda??? is that represents the last panda completing the three pandas (including Storm Spirit n Pandaren Brewmaster)?? anyway, please make all the heroes use their skill ( Tauren Chieftain, Razor, Murloc Nightcrawler, Ancient Apparition, etc..).. W all know this is requiring a lot of work.. but still we can wait for it... 6.68 - new chapter of Dota - DOTA RULE!!

Anonymous said...

can't wait..^^

penoy said...

still w8ng!

Anonymous said...

ZZZZ I really want to see the new heroes skills

Joshua said...

i will w8 for it!!

Anonymous said...

zomfgwtfuberftwsmgpwnbbqsauce ^^
btw, DotA is NOT dying..... WTF

Anonymous said...

Make a hero like a boxer, or mike tyson

Anonymous said...

ICEFROG please put the extinct heroes back into the game just need to balance them.

Anonymous said...

yeah ice frog maybe u can ask help from others to make DOTA MORE ATTRACTIVE like hon better grphics or something like that a lot would be greatful to help u out !

Anonymous said...

Too excited about Icarus!!! In the next versions i hope there is another hero like invoker with lots of skills!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hope dota doesnt get high detailed graphics cuz i kinda think thats what separates it from HON cuz all HON has is different named heroes and items

Anonymous said...

Normal Detailed Graphics ( Warcraft III, Starcraft ) = High Speed Game. Very Good To Control.

High Detailed Graphics ( Starcraft II, HON ) = Maybe Other Players Will Comment In The "Macro" Thing. Because It Will Affect The Game Speed.

Let ICEFROG just to decide what is right to his game. he is just asking for hero,balance,changes. not the graphics though.. hope we all enjoy the new 6.68Version of DOTA.. :)

Anonymous said...

u talk too much!! All nonsense!!

Anonymous said...

dota is FREE unlike HoN it has to be payed $30 and the graphics i think cannot ba changed unless they make warcraft4 sooooooooo excited

Anonymous said...

by the way making a skill like far sight is usles coz in a game 7-10 players are using MH

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol you can't make dota better graphics. wc3 is still OUTDATED...if he wants to make better dota graphics. he has to make a dota game, like HoN, not with wc3....which cost money etc...

Anonymous said...

caaaaaannnnnnnnnntttttttttt w888888

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with you people, HoN is something and DoTA is something else. better graphics doesn't mean better game. I preferred DoTA over HoN just because of the simple classic graphics... to be honest I am afraid the DoTA will have new graphics after its a stand alone game.
but who knows, change could be good.

Anonymous said...

HoN Is Nice But Dota Is Better..So I Alway Support Dota
Add Oil (Mobile) lol k IceFrog ILOVE U

Anonymous said...

HON is more fun than dota

Anonymous said...

i wish the new hero are the brothers of zeus and i hope that is well balance...........

Anonymous said...

Make diffusal available for level THREE!!!!

make scepter graphics effect for pudge too!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm waiting 6.68 release !!!

Anonymous said...

hey i want thrall to be a new hero 'coz he's cooL.

Anonymous said...

IF please make a lifesteal item for range heroes that is not orb effect like "Vladimyrs" for melee

Anonymous said...

dota hv dota de grafic.. don take it compare wif hon.. even dota grafic is worse than hon.. but dota is the best!!

Anonymous said...

icefrog HoN is developing so much... i seen this HoN extreme its free to play server and more heroes added... its seems only 1 hero is copied its king leoric and the other 5 heroes was their original... i says that they will make it better because they want to have more players so they make it free to play...

Anonymous said...

Dota is my life... HON wth is tat?

Anonymous said...

ice frog i wish to create more dota AL maps or some one else to make them and increase dota graphics make it more cool becaouse some people was playing dota and now they are playing HON cause of all the graphic so make it more interesting please and more cool and in the last map please delete Ursa Warrior from heros he is too imba and ty :)

Anonymous said...

Dont lose to Heroes of NewerTh

Anonymous said...

HON members left it becouse you must pay to play a lot people dont play any more

Anonymous said...

I like HON better HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! DOTA graphics? HEHEHEHEEH!! DOTA compared to HON? so FAR!!HAHAHAHA!! I'm not satisfied with the graphics that u should create an online DOTA game with developed graphics..not just sticking on that GG.....HON still win the ratings so hurry up and develop the game>>>HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

BEST REGARDS from S2 Games

Anonymous said...

Heroes Of Newerth dont lose to Defence Of The Ancients...

Anonymous said...

HON is developing...hurry create your own original, best game ever!!!!!! dnt lose to them... they let me pay so i go for DOTA..DOTA rocks 6.68!!!HAHAH
-JAMES S. Alpas-
I'll remember u in the name of ICEFROG

Anonymous said...

heroes of newerth is now having more players than dota allstars, other say's dota is "boring".

Anonymous said...

i hope there's a ANTI-MAPHACK device!!! think about NO MapHack? i think More Fun if there's no MAP HACK in the Game !!!

Anonymous said...

WE filipinos are so lucky, HoN is going to garena for free :)) no need to pay $30

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

syala lala lala,

Anonymous said...

lots of new hero and new skills is all i want for 6.68

dotaloveR said...

is there 5 new heroes?
i heard it on youtube

Anonymous said...

hey ice frog. you should make more different skills in the new patch skills that u can aim urself . i thought of 1 skill that when u click it the hero goes underground and in those sceconds he can move underground. maybe a run away skill . or a attack skill when it hits another hero underground then maybe a stun or dmg or push back . i think that its very important to have different unique skills . thats why so many ppl use potm or butcher cause their skills are funny and different. plz look into this tq .

Anonymous said...

Hades is Sf and Poseidon maybe kunkka ?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion a good new item would be one whith some proprieties like enchanters Untouchable first skill. That will be a good balance item against imba heroes in the late game like troll, mortred, sladar etc

Anonymous said... really hoping that u can balance out SLARK...hes honestly too imbalanced...hope u can make him more like a real hero...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Icefrog..can u be efficient??6.68 version need more than 3months?

Anonymous said...

icefrog can u make the dota graphics like Hon so they will not play HON

nEro said...

wiw. . .

Anonymous said...

newbs move on to HoN cause pros pwn them very bad AND that is why all my friends say - HoN - newb game with only newbs and DotA - the chance to find some DECENT players are 413481239210321948217532145275831294 times more than in HoN(overall HoN suckz c**k compared to DotA) hon - NO ORB EFFECT STACKING(which is the lamest thing ever) so yeah - skady+satanic+s&y+desolator+mjollnir=all proc -.- so yeah, hon SUCKS
dota - WAY MORE BALANCED and yeah, hon sucks :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Slark ain't imbalance. Just get dust/ward and he is as useless ass hell. Unless, if someone doesn't want to but dust/gem/wards then, good luck! ^_^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nah HON is for stupid people. DOTA is simpl the best :)

audi.... said...

when is it releasing??.........i want to check out the new features.........


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

even though DOTA's graphics cannot be "UPGRADED" original is still BEST am I right.!??

Anonymous said...

i want to see 6.68 so mauch.....

Anonymous said...

I can wait for the new version of DOTA's to be part of it that's why i feel excited to play the 6.68 version and i can wait to pick the new hero because my hand can't wait to know more about DOTA's...?

Anonymous said...

i hope this new map can detect mh..
i hate mh..

Anonymous said...

Dota D'besT!!!!

illusionssssssssssssss ^^

Anonymous said...

yeah dota is the best, and the origin of those shi+sssssss.

Anonymous said...

^_^! Long time...!

doomsdayisnear said...

for all the haters of HoN, I is too colorful to play...overloaded graphics + dumb pc = GG :]

Anonymous said...

the new hero has great regen haha XD

Anonymous said...

make krakko PLEASE! he looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

HoN is Very looks like DoTa...It works like Dota.......And the best is they almost named it DOtA!!!!

best game ever!!! :)

Anonymous said...

honestly if HoN didnt make its graphics heavy I think ppl will think WTF!!!...DoTA?!?!

IceFrog said...

Hey I am IceFrog

Anonymous said...

i want a new panda agi type or naga int type. for balance game.

Unknown said...

too bad ragnar and icarus didnt appear in 6.68 dota map . . .in the philippines farseer,shadow demon and guardian wisp did appear in the map. . . i was dissapointed . . hmmmmm

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