BuffMePlz Retires From Developing DotA AI Maps!

BuffMePlz, The DotA AI Map developer has recently announced on his blog that he will no longer be developing AI maps. This is a very sad news for the DotA community as he was the AI Map developer who was keeping the DotA AI versions alive for the past two years. He did a tremendous job for the DotA fans and we thank him for it & good luck for his future!

Here is the last update from BuffMePlz:
After much thought and consideration, I have decided to no longer continue my work on DotA AI maps. Between my increased work responsibilities, advancing on to the next stage of life, my waning interest in DotA, and the frustration from both dealing with the community's demands and the community having to deal with my absences, I believe it is best for me to let this project go and move on.

It was a fun two years, with updates on almost every version since 6.49 (we're up to 6.66b now, crazy!), but as lazyfiend/RGB said when he left, I find that working on this map is no longer enjoyable to me, and is in fact quite a burden.

I've contacted GoD-Tony (killerbee) about taking over, and if he decides to, I'll try to help him get up to speed as much as possible. If not, I hope whomever takes my place will have as much fun as I did these past two years learning the ins and outs of JASS and the WC3 engine.

My passion has always been with the Fun Taverns, and though I will not continue AI development I may occasionally release some maps on my blog with old heroes and/or original creations, so feel free to visit and leave comments for me here.

Thanks for the fun times guys!
As you can read above, he metioned that he will ask GoD-Tony (killerbee) to carry on with the DotA AI. We hope that someone will take BuffMePlz's place & start developing the DotA 6.67c AI & DotA 6.68 AI Map.

Again, Thanks BMP for a great time!

Update: Harreke, The New AI developer.

100 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

aw very sad news

Anonymous said...

so sad..

Anonymous said...

sad news.. anyway good luck bmp..God bless you.. you did a gr8 job =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your giving your efforts and hardwork to the community.

Good luck and Welcome to real life :)

Anonymous said...

this is sad indeed!!! i hope some1 takes his place and make 6.67c ai.. i was waiting for 2 months :(

Anonymous said...

second ... sad :( T__________________________T

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

aw :( thanks though for all the hard work BMP! you will always be remembered!!! :)

Anonymous said...

sad new :( .... good luck for you :)

Anonymous said...

hayz!!! no AI+ no practice...grrrrrrr...hmp:(

Anonymous said...

how about 6.67c ai??
Someone can make it??

Anonymous said...

very sad, I'm crying rite now

Anonymous said...

FOods Said...

So SAD... (ToT)icefrog is a emotional too...
we are satisfied to the map that you released and thanks for all you did great we enjoy all the experience that we enjoy every game.so good luck for you and god bless and i wish you'l be succesful to your career i wish someone will come to help you....we will pray for our god roshan...:")

Anonymous said...

i want 6.67c AI map with fun taverns ... thats fun .. i hope he will back ....

apr1515 said...

So sad for those who has no internet in there computer. Outdated.

Anonymous said...

alright.......... i predict the last dota map will be 6.72 or some thing..... I PREDICT... if im right PM me on dota.. =EqUiNoX= thats my name...... alright,, good job.., BMP.., i agree with you to move on to your life.... and work on HoN.. I just guessing it......... alright..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good news...juz n00b play ai maps...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much BMP! so sad.....

Anonymous said...

I know ur burden man,,
makin' AI is so frustating but u still can make good AI even only with that JASS..

I respect ur work for this 2 years.. Ur AI is a good place for me to try new hero n new skill without being afraid to be called a "noob" (it's happen if u try it in BNet :D)

btw,,thx for all of time that u used to make Dota community better n better.. Great Job BMP

LL said...

I have been waiting silently for months.

The fact is that most of those IDIOTs are making map makers suffer, keep begging them to make maps asap.

BuffMePlz, well done, I understand what kind of pressure you are facing, consider the fact that WE ARE GETTING MORE and MORE TERRIBLE people on Earth who are EXTREMELY SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE.

Look at the kids now! Those are the sources of trouble! Those are the noob players/leavers etc. There are less reasonable players in dota. Some players just started with GG then left after his first death.

Honestly, I have stopped playing DoTA for a while already. Seeing more and more UNFRIENDLY and AGGRESIVE players, this game is being torn apart (I still remember the good old days when players would suggest ways to improve instead of blaming one another for being stupid, EVERYONE WAS ONCE A NOOB, no one was born to be the pro of all pro)

If IceFrog is going to stop making DoTA, let it be, there is no point in answering ALL THOSE INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE. IceFrog gets nothing for making the map and why he should get the blame if he can make the map on time? (He DOESN'T get PAID!!!!!!)

Try making your own map whiners (I've tried it out and I CAN GURANTEE THAT IT'S NO EASY JOB)! Beggers should go begging on streets not on Internet.

(I would have been using TONs of not-so-nice language if I were BuffMePlz) (Why should he be so nice to apologize? HE DID NOTHING WRONG)

Any retards would still complain BuffMePlz for resigning, we all should boo that person off stage.

Anonymous said...

BMP u noob making ai maps with retARD AI

Anonymous said...

so SAD..

Anonymous said...


ronaldo abellana said...

we will miss u bro

Anonymous said...

@LL - i totally agree with you ^_^

Anonymous said...

T_T sad ..

Anonymous said...

so god-tony take the dota ai ?

Anonymous said...

BMP, thanks for those AI Maps. Without it I will nerver be good as I am now. And in your decision I respect it. So, Again thanks for the 2 yrs.

Anonymous said...

BMP plzzz dont stop doing AI!!!

Anonymous said...

....sad news, i hope someone continue BMP's place,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG I'm still waiting for new AI map

Anonymous said...

BMP,thank to your AI map that make my life such enjoyable..... thx ...really thx

Anonymous said...

sh|t! y? y now?!

Llanz said...

BMP, thanks a lot! good luck to your new endeavor...
Oh i can still remember the razor you made in the fun tavern before, IMBA!. anyways, good luck! c",)

Anonymous said...

well said LL

toonz said...

oK.. I will make map for you all.. 6.967 Ai C... it takes 7 years to finish it.. just wait haha.. ^_^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We'll miss you dude!!! BMP 4 EvEr

Anonymous said...

thanks BMP.. whatever they call u.. ure great doin the AI.. :)

Anonymous said...

nice words LL......and Bmp best of luck .....

Anonymous said...

very sad news, i personally feel that BMP help me a lot...

and for you all who can't appreciate BMP, if you talk like that, can you make the AI yourself, do you know how hard it is, do you know how hard to make AI who think like human?? and he(BMP) always said that AI can't be as good as human, think it over, appreciate him for what he had done, you all just leeching for him., i don't care who you are, are you a big fat boy with your dick standing out, but for your record, BMP has done a great job, even a greatest master of DOTA itself will longing for him..

Anonymous said...

@LL:*standin ovation*...well said dude...well said..its like u've read my mind..even now..most of these retards just wanna noe when the nxt ai map is comin out...its just too stupid..these noobs..they just need a good whack...i completely agree wid wat u say..well said...T-UP..:)

Anonymous said...

to the guy up there who said that noob uses ai.. maybe he cant even beat an ai.. and BTW sad sad day for dota players.. especially those who want to practice first...

Anonymous said...

aHHH,so sad!!!!but u've done a great job!!AI maps helped me TO be a PRO!!BMP is part of my being professional dota player!!TNX!!if u need a dota developer pls contact me!!!i hope i can help!!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hey thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... and good bye... :'(

Anonymous said...

I MiSs U !!! :(

Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace yow.!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

IT's OKay ^_^

Anonymous said...

It's ok u lil b*tches!

Garena is way better than AI maps...

Anonymous said...

so sad his god,, anyway,, he is now in the history of dota,, thanks

Anonymous said...

Thanks bmp for the ai maps youve created :)
i appreciate your hard work
n 4 the whiners n haters
cr8 your own map
i mean he(bmp)worked hard on every map and what do you do : whine and whine about the map and its flaws like a crybaby its made to have fun and train not to whine about why the ai are noobs or retards

Anonymous said...

T_T ... so sad u out. but thx for the map tat u cr8~

Anonymous said...

It's a very sab new :(

Anonymous said...

uhmmm....boss...is it possible for us to make a game that is true to life....life for example...those movies like pokemon or what so ever...it is my dream.to make a program or a creation like that.why dont all of the godd programmers in the world cooperate with each other to make a creation like thaT??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

saddd omg

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BMP, gd job man..

i train skill wit ur map mostly.
now i can easily pawn ppl in gg.. 2 T.up ^^

Anonymous said...

I hope Cloud_str will return and make those best and hardest AI in the WORLD!!

BRING Cloud_str BACK!!!

Anonymous said...

aww! that's so sadd!!!! no AI maps we cant practice new heroes!! :(

kutak - x| said...

BMP . Thanks for the AI maps ! .i have learn alot with that ai maps that you have made .! seriously . i solute you BMP . GOD BLESS YOU . Take Care .

Anonymous said...

better playing HoN...always better than dota

Anonymous said...

wee that sad

Anonymous said...

T-T sad news

Anonymous said...

now no plp make AI map then wat gonna happen to dota lol>.<
really hope someone could join in again lol!!!
and i guess dota player wait 2 month ady and wat?
retire lol!!!!
plss make it la~~~~

toonz said...

... because of your retirement.. i think AI map is now dead. and DOTA also is slowly dying... amf... we cannot now practice on our home with the AI.. I like AI cause they are not quiters like humans :)

underoath said...

its very dissappointing. . . .indeed. . . .

Anonymous said...

R.I.P BuffMePlz...

hehehehehehe.. just joking.. ^_^

anyway, thanks 4 all the help!

Anonymous said...

dude u were great with those ..... i basically learned dota play against them..... thanx man 4 wat ever u did ..... u wer awesome......

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the aimaps!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i learn so many thing how to play dota from ai...i hope you still can give some advice to those who replacing your place so that we will still can continue to play with ai or something more from ai...by the way,thanks for your hardworking to develop ai map to all people who play dota

Anonymous said...

bmp thanks dor all the hard work...
i was hopin the 67 ai would come sooner...
but thanks again for all the hard work you gave and giving fun to dota all-stars ai... ty... ^^

Anonymous said...

sad news..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very GOOD NEWS... Dota sucks.... HOn is better xcept 4 the pay2play :D

Anonymous said...

maybe he got higher paycheck from someone else...

I hope not...

Anonymous said...

AI maps is me only trining maps and they will never make another again wish someone can trplace you 2 continue releasing some interresting AI maps

Anonymous said...

Ouchh !!
SO sad

Anonymous said...

dont give up pls! we support u!

Anonymous said...

good news !!! dun just train with ai's go see some real world~!!!

Anonymous said...

!~†♥ May God Bless You ♥†~!

Anonymous said...

SAD TT_TT I HOPE U HAve a good life tace care huhuhhuhu

Anonymous said...

GoOd ByE!!!

Anonymous said...

goodbye and thanks a lot....
your reason is understandable
we are grateful on having you

Anonymous said...

Very sad.But thanks a lot for the hard work and for the AI maps.Bye Buffmeplz

Anonymous said...

BMP is not retired ..

go to forum ! for the proof hehe

Anonymous said...

right now AI can dodge mirana arrow even if AI did not see it so BMP is noob!!!!

Anonymous said...

If BMP REtires I Will Be The NExt AI MAp Developer..(LoL)

Anonymous said...

this is sad. buffmeplz is one of the most good developers on dota. hmmm.


Anonymous said...

need 6.67c ai!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the effort and sacrifice BMP!! You'll always be the best! good luck w/ your new life :)

Anonymous said...

Good job BMP you'll never be forgotten. May God be with You!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BMP did a great job.. because of him,, I was able to play dota.. good job for BMP.... why should he be blamed when hes done nothing wrong?.. Ive decided.. if ever therell be a clan on GG or BattleNet ,, i hope there would be a clan named after BMP.. id be glad to join.. and to the Haters, most of them are the greedy losers or should i say... the FDQ's.. first death quitters... My GG name is 102292.. and i challenge those haters.. I promise those haters theyre not going to enjoy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your hard work making these AI maps these years. I know it is not easy xp, but you manage to do it awesomely well.

Long live and have a happy life.

Peace X)

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