Capturing Point is not an easy task, You must know everything about this mod in order to get started.
Here are the rules:

You can see the Capture Point replacement in the image below:
The Capture points in these colors represents the following bonuses.
Red = Speed
Blue = Combat
Orange = Regeneration

So guys that's all about the New Capture Point mode in DotA Allstars. This guide is still in beta, soon all the tricks, strategies & reviews will be posted on this page!
37 Comments yet..:
1stt blood
gotta luv this one!!
3rd blood
How about Meepo? Are the clones counted as heroes also? If so then how long would it take for 8 heroes to capture 1 point? 5s?
7 heroes nt 8... meepo plus 3 ulti n 3 other hero = 7 hero doofus
IT's 8 heroes noob
5 people in one team, 4 heroes + 4 meepos =8
cp owns!
Lol, math fail. I think he never went to school.
Get a life, doofus.
And it's 8 heroes, kid.
what if riki is there, he is always invisible is that a valid???
come think of it?
rules: invisible is not counted.
7 heroes nt 8... meepo plus 3 ulti n 3 other hero = 7 hero doofus
SUCH a noob...7 hero in one team LOLS...counting PROBLEM..
he played 4 on 4 too much ..tsk tsk
meepo's meepo is clones.
meepo=1 ulti lvl 3=+3 more....if 5v5...then +4...3+4=7..zzz...anyways awesome new mode[cp]...its kinda fun :D
you forgot to count the original one, stupido
This mode is more competitive as compared to the normal AP Mode and it is not fun at all
its 8 dumbasses
4 heroes + original meepo + 3 cloned meepos = 8
so the captures are permanent?
Ya2x ALl of you are rIght... bUt meePo's clones are CLONE they're not COUNted as hero!
jesus christ.
this mode suxx, game is solved once cp are taken over
(unless u have a good team lol on bnet)
Oh god... We were supposed to be discussing abt the cp mode. But seems some idiots here dont even know how to count... Or maybe they play too much 4v4 AI
does it mean that ONLY ONE TEAM can benefit a certain capture point?.. (the one who last obtain it?)
Typed -cp at the beginning but no luck. Help me please?
I Try -apcp it works!
guys its 8 heros
what if meepo with ulti lvl 3 splits to 4 different captures?
does he conquer all 4 at same time?
this is not fun at all its boring
what about panda? I mean his ulti: primal split, does it count?
OMg retards really its 9 heroes, Meepo = 5 meepos with scepter that makes 1 more meepo
does it works on AI maps?
put -apshcp then pick meepo. all player use aghanim. it will be 25 hero. so the time will cut by?
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