- Culling Blade Scepter CD reduced by 5 seconds

- Greater Hawk bounty increased from 40 to 65 gold

- Death Pact reworked
Old Death Pact:
Kills a target unit and instantly gains a percentage of its life.
Instant Heal: 50/100/150% of target's current life
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 20
New Death Pact:
Kills a target unit and gains bonus damage and HP capacity based on that target's current health when killed.
HP: 50/60/70%
Damage: 6/7/8%
Buff Duration: 35
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 45
Notes: This does not work like usual HP gain. This increases his current health and max health by a certain amount and when the duration runs out, his max HP drops but his current HP remains the same.

- Tracked targets now have a visual effect above their head that is only shown to Bounty Hunter's allies. Neither the target nor any enemy can see it. (concept only: 102922)

- Warpath maximum stacks increased from 4 to 5

- Return's damage reworked from 12.5/25/37.5/50 damage to attackers to 10+26/34/42/50% of your Strength as damage

- Test of Faith cooldown from 30 to 30/28/26/24

- Power Cogs unit trapping code improved a little bit
- Hookshot Scepter CD from 20 to 15

- Tombstone's HP increased from 150/300/450/600 to 200/400/600/800

- Sprout can now be cast at a target point (173567)

- Inner vitality heal interval is smoother (same overall heal)

- Base armor increased by 2

- Cold Feet mana cost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 150

- Base armor decreased by 1

- Vampiric Aura AoE increased from 600 to 900
- Reincarnation now costs a constant 100 manacost instead of 100/150/200

- Split Earth cast range increased from 650 to 750
- Diabolic Edict cooldown reduced from 30/28/26/24 to 22
- Visual effect now properly shows on Scourge towers
- Fixed Diabolic Edict considering invulnerable buildings as valid targets and wasting some hits

- Frost Nova's Level 4 cooldown from 9.25 to 8

- Fiery Soul Attack Speed buff from 20/30/40/50% to 30/40/50/60%
- Light Strike Array cooldown from 10 to 8

- Lunar Blessing reworked
Lunar Blessing:
Provides all nearby allied heroes with constant bonus damage as well as extra night vision for your hero.
Night Vision: 250/500/750/1000
Bonus Damage: 6/12/18/24
Note: This only affects heroes.

- Howl hero bonus damage from 11/22/33/44 to 20/30/40/50 (unit bonus damage scaling remains 4/8/12/16)
- Howl duration from 16 to 12.
- Howl cooldown from 35 to 50/45/40/35.

- Repel duration decreased from 5/10/15/20 duration to 6/8/10/12
- Repel cooldown decreased from 20 to 14
- Repel mana cost decreased from 60/70/80/90 to 50

- Reworked some of his abilities
- Removed Great Cleave
- Reworked Empower
- Added new ability (Skewer)
Ally or self castable buff. Temporarily provides Bonus Attack Damage (base damage only) and Cleave (for melee units)
Bonus Damage: 15/25/35/45%
Cleave: 15/25/35/45%
Duration: 30
Manacost: 40
Cooldown: 12
Magnataur rushes forward, goring enemies on his massive tusks.
Hits up to two units max. Charges up to 800 range max. Units hit will be stuck with you until you reach your targeted point, at which point they will be slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.
Damage: 50/100/150/200
Manacost: 80
Cooldown: 45
AbilityCode [A1Q4]

- Intelligence per level reduced from 2.25 to 1.85

- Open Wounds cooldown from 30/25/20/15 to 24/20/16/12

- Spiked Carapace replaced with Urna Swarm
- Impale damage reduced from 80/160/230/300 to 80/140/200/260

- New Ability
This ability replaces Urna Swarm.
The Swarm:
Target a point. A large swarm of creatures (12) will move towards that direction, each latching onto an enemy unit that it comes into contact with. Each unit will only get latched onto by one creature maximum. The creatures that don't find a unit will just keep moving forward for a bit until they find something in that direction to latch onto. Visually it looks like the swarm is rushing forwards looking for unoccupied targets.
When a creature latches onto a unit, it will remain on that target until the creature is killed or its duration runs out. The creatures can be killed via attacks, but they require a certain number of attacks, regardless of damage, to get them off of you. Once they latch onto you, they slowly eat away at your armor and do minor damage. Again, they can be attacked while they are attacking you.
Attacks to kill: 4
Total Duration: 8/12/16/20
Time between attacks: 1.5 seconds
Damage per attack: 21/24/27/30
Armor loss per attack: 1
Cooldown: 36/33/30/27
Manacost: 75
Note: You have vision of your creatures, so if they are latched onto an enemy hero you will be able to see him (no truesight).
Note 2: The creatures fall of their target if it goes invisible.
AbilityCode [A1QW]

- Juxtapose illusions now take 450% extra damage (up from 400%)

- Added Aghanims to Faerie Dragon (5->7 Dream Coil duration, +100 break damage, +50 manacost)

- Flesh Heap death AoE increased from 400 to 525

- Shadow Strike duration damage increased from 10/20/40/50 to 15/30/45/60

- Charge of Darkness stun duration improved from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6
- Charge of Darkness chargeup movement bonus standardized across all levels (now 15% each second). As before, magic immunity is gained when fully charged.
- Charge of Darkness movement bonus now lasts for 2 seconds after impact with target.
- Fixed the enemy seeing Spiritbreaker briefly on the minimap when Charge of Darkness is cast
- Fixed Spiritbreaker losing attack focus when you Greaterbash someone

- Curse of the Silent now displays a buff indicator
- Game-wide sound gets muted when Global Silence is used (173422)

- Amplify Damage duration reduced from 30 to 25 seconds
- Sprint duration reduced from 25 to 20
- Sprint cooldown reduced from 45 to 40
- Sprint bonus MS rescaled from 10/20/30/40% to 20/27/33/40%
- Sprint damage amp increased from 10% to 15%

- Desolate's search AOE improved from 400 to 350

- Attack range lowered from 500 to 480

- Storm Bolt cooldown increased from 14 to 15

- Now gains XP for kills he gets with his remote mines or proximity mines if he is outside of the normal xp range.

- Grow movement bonus per level increased from 5 to 10

- Soul Steal Reworked
Soul Steal:
Can target an enemy or allied unit. Tranfsers life away from you if cast on an ally and to you if cast on an enemy.
Not Channeling, ends if Link Range is broken.
HP Transfer: 20/40/60/80 HP/Sec
Duration: 5/6/7/8
Cast Range: 400
Link Range: 600
Manacost: 80
Cooldown: 16
Note: When casting it on an ally, you have a secondary ability that lets you interrupt it whenever you want.
AbilityCode [A1PH]

- Ravage now has some travel time as it grows outwards

- Reworked Eyes in the Forest
Summons a Sentinel unit from the forests to the targeted point. The Sentinel is invisible to enemy units (revealed by truesight).
Sentinels have a small vision radius and can be instructed to defend the nearby area. When they are in Defense mode (special animation for this), their vision and invisibility cloak are removed and they automatically attack the nearest enemy unit that comes into their range.
Once a Sentinel attacks at an enemy unit, it returns to Watcher mode.
Watcher Vision: 500 (Does not grant truesight)
Defense Attack Range: 500
Defense Vision: Self only
Defense Ability: Attacks a random enemy unit within its aoe. The target takes 125/150/175/200 damage and becomes stunned for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds.
Sentinel Summon CD: 85/70/55/40
Sentinel Summon Manacost: 50
Sentinel Summon Cast Range: 900
Sentinel Summon Duration: 8 minutes
Sentinel HP: 300
Sentinel Bounty: 40 Gold
Sentinels can be killed by either attacks or spells. They can get hurt by AoE spells while they are invisible.
Note 1: The Sentinel is visible for a brief period as it is getting summoned
Note 2: You can see your Sentinels on the minimap
Note 3: Nature's Guise works with your Sentinels.
Secondary Ability - "Transform Sentinel":
Toggles a target Sentinel between Watcher and Defense modes.
Cooldown: 10
Manacost: 20
This ability is on your hero. As such, you can only toggle/activate Sentinels once every 10 seconds. You can target a specific Sentinel or click at any point and it will find the closest one.
AbilityCode [A1G7]
Secondary Ability [A1QV]

- Berserker's Rage bash rebalanced from 5/5/10/10% chance for 2 seconds bash and 25/50/25/50 damage to 10% chance for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds bash and 20/30/40/50 damage

- Wave of Terror now reduces HP instead of dealing damage (same overall HP loss, but now does not disable clarity/dagger/etc)

- Poison Nova duration increased from 12 to 12/14/15/16 (Agh's) seconds

- Static Field AoE increased from 800 to 900

- Armor bonus increased from 3 to 4

- Toggle cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds

- Cost decreased from 500 to 450

- Bonus HP increased by 50 from 450/400 HP/MP to 500/400 HP/MP

- New Recipe Item
Ethereal Blade:
- Eaglehorn (3300)
- Ghost Scepter (1500)
- Wraith Band (460)
+ 40 Agility
+ 10 Strength
+ 10 Intelligence
Ether Blast (Active)
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 35
Upon targeting an enemy hero, both your hero and the target get banished for 3 seconds. Target takes 2.5x your Agi in magic damage and is slowed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Note: Shares cooldown with Ghost Scepter

- Recipe reduced from 1350 to 1300

- Cooldown decreased from 25 to 20

- HP regen aura increased from 2 to 3

- Chance to proc lighting increased from 20->25% and adjusted the damage (same overall damage rates, just little more reliable)

- Recipe increased from 500 to 600

- Summoned units are now able to attack Ancients

- Recipe decreased from 800 to 750

- Unholy Rage activated lifesteal from 150 to 175%

- New Recipe Item (180353)
Soul Ring:
-Ring of Regeneration (350)
-Sobi Mask (325)
-Recipe (125)
+3 HP Regeneration (from ror)
+50% Mana Regeneration (from sobi)
Cooldown: 25
Duration: 10
Sacrifice Ability: Upon activation, you sacrifice 150 HP to temporarily gain MP. This action gives you 150 extra mana to use in the next 10 seconds. Any extra mana that isn't used from that bonus is lost after the duration is over. Any mana usage drains from your buffer mana first.

- Recipe decreased from 800 to 750

* Implemented a new mode for observers -zm (-zoommode). It pulls the camera outwards to see more action at the same time.
* Implemented a new game mode -cp (-capturepoint)
This game mode requires more teamwork and coordination than you might expect from your usual funmode.* A few new tree placement changes (see images inside)
After 10 minutes, 6 capture points appear at fixed locations around the map. Once the capture points are created, those areas are permanently visible to both teams for the rest of the game.
To capture a point, you have to be standing on it for a certain amount of time. The more heroes standing on it the faster you gain control over it. There cannot be any enemy heroes at a point you are trying to capture. With 5 heroes it requires 12.5 seconds to capture (60 for just 1 hero). Heroes cannot be invisible while on a capture point area. Illusions do not count as heroes when on top of a Capture Point.
There are 3 types of capture points, if you get 2 of the same type then they stack. Duplicates of each type are available on opposite sides of the map.
The game announces when an enemy captures a point. It is also visible on the minimap which areas you have captured and which areas the enemy has. When you capture a point, your team's heroes gain bonuses to various attributes (described below)
Combat - CP Type 1 [Bonus Damage/Armor]: Increases your Damage by 14 and Armor by 4 (Twice of each if you have both)
Regen - CP Type 2 [Bonus Health/Mana Regeneration]: Increases your Health Regeneration by 4 and Mana Regeneration by 1
Speed - CP Type 3 [Bonus Movement/Attack Speed]: Increases your Movement Speed by 4% and Attack Speed by 12%
If you have two of the same type, you get twice the bonus. For example, if you have both Combat you get 28 bonus damage and 8 bonus armor.
Whenever your team captures or recaptures a point, all allied heroes in that area will get healed for 200 hp/mp, gain 150 bonus gold and bonus xp (4 creeps worth)
The image below has the Capture Point placement locations.
Red = Speed
Blue = Combat
Orange = Regeneration

* Bonus magic damage to Decrepified units changed from 44% to 40%
* Removed creep targetability from Clarity Potion
* Added text message when a courier gets upgraded (197577)
* Updated various tooltips (168489)
* Fixed Moonwells visual chargeup animation
* Earthsplitter visual effect now more accurate
* Added bonus gold/xp values to the final scoreboard
* Added correct portrait with crown for King Leoric (155373)
* Fixed some minor issues with Ironwood Branch icon (147529)
* Fixed a lot of passive icon inconsistencies
* CM heros updated (In: Alchemist, Visage, Bounty Hunter, Spiritbreaker, Lucifer, Out: NA, Mag, TB, Tree, Weaver, Clinkz)
* Only blue can type -cm 1/2
* Fixed inaccurate replay data for assists ("Assist"+AssistPlayerId,VictimPlayerId)
* Added Neutral Creep kills replay data during update inteveral ("NK"+PID,Value)
* Replay data event written for successful player swaps ("SWAP_1_3",heroid for player 1 swapping player 3, heroid is the id that player 1 receives)
* Added a reminder in Charge of Darkness tooltip about the ability to start the charge at any time
* Added an Autocast icon for Urna Swarm
* Added an Autocast icon for Poison Attack
* Added level indicator to Healing Ward (193370)
* Improved cast animation for Diabolic Edict and now plays explosion effects randomly whenever they would otherwise be invisible/wasted iterations. (108991)
* New visual effect for the offensive use of Urn of Shadows
* New visual effect for Naga Siren's Mirror Image
* New visual effect for Nighstalker when he is casting Fear at night (176005)
* New visual effect for Phantasm
* New projectile/impact visual effect for Chaos Bolt
* New Chaos Bolt icon (194693)
* New CK Critical Strike icon (194693)
* New Reality Rift icon (194693)
* New Phantasm icon (194693)
* New Invoke icon (125104)
* New Netherstrike icon (124841)
* New Chronosphere icon (179529)
* New Torrent icon (147053)
* New Juggernaut Aghanims visual effect (141332)
* New Techies Aghanims visual effect (198827)
* New Bane Aghanims visual effect (198827)
* New Necrolyte Aghanims visual effect (198827)
* New Faceless Void Aghanims visual effect (166075)

* Fixed various rare exploits
* Fixed some bugs with Dark Pact
* Fixed some possible bugs with power cogs
* Fixed Ice Blast interaction with Reincarnation
* Fixed Mekansm not healing Visage's Familiars
* Fixed a fatal error exploit with couriers
* Fixed a bug with Wild Axes on Furion's Sprout
* Fixed a bug when using Chilling Touch on Lanaya
* Fixed Double Click TP being bugged from 1.24e patch
* Fixed some bugs with Goo interaction with other spells
* Fixed a bug with dying while casting Charge of Darkness
* Fixed an allied Death Coil being blocked by Linkin Sphere
* Fixed a couple of areas you could get stuck while using TP Scrolls
* Fixed a rare Armlet crash bug possible when using leaver items
* Fixed some minor issues with Javelin with spirit bear and invisible units
* Fixed some Roshan issues where he could sometimes get stuck in trees
* Fixed bugs with Jinada when it comes out of cooldown while in Windwalk
* Fixed some damage interactions between Centaur's Return and Frost Armor
* Fixed some minor bugs with stat stealing from Medusa while using splitshot
* Fixed some occurances where Scourge creeps on the bottom lane would skip the first waypoint
* Fixed a bug that made it sometimes possible to use items during Blackhole depending on your entry vector
37 Comments yet..:
thanks.. first blood !!
first blood..............
sofa first
FIRST BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brought Dota to a whole new level of extreme gameplay. Enormous changes and modifies on certain heroes, creating multiple godlike choices. Congratulations on the success to IceFrog and his fellow companions, great work, well done.
awesome new dota 6.67
First Blood
OMG so many changes i love it cant wait to play
rampage nice work bro
Where are the new heroes ???? :'(
troll is weaker >:(
change visage plz he's sooooooo imba ><
There are new items . YEHEYYYY
Hey! we play -CP w/ my friends and woof!! so exciting capturing the points and defending them... the auras have a highly potential to win the clushes...
WHY!! Axe is too imba... as i know instant death skill or items are forbidden but the axe have only 5 seconds CD to instant kill em' ol!!
waahhhh...no new hero
hey please fix this: when i buy urn, the one that requires the sobi mask and gautlets thing, and use the charge on me, i get healed, but at the same time, if i use a healing salve, my healing salve would be immediately canceled out, and it is gone, leaving with me only the healing urn charge.
wow you like 1st blood ha, come here i'll give you 1st blood to satisfy you
w0w nice map hahaha try ko na to .,., GG .,.,jEx
Guys, IceFrog has released DotA 6.67b.
Nerubian assasin sux now and venge's wave is ruined sad shit
nice one
but wan new hero
its very good map . but must have a new hero when new map comes .
ya. new heroes better than items i think. hehe. i'll look forward 2 the coming map.^^
ma-ma-ma-ma-MONSTER KILL!!!! Damn nice pls make dazzle stronger ^_^
Once global silence wears off the background music was totally muted and never returned
play with magnus n jah'rakal
how many new heros
Hey, bring back the old Nerubian Assasin! I like spike carapace, i hate urna swarm!!!!
Nerubian is my favorite hero and i love the "spikes" so please bring it back!
If DotA is cool this time, what will DotA look like in the mere future?
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