Have you ever thought of running multiple Warcraft 3's on a single PC? It's possible using kLoader. It's a tiny piece of program which allows you to run multiple instances of Warcraft 3 on a single computer without any such problems. You can play 1v1 against yourself, watch multiple replays at same time or check the maps etc. using this kLoader.
How to Run Multiple Warcraft 3 - Guide:
1. Download kLoader.rar and extract the files using WinRAR.
2. Open config.txt and set your Warcraft 3 Path (where you have installed it) and save it.
3. Now open, W3MultipleLoader.exe and run multiple Warcraft 3's as much as you want!
4. Enjoy!
kLoader Download Links:
kLoader.rar (mirror 1)
kLoader.rar (mirror 2)
Tips & Warnings:
- Make sure that you have set correct path in Config.txt file otherwise it won't work.
- You can remove "-window" from Config.txt file to avoid running Warcraft 3 in windowed mode.
- If you are having scrolling problem in windowed mode, use Windows Mouse Capture to fix it.
- You can't to connect to Battle.net or PvPGN servers using kLoader.
Credits: kolkoo
If you are having any problems while using kLoader, you can ask for help via comments.
122 Comments yet..:
first blood
great tool, wish I had it earlier...............
wow nice work !!!!!
lol my pc lags when i run two warcraft 3 :(
awesome tool.... i watched multiple replays using it working like a charm ^^
nc nc
how do u use this tool on garena?
keep up the good work
how can i play 1v1 against myself?? please explai to me, its really important.. tnx...
Nice !!!
lol i create the game but i don't see host
lol i played 1v1 against myself :D
that was fun..
Haha. So nc
Guys this Program is not useful...but to the map hackers its useful...Because If u play in Garena u just joined The Other team and ur other is in the oposite team..which means u can spy them if where are they....:(
lol 1vs1 with ur self is lame...
very nce tool..... love it..
wow thats a amazing and excellennt tool with cool features
nice one!..
now i can practice dota without help of other players haha :)
i played 1v1 ,,, it was fun but too bad i lost :P
This tool should only be used by people with powerful computers. If your computer isn't powerful, your computer WILL lag when you launch multiple Warcraft IIIs.
hahahaha I won and lost at the same time...
lol so weak!! can't use in garena!!
fix it!!
how can we use it for garena?
lol you can do this on garena just click on settings and when picking the game in the browes menu in the bottom there's a blank space then type -window click it then do what ever you want xD
Wew...I can't do that thing..I've done it all..the instructions..but it won't work..it says warIII frozen throne is already running...HeLp Me.?!
wtf..cnat play it 1on1..but u can watch many replays @ a time
lol i luv it
nice 1.thx...
wOw ;D
wow this is a big hit!
it destroy my graphic card...
you must be using cheap brands!!!!
w0w playful and enjoyable ^_^
hey weak!!! your mouse trapper doesn't work!
fix it man! your useless!
yah! how to use your mouse trapper??.
when i download it says application failed.
How can I use this to 1v1??
I want to test this with OMG...
it's nice but when I use 2 frozen thrones at the same time it always says FATAL ERROR! i wish there's another version... :(
Wtf, it´s always me who lose playing 1v1 against myself xD
1v1 against yourself, i m gonna give it a try, thanks for the program btw
no host found when i try to connect on other host.
yeahh its great but how to use on garena????
its not working for me i open config but when i open the kloader its tell me cant find config but i already opened warc.exe and config :@ wt can i do to fix it !!!!
how to use?
it says to me that
can't find war3?
can u help me guys!!
This helps me i cant urn it on my 32 inch monitor so i got this and it ran THX ALOT DUDE I OWE U MY LIFE
how to make it work on garena ?
It still says "Warcraft III Expansion: Frozen Throne is already running"
how to 1v1 with my self , if i create on the other window, the other dota window cant see any host?? PLS HELP!!!! REPLY!!!
How to get windowed mode? D:
i can use this on garena afk maps...^_^
I played 1v1 with me nice program i willl try 5v5 XD
how can i see the host plz<<<i cant even see em...nothing appears on LAN GAMES..plz<<
How can I play 1v1 with myself?
first blood
double kill
triple kill
killing spree
Why its fatal error
Pedes 8elw Programma gia na allazo to backyard tou paixnidou ton fonto enoow plz apanthste m grigora ;) Thanks,
don't tell them how to use it for garena plz. when they find out they will be using their noob acc on other team make no fun >.>
please make a video i dont understad
u copy another war3 in another folder then open it maybe canXD
Please Tell us guys how to play 1 on 1 by ourselves.... Please.... Or 1on1 works only using garena???
Doesnt work on bnet???i want to lvl up!
exp hack please...
i can open 2 WarCraft , but when i host with one , the other cant see :S .. Can any1 help plz ?
"If you have any problems while using kLoader, you can ask for help via comments"
zzz, can't you see so many ppl having prob(me too)?, but no solutions...lolz!!
cant make it work with 1v1 agaist myself!!!!!
plz help me
when i try to open a second window it says -wc3 is already running- dunno how to fix it, can some1 help please?
now u just gotta work it with joystick input for one and u got SPLITSCREEN WARCRAFT 3
I can't make it 1v1 with myself
plz help
"You can't connect to battle.net or PvPGN servers using kLoader" aw damn please ignore my previous comment
bnet plz
..... Can someone please just teach how to 1v1 with myself, I can't see the other game created when I've created a game...
cant do 1v1...
It trys to load multiple w3, but the second one is stop and a windows pops up saying "that a program has cause the program to stop working" what can I do to fix this?
Does this work with Frozen Throne?
For Windows 7 and Vista this is NOT WORKING !!!!
cause Windows XP run the Executable Files through
Drive://Path/...exe -windows
but on Vista and 7 it have to be
Drive://path/...exe -admin
Cause Those kind of Windows run it as Administrator not
under Windows Software !!! this is caused by other things
that are hard to explain unless you aint hackers or Programmers and know how is build your Windows 7 / Vista
so this tool is useless for Windows 7 and Vista user?
y i can see my own game plzz tell me haiz..
what's the use?
Indeed Fatal error on Vista
followed instructions...opened one,then unable to initialize...please help
when i run W3MultipleLoader its error.
how i can fix it ????
I think to play 1vs1 u need to change the last number of gateway
may i start this on win7 x64 when i start w3multipleloader got some error ( Warcraft III unable to initialize ) ? why i must do ?
i got one going but i dont know how you would load more when i have it going then open warcraft iii it says already running and i dont know how to switch keys
u dumbheads, if u are using battle.net, configure it to your own ip then run it without closing. The lan gaming works when 2 ips are connected so it means, when using 1 ip, u must not close it and only put ur ip there, ONLY (note: battle.net asks for 2 ips which means it prevents wifi sologaming which is a usual maphack in lan games, so remember to put only 1 ip and never close it when playing
This is useful in garena, u can make ur own hero to be killed by the main one, btw dont need the spy one, got a maphack in my sleeves...
Btw nc program. Keep up the good work
It says "Wc3 was unable to initialize"
freak navyboy
Is there any way for me to play 1 vs 1 with myself with this ?
when i open warcraft again it says... warcraftIII is unable to initialize.,.,.,.,.
please help...
Looks like this thing doesn't work with windows 7 machines
NOT WORKING !!! Warxraft already running :@ HELP
i couldn't run it ..
i cant connect to the game i created! zzzzZzzZzz
cant connect to the game i created!!
it dosen't work, help pls
Useless tool
I'm about to give you all a basic breakdown of this tool.
1) It doesn't work on 7. It DOES work on XP
2) You can join any server, just make sure you have the server connections running.
3) You can host a GHost on official BNet servers and join your own games via LAN network.
4) You CAN connect to BNet individually on multiple accounts, but you require multiple keys.
4a) To log onto multiple accounts you must change your registry for the keys every time you log in.
5) You can program multiple lossbots to work on your machine on multiple windows.
5a) If you play 2 v 2 you will almost always be matched with yourself.
5b) If you play 1 v 1 you will almost NEVER be matched with yourself.
6) Turn everything on very low to reduce graphic/process stress on your computer.
7) When logging onto multiple accounts, make sure multiple ports are forwarded and make sure the ports are changed on individual clients, since they may overload.
Not working.. Giving me Already Running Error
Frozen Throne Already Running.. Help!! Thankyou!!
cant run 2, tells me its already runnin
So this is how people cheat in RT and solo tournaments... Great now I can cheat the system too.. Thanks guys
I'm Already Create In Local Area Network But Another Client Can't Find It....
Give Me Solution Please.....
There's too many noobs who cant type properly - maybe that's why you guys aren't getting help? :)
say warcraft is already running what can i do ?
Same as me, it doesn't work due to that.
Warcraft III is already running.... what'd i do?
How do i play with myself on LAN network? Do i need garena? If so how do i play through garena??
is it possible to make it work on win7
Warcraft 3 is already running what to do :/
yea,same here...
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