Tip: Get a tea or coffee before reading it ^^
DotA-Allstars v6.66b.w3x Changelogs:
* Fixed a major exploit recently discoveredEnjoy this release. Did you like the changes in Dota 6.66b? Share your thoughts and reviews about this map.
* Recoded Bounty Hunter's wind walk damage bonus as to not require two seperate attacks to trigger his new passive
* Some Doombringer nerfs:
- Reduced base armor by 2
- Reduced base movement speed by 10
- Increased Scorched Earth cooldown from 60/50/40/30 to 60/55/50/45
* Readjusted the Divine Rapier pickup rules to prevent some abuses.
If the first time the item is lost from its original owner it is picked up by an allied hero, it becomes muted (no damage) until it returns to its owner. If an enemy acquires the rapier, it same rules as the previous version. Here are the complete rapier rules to clarify:
- "Original Rapier" has two modes, active and muted. It is active (bonus damage, droppable) when carried by the owner and muted (no damage, droppable) when carried by an ally
- "Free Rapier" is the item state that occurs when an enemy acquires it. This is a permanent transformation for the item. It will always provide bonusdamage and will always be undroppable, regardless of how it switches sides back and forth afterwards. This is the same as the previous patch.
Summary: The primary change that is done here is that a hero cannot intentionally pool the rapier to his ally.
* -unlock now requires a majority vote before the gold and items of a leaver will be released. As a reminder, once a hero is unlocked, it cannot be switched.
* Added a 15 second wait period before the drafting begins in -CD to give both teams a chance to look at the heroes.
* Renamed the controlon/off commands to be clearer which is which. They are now -disableselection (-ds) and -enableselection (-es)
* Various map optimizations
* Fixed an old recipe fusing exploit with leaver items that could result in crashes
* Fixed Essence Shift on units that change form
* Fixed a couple of bugs with Dark Pact debuff
* Added replay data for creep kills/denies (at time intervals,
format: "CSK"+I2S(PlayerID),value and "CSD"+I2S(PlayerID),value)
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed gold not being split after using -unlock when someone leaves via -kickafk
* Fixed being able to -unlock while a switch vote is ongoing
* Fixed some spells incorrectly triggering Magic Stick/Essence Aura (Devoured Neutral Troll Priests Heal, Radiance Swap, etc)
* Fixed some -CD language text issues as well as some missing parser information
* Fixed Arcane Ring recipe purchase hotkey
* Fixed some potential Basher bugs on some levels of Spirit Bear
* Fixed an abuse possible with one hero carrying multiple Urn of Shadows
* Fixed the second Forged Spirit from being added to your control despite having control helper turned off
* Fixed a bug with -switch when you have Rapier (that you don't own) on you
* Fixed a few other misc minor bugs
Also share your suggestions for Dota 6.67.
59 Comments yet..:
nononononono!!!! U must reduce ursa warrior power and not Doom !!! Ursa is so imba ! can't beat him in a 1 vs 1 game
2nd blood
So u can't drop the free rapier not even right click it?Or can u?
DOUBLE KILL..............
WTF..? ursa is not imba you just need some strategy
weee!! the_skeleton here!! thanks DOTA-UTILITIES for the updates .... :)
cant beat ursa at 1on1? your so noob...
lol wtf?
Lol u can beat ursa 1 on 1 just pick phantom lancer ;) and ur done :D
Ultra Kill!!!
even doom was not imba
deadbutalive13 said...
lol u noob or wat?y dun u just play troll against ursa??troll can mke ursa attck miss..before this i already had 1on1 with ursa using panda..buy butterfly,up skill 2 n 3 of panda and there u go..ursa gg already..
All map hacker must be banned
Ursa isn't imba, just buy a Ghost Scepter and activate it when she attacks you with Overpower. And Blade Mail + good HP and armor = dead Ursa
the_skeleton said...
hahaha URSA=imba?? LOL!! that is so noob... u just need some strategies to defeat URSA.. just use a blade mail or guinso to disable him!! and POOF!!! GG sir!!
...combine bmail with a good ursa-counter hero like pl or tw or w/e (bmail on pl might not b necessary XD) and hes done, how cant u counter ursa??
what the hell!!!!! dota is now a not my favorite game now because of its changelog.......
sorry but i dont see much changes ~
no fix on ts's split earth hotkey?
20th Blood :D
blade mails r counter for ursa and trol ..but u need axe so tat he wil bersek and jus activate blade, tis shld be done wen tey use ther skils lik ulti ... B4 1 blade mail s enough but now cooldown and return DAM s less i make 2 or 3 it depends on the game :)
we did pool rapier for ally....
but still not sure wheather it drops from owner iff killed by roshan
nice changes but blodseeker ulti is easy to conter plz do somthing
i dont think ursa is that imba.. i mean, EVERYBODY can counter him,if you use some of your brain...
some hero like windrunner,or aksha can go away from ursa with no damage at all... in str too, some stunner will be good,+BM,and ursa will be rubbish! agi, like troll can use its skill, blind,or magi,with blink,or everyhero with manta style will be good to ursa.. so.. what a noob say ursa is imba... don't make fool of yourself,or YOU are really a fool??
Ursa can be beaten by an attacker and a unit that has Blademail. Try traxex or vengeful. And divine is so overrated now.
Niceee :) btw: ursa is noobish if u have strategy to beet him miss (trol,panda) BM guinso ! and BANG !
Ramake Yunero Skill Too Haha
Ramke Yunero Skill Too
what!!! change doom reduce doom skill ?_+ reduce ursa power too so fair T_T
Im excited..
For now i will play HON heroes of newert while wating that 6.66AI to test a lot things!! :P
Peace Idiots!
u shld remake kunkka's ulti =.= its so useless so low range unlike before it was cool
what if the ally of leaver hero did not unlock and switched to the enemy side, will the items be used by the enemy?
Dazzle owning Ursa!!
How about inserting -ah comand i code of map so if someone wants a hack to play with he must write a other comand to disable anti hack mode, so everyone can se if he does...
there was an exploit on 6.66 on the -wtf mode... one hero would buy blade mail and activate it ... next when you cast ANY spell on him (even clinkz's fire arrow) you would insta - die :(
you did not reduce the cooldown of apparition's skill..
its so imba
no, not ursa. he don't have stun that's why he was given that much damage. besides, that additional damage depends on his life, right. so, not all the time, ursa is powerful. he may only be if his life is full or more than half.
And Guys SHAKER is way too powerfull !!! (With Scepter) !!!
Divine Rapeir new rule is not fair
rikimaru's smoke is annoying...1 skill 3 effect...silence,miss and slow...it is very hard to beat coz it has high backstab damage, blink to chase n run, smoke 4 defense n p.invisibility to escape...
try fighting Ursa w/ Naix ^^
razor vs ursa
please fix the mjolinir recipe... when i buy it while i'm away the recipe appears in the circle... when i get it, i get my mjolinir, BUT THE RECIPE STAYS THERE!!! i can resell it over and over!!! please fix for balance sake... :))
beyond GODLIKE
plz fix barathum too... his stun is too annoying...
don't complain... when u think that u got beaten because of imbalance, that only means how noob u are... every hero can be beaten by any hero... and any skill can be neutralized by an item... so there is no such thing as imba hero... only imba players... like me... wahahahahaha... ^^,
wtf is he saying?? cant beat ursa in 1v1?? you must be sick dude, not wicked at all.:)
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