DotA Allstars 6.66b AI Map Download:
DotA Allstars v6.66b AI 0.214.w3x (mirror 1)
DotA Allstars v6.66b AI 0.214.w3x (mirror 2)
Dota 6.66b AI v0.214 Changelogs:
-First update to 6.66bRelated Post :-
-Rewrote Jinada, Wind Walk, Chilling Touch, and Essence Shift to prevent AI-specific crashes
-Minor AI changes to use some rewritten abilities (Scorched Earth, Overpower, etc.)
-Added some extra checks to prevent AI from automatically picking heroes with incomplete AI scripts (they can still random them in -ar or -tr)
-Disabled new -unlock command, as -switch is still disabled in AI map
- Dota 6.67
- DotA 6.66b
- DotA 6.66b 6v6
- Warcraft 1.24d Patch
118 Comments yet..:
dont post this shiet if ur not sure to release it...
that wallpaper over there, is that the new loading screen for dota? hope so.
perz blad! ampred here! pakyu yoyong pandamonium, jelord champ of manyak, bum tarat tarat, jon2x bungong malibog, trapong patibong, tangkad liit pisot!!! hahahaha
Yesss Finally ^^
1st BLOOD!..tnx:D
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa FIRST BLOOD!!
puck rulez btw :P
Great:) What I can say.. :)
u haven't even customize 6.66 ai. you are starting 6.66 b ai?
pertamax gan...
On the Blog "Buffmeplz" says
"Just finished the 6.66b changes, will do a test run tomorrow and if I don't find any bugs, will release on Saturday or Sunday. Changelog looks like this:"
therefore it cant come today or where are your sources from?
mfg muligan
Blood in 1st... wa... no ppl comment?
Hi ...
What do u mean by Coming Soon ?! How many HOurs ?
i cant wait :D
plz hurry up and release the map i have been waitin whole time
What!!!! it requires 1.24d patch
yaay dota :)
they postponed til saturday or sunday
yes hurry up plizzz but...it requires 1.24d patch????
oh no...!
I don't care if this would take long....i just want a ranged type strength hero!
don open the web when u don release it
GUYS GIVE HIM A BREAK! he made us a map too use. so just settle down and thank him. thanks buffmeplz!
hurry up and release the map now i want to play
hey when the 6.66 Ai map must come..? you said in a few hours?
and i was getting excited that it wos finally released......zzzz....
lol ive been waiting this whole time too for the map to come out lol D:
if dats da new loading screen den itz worse then the last one
awsome!i waited for that map for 2 weeks since it was poston upcoming this time i will have it cool!
come on post it already
@#$%^&*()_few hour so long liao la
hail people :D tricky it :D
k u guys jus being cruel to put dis up cause u say it will be released in a few hours instead wen u could of jus waited a few hours then posted it up so we can download w/o complaints, so wat was the point in telling us?!?!?!?!?
helo dota bye bye HON
nice one!
huscar da best
thanks for releasing DOTA 6.66b AI YOU GUYS ARE GR888888
5555 thx
nc men!
tnx mwuuuahh tgaL q nag antay
tnx for the map
Finally it's been released. Thx BMP
who says it requires 1.24D ??? i can ply using 1.24B
thanks a lot.. i've been waiting for it impatiently.. lol... :D
nc 1 finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first blooddd!!!!!!!!!!1
Thanks very very i first downloaded
Thnx for AI MAps
New AI maps..
first blood!
Awesome , can't wait to try this.. a bunch of thanks, buffmeplz
is that the new loading screen ?
I can now practice ancient apparition!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats the AI works just fine... but there is a slight prob with their behavior. Like in previous versions bots don't seem to bother when the Big Tree is taking down by the opponents. Instead they defend the front towers or racks and the game finishes :S
I got no idea how hard it is to give them the brains to understand whats more important then keeping the game alive but it would be nice to fix their priorities...
Thanks for this wonderful update of the AIs
Apart from that Pudge does better hooks and looks to get a spot to get better hooks and generaly all the AI is alot better than previous versions
Thanks it's working now..
at last.!
practice makes perfect but then again nobody is perfect so why practice ^^
Graaaaaa.....dats great!!!!yahahahahaha
weee.. .welcome to ai mode slark and ancient :)
1st blood after posting the link <3
@ Nyxokoptis: I think it is very easy to order AI to defend the tree...
Slark is very imba lol. I type -test and type -goldall 9999999. My enemy is Slardar. I just went Invi and his str is slow going down to 0. My agi ws 247.
Now i can play some games using slark!!
I have a problem whit this ai map, fter 10-15 min of playing I got an error amd the tfzt shuts down
1ST BLOOD...........................
hey plsss...............upload it in mediafire i cant download it.....thx for one who will upload it
thank you very much BMP
6.66b AI map's Slark has got some problem ......
1 on 1 will only buy a Ring of Regeneration and 2 Healing Salve........
why does it have % percentages??
..EH y Always 6.66b AI always FATAL error?
what the HELL happend?
yeeeeeeeeees i can practice slark and kaldr yessssssssssssss
is this oficial?
killing spree
6.66b ai 6vs6?
I had some problems with 6.66b. It was a 5vs5 match. Me and 3 others of my team started playing. We thought that the 5th was afk because he's not moving his hero. But he started to speak and he sad that he is playing and WE don't move our heroes. So it was kind of two games, on where the game was 4vs5 and one where the game was ... 1vs5afk. I'm not shure if the problem is from 6.66b because i had the same problem on 6.66 too.
BACOD TOD. . . . .:P
lets do this
I can't Download this map ... , How I can ???
weak do you depend on map hack or any hack for dota dont use coz it will make you weak coz using hack is not good for your acc in garena
How this map is release
when this map release? answer immidietly
gi atay,,behind na au q bwt sa warcraft..cge raman gud q ug snif
6.66 ai map is working? DAMN!!! i should have get this map
Hey, this is cool men I try searching for Ai maps 6.66b now I see this site thanks love it.
Anonymous do i have a life really xD
xD frog rules.~ NOOB ALL ~~
ello this map use wt version switcher 1.24 or 1.24b plz tell me i can play all map dota..
wow bobo kamo tanan
make the fire panda hero...plss
1st fix the 66ai
too easy for me to kill PLEASE MAKE IT STRONGER like ai ++++++++++++++++
perst blood ..yeah boi . .
AI are so imbalanced. they always dodge elune's arrow even if it's blindspot. please fix this :)).
♫♫♪♪yeah i hope that 6.68 can released ASAP.....
Dota es vacan pero la cagan los lovos como axe,venomacer y ese toro espritu
when i download the map, the player area doesn't appear/ what will i do?
asome,new map
practice makes perfect but then again nobody's perfect so why practice? but im a nobody so im "PERFECT".
yes now downloading!tnx royet!
cool map when will the 6.70c AI Be released???
can anyone tell?
how to download the maps?im new
please can some tell me how to download a map..
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