Update: BMP will release Dota 6.67b AI instead of this map.
Update by BuffMePlz:
Got the script changes for 6.66 from IceFrog, working double-time on the map to get this done ASAP. Don't expect the bots to use a lot of the new abilities just yet
, I'll do more work on this after I release, just want to get a version out where people can start playing with the new heroes/abilities/items.
Still aiming to release by the end of the month. Sit tight!
Anyways, this page will provide all the information & updates regarding the upcoming DotA 6.66 AI Plus. Just stick on this page for further updates.
Related: Dota 6.66
76 Comments yet..:
first blood!! triple 6 , i am so anxiety
nice map
devil stuff :P
did you know:
phi (aura number)=1.618034...
Rampage !
5th poster ! lol
Yeah , Nice Map ! lol
this should be good so that it is worth waiting
this should be good so that it is worth waiting
Anonymous said...
did you know:
phi (aura number)=1.618034...
am i late to post it ;D ultra ~~~
where is the ai version of 6.65
Beyond Godlike i like AI
enhanced doom bringer????
enhanced doom bringer????
uuuhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm..........where's the 6.65 ai?
ii have waiting for that map......and then you skip to 6.66 ai? IMBA
BuffMePlz is to slow to make that map he must have a partner to create it fastly and perfectly
DEVILTRA KILLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Bat only does ulti on creeps, tauren doesn't use any skills, clockwerk doesn't ulti i guess... SO.. yeah hope u make new changes (: looking forward to the new ai map.
release any 6.65 or 6.66 ai please! i need to play whit slak for experinece and fun ;)
nice one :D
the new hero Slark is so very powerfull!!!! if 1 team got that hero mayb that team will win :D
nice map anyways guys go try this game hehehe
why dota 6.65 AI didnt release?
buffmePlz should have partner
I can't wait of 6.66 ai map, it seems like exciting.... please release it emmediately..
wtf..slark is imbalance lol..plz make it balance..he is way to powerful..thanks!!
Slark has too low hp and easily killed...
can u make other AI use Tauren chieftain and other heroes use Skills? in 6.64AI they do not use skills just normal attack thanks
nice map
I'm so excited w/ it!!!!
i am waiting for almost 1month to be released an AI map higher than 6.64AI. Sick persons who are processing this AI You are all weak and very slow. hope that you all be awaken!
So i'm also waiting for the 6.66 AI map.
First off thank you BuffMePlz:)
It's Amazing(and kind) of you to develop these Bots.
Good health and keep on going
does it take sooo much tym to make a mapp/? ot even make it just customize it... :|
asppppppp. i'm playing 6.64 ai in my computer. nothing new.neither new players. can you calculate when almost the map is going to be ready?
please make a dota AI map on vers 6v6 6.66 map is it possible? please respond.
damn i cant wait it please make it faster^^
please finish this ai first before making or thinking a new dota allstar map..
i want dota 6.66 Al 6v6!! \m/^_^\m/
Can't wait for the Triple 6 Ai oh yeah! so wanna kick more a** though i want 6v6 ai hehehehe!~
Last hit
+200 Gold
its ok on it..
btw, when is the 65 AI released ?
beyond godlike
they did not release 6.65 ai couse it is only a beta for christmas
i have dota allstar map v6.66 but when i go to play garna i cannot join game created with v6.66 map what should i do???and thx for reply
thx you
why cant i play the map ,it just say "file map is to big ,choose a diffrent map"
so when this map will release i w8 1 month O.o
damn so slow...
so slow... many people are changing to HON
it good.
bro give him a chance. i don't see any of you guys making a ai map
Please consider us that want the first AI map 6v6 to be the 6.66 map
All 6 together seems to be the perfect time to release the first 6v6 AI map.
More bots... More Kills... More FUN! :D
Please Please Please do this for us
Thanks millions of times for the effort you give just to please us BuffMePlz
Take care
or if that is not possible now, release a seperate AI map after the 6.66 AI that would be 6.66 6v6 AI map
Thanks again!
BMP it's already near at the end of the month, what now???
super pro AI ! plz ! :D
dudes, the people making the maps and the AIs of DOTA are pretty much volunteers and are not making money off this. HoN is a profit organization thus the charge for getting the game. besides i think HoN is a formal company already with probably a dozen or more programmers. cmon we all love this game. just be patient.
As fast as u can. is going to be found dota map 6.70 and we will not have even this 6.66 ai. so fast. i can't stand any more playing with 6.64 in my pc. i can play online but in my house i do not have internet. so i play in nets.
yeah, Jan 28th
it's time
wew godlike!!!!
Jan 29th... come on... were waiting here! Seriously, hear me please, BuffMePlz... GET A PARTNER. were all counting on you. thnx
the end of the month is near and im expecting it very soon...
if this 6.66 ai map being skip again like the last one..i really dont know what more to say..SUCKXXXXXXX~!~!~!~!~!~!~!at least its not yet a new month..still have a day left..i still can be patient for one more day..
thank you
i hope u should ...
rah a
dota is great
owsssss ... thats great
looking for it...!!!!!
slark so pro but easily die coz ag hero short life...sad
san n ai map amf?
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