Dota 6.63b - Dota Allstars 6.63b Changelogs:
* Fixed an exploit possible with Puck
* Armlet recipe now changed to include Quarterstaff instead of Blades of Attack (bonuses and total price unaffected)
* Fixed Wrath of Nature from targeting couriers
* Fixed a bug with Spirit Bear's entangle and overgrowth
* Fixed Heart icon on the endgame scoreboard
* Undid a couple of the fun names recently added
* Fixed a rare abuse that could cause other users performance to drop
Dota v6.63b - Dota 6.63b Download Links:
Download Dota-Allstars v6.63b.w3x (mirror 1)
Download Dota-Allstars v6.63b.w3x (mirror 2)
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46 Comments yet..:
how can i play this map...?
contact me on Stalker4ever@windowslive.com
... why do that to treads? what did they do to deserve that?.. now I don't see why should I do treads except de fapt that they are cheaper instead of travel.. even phase.. it's really a bad idea to remove 30% atack speed from them
i agre about treads
it doesnt work on me this file is big pls choose another file! the system says
contact, bullseye360psh@yahoo.com dota fan
dota, completly new map, same strategy, improved grafics,new heroes,new items, slight changes in creeps, more oppertunities of obtaining items such as ages of immortality, plz give it a thought n fwd to officials...
dota fan
make the phase boots +70ms pls or more :D ...so i can make my sven's ms 522 plsssssssss!!!
if use 1.21 patch, the system will sure say the file is too big, only 1.24+ patch is smooth to play 6.63
i downloaded it n stuff, but when i join some1s 6.63 game, i return to the game selection. wat happened?
if u keep dropping after joining games on 6.63 map it means that u dont have the latest patch or u only have 1.24 not 1.24b. easy fix just get the latest patch... cuz 1.14 will be able to see 1.24b game but cant play in it! hope this helps =/
woott dota 6.63b out... thnx iceforg
lol 6.63b so fast?
YOH DUMBHOLES..this works..u just have to stop being a cheapasses and download 1.24b..
yoh dawgs.this map is so fast..u guys just have to update to 1.24b so it could work..nonetheless..the lower versions won't work.. hope this helps ;) :D
what was the puck bug
elow is the only way of playing the new versions is just download the 1.24 patch of warcraft?.....pls contact me at Divin3_16@yahoo.com
what was the puck bug?
Is it possible to directly switch to 1.24 version?..
Whats was the glitch with puck can any1 tell me what it was and how they did it aswell as what was "Fixed a rare abuse that could cause other users performance to drop
" what was that? can any1 explain that also, thanks. :P
I don't know about the puck bug, but i know about the abuse to case other users performance to drop.
-You sell your items,
-hide your hero anywhere outside of the base.
-Then buy iron wood branch, make sure your hero is not in range to pick it up.(Notice the iron wood branch would appear at your circle)
-Spam loads of iron wood branch and drop&pick those using your circle.
-Now everyone should be feeling lag esp the host.
-keep buying iron wood branches and drop&pick.
-eventaully everyone would dc and your wc3 will crash.
how could i switch my my dota patch ot 1.24..
pls commet me at richardmana22@yahoo.com
Me2, agree with treads...dont like them now. Waste...big waste...
Hello... you have good site of dota allstar very nice... :D but we (your visitor in IRAN) cant see the picturs and icons... :( please change your upload site that we can see all site :) thank you so mutch :)
I downloaded the version switcher and switched my version to 1.24 but still 6.62 and 6.63 maps are not working what should I do??? Pls send me reply at ranjix@rocketmail.com
You Must Switch WC Version To 1.24b :|
For people who want to download without using rapidshare
Here's the link:
ranjix u need version 1.24b
Anyone knows the puck bug? Or the spirit bear entangle-treant overgrowth bug
I like the " ultimate Boost" Idea !! :D
Ya why not create it??
ir you are... droping on join game using 6.62+ maps... just download the version switcher... and store first the 1.20 patch incase you nid to switch it back... and switch it to 1.24b patch so that you can create or join 6.62+ maps
pls give me a free link to download version switcher to 1.24 b
I dint agree bout the power trade but removing the 30%as,but i wonder if the trade gives 35 or 40% as or the fuction of a vangurd or regen or other...any way nice map 25/9/2009 friday!
can anybody help me? I just downloaded 1.24b patch and it worked but I can't create 6.62+ maps and also 6.61+
why the 6v6 map, have one player disconnect in the middle of the game, is it cause of the bugs.
i wish more 6v6 map because the 6.62b 6v6 map have problem its so awesome to play the 6v6.
i cant play at this map version...its says map to big..what is that mean?
Bug with Obsidin Destroyer, start game and enter mode ap, wtf, take Obsidian 2nd spell astral and cast on yourself, it will not stop casting.
i succesfully switched to l.24b but it says that the base sounds are disabled.. how can i fix this?
i have everything downloaded (1.24b patch and 6.63b map) but whenever i try to create a LAN game, when i select the 6.63b map the game takes me back to the screen where u select a game to play in. What is causing this problem???
email: mcuellara@yahoo.com
mga fangit kayo jan
6.63 & 6.64 map not working on version 1.24b patch. the hell's the problem with it? need straight answers man!
because icefrog improve
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