• An Empty Bottle
• Scroll of Teleport
• Any Hero
• Buy a Teleport and an Empty Bottle.
• Move away from base and use all the charges of your bottle.
• Now Teleport into fountain.
• Use waypoints function immediately by using Shift+Click the bottle to the fountain while teleporting.
• You will have infinite bottle charges. Just point the target to your bottle to refill it.
• Enjoy!
IceForg will probably release Dota 6.62b to fix this game-breaking bug. So wait some time until the new map comes. Enjoy using this bug in game until it gets fixed in the upcoming version.
UPADTE: Dota Allstars 6.62b has been released because of this bug, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
32 Comments yet..:
LMAO imba bug !
omg i tried its working....
now need some KILLING SPREE!!
You have posted only 1 bug above... I have encountered about 5-6 bugs in this map and reported them to Icefrog... this bottle bug is kinda imba for nukers like nerubian assassin etc.. and i hope that icecfrog will release dota 6.62b soon..
@ L337H4X0R: Wouldn't you mind sharing the other bugs you have faced ^^?
i used this bug in a game, i was leoric and was stunning creeps and heroes all the time, players were curious how i did that then they started saying dont use bugs please, eventually the left and admin warned me if u use it again you will be banned :(
I would suggest IceFrog to take some more extra time for testing after making the map so there will be a less chance for these bugs.
muahahhahahahhahahh now i pawn noobs
how to change warcraft theme and get lina background like in that video?
This only works in Dota 6.62/Warcraft 1.24b Patch but sadly we all malaysians still use 1.21 patch :(
i can not pick up runes with bottle after using this bug :S
imba shit!
Why fkin bugs everytime? cant icefrog release a stable map?
That's amazing^^
Thanks for sharing^^
now it will be removed in the new version soon T_T
tHiZ r0ckZ!!!!!!!
Anybody knows another bugs or exploits please share it and write here..
imbalanced bug must be fixed soon...
This site is the best!!!!!
w0w... its really amazing.. now i know why I can't cre8 a map of 6.62 in garena its because it has a bug.. i wish i could try it it someday :((
I know bug with Centaur..
someguy want to report me on www.playdota.com hes name Dreamoz
l00lz!!! this like wtf!! G0DLIKE
I loled at this bug.
cool bug
nice bug :) thx 4 sharing it....... keep finding cool bugs :P
damn it!! it's sooooooooooooo cool man!!!!!!!!!!!......
How to get a custom background like lina ?
How The Bugs Formed?....and what is the reason why bugs encountered?
and about the bugs i encountered 2 bugs in 61b it is darkseer i after the lvl 3 wall of replecation i wonder that there is so many hereos replicated...so the map was full of illussions of hereos..
works in 6.62b?
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