Full Features:
• Warcraft 3 Font Changer
• Warcraft 3 Background Changer
• DotA Theme Manager (by Infrisios)
• Warcraft 3 Models Changer (cooldown UI, Hero Model Fixes, command buttons)
• Warcraft 3 Registry Fixer, Logo disabler.
Diabolic Warcraft 3 Tools Download Links:
Download dw3toolsv03.zip (mirror 1)
Download dw3toolsv03.zip (mirror 2)
Installation Guide:
• Download "Diabolic Warcraft III tools.zip" from the links above.
• After downloading extract it in your Warcraft 3 Folder.
•The path should look like this after extracting the files,
1. C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\dw3toolsv03\
2. C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\dw3toolsv01\DiabolicW3Tools.exe
• You're done.
• Diabolic Warcraft III Tools requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 in order to work. You can download it using the link below:
- Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (direct link)
• Diabolic Warcraft III Tools uses mpq tool and needs Visual Basic 4 Runtime Files and Runtime Files Pack 3 to run properly, you can download both of them from links below;
- Visual Basic 4 Runtime Files
- Runtime Files Pack 3
Screenshots: (will open in new window)

- Thanks to Diabolic for making this wonderful software to enchance our gaming experience
108 Comments yet..:
1st blood.......
nice tool
2nd blood :P
nice !!!
i knew this all along
nice one
really gj diabolic 5/5 stars!!
thanks. ^^;
Very Old, But very good ^^
Make Rar plzz..
thanks U !
i had it....
thanks for coming :)
This is Great! i always searching for that kind of program :D
Why im downloading from rapidshare with 30kb/s :( :'( :s :o
LOngest Spree 13th Beyond GodLike Holy Shite!!!!!!! RAMPAGE....
cooL....this is the 1 that im looking for..tyvm
=.=....... once i on it it says error...... Help Pl0x
wow its cool..damn man! thanks to you! you rocks! xD
guys someone help me cause when I change the settings and I apply it says that maybe some files are missing... someone help plz!!! thx!!
very cool, esp the city terrain
where can i download the dota HEROES OF NEWERTH???
it does not work
why it wont work for me? i extracted it into my w3 folder then used it the backup was good too, i click the diabolicw3tools.exe and it worked, but after an hour my w3 errored. it says that it cant read something. then i removed diablock tools to my pc and still my w3 wont work.. whay is that? can you give me a clear view on how to make this thing work? cause im still young but i would kindly like to know how.. Amos from Philippines.. Garena Account (DmLkz.Prime) Mineski Grounds Room
the link is already dead sir
plss. . upload to other uploading site. .
thanks sire
why runtime error 48??
nice work
do not work for me!!!
i have a background in a local game but when im playing in garena.... when i click start game button and it will come up the warcraft but it does not have any changes while it is playing in a garena... what is the problem? pls let me know ... regards
For them whom it don't work! read the intruction properly....
u need to install visual basic 4 runtime and runetimes file pack 3! :) then it must work without troubles!!!!1
didnt work :( it says The application faild to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application....and the requirements are installed :( any1 plz help me
wew there is an fatal error when im on loadscreen of any maps
why i cant open the dw3tools [ Application Error]
/\ U must install microsoft NET.framework
verry nc tool diabolic..and give more advices like the purge can save u from roofs ulti ty^^
it always shows the script output and it does not work.how can i fix it??please help
hello :D
its nice i dont know how
thanks men.!!
nice one. ΓΌ
I am Legend
WTF cool
Hey is this works on Laptop?
haha the last dude who commented is retarded
Im having trouble with mine its saying the one of the files is not registered correctly
remember to run it as administrator then u can run properly on win 7..on xp i think no problem at all.
Good software ...congrats to the makers
Thanks :))
I run it as administrator and all and when i click apply somethign happens and the stuff should have changed, but when i open warcraft everything is still the same as before.
guys how come my diabolic tools are not running???
i download all the req. ???
plss help me..
mediafile for life@!!!! rapidshare never works for me-.-
can someone upload this file on other upload websites like Mediafire?? RAPIDSHARE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
guess that i was too late, didn't i?
there's already download link at mediafire
anyway, thxx for this marvelous tools ^^
This Tools Is The Best!
Need HELP!
i have succesfully downloaded,extracted and played the Diabolic tools then i applied the snow thinggy then *opens war3* then after the DotA loaded its still Defaulted its like when i apply the things then i start war3 they go back on being theirselves
How do you set everything to default?? help plz
I haven't tried it yet but I can seem from the looks its gonna be awesome. Thanks creater :)
i got a god damn crash..
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135).Click on OK to terminate the application.
High Blood.!
the links for the netframework and runtimes files didnt work for me plz fix it...
Need HELP!
i have succesfully downloaded,extracted and played the Diabolic tools then i applied the snow thinggy then *opens war3* then after the DotA loaded its still Defaulted its like when i apply the things then i start war3 they go back on being theirselves
for me doesn't work :| i install both of programs and nothing !!! he doesn't open why ?:|
hey the Visual Basic 4 Runtime Files y extract in wc3 folder to or anywhere y want ??
nc Love this work hahaha :))
why does it doesnt work to me and it destroys my warcraft III it seem that when you create it just go back to the main menu???whats the prob...diabolic help plZZ!!!
http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=210103555674483&saved see this its the video!!hel plzz
Nice , thx .
Thanks man.
TY. works for me
Anyone please help...after I finished applying the changes and about to create a game it goes back to local area network screen....please help anyone please....
the same problem
after I finished applying the changes and about to create a game it goes back to local area network screen
Guys plss help me how can i extract it to warcraft 3 folder
i like this one
i hope it will run to my P>C
how 2 download
how 2 download this
nothing happened when i play on garena :|
first blood xD... me no speackting inglish xD
set it to,run as administrator
sank you for calling
Special thanks to you
My Dota be good!
Thanks alot!!
is there any way to uninstall it ?
how to setup files?
hahahahaha.. lol. i really don know wats wrong with me
last blood :P
OwNeD!!! ><((*>
Old and Best Nr.1 Tool
dosent work man . pls hlp me
god like
after i change in the diabolic program it doesnt change in my game help pls
69th Blood
thank you
Good Job i like this:D work :)
imba good job!!! Work
does it really work with WinRar???
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