Guide/Methods, How to install Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24c Patch:
• Install Warcraft 1.24c by downloading 1.24c patch file from Blizzard's FTP
• Install Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24c Patch by WarCraft Version Switcher (easy way)
• Install WarCraft 1.24c Patch by connecting to Battle.net:
Just open your Warcraft 3 and login Battle.net you will be upgraded to newest patch automatically. (original Warcraft 3 CD-Key required)
Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24c Changelogs:
FIXESThe good thing about this patch is, it does not effect anything related to DotA but it is recommeded to upgrade yourself to Warcraft/Dota v1.24c Patch!
- Fixed a problem with the "Chapter Six: The Culling" human campaign map
that was preventing it from loading.
- Fixed an issue that allowed JASS functions to return incorrect values
under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue that caused the TriggerEvaluate native to return
incorrect values under certain conditions.
- Fixed a minor memory leak when using GroupEnum natives.
- Fixed a crash when using the CreateImage native on PPC Mac.
- Updated Mac World Editor to work with recent JASS changes.
83 Comments yet..:
Yea , the patch make some game unplayable and also i hope that blizzard will not update the patch again :(
yeah i got fatal error too in battle.net donno why
switcher also upcoming? )
make 1.24c playable with a.i pls unlike 1.24b
sa va fut in cur iar updatatii ratatii drq sugeamiati pula
sa bao
how to download patch 1.24 ?
hmm yeah yeah can you teach me how to download patch 1.24 plz!. :)
I want to download patch 1.24c
i had a hard time downloading the new patch..pfft.. >.<
connection error ... HELP!!!
ms ms
pls i dont care for the maps im your BIGGEST fen dota-utilities : ) pls do mega exp hack for 1000 exp...pls dudes
is ok that upgrade the patch for the fatal error and for the random drops thx
Yea! Very Nice!
how to download a version 1.24?.
how to download 1.24 in dota-utilities.com?
me oso hope no update again patch cb so many people dun like and lazy so uncomfortable
Do The Best...
I Cant't play Castle Fight at 1.24b patch...!!!
Agree...easy disconnect with garena
I cant play other maps like 6.62 6.63 6.64
i wish a new patch can ply all the game,doesnt matter its new or old...
hey! may you please help me?
i realy dont understund how to extract
the new patch 1.24b please help me step by step
1.24c isnt coming out
Please make patch with new anticheat technique . Because all gamers wants to play without cheat or maphack . Please Blizzard .
Gamer from Mongolia
even if 1.24c is coming out, it will take some time. they probably will make 1.25 by thenn~
panu ba mag download ng 1.24 version swicher??
ask me nalang poh ahh....
why i cant switch? are these 1.24 patch must use original dota games? i just copy dota game from friend....
hey how to download this new map n patch!!!! \
plss tell me cuz i really wan it badly!!!!
if u guys have a nice heart tell me ok!!!!
Patch 1.24c beta is now live on Westfall server! I guess the final release of this patch will be released next month. Please update this thread with link to original battle.net thread! I'm sure that DotA 6.66 is compatible only with 1.24c.
how i can download 1.24 patch of warcraft???
Warcraft 1.24c is actually under process...! Here is the changelogs that I got from Blizzard itself:
Patch 1.24c
- Fixed a problem with the "Chapter Six: The Culling" human campaign map
that was preventing it from loading.
- Fixed an issue that allowed JASS functions to return incorrect values
under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue that caused the TriggerEvaluate native to return
incorrect values under certain conditions.
- Fixed a minor memory leak when using GroupEnum natives.
- Fixed a crash when using the CreateImage native on PPC Mac.
- Updated Mac World Editor to work with recent JASS changes.
Warcraft 1.24c patch is now officially released.
plz.... some one post the switcher! or offline link upgrade.
this patch isnt official u should not download it. it makes people that use 1.24b to crash when they play ur games.
wah nice....good website for me....thx ya xD
keep it up !
LOL 1.24c working for me :D tnx
People shouldn't use 1.24b anymore.. It's their fault that there is problems at all when they have different versions. There wouldn't be any problems if everyone just updated to 1.24c
I've never had any issues when playing with people that have already upgraded. I'm using 1.24b. Won't install 1.24c until they (Blizzard) make it available on the official site.
P.S. If you are crashing when playing with different patches:
1) Reinstall WarCraft
2) Check your comp for errors
3) And stop yelling "Aa-a-a!!! It's f*cking incompatible!!!" ;)
;D Best wishes
Arent there any 1.24b to 1.24c patches? all i find are full patches.
• Install Warcraft 1.24c by downloading 1.24c patch file from Blizzard's FTP (Not available)
When will it be available?
MUIE !!!
When will fix bug with ANGEL ARENA ???? WTF since 1.23 we cant play ANGEL ARENA what is the problem ???
kool thx
yea but if someone hosts 1.24c game any who has 1.24b patch will disconect at start of the game :(
Oldschool Wc3 nerd quote:
For the end of the worldspell,
press Ctrl-Alt-Delete! ! !
stop playing on battle net and play on garena
GODLIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks alot
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omg how can u not know how to dl
i just hope the map hack problem with dota will be solved!
Wogw, new patch.... Good to know that it doesn't affect DotA....
very difficult to download updated versions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
error occured during patch process... wth do i do with this?
what is the link for war3RPG 1.24C patch?
I have war3TFT 1.24c patch but not able to run..
ohhhhh.... come on teach me how to download it or install my all cousin have it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>damn im the only one doesnt have
donload the switcher and target it on war craft in your comuter then the switcher will restart that mean it rdy 2 use it
But it is TFT. on garena we play on RPG ?????
Anonymous said...
Great job!
DOTA is the best
I hope there should be a map wherein the max players will contains 10v10. . .
but please make a map starts in 7v7 before you come up in 10v10. . .thanks
Seep dah!
Thx untuk infonya!
Blog aku!
thanks it rocks
make a move dota facilitator!!! many gamers complaining. so why dont you fix it as soon as posible? i want to play 6.65 but i need version 1.24c why do you need to change it? haist... come on.. make all your map playable.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Gud Am, sent me some manual or procedure guide to update dota new version dunno what to do tnx and god bless
sugeamiati pula de unde iau 1.24c patch?
Ahahaha ^^
iwant 1.24c patch
how to DL 1.24e ???
oh yea
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