Dota 6.61b OMG Map - Dota Allstars 6.61b OMG Mode Map - The Dota 6.61b OMG Mode map is now available for download. This map is same as Dota Allstars 6.61b but there is a mode added in it. You will get random skillset of Heroes in this map, or you choose to select the skills manually. You can check the download link and read the quest/guide of this Dota 6.61b OmG mode map.
Dota 6.61b OMG Mode - Dota Allstars 6.61b OMG Map Download Links:-
Download Dota 6.61b Omg v1.04.w3x (mirror1)
Download Dota 6.61b OMG v1.04.w3x (mirror2)

Dota OMG is the map based on one of latest DotA Allstars map (currently 6.61b), with one big change — heroes allowed to have any ability.
There are two ways to change hero's skill set — random or pick. Every of them can be activated using it own mode, which must be writen with other game modes.
1. Random abilities
When any hero appears in game (was picked or randomed) it gains 3 random standart abilities and 1 random ultimate. They are random from pool of avaible abilities and go throught some checks (details below).
- can be activated by typing -ra with other game modes; more interesting and fun games are with -ardm mode, so blue player must type -ardmra like gamemode
- compatible with every game mode, except -ad
2. Abilities Draft
Every player can choose 3 standart abilities and 1 ultimate for his hero. Picking goes in a draft style. Abilities can be bought in taverns, which are filled with 66 standart abilities and 22 ultimates randomed from pool of avaible abilities.
There are tips for every ability in tavern, which contain its name, main hero (which have this ability in normal game), hotkey, some properties and list of unstackable abilities. Also there is a clever checking system which prevents your hero from learning unstackable abilities and some other bugs.
Draft process.
1. Every player must pick/get a hero. This heroes will be on pause. If someone leaves without hero, anyone must type -recheck to refresh game info about players. Draft will start when every player gets a hero.
2. When game says about draft start, 8 of 9 taverns will be filled with 66 standart abilities and 22 ultimates. Every player has 60 seconds to learn the assortment of abilities.
3. Draft starts after this time. It goes in 3 phases:
- 1st phase: blue/pink/orange/brown player starts, every player can learn 2 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
- 2nd phase: brown/orange/pink/blue player starts, every player can learn 1 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
- 3rd phase: blue/pink/orange/brown player starts, every player can learn up to 2 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
Every phase goes in well-known 1-2-2-2-2-1 draft order. Every player has 15 seconds for every turn.
If you didn't learn something, you will get money to learn it after all 3 phases.
4. When your hero learns 3 standart skills and 1 ultimate, it will be unpaused and you'll get back your gold status before draft.
After draft ends creeps will go in 1 minute.
Warning! Sometimes you can get a bug with shops, so you can't buy anything. Your hero must get out from buying range and then get back to shops. Please, be patient to this bug. Sorry for it.
- can be activated by typing -ad with other game modes
- uncompatible with -ra, -rd, -cd and -dm modes
There a special game mode Duplicate Abilities (can be activated by typing -da), which allows for players to pick same abilities.
Special commands.
-skills — shows current abilities of your hero with some numbers, which is useful when you found a bug
-banbloodstone (-banbs)(only blue player) — after a lot of games on -ra players start to annoying, when someone creates a Bloodstone, because of it's imbaness in this mode and game becomes boring, so this command makes Bloodstone useless, because it gives 4x negative regeneration from every charge.
-recheck (only in -ad) — refreshes game info about players
-showprocess (only in -ad)(only blue player) — shows picking abilities process to everyone (who and what picked)
Checking system.
Many abilities in DotA are based on same abilities from Warcraft, and they have same orders. If 1 hero gets 2 abilities with same orders then they will be used at one moment or will work only 1 of them. Because of this, when game or player chooses ability, it goes throught special checking for compatible of abilities, that already hero has.
Some abilities can be used only on melee or ranged attack, so abilities goes throught hero attack type checking. Also, some abilities takes 2 or more active icons after learning, and if there is no more place, some abilities may disappear. To prevent it, there is a checking of this.
Totally: your hero will never get uncompatible abilities, will never get abilities for melee(ranged) attack, if it is ranged(melee), also you will never lose your skills.
This mode might eventually be part of the map, but it is not as simple as everyone thinks to add to a map that is always being developed because of lots of extra things that have to be done. It is easier for me to just add it after a map is published, like with the AI maps. So I will just update this one in meantime.
Thanks to ~BoB~ for creating this great Omg mode map, Hope we can see more maps like this in future :)You can check the original thread of this map on PlayDota Forums.
40 Comments yet..:
this is great
hehe,,this is good ,i got butcher with centaur's ultimate ,,star fall,,silence,,and the most funny is the suicide ability of goblin
lolax imba map :)
y in the ad mode after i choose all skill my hero still can't move?
my hero cant move in -ad mode!!
Same thing for me, Cant move my hero when I choose -ad mode!
meepo's ulti is great in OMG map.. along with storm bolt, mirror image, and death pulse.. o_O
In -ad mode. If u wanna unfreeze ur hero juz type -unstuck after choosing all skill. hope tiz helps :D.
better u do 6.61ai plus la sozai noob..........haiz make a noob map 4 wat????
thanks , the -unstuck command works !!
nice map! i use gondar n my 1st skill is sk stun,2nd lion impale,3rd na impale n my ultimate is tide's ulti.^^
hey i wanna ask a question is it possible to have sniper's skill which gives range or its banned or something??? pls answer:(
mangstab map
Why don't make a AI map for this?
Just for fun lol~xD
how to make infinite mana
I HAVE SOLUTION! -unstuck after or before you pick ur abilities...
how much do u guys love me?
ok get this -unstuck
that works
hehe this is so cool we can pick the skill we wanted to...for me i would pick combinations of skill such as viper having(purification,stun,blink strike,and finger of death)cool ryt!!!^^
is there any solution about hotkey conflict? because there is many skills with same hotkeys :(
i play single player all of my heroes is diffrent abilities that is great OMG :)
i used zeus i had shukuchi frostbite, death coil and omnislash it was so fun
i played in -ad and i cant move after choosing all the 3 skills and 1 ulti...pls mod it...thx...
i got rylai with shikuchi, windwalk, blink and searing arrow.. use less.. haha but funny map!
Haha. I was lucky. We played with -arra and I got Rigwarl with Spirit Lance (Azwraith), Battery Assault (Clockwerk), Storm Bolt (Sven), and the most IMBA skill in OMG DotA IMO, Exorcism (Krobelus).
you have an ai OMG map?
its not working with the new patch 1.24b :(
hey guys -unstuck is working and you can't buy anything , U must do -switch with team 2 ( this only -ad )
aydo neh!!!wahahha
wood be good to have an AI map of this
it is great map
traxex is VERY good in dota omg with mana break,power shot,unstable current and any last kill you want
tHxxxxxx for the types ahahah!!!
how can u see all of the abilities and choose from it?
thats nice
what do i type first when i use omg map??
what is the typing in OMG DOTA??
please tell me..
omg ai please
I want OMG AI
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