Download Dota Allstars 6.61 Beta Map - Dota 6.60 Beta 3
Dota 6.61 Beta Map Changelogs:-
* Fixed natural regeneration on rax
* Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly
* Fixed incorrect sell value on some aghanim scepters
* Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode
* Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12)
* Watchers now have collision. They also have 400 less vision range and give +40 more bounty.
- Various misc code fps stuff
- Undid magic stick cd change
- Undid Sil armor change
- Fixed Reverse Polarity, it properly places them infront of you now
* Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field
* Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Improved Faceless Void's base strength (17->23)
* Improved Silencer's base armor by 2 points
* Restored original cooldown improvement on Scepter for QoP
* Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
* Increased projectile speed on Mystic Snake
* Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35)
* Sven's Storm bolt now uses the normal unit targeting scheme. No gameplay changes, just the interface visuals.
* Fixed -ns mode
* Fixed Napalm not properly stacking and doing higher constant values [needs playtesting since it may be too useless now]
* Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs [make sure u can't abuse it]
* Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit will no longer take you out if if you have it on you
* Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you
* Lowered Magic Stick/Wand cooldown from 17 to 13
* Added a new icon for Slardar's Bash (3587)
So guys, what you say about this upcoming Dota 6.61? Share your reviews and thoughts here. Also if you want anything to be changed/removed or balanced just shout here :)
38 Comments yet..:
OMG!! i cant believe it is real beta map :O
i dont see tauren chieftain ultimate remake in this 6.61 beta map changelog.. i think its because of this new beta map.. it will take sometime..
I want dota 6.61 now!! but it should be balanced not like dota 6.60b :(
@ Anonymous - do you think that IceFrog is your servant?
After reading this discussion I lol'ed. Guys, IceFrog needs your suggestions and tips to make Dota 6.61 map fine as you guys want.
Icefrog? Many of my friends tell me.. DotA 6.60- is the lastest icefrog present.. is that true?
I dun really like troll warlord's ultimate now... Playing him is just like playing a support hero + killing machine... It just don't fit... Its just my opinion..
Are the loading map of 6.61 map changed??
I hope that the loading map of 6.61 map get changes.Tq..
the minimap layout has changed o.O
yea icefrog please change loading screen of dota 6.61 the current loadscreen is too old now? If somoene agrees with me say YES
just my 2 cents
Please DONT upload beta-maps or changelogs of beta-maps. Its a work in progress and Icefrog have stated he DONT want any leaks. by uploading this you disrespect Icefrog and his work. Please remove it from your site.
aww bQttger shut up man - here is the download link of dota 6.61 beta map http://rapidshare.com/files/247439043/6.61_Beta3.w3x
someone has stolen the 6.61 beta map from here mb
Clinkz remake in Dota 6.61 : Sources
GIUS_Nds said:
Tauren Chieftain very strong
icefrog can you remake this hero??
remake troll ultimate please.
Is DotA 6.61 the lastest Icefrog present? or it will DotA 6.62-? ???
In order to balance all hero i think we should have an item which would give your hero the capacity to copy someone elses ability. That would be punk!
Tauren Chieften skills must reduced. His 3rd skill is too way IMBALANCED.
too many imbalness..this 6.60 nids to be remake
Atrocious English you have there, asking others to learn English? *sigh* Thats just sad.
English is not everyone's Mother tongue. So please be patient and try to understand what is he saying. Thankyou For Visiting DotA Utilities.
i can't wait for Ai map for 6.60...but sad for me...razor...his highspeed skill gone..~_~
for bQttger...if you don't like beta maps....don't play Warcraft...just go home and play mario bros....
hmm~not bad not bad~just fast out real Dota map~and fix more bug pls
But i dun like beta map .. So i just wait until the day that 6.61b released lol =)
hey here is an opinion mb is it me but icefrog told us TC will be imba like void..troll...etc and i dont see at all TC as a imba lategamer is it me or it should be played like suport =O ty gj for the site =P
about dota 6.60b or 6.60 i don't like the mystic snake for medusa...,, the chain lightning works better than that of the mystic snake.. can you remake this hero's ability or skill??
plez remake troll warlord's ultimate..
and also tauren chieften..
tauren chieftain is OVERPOWER reduce the damage of his skills... or remake him...
a team with chieftain WINS tha game...
tauren chieftain is OVERPOWERED...REMAKE his skills...too much damage and cc(crowd control)...
a team with tauren chieftain WINS most games...!!!
i dun like beast master inner beast passive skilll..better the old one passive skill..this new skill make him cannot be a powerful killer instead be a nub like shit hero
LOL i wish ice frog do some item like poor man shield (str) poor man shield (int)
what's wrong with tauren? i can easily own him.. those got owned by tauren arent paying attention to your screen when playing.. lol.. so easy to evade his skills, except for the spirit. well, i can own and got owned with tauren too.. :) so i think it's pretty balanced.. come on guys, use the new items.. they are meant to evade tauren's skill.. but even without that, you can easily evade it.. just need to be maybe 10% more alert :)
i dont like troll's ultimate now.. i prefer the old one. and also for tauren the 3rd skill is way too imbalanced. 100% reduction of armor and spell resistance is a little over the edge. 80 is good but 100 is imba.
The 6.60 and up versions: Ice frog mainly focused on AREA OF EFFECT Skill changes and Magic Do hikies ranges and Damage improvements!! small hero balances really!!
Like Magina Ulti (Damage Splash)
Taurens Ulti : -35%max life...
Razor : Duh!! area!!
Sven : Area Stun, duh!
Tiny: Area Craggy
BatMan : Area Burn, SKill, Napalm!!
Medusa : area Purge!!
And Many More!!!!!
Suggest an Area Dagon!!! that would be nc!!!
ice frog can balance yet 6.59d below, he created a new breed of imbalances!! lets see how will he stand up to this!!( or mainly sit on his laptop and mapmake!!!)
Seriously, you guys choose to play, it's okay giving your opinion but some just sounds like they want dota their way. I would be a dissapointed mapmaker if you would ask me.
Ungrateful peeps, and he doesn't even gets income directly from long hours of map making. Ungrateful indeed.
d0ta r0cks!!!
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