Here is a guide to Garena Clan system. The Clan you create in Garena are for the whole tournament system instead of a single tournament. You can use the team to signup multiple tournaments.
1. Logon to

2. Create Team and Add Members:
2.1 If your team is a registered Garena Clan (listed in, Clan Lord , Captain, Organizers can easily import your clan to the tournament system.
Click on My Teams -> Import Clan button

Then you can choose the location of your clan and Submit.

Your clan is successfully imported. All players will be listed in the team. If you want to add members to the team/clan, you need to add them in your clan first, and then go to Manage -> click on Refresh Data button

2.2 If your team is NOT a registered GG-Game Clan, you can simply create a team in the following guideline
Team leaders please register a team by clicking on My Teams -> Create Team button in order to sign up for the tournament.

After team is created, leaders please invite your players to join the team by clicking the Manage button.

Input your player username, and then click Send Invitation button

After you invite your player, ask your player to check their Garena PM Box (click on the envelope icon on Garena or go to forum, login and click on P.M.) to accept. Please take note that it might take a few minutes for the invited player to receive the invitation PM. Make sure you have at least 5 players in your roster in order to sign up.

Enjoy !
26 Comments yet..:
dear can u guide me how to set ranks of clan members !
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must have lvl 25 to create a clan
Ahaha and this is GG.MaRs :D He is visiting this site aka working to get ur asses banned? :S
lvl down 25 cant created a clan?????
Need lvl 25 and gold member?
u just need lvl 25! no gold meber
theres no MY TEAM...
Nahh i can't find it.. i press to the site you are refering for and it write <> :/
haha lol funny grammar..
ohh so u cant create a clan if ur not lvl 25 that saD
why garena cant do clan?
i cant create clan and im lvl 26 why?
my lvl 25 but cant cr8 any clan
we cant create clan!
how about hacking till lvl 25 and making a clan!though i dont like hacking but i need to create a clan badly
can everyone u invite me in ur clan: AngLz.DeStInY
Who wants to join my clan?!? **HuzLa** :)
nw lvl 25 cant create a clan.....itz showing some u help me
no found this server ^^
Anyone add me in a pro clan please? I am ready to take on some big tournaments :) seriously. Add me please -kilastreak97
lol rubish clans
who want to join my clan COckRocHE pArTy
Im a professional player can someone find me a good clan Username : Ridvani [ Invite me ;) ]
i've been playing garena for 2 years and reached lvl 25..and now even i'm lvl 25 i still need to pay 300 shells OMG that's unfair...
help please may garena clan tag is not appearing on garena messenger room/s
help please. i created my own clan.. myteam is a registered on Garena Clan, but the TAG clan is not appearing on any rooms >.<
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