Dota Hero - Dota Allstars Heroes Strategy Guides Complete List, What is the Dota Hero? Dota Heroes are the driving force of DotA Allstars. A player takes control of one hero from either the Sentinel or Scourge during the game, with the ultimate goal of destroying the opposing team's heroes and buildings. Dota Allstars now have 93 Dota Heroes. This is still beta post, i will update fast to complete list Dota best strategy guide for all heroes in Dota Allstars. To read Dota Hero Strategy click on the icon of Dota heroes you want to read. Dota Allstars Hero Sentinel
Dota Hero Morning Tavern
Dota Hero Sunrise Tavern
Dota Hero Dawn Tavern
Dota Hero Light Tavern
Dota Allstars Hero Scourge
Dota Hero Midnight Tavern
Dota Hero Evening Tavern
Dota Hero Twilight Tavern
Dota Hero Dusk Tavern
Comments yet..:
Do you want a sure kill in just 2 skill and 1 item? (But not all, depends on your enemies item build, but the most)
Try using Demon Witch
Dagon(level 3 or better) + Impale + Finger of Death (If it's still alive, use Voodoo and attack him)
24 Comments yet..:
Do you want a sure kill in just 2 skill and 1 item? (But not all, depends on your enemies item build, but the most)
Try using Demon Witch
Dagon(level 3 or better) + Impale + Finger of Death (If it's still alive, use Voodoo and attack him)
how do u kill axe with only 2 items?
That can also be done with Lina Inverse but easier since she more damage(at max) in her Laguna Blade and 2 Nukes.
Do you know what's the best item for rikimaru? The answer is Lothars Edge. XD
You are all noobs
Do this on tinker he will get GOFLIKE + RAMPAGE
Only one item for him: REFRESHER
No, you are a noob
How can tinker get refresher but he have a skill
called rearm just like refresher
the best is BoT and Guinzoo and Shiva
u are asking how to kill axe with 2 item ?
its very simple use divine rapier lol Xd
u can kill roshan at level 1 with using ursa
buy vladimirs
3 poor mans shield
3iron wood branch
and get 2nd skill
Dude thats already seven can count can you?
that is very great skill,item and 1 new character
the best hero is raijin...
All of you stupid
Boots of Travel
Kelen's Dagger
Dagon LVL 5
Ethereal Blade
Linken Sphere or Bloodstone or Malevolence for a big damage it give 20% magic
i think half of u nooobs u just talk and comment wish i couls see u play
Mortred Or Phantom Assasin
2 battle fury
assault cuirasse
boots of travel
Not one decent English speaker, more so a decent player, perhaps? :D
rubick is the best
whats the bitter item for lightning revenant???
vengeful:::just 6 divine and you will win _)*()*&CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!
anfi mage ftw
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