•In this guide you will learn of a very tested strat (by me). I dont know who else uses this strat, and I really dont even care. You can trust me, Issachar, a pub player, for the awesomeness of this strat. The sheepstick strat.

Range: 600 | | Move Speed: 300 | Primary: AGI
Str: 15 + 1.6 | Agi: 22 + 3 | Int: 16 + 1.55
Damage: 37 - 43 | HP: 435 | Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.7 | Mana Regen: 0.65 Attack Speed: 1.33 (+ 22% IAS) | Armor: 2.1
-Almost 522 Movespeed with the new windwalk
-Very high agility
-Very high damage
-Amazing attack speed
Weakness of Clinkz:
-No real team contribution
-Lack of slow or disable
-Easily killed
Strafe (T)
Fire a large number of arrows in a short time period.
Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 1 - 20% increased attack speed.
Level 2 - 40% increased attack speed.
Level 3 - 60% increased attack speed.
Level 4 - 80% increased attack speed.
Mana Cost: 90
Cooldown: 30
Amazing attack steroid, allowing you to attack like a machine gun. Turn on strafe and make sure you are attacking something, dont let it go to waste.
Searing Arrows ®
Increases the damage of the Hero’s attack by adding fire. Bonus damage works on buildings.
Level 1 - 10 bonus damage.
Level 2 - 20 bonus damage.
Level 3 - 30 bonus damage.
Level 4 - 40 bonus damage.
Mana Cost: 8
Cooldown: 2/2/0/0
An amazing orb effect for killing towers and heros, as well for last hitting. 40 damage is magic damage that does not get reduced by armor.
Wind Walk (W)
Turn invisible for a period of time, increasing movement speed.
Level 1 - 10% increased movement speed, 20 seconds.
Level 2 - 20% increased movement speed, 25 seconds.
Level 3 - 30% increased movement speed, 30 seconds.
Level 4 - 40% increased movement speed, 35 seconds.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 20
Allows you to travel FAST, and makes you good at escaping and ganking.
Death Pact (E)
Kills a target friendly unit, returning a percentage of its life.
Level 1 - 55% conversion.
Level 2 - 95% conversion.
Level 3 - 135% conversion.
Mana Cost: 120/200/280
Cooldown: 20
This is actually what sets Clinkz TRUELY apart from any other DPS heros. It allows him to never go back and heal if he has the mana to spam this. Which is why mana is important to Clinkz. All too often people dont get this skill and thus have to go back and heal instead of just killing an ally creep and continue laning and farming.
-Allows you to tank towers and keep pushing with full HP
Skill Build:
1. Stats / Windwalk
2. Searing Arrows
3. Searing Arrows
4. Stats / Windwalk
5. Searing Arrows
6. Death Pact
7. Searing Arrows
8. Stats
9. Stats
10. Stats
11. Death Pact
12. Stats
13. Strafe
14. Strafe
15. Strafe
16. Starfe
17. Windwalk
18. Windwalk
19. Windwalk
20. Death Pact
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
Basically get the first two levels of death pact and you are set. Creeps give you so much life that it really doesnt matter you get another level at 16. 5 levels of stats come before maxing windwalk and getting strafe because your life is so low without them it would be meaningless.
Item Build:
-circlet of nobility
-circlet of nobility
-Void Stone
-Boots of Speed
-Wraith Band
-Wraith Band
-Wraith Band
-Complete Agility Treads
-Ultimate orb / Mystic Staff
-Complete Guinsoo
-Black King Bar/ Burize
This build focuses on getting some damage through the cheapest build possible (wraiths and treads is very cheap agility), and then getting the core item of Guinsoo. Focus on first farming that void as the moment you get to level 6 you can spam your ultimate for health and then getting your other items. If you dont farm those wraiths and treads, then your damage will be really low, so make sure you get these temporary boosters. Butterfly and Burize will get you to your late game snuff, and Black King Bar is suggested if you are dying or getting really close to death by disables in team battles. Basically Butterfly and anything else is good for the extension of this build.
Specific justification for this build:
OK, everyone is asking why is Clinkz out of all the heros in DOTA getting an INT item. Well, to answer that, first off guinsoo gives a disable. Orchid, Linkens, Skadi, or Aghanims (god knows?) does not. Clinkz is one of Dota’s fastest heros with windwalk, that means he is actually capable of chasing ahead and disabling the enemy. Other than that, Guinsoo offers Clinkz the mana he needs, giving a huge boost to int and mana regeneration. This means that Clinkz can utalize one of his greatest assets, Death Pact. Most Clinkz do not even learn Death Pact, not because it sucks, but because mana is the problem.
There are plenty of heros in Dota that can outdamage Clinkz 1v1, or run away from Clinkz, Guinsoo helps Clinkz even the odds. Guinsoo is also a disable YOU control. You dont have to tell that noob SB who to stun, you dont have to yell at that nub Lion to learn Vodoo, Guinsoo is YOUR OWN disable. In a world of Pubs and TDA that makes a difference between life and death, killing and letting enemies running away laughing. Also having Death Pact and spamming it at will makes a huge difference as you can volunteer to tank towers or whatnot.
For levels 1-11, just stay in the lane. If there is a chicken, great, if not, then just go for a break when you have enough for a voidstone and keep farming. Clinkz is an amazing last hitter with searing arrows, but even without searing he is just as good. Time your shots and keep practicing your last hitting. As time passes, your opponents go back or gank other lanes, just keep farming. Make sure you call missing and listen to ally missing calls. Clinkz is extremely hard to gank without wards. Keep your hands on windwalk and windwalk out of ganks. The only ganks you should be helping out with are the ganks in your lane.
-Take it easy and get some temporary items, see how Clinkz smiles? ^^
At level 11-16 you should already have the basic 3 wraith + agi treads + voidstone. You can help out in ganks if you want, but you should still focus on farming. That sheepstick is pretty curtial, however, since your team might be pushing, and you are leveling strafe, it doesnt hurt to be a team player.
At level 16-25 you should be finishing up your sheepstick just fine. Once you get it, help your team fulltime by ganking and using that sheepstick. Clinkz at this stage is also a really powerful solo killer. Windwalk and scout the enemy neturals, turn on strafe and attack, using sheepstick when they try to run or fight. It is highly suggested you have fun by killing INT and AGI heros. Strength heros are usually too much HP to kill.
-Techies cant sucide or lead me into his mines!
Tip: When you get Guinsoo autocast searing arrows all the time. You have so much mana regen that it doesnt make a difference. However your mana might drain down when you turn on strafe, as you are firing too fast for you mana to keep up! ^^
When pushing towers it is important YOU focus your energy on the towers. Your allies can distract the enemy all they want, but make sure you turn on that strafe and autocast searing arrows on the towers. Watch that tower go down really really fast!With butterfly and possibly burize coming in later on, Clinkz attacks like a machine gun, and a stealth one to boot. Have fun owing or pushing the enemy towers.
70 Comments yet..:
oh man super awsome!!!! thanks for the tip & ya strengh hero's realy sucks....:D
strength heroes sux like hell man...thx for da tip! : ]
U are a legend mate. Bets strat ever. I have won many a pub game with this strat and raped many of my mates ^^
Thanking you EPIC-LY =D
nc tip i'll be needing that
so clinkz is late game killers???
we must stay patient in one lane?
I owned using it but I didn't buy guinsoo I get mkb n buriza own liaos
nice guide man.keep it up ^^
Guinsoo is very useful, but it's for use when your enemy is a disabler/stunner or has such items. Otherwise going for MKB first is a good alternative, because it really raises your DPS.
nice tips but i have my own tips for clinkz LOL
now i own with clinkz thx to him...
i have once used clinkz to get a triple kill thx to him......btw..clinkz could also get desolater if u r already fat...
my personal favorites for Clinkz are: agility treads, linken, bloodstone, assault cuirass, butterfly and buriza. These combos always tick my opponents off...
nice guide! it rox!
WOW !!! WTF got godlike and 2 triple kills this morning.. Thx for the cool tips. wohhooo
imba guide awesome nice 1
thank you for the guide and
you mean so much for the beginners.
thank you..
thank u for ur kind...and tips.
Buy orchid insteed of guinsoo, diable + more attack speed + more dps + mana regen.
thanks dude, it works...:D
heres a different guide:
1:power threads
5:assault cuirass
the catch:
never put anything on the searing.. instead windwalk and strafe and stats (gives you more hp and mana)..
strafe with mjolnir and see lightning jump 2-3times which deals a lot of damage when surprising an enemy (enemy runs) use windwalk and catch up and strage again you get a kill=)
when pushing matha helps then you use mekanism heals, mekanism that makes your illusions harder.. (backdoor always helps at certain times)
ah thank you for the items
my clinkz is super strong....
Hex ?
lately Game
we must FF with orchid
or u will Raped by a Dust
Its old Guid
its an Old guid we must FF with a Orchid or u will raped with a Dust
oww!! thank u very much for this awesome guide!!! Bless u haha....///!!!
nice it works tnx a lot i got the tittle beyond lol kepp the good work n create more guide!!!!!!!!!
is it advisable if u have malevolence instead of guinsoo? it has d same mana regen but has attack speed and damage... watcha think?
thank you it realy works my classmates belive too
you should stick to MKB and Orchid instead of guinsoo... :)
Orich > Guinsoo
i think orchid is better than guinsoo!!
i actually use a sort of different build for clinkz,
p treads on str
mask of madness
assoult curiass
monkey king bar
and the last one i change very often, but i like basher XD
works really well for me, the thing is i dont leave searing arrows on all the time, only against heros, or when towers have 1/2 - 1/3hp
works really well for me
Hamed :
i have my own build on clinkz which work very well
3 wraith band + power trade(str) at first
then i make orchid then mkb so no one will be alive in front of clinkz because it come to a good dps very good . At last u can make buterfly & assualt because of -armor and att speed at last a burizia will end them .
this is the worst guide i ever read .this is suck .
how can bone clink buy guinzhoo instead of orchid ? !!
FtW?!?!?! first of all, tactics with healing now goes to hell, cause ult is changed... second, about that "only in your lane ganking"... FtW?!?!?! clinkz is ganker/killer, whitch means that u should go and rape some asses from early to the end of the game... clinkz is way more dangerous with orchid (u have that mana, AS, dmg)... EVERY, and i mean EVERY hero will try to run away when u come out from wind walk orchid them and start shooting...
2 wraith
1 butterfly
1 yasha >> manta style
whatever u want. I usually get booster.
this build=ownage (stats, damage and regen.)
very cool guide, some guys are affirmatting that orchid > guinzoo, but depends. some game, orchid rly > guinzoo and others its rly better guinzoo. to solo a void, for example its better a guinzoo than an orchid, cuz you cant stop him bash with just silence. and eye of skadi stacks with searing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
erm guy. u can juz buy 2 wraiths 1 treads and 1 of the 3 staff combine item u already own with the new ulti
AWESOME! *two thumbs up* ;))
i owned our game using clinks and scored 15/2/10
i think orcid better than hex..silent n kill..amplified damage..lol
nice guide. but i prefer to use these items..
power threads(str/agi) - atk speed
mkb - damage
linken - survival, hp, mana
butterfly - atk speed, damage
basher - bash
cuirrass - atk speed, armor, - armor to enemies
(after you completed these items, change threads to travel)
i thought that the items where ..
1 wraith band
2 treads
3 helm of dominator
4 lothars edge
5 and then monkey king bar
6 radiance....
but these items are much better for this chart thx man ...you are the best..
he needs also a vanguard/hood of defiance to have hp regen....
good job keep it up for the first learners
im a god in dota
yaa really
MY BUILD, very useful:
NOOBS! you build Lothars for Clinkz? DUDE YOUR WASTING YOUR MONEY! Try to build BUTTERFLY than your NOOB LOTHARS! Clinkz HAVE WIND WALK NOOB!
ilove it guyz
orchid would only let the opponent silence and you can have higher DPS while if you would use guinsoo you could free hit the enemy and also considering zero armor for the enemy.. it would be wise to depend on what kind of heroes your enemy is using...
dud .... orchid ... mkb ... burriza .... thts all he needs ... start off with orchid ... imba mana regen .... u wont av any prob to spam searing arrows and ffor wind walk ... then mkb... thts the item fr bony ... N WHICH FUKIN NOOB WILL MAKE LOTHARS FOR CLINKZ ?? !!!! besides u can farm an orchid muh faster than a guinsoo ....
is it okay to put satanic on his build?
i think u should make orchid,i dont think guinsoo do as good as the malevolence,beside,the malevolence adds your damage,oh and dont make satanic dude,,remember the orb effect
iwent to said final build,before I read this and it was really great against centaur mismatch!,thanks for tips on the early build..
y didnt u use orchid instead of guinsoo it has attack speed... just asking....
This is better:6.71 My clinkz stlye has been ownin enemies that dont know clinkz' new ss for many years. well, use ur ss even there are no enemies around, cuz it lasts 35 secs then hunt enemy heros, cuz u got the wind walk.
1.treads agi
3.orchid/soul ring if early game due to his deadly new ss-adds damage w/ also adds to max hp, use it to high level neutrals
5.basher-its puts your enemies like a statuethat doesnt move
6.cuirass-its makes your enemies butt more softer
i love to put orchid on clinkz with him i can constantly trow fire arrows and give me nice att dmg and speed + silence lone heroes
dang your playstyle is exactly the same as me n my mates, if more n more ppl read this guide, they'll all start playing hex. hahaha. anywayz good work man. Most noob bones wont play hex
bone very ez owining le
starting item(random)
slippers x4 + 1 tango
then make 3 wrath band + 1 porrman shield
finish power thread
should be OWNING by now
but if not
continue Orchid then linken then buttterfly then win =D
cool ! but still work it out !
for me ORCHID works really well for mana regen + attack speed
update guide please....... not 10/20/30/40 and 2/2/0/0, 20/30/40/50 and 2/0/0/0 in present clinkz 6.72
then, the death pact.... 50%/60%/70% life cap. conv. and 4%/5%/6% damage conv. today clinkz 6.72
lol idiot orchid users... u dont understand that hex lowers magic resistance and armor.. so u deal a lot with ure bonus dmg and ure dmg from ure ult
yeah thats right.
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